Thursday, April 09, 2015

The slow motion train wreck that is the Rand Paul presidential campaign is no less spectacular on its second day than it was on its first.

As we noted yesterday Paul's campaign came out of the gate like a drunken pinball crashing against the bumpers and triggering warning bells and flashing lights that were then eagerly reported by slack jawed journalists.

Well the campaign's second day was not any better.

Paul had already been accused of "mansplaining" and misogyny, due to his responses to female reporters. But as it turns out Paul is kind of a dick to ALL reporters, as demonstrated by his responses to a male AP reporter:

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, Paul would not say if his opposition to abortion rights includes an exception in cases of rape, incest or risk to the life of the mother. 

"The thing is about abortion — and about a lot of things — is that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, you're this or this or that, or you're hard and fast (on) one thing or the other," Paul said. 

Yeah some people are so tied up in these details that they keep passing legislation that closes Planned Parenthood clinics and makes it criminal to get an abortion after 20 weeks at which time a pregnant woman is first able to get testing to determine if her fetus has any life threatening birth defects.

At one point Paul decides to outmaneuver the AP reporter:  

Paul grew testy when pressed in the interview on the question of exceptions. "I gave you about a five-minute answer. Put in my five-minute answer," he said. 

Later in the day, when asked after a campaign stop in Milford about the interview, which the Democratic National Committee had sent reporters, Paul said, "Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it OK to kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus?" 

"You go back and go ask (DNC head) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a 7-pound baby that's just not born yet," Paul said. "Ask her when life begins, and ask Debbie when she's willing to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me."

So the reporter DID ask Wasserman Schultz. And this is what she said:  

"I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story."

It does not appear that Paul directly responded to that statement, but in the remainder of his answers about abortion he suggested that human babies are way better than animal babies and that "something special is imbued into human life."

Of course for my money the really big elephant in any Rand Paul campaign room, is his past association with conspiracy nut Alex Jones:

Paul has credited Alex Jones, who heads conspiracy website and an eponymous radio program, for being a vital part of his 2010 Senate campaign. Jones endorsed Paul, turned out followers to his events, and partnered with Paul for fundraising, at one point crashing his website. Since Paul's election to the Senate, Jones has continued to serve as a key Paul booster, including endorsing him for 2016. 

Paul has been a longtime guest on The Alex Jones Show, originating from Jones' friendship with Rand's father, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). Jones said last year he first interviewed Rand in 1996 and was "probably one of the first people to ever interview" him.

 Jones hosted Paul several times during his 2010 Senate race, telling listeners that he "can't stress enough how important this race for the Kentucky Senate is." Jones called Paul the "real McCoy" who will fight "against the New World Order" and "stop the thieving, stop the gang raping" in Washington. Jones said on his January 26, 2015, broadcast that he privately encouraged Paul to run for Senate.

If you think Paul gets a little testy while responding to questions about abortion, just wait until a reporter corners him concerning Alex Jones. 

And that is not the only scandal waiting in the wings either.

I swear I watching Rand Paul's campaign coming loose at the hinges almost makes me wonder if a Sarah Palin campaign could really do any worse?


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    As another wannabe turns into a never was.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "He is an idiot"...

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Can you imagine him negotiating with other countries - as to wars, nuclear weapons, etc.? Thank God we have a man holding the top job like President Obama! The little runt does not begin to have the qualities, smarts or abilities to handle the office of POTUS! Just compare the two of them!

    This little idiot will never make it to the primaries! He's already in trouble on the second day of his announcement to run for POTUS! What a fucking joke!

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    >>I swear I watching Rand Paul's campaign coming loose at the hinges almost makes me wonder if a Sarah Palin campaign could really do any worse? <<<

    The scandals that I would reveal just as soon as Sarah announced she was running (for any elected office above dog catcher) would send her around the bend.

    You KNOW what I'm talking about Juicy!



    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      #askohiodan ??? Do tell now! Why wait?!

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Daniel Scott "Dan" Sullivan (born November 13, 1964) is an American politician and member of the Republican Party who has served as the junior United States Senator from Alaska since January 2015. Born in Ohio...

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Sullivan then returned to Alaska, serving first as Alaska Attorney General from 2009 to 2010, then as Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources from 2010 to 2013.

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      She was talked into hiring the cleaner herself.

      Kris Perry might have been in on it.
      Others were for sure.

