Friday, April 10, 2015

In response to Hillary's impending announcement the RNC creates online anti-Hillary attack ad.

Courtesy of the Weekly Standard:  

The Republican National Committee is kicking off a paid online ad campaign just ahead of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign announcement. Clinton is expected to make the much anticipated move as early as this weekend. 

The ad campaign features this ad, called "Stop Hillary," and is meant to target independent and swing voters. 

The ad is "targeting several key battleground states including Iowa where HRC is likely to head first," a GOP source says. "Other include but [are] not limited to OH, FL, VA, CO, NC, and IA." 

The 30-second spot features the silhoutte of Hillary Clinton walking toward a lectern illuminated with TV lights. "Please join me in welcoming Hillary Rodham Clinton," the voiceover says. 

Then, as Clinton walks toward the start of her presidential campaign, so to speak, a series of news sound bites play in the back ground. "Hillary Clinton has some explaining to do," one says.

The ad then offers a potpourri of  Hillary Clinton "gaffes," "misstatements," "scandals," and of course this: 

The Hillary Clinton's own voice can be heard from her infamous outburst at a Benghazi hearing, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" 

Ah, Benghazi. Where would the Republican party endorsed Hillary Clinton attack ad be without it?

Still this is weak tea as far as attack ads go, and if the RNC really want to stop Hillary they will have to step it up, and I have little doubt they will.

Well it certainly appears that the 2016 presidential primary is officially on the tarmac and taxing down the runway. 

Make sure your seat belts are firmly fastened folks this is guaranteed to be a bumpy ride.


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    If I was a Palin fan on Viagra Friday I would have lost my erection. What a fizzer...

    They've had two years, if that's the best they can do in all that time then Hillary has nothing to worry about.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    They are really scared of her.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      can we blame them! look what they have to choose from. they know they don't have a snowballs chance in hell.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      The REAL barracuda, S'error.

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Nice. The GOP gets free commercial time on Fox. Isn't that illegal? we know how moral that channel is, but can't the FEC step in here and at least slap their greedy hands?

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      It takes complaints by all of us to the FEC.

    2. Maple8:42 AM

      From my perspective north of the border, your FEC is FECkless. It should be the commission charged with drawing up congressional districts. It should be the one overseeing all the varied means of voting, including - and especially - inspecting voting machines. And it shouldn't be dependent on individual voters such as you all to complain and then hopefully determine when election laws are broken.

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Do they really want to go there on gaffes, misstatements, and scandals? Seriously? Have at it, chumps.

    And $arah? Please run third know you're not invited to the prom again, just like you weren't in 2012. Get out there and run, gurl, with your brawling family, new MOH prop, and BFF Nugent. Get up there and tell us how you're right and we're all wrong, okay? Tell us how you're going to fix it, not talking points, but the "real" talk that your fan base loves you for.

    See, toots, it's not about the Black man in your White House that you lost to nor would never pay attention to you for the last 7 years, he's gone in 9 months. It's now time for you to put up or shut up. There is no throne, nor kingmaking, $arah, that's all in your head. RUN, and let America decide just who they want to run this country in 2017.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    The asshole Republicans are afraid of Hillary Clinton and will now try to harm her as they did President Obama! It hasn't worked with our wonderful POTUS and it won't with Hillary. Can hardly wait to mark my ballot for her!

    Voters will tune their hate out as we have already been doing for the past years. Fuck them!

  6. Anonymous7:46 PM

    No worries. The repukklicunts own the voting machines. The lousy losers are pure solid evil dung. Liars, losers, frauds and hell lovin scabs

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    WTF is this??????

    1. It's a "humor" site.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Well gee, that's a pretty lame attempt at humor. They could have done much better than that.

  8. Anonymous4:10 AM

    ANYTHING the GOP says to do, I do the opposite. Simple.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Me too! They are a sick, nasty bunch. Can hardly wait to vote for Hillary Clinton.

      I'm going to work to get folks out to vote for her. We all need to do that. Discuss her and all of her accomplishments, experience, education, being First Lady, Senator of New York, Secretary of State, etc.

      The Republicans don't have anyone to put up against her that is as qualified and they know it!

  9. "Still this is weak tea as far as attack ads go, and if the RNC really want to stop Hillary they will have to step it up, and I have little doubt they will."
    Well, that means ads that are angrier, crazier, and more stupid than this one.

    Have at it, republican traitors.

  10. Anonymous8:45 AM

    @4.10 am:
    I'm going to work to get folks out to vote for her. We all need to do that. Discuss her and all of her accomplishments, experience, education, being First Lady, Senator of New York, Secretary of State, etc.

    15 comments? i guess I'm not the only one not so star-struck by HRC's coronation.

    I'd say you maybe should do all this work elsewhere, no one here seems very excited. Oh but stay by all means. Just doesn't look like too many are on board just yet.

    We need a different conversation. Not just more of the same old, same old, rich white cronies and war hawks.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

    She hasn't said a word and they're buzzing like a hornets nest. Chelsea's on the cover of ELLE magazine, and the short clip I read, a lot of red state heads are going to explode.


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