Monday, May 18, 2015

The Mitt Romney-Evander Holyfield fight. One of the most disturbing spectacles I have ever seen.

Things to note:

30 second mark: Ann Romney wearing a Batman cap sideways trying to pull off the boxing groupie cosplay.

1:49 mark: Evander Holyfield makes his appearance looking far to authentic and majestic to be associated with this garbage.

3:16 mark: Mitt removes his robe revealing a suit and tie underneath it.

3:25 mark: They strip the suit and tie leaving Romney shirtless.

6:44 mark: The "fight" starts.

9:43 mark: After touching Holyfield with his outsized gloves like a man engaged in a tickle fight, Romney "knocks" Holyfield down.

10:03 mark: The Romney corner throws in the towel and the "fight" comes to an end. And not a minute too soon.

Okay here's the thing, I KNOW this was supposed to be for charity. And I know it supposedly raised a million dollars.

But I also know that the money went to something called CharityVision which is run by Romney's son Josh.

I also know that Romney could have reached into the back pocket of his faded jeans and simply handed the charity that same amount from his small change purse.

And he could have done that without acting like a fool and taking a giant dump all over the great sport of boxing. A sport that I used to really love.

Watching Romney throw those baby like punches was painful for me to watch. I have seen kittens leisurely swatting at floating dust particles that have more power than Romney demonstrated.

But even worse than that was watching the once great, and I mean GREAT, Evander Holyfield pretend that he also could not throw an effective punch and then take that dive in the second round.

That hurt my heart.

Look I've fought in the ring, and I've trained fighters. I know how much dedication it takes to develop those skills, to build your endurance, and to overcome your trepidation over stepping into a canvas ring that you may end up being carried out of at the end of the fight.

I will hand it to Mittens, he looked fit. But he had no business doing something like this.

Due to our knowledge of the massive head trauma suffered by boxers, the rise of MMA style fighting, and the diminishing interest from the public, boxing is on its death bed.

But it certainly did not need Mitt "Money bags" Romney to deliver such an ugly kidney punch before it breathes its last.

There I've had my say.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    How the hell is two men beating the shit out of each other a sport? I've never ever understood that. Sure, this match was disturbing and inappropriate, but they all are. You're so enlightened that I'm frankly shocked that you write approvingly of boxing. It's sickeningly violent, dangerous, and barbaric.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Like "the fight of the century" Mayweather/Pacquiao, which was an absolute joke from start to finish.

    2. Well anonymous 6:26 I guess you have never experienced the poetry of bone crunching blows to the face, the baptism of blood flowing like a river down your chest from a broken nose, nor the heightened sense of reality that one achieves after the oxygen is driven out of your lungs by a targeted shot to your rib cage.

      Yeah your right, it's a barbaric sport.

      I still miss it though.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      I'm sure Mohammed Ali misses it too...

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      PS Just want to add that even though I abhor boxing, I admire your honesty, Gryphen. There probably aren't too many of us who don't enjoy doing some things that are bad for us.


  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I couldn't agree more. I never have understood the infatuation with the sport.

  3. A. J. Billings7:20 AM

    I think this entire sadly stupid event is an attempt to make Mr Mitt Car Elevator look more like Putin.

    Sporting event, check
    Shirtless, check
    Making manyly gestures, Check

    Maybe Mitt still thinks he can win the Presidency.

    Maybe Mitt still dreams of the Mormon white horse prophecy where a follower of the adulterous thief named Joe Smith rules the USA, and brings on utopia.

    White horse shit is more like it

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Gee, Mitt wasn't wearing his magic underwear! Maybe it was the invisible variety.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Mitt is definitely trying to stay in the news. No doubt in my mind that he will throw his hat in the ring one more time (and lose one more time). He has the most boring personality.

    3. Anonymous9:42 AM

      As much as I dislike Putin, he has a much better body that that of Mormon Mitt. Mittens gives me the creeps!

    4. He fights like a girl. And it is now preserved for posterity for all to see at any time, forever.

      It looked like half way through the first round Mitt was too pooped to punch. (If you call that punching.)

      It was so obvious Evander was told not to hurt Mitt, not to touch him if possible and certainly to stay away from his face.

      It lacked so much dignity. Well, except for Holyfield who was as dignified as you can get in such a travesty and in my opinion mockery of his profession.

      It was all such a sad, sad joke.

    5. I hate to disagree with you mlaiuppa, but I have trained girls and they hit substantially harder than that.

      In fact my own daughter would have beaten Romney unconscious in a matter of minutes.

