Monday, May 11, 2015

Bernie Sanders is pretty sure he can beat Hillary.

Courtesy of CBS News:

 Bernie Sanders, Vermont's independent senator and a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, says he can beat Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016. 

On CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Sanders said he thinks he can oust the former secretary of state because, "there is, in my view, massive dissatisfaction in this country today with corporate establishment and the greed of corporate America and the incredibly unequal distribution of wealth and income, which currently exists." 

And Sanders said his record on that issue over the past 25 years shows that he has led the way in standing up for working families and taking on "the billionaire class," Wall Street, private insurance companies and drug companies. 

Sanders is hesitant to criticize Clinton, saying that he respects and admires her. But pressed on the question of why he would make a better Democratic nominee, he points to three things: his opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership, a massive Asia-Pacific trade agreement being negotiated, his vote against the war in Iraq and leadership fighting against it, and the work he has done opposing the Keystone XL pipeline. 

"I'm not quite sure Hillary Clinton has come out with a position on that," he said.

Well he's not wrong about that last part.

Sanders also had this to say:

“We won’t outspend Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, but we will raise the kind of money needed to run a strong campaign,” he predicted. Sanders promised on Sunday that he would not have a super PAC to raise money for his campaign. 

According to Sanders, he has received nearly 90,000 contributions, averaging about $43, since announcing his candidacy a week and a half ago. Sanders, who described himself as “the most progressive member of the U.S. Senate,” vowed that if elected, he would work to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and rein in campaign spending allowances. 

There he goes again with that sweet talk.

And God it's working.

Still, I think it is unrealistic to suggest that a little known liberal socialist Senator from Vermont could really take on the Clinton machine and emerge victorious.

I mean that's as crazy as suggesting that a first term black Senator from Illinois, whose middle name was Hussein, would have a chance against Clinton.

Crazy I tell you.


  1. I find it hard to believe Bernie Sanders could beat Hillary, but I’m a firm supporter of him. He’s a straight shooter and doesn’t put up with any of the BS from the Republicans. If he did get the nominations the Republicans heads would explode in panic and would lie, cheat, and steal in order to try and win the election. I also think he is just too far left of most of the Democrats to ever be nominated. It would be interesting though to see how well he does in the primaries.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I will still vote for him, and do everything in my power to educate other voters. People said Obama couldn't win and they were wrong. Berne Sanders can win. It is up to us to ensure that happens.

      Hillary Clinton can't be trusted. She's demonstrated that over and over again by changing her personality to fit what the public wants. I saw through her charade in 2008 and would have held my nose to vote for her this upcoming election, had there not been a viable candidate. There is now and we need to put the strength of our convictions behind him.

  2. Donal9:27 AM

    Bernie might be able to best Hillary in the primary but I think the "socialist" badge, which Bernie wears with honour, would poison his chances in the elections. Too many people equate "socialism" to "communism", especially those moderate Republicans considering voting Blue because their own party is so full of whackos it's putting up the Biggest Evil Clown Show on Earth as their candidates

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      That's why he and his supporters need to stop short-handing it and start saying what he actually is: a Democratic Socialist. The way that he so plainly equates socialism with the successes of Scandinavian countries in a most unabashed way is fantastic! People want these programs, they have just been scared away from them for so long by the far right's invocation of the socialism boogeyman. It's fear of something they don't understand.

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM


    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I admire Bernie Sanders but he should have officially become a Democrat long before this. I think he could only beat Hillary Clinton in primaries where Republicans cross over and vote Democratic. I do not think that he could win the general election though, and that is what is most essential in 2016.

    4. Since he's an Independent, will he actually be participating in any Democratic primaries? This Canuck wants to know.

    5. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Maple at 11:22 am. He's declaring himself as a candidate for the Democratic Party's nomination. I don't think there is any "formal" party membership required but it could throw the kind of monkey wrench into the process that could give us a GOP White House in 2016. Perish the thought.

    6. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Beaglemom -
      He's said numerous times that he's running for the Democratic nomination and, if he loses to Hillary, he would NOT run as an independent.

      I think he knows that it would split the votes and give the Republicans the election...and NO ONE wants that to happen!

  3. If he can push Hillary more and more to the progressive side, then go for it. I don't think he could win as mightily as we'd like in the general election.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I bet he could beat Chris Christie too!

    No wonder he had problems with his weight.. Sheesh!


    "Chris Christie’s expense account tells a story of appetite and ambition, one that pits government waste versus the New Jersey governor’s waistline.