      Juicy? Typically clueless.

      Go ask Austin.

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Remember a few years back when zzz Rand Paul tried to school students at an Historically Black College on the subject of Black History? This guy has a planet-sized ego and very little self awareness.

    It will be fun to watch him implode.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Rand Paul has already imploded. He is an ignorant asshole who thinks being in charge involves belittling others. He is done.

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    A real "libertarian" would agree with Debbie Wasserman Schultz. the decision should be between the doctor and the mother - with no interference by the government. Besides, if in the last month of pregnancy (when it is most likely that the baby would weigh 7 pounds), it might become essential to deliver the baby to save the mother's life (Paul's scenario, I assume), it's quite likely that the baby would survive. And the mother also. When people talk about being "pro choice" they are not talking about deciding when you're 8 months pregnant that you want an abortion, just for the sake of having an abortion. These far righties make up scenarios that have little or no likelihood of ever happening.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      All the more easier for them to keep the sheep in line!

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Beaglemom, you're so right about late term terminations. They are very rare and difficult to obtain. They are usually done because of devastating fetal abnormalities where if the fetus survived to birth would die soon after birth and/or suffer for what little time they lived. Other causes are in the cases where the mother's life (and the fetus) is in jeopardy. But I guess ole Randy would be just fine if it were his wife in danger and ending up with a dead wife and baby.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      My son was 11 pounds six ounces at birth (and yes, I did natural childbirth back in 1980.) I figure he was about seven pounds in month six..still too late to terminate had I wanted to, but not too late to remove a dead fetus from the womb..these creeps would have women carry dead babies until they are 'born,' or until they cause an infection that kills the mother. We are just hosts to them. Rand Paul makes me ill..he and Cruz the Creepy both.

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Occasionally a late-term abortion is due to the late term death of the fetus in utero. The doctor knows the fetus is dead, the mother knows, and if there is no means to 'deliver' the non-viable fetus/baby, it can take weeks for the mother to naturally deliver the stillborn baby.

      It can be physically detrimental to the mother; and emotionally devastating for her and those around her.

  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Is there anyone left who thinks that libertarian, aetheist Ayn Rand would support Rand Paul?
    He's a devout Christian, he says, She was against all religions, vehemently.
    He wants the government to interfere in a woman's pregnancy.
    She would have said the government has no business dictating what a person can do with his or her own body.
    Those are just two of the glaring misalignments between the two.

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Rand Paul. If you're a woman, and you vote for this cretin, you'll pay the price, eventually with loss of equality rights.

  9. Techgnome2:32 PM

    Rand Paul is one of the many people who are not really running for office in 2016. Many of them are just running for a Palin style ride on the Far Right gravy train, only with more money and power for a payoff. Cruz in the prime example of this. Palin and Limbaugh have shown the way. Many will follow.

    For Rand Paul this is just a practice run and positioning for future elections. He'll get smoother as he goes along and he'll walk away from some of the crazy things he's saying now.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Maybe you're right, but I kind of think he believes he can (and deserves to be) president.

      I think this election might result in him sticking his foot so far down his mouth he'll be unelectable even in Kentucky. We can hope...

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I'm hoping they deny him the ability to run for both the Senate and POTUS. That way, he's totally out of our hair until he shows up as a 'consultant' on KStreet, like Dave Camp now is. Funny how these guys never actually earn a real living, isn't it?

  10. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It must be difficult getting women's votes when you're a little teste all the time. He's a doctor and should know they have medicine and psychology for men who intrude on women's rights yet are too afraid to confront one (Debbie Wasserman Schwartz) in person.
    What is he trying to hide when he bullies the journalists just doing their jobs? Perhaps the little missus could explain it to women.

  11. At least Rand Paul can speak English.

    Man, what I wouldn't give for Palin to run for anything and a reporter to ask "Who is Trig's biological mother?" and then watch the fur fly. Between her temper and her inability to speak English as her first language it would be a hoot. The word salad would be priceless.

    Then there is Troopergate, Matsu Dairy, all of those redacted e-mails on her personal account in violation of Alaska State law and Todd's extra-curricular activities. Add the Alaskan Independence party and you'd corner the market on popcorn.

    No, Sarah will never run again. She'll tease until the PAC runs dry, then fold her tents and look elsewhere.

    Wouldn't be surprised if she eventually becomes a televangelist. There's big money in religion.


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