Monday, May 18, 2015

Apparently not yet convinced that he has destroyed his candidacy Jeb Bush decides to support discrimination against gays based on religious faith.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said that Christian business owners should not have to provide services for gay weddings if it goes against their religious beliefs. 

“Yes, absolutely, if it’s based on a religious belief,” he said when asked by the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview Saturday if businesses should be able to decline services to same-sex weddings. 

The former Florida governor justified his position by claiming that not providing a service does not count as discrimination if business owners feel that it violates their religious rights. 

“A big country, a tolerant country, ought to be able to figure out the difference between discriminating someone because of their sexual orientation and not forcing someone to participate in a wedding that they find goes against their moral beliefs,” he said. “This should not be that complicated. Gosh, it is right now.”

Damn what is Jebbie going to do next, strangle a kitten?

By the way this "moral beliefs" argument is the slipperiest of slippery slopes in that it can be used to discriminate against all kinds of people.

If you're a pharmacist who doesn't like abortion.  Refuse to fill prescriptions for the morning after pill.

If you are a pharmacist who doesn't like people having premarital sex, don't fill birth control scripts.

A wedding planner who is morally outraged by infidelity? Don't help plan the second marriage of a man who cheated on his wife with his secretary.

A cake decorator who takes Deuteronomy 7:3 and 7:4 literally and doesn't believe a Christian should marry a non-Christian can simply refuse to make their wedding cake, based on their "moral beliefs."

And it goes on, and on, and on.

Simply put if you are a business providing a service to the community, then you are supposed to treat ALL customers the same despite your deep seated prejudices or holier than thou attitudes.

For instance I myself am morally opposed to starting wars based on lies that lead to the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people in other parts of the world, but I am not against Jeb Bush for simply being related to his brother.

No I am against Jeb Bush because he is a fucking moron and I would not trust him to watch my dog over the weekend much less lead this country.


  1. It's remarkable how bad of a candidate this guy is so far...

  2. I applaud every stupid, racist, misogenist, lying, anti-science thing these candidate bozos say -- they are digging their own political graves with the independents who are hopefully listening and deciding.

    But how soon before -- not one of them -- will take a question from the audience or the main stream media. I give it days.

    The pandering to their ignorant base these right-wing nuts think they have to do to win the nomination will only increase, trying to outdo each other. Bring it on.

  3. Do you support incest marriage and polygamy?

    No? Why do you discriminate against them? Why do you favor only homos?

    Because homos are favored by Wall Street, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Ivy League, and other elite oligarchs, right?

    Btw, all institutions discriminate to maintain its meaning and principles. Marriage is a bio-moral institution. How does it help marriage to associate it with two guys indulging in fecal penetration?

    Is Barney Frank's anus the sexual equivalent of your mother's vagina?

    What an insult to women.

    1. Nikogriego12:00 PM

      Wow. Amazing that someone can hold these views. Marriage is not a "bio-moral institution." It is a civil contract, nothing more. If you don't agree with gay marriage, then don't go to one, and don't marry someone of your sex. The rest of the response is absurd. Nobody needs to "help marriage." Statistics show that straight people's marriages fail at an alarming rate, more so than gay marriages. And there is nothing to show that gay people can't raise children successfully, through adoption, or other modern methods of conception. Marriage has nothing to do with siring or raising children.

      Imposing your limited, ignorant, faith-based opinions on the rest of us is harmful, as that which you support only engenders more hostility and animosity between people. It would appear that more is going on in this person's psyche than he or she would like to admit.

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Don't bother, Nic, she was born without sin and is allowed to throw all the stone she wants, it says so in the Bible!! Hmmm was she legally married when she had her son?

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Incest and polygamy are against the law. Being gay isn't. Pretty simple distinction if you aren't a dumbass.

  4. Well sure, Jeb. Just like a hotel owner should refuse to sell a room to someone because of religious beliefs. Just like the KKK should be able to lynch Blacks because of religious beliefs.