    Christie spent $360,000 from his state allowance during his five years in office. More than 80 percent of that money, or $300,000, was used to buy food, alcohol and desserts, according to a New Jersey Watchdog analysis of records released by the governor’s office."

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Oh, I so wish this. I think Hillary is a tremendous woman, I love her to death, she's a 4 or 5 planet Scorpio, but I just can't support her election bid. I'd be so excited if the ticket were Sanders and Warren, so damn excited.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Off topic

    George Zimmerman shot!

    Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell told WESH that police at the scene said Zimmerman suffered a minor gunshot wound.

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    George Zimmerman
    Suffers Gunshot Wound ...
    Possible Road Rage Incident
    8 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

  9. Anonymous10:06 AM

    He might beat her but if he were the Democratic candidate, the Republicans would just run around with their hair on fire screeching "SOCIALIST, HE'S A SOCIALIST, SOCIALISM, MARXISM, COMMUNISM!!!" blah blah blah, and he would never win because most people have no clue what socialism really is.

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'm so torn by the thought of a Sanders vs. Clinton primary! On the one hand, there's true blue progressive Bernie, who has rarely deviated from the principles I hold dear. On the other hand, there's Clinton signalling she's going to be far more progressive than anyone anticipated she would be and who is the best shot for a woman in the White House--something that will be just as powerful for women and women's opportunities as Obama was for African Americans. And, she's perhaps the most qualified candidate of all the 2016 names. Tough call. It's nice to have a primary between two terrific candidates. So glad it's the other side of the aisle having to choose the least worst of a terrible roster!

    1. I cannot wait! I'm an optimist and choose the believe that the better candidate will emerge from this process. And I can't wait to have candidates actually voice what I want for this country and its citizens.

    2. Maple5:11 PM

      I venture to say that neither of them will be hurling insults at one another -- unlike the clown car candidates......

  11. Grrrr !10:33 AM

    O/T: OMG! What a surprise! George Zimmerman has been injured in a shooting Incident ...

    "[Lake Mary Police Chief Steve] Bracknell said the shooting may have been related to an 'ongoing dispute' involving Zimmerman and another person."

  12. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Everything he claims is correct. However I am terrified of another GOP in office. It's the Supreme Court that really matters. I will vote for whom ever the party chooses. The man is talkin true. Think I'll click off and send him $50.00

  13. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I don't think he's got a chance to win the nomination and definitely won't win the general, BUT I think he'll be great for the campaign.

    Hillary will likely be taking up residence in the White House again, and I'll be happy with that, but she needs to have some competition in the campaign to push her to the left.

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I'll write Bernie in regardless of who gets the Dem nom. I've never been party affiliated and I've always voted third party or write in. I will proudly cast my vote for Bernie, even if I have to write his name in. A man of principals and honesty is hard to find, he at least deserves my attention and vote.

  15. Anonymous2:42 PM

    You know, I'd love to see this happen just to see the uber-liberals turn on him when he actually gets into power and has to make a decision they disagree with. Too bad it's just a fantasy.

  16. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I'm probably voting for Hillary. Women including mothers have been a 2nd class society in the US for far too long.

  17. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Much as I like Bernie, problem is he can't pull out the vote to beat the TeaTHUGS. Hillary can - many women who may not normally feel comelled will want to tell their grandkids they voted for teh first female POTUS.

  18. So he beats Hillary.

    The question is can he win over whoever the GOPputs up against him plus all of the Koch brothers money?

    The answer is no.

    If it were just about character and justice and fighting for the American people, he'd win. But these days it's about money.

    I'd rather Hilary put Bernie on the ticket as V.P.

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      You're a moron (as usual- 'I have several useless masters degrees' mshmappluppia). Bernie is his own man, he would never bow to corporate owned Hillary.

      And Hillary isn't going to -'put'- Bernie anywhere you institutional feminist fool. But Bernie will put her in her place during the debates. Love it.

      You guys don't get he is akin to the ron paul of the dems, he is better than all of this crap, esp the crap from the likes of shrillary. And he has no reason not to smear the likes of Hillary.

    2. Anonymous4:01 AM

      I agree, mialuppa, that Bernie Sanders could not win the general election. Much as I admire him, I also question why he has not taken his seat on the Democratic side of the aisle before now. The GOP will make mincemeat of him in their vilification factory; everything they say will be a lie but the media won't question it. The media loves GOP lies. The Democrats need to be united behind their candidate and to really support the candidate in order to win.

  19. A Superfan In Atlanta8:05 AM

    Tee hee hee!
    You're so funny Uncle Gryphen

  20. Nothing like a debate where one side is nothing but personal attacks and empty rhetoric.

  21. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Bern it up!!!


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