Monday, May 11, 2015

I almost missed it but Bristol did wish her mother a Happy Mother's Day yesterday. In her own inimitable style.

Courtesy of Bristol's Enjoygram account.
The caption read:

Happy Mother's Day to my favorite moms ❤️ so thankful for these women in my life!! #family

Boy, Willow is certainly showing off the skills her mother taught her for getting attention.

And then there was this.

Courtesy of Bristol's Enjoygram account.
Caption: Happy Mother's Day big mama!!!

Gee whatever happened to the Grizzled Mama's anti-selfie message?


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I bet those seven people in that first photo are at the top of the "postage received" list.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Who's standing next to Bristol? LOL!

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    And to think I had once had a modicum of respect-- or rather a lack of a lack of respect-- for ol' Willow. Gross. Just gross.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    those pictures are just sad. And Willow's head is on backwards. Why did these photos get posted? they are just sad.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      And really old. What no recent pics of the family that is cookbook

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Three of the dumbest and laziest teenagers alive.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      I will give Willow credit for working in a hair salon. Her instagram photos look like she likes what she is doing.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I think Willow is actually doing what she's always wanted to do.

      Perhaps she wants to be more independent from her dysfunctional parents, especially after witnesses the experiences of her older brother and (especially) sister. I don't blame her.

      I hope Piper follows in Willow's footsteps more than Bristol's.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      How many "teenagers" are in that photo?

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I don't understand why Bristol always puckers her lips in photos. It looks silly when