      Not that I would condone that kind of thing.

    6. Sorry, Gryphen. My apologies to girls. Yes, even *I* fight better than this and I've had no training.

      I was just using a common euphemism as an insult. My bad. (But not a bad as this "fight".)

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    O/T No more Palin reality TV shows?

    The Alaska Legislature on April 19 approved a bill to kill the state's film tax credit program, which was scheduled to expire at the end of 2018, in 2016. Independent Gov. Bill Walker also called for a halt to new credits.

    Those who supported scrapping the program cited the state’s steep decline in oil and gas revenues. According to a report by the Alaska Department of Commerce, filmmakers received over $38 million in tax credits between June 2009 and June 2013.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Did you see that there is another clown in the GOP clown car (bus?).

    1. No one takes Lindsey Graham seriously.

      Well, no one that is SANE.

  6. Anonymous7:56 AM


  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Thank goodness these two clowns lost out on the presidency. Anne is an entitled BITCH, and Mitt is still an overgown frat BOY.What ever happened to showing some dignity and CLASS? Anne looked stupid in that hat, trying to dance.

    1. I wonder how long it took her to remember, duh, oh yeah, I'm supposed to throw this towel in the ring.

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    O/T One tweet and 150,000 followers already!

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      285,000 followers in the first hour!!

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM


    3. I just signed up to "follow" and when I did, there were 630,000. A couple of minutes later, there were 638,000. And, somehow, I don't think he's "buying" followers.

    4. Anonymous12:57 PM

      He's on track to have more followers in one day than Sarah has in almost six years.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I consider Mitt Romney to be an evil man, but I was able to put my confirmation bias aside for a few seconds and enjoy it as a fun charity event.

    I was sort of hoping Evander would clock him, though (accidentally, of course).

  10. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Down in Kentucky a DARE officer is arrested. The police officer is charged with being involved with people who use and traffic steroids and stolen alcohol. Hipster bourbon drinkers wanting to spend over a hundred dollars a shot (a shot glass shot- not a bottle!) to prove they are in the in crowd are happy.

    Other people? Lol at Kinfucky!

  11. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Mitt Romney just showed himself (AGAIN) to be another one of the Republican jokesters. Thank their Mormon god that he was never elected POTUS. Plus, his wife would have been a horrid first lady!

  12. Anonymous9:46 AM

    OT but check out Sarah Palin's and Dakota Meyer's Facebooks; wedding is off.

    1. Guess having a wife and not being Mormon puts a damper on marriage number two.

  13. I really don't think the kiddies you tried to teach martial arts to count as fighters. You're a legend in your own mind.

    1. I trained adults dumbshit.

      I did not teach children full contact fighting.

    2. Guess your training didn't include self control. Anyone who has to brag as much as you has to be full of crap. Hey and Palin do have something in common

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Well, on the one hand, DGM, you do seem to be an expert on crap, and especially the being "full of" it part.

  14. Well, you know what they say about any publicity.

    I don't know about Holyfield but we all know Mitt is a media wh0re.

    I fail to see how this obviously "fixed" fight served any purpose whatsoever. As you said, G, Rmoney could have covered the donations in chump change. With his connections he could have raised ten times that amount with just a few phone calls.

    It was just....sad.

  15. Anonymous11:16 AM

    What a scandal--Mittens not wearing his garmies!

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I am skeptical about the organization headed by the junior Romney. First, the name rings the wrong kind of bells to me: Charity/Vision; and second, the Board of Directors is chock full of very wealthy Mormons, including Anne. In her bio as a member of the Board, she is touted for all of her work to help people with MS. I'm skeptical of that one too. Mormons don't do anything that does not promote their religion - first and foremost. I'd give my money to UNICEF or Doctors without Borders long before I'd shell out anything for an organization with any ties to any member roof the Romney clan.

  17. Anonymous12:55 PM

    So a "million dollars" goes to some r-money "charity." How much of that goes to salary, benefits, bonuses, and other "postage?" 70%? 80%? 90%? Is that really a "charity?"

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I got a better idea for his charity. Have his ear bit off and hold it for hostage. Why isn't there a full disclosure on his son's part in the charadeity? I don't make anywhere near his level of wealth, and I give to charity without any need to draw attention to myself.
    Folks, this idiot wanted to be President of the United States, Let that sink in a bit. Someone should transfer the money to the Special Olympics or any charity more deserving and NOT affiliated with the Romney Family.
    I must say, though, it makes me look forward to the heard of assclowns the RNC has so far.


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