    Yeah, let's get rid of that pesky Constitution, especially the 14th Amendment and just let the Christian Taliban tell us what we can and cannot do.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Riiiight. Because not wanting to participate in a gay wedding is just like lynching someone....

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      10:09 -
      No one claimed they're comparable. However, if you're the owner of a public business, you are obligated by the business license you received from your governing municipality to provide your goods or services to THE PUBLIC.

      Not just SOME of the public.

      Not just to people who go to the church you like. Not just to people who wear clothes you approve of or have a hairstyle you like.

      If, as a business owner, you find yourself unable to fulfill the secular contract to which you agreed, get out of business and open a church.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM


      'Public' business?

      Try 'private' business. There is no public in that, unless you are a communist and you don't believe in free enterprise.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      It goes against my honestly held religious beliefs to have blacks sitting at the same lunch counter as whites. It also goes against my beliefs to serve morons such as 10:09 and 1:21.

      Oh, and don't even get me started on ugly people...I mean, what is this country coming to, when my Honestly Held Religious Beliefs are so disrespected??

    5. Anonymous4:08 PM

      3:29 also having a case of the gay vapors.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. The folks they are putting up for 2016 are nothing more than huge embarrassments to America!

    This Jeb guy is a joke and will do nothing more than cause problems with his latest statement - which I deem to be his intent!

    Vote Republicans out of office everywhere and anywhere throughout America in 2016.

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    He is correct though.

    State sponsored strong-arming of small business by the militant gay community will eventually backfire on them.

    1. What has the "militant gay community" ever done to you, or to your family or friends? That's right - NOTHING. But I'm betting you're in favour of militating against them having the same civil rights as you.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I was too young to remember, but I'll bet they said the same thing about those 'militant' black people who dared to want equal rights after the Civil Rights Act was passed 51 years ago.

      Or those 'militant' women who had the nerve to want the right to vote and worked to pass the 19th Amendment 96 years ago.

    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      11:08 and 1:04... a little over the top on the drama.

      Ohhhh mercy, the vapors....

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      LMAO "Militant Gays" are more acceptable than "militant christians".

    5. Anonymous5:35 PM

      They are both equally annoying 4:37, throw militant feminists in the mix too.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM


  8. Boscoe9:47 AM

    Wow, Jeb thinks "it should be easy" to determine iof someone actually has deep religious conviction and isn't simply a bigoted asshole? He must be some kind of SOOOPAH GEEENIUS! let's all vote for THAT guy!


    1. That revealing photo at the head of this post makes your point abundantly clear. -:)

      If anything ever needed to go viral.....

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      And I thought G.W. was the dumb one! Jeb is D-O-N-E. My prediction is that the nominee will be someone semi-authentic and, among these pitiful characters, that can only be Gov. Kasich (and he's not great!) GO HLLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      He's also got Soopah Powahs to be able to tell at a glance if someone is gay or straight!

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    And we haven't even discussed the fact that, except for Jeb himself, his immediate family have all engaged in criminal activity of some sort. Ah, yes... the ideal family for the White House.

  10. If I don't believe in stupidity, selfishness or greed, can I refuse service to Republicans?

  11. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

    Jeb is just trying to change the subject after his week of hell trying to answer one question. Refuse service, housing, anything to the public, and you open yourself up to lawsuits and bad press. Anyone with half a brain would welcome gays to spend their money at their business. Generally speaking, more are well educated, employed, and have more money to spend.
    I live in Pa. and have been planning two weddings for our daughters, can't tell you how glad I was to see gay couples doing the same, I glanced at a few wedding registries and it's good for families, the economy and our country. It's our diversity that makes America exceptional. I don't see what the big deal is at all.

  12. ericafromdallas8:47 AM

    If businesses should not have to provide services for gay weddings if it goes against their religious beliefs does that also mean grocery stores, restaurants and drug stores in small towns be able to refuse service to LGBT people?.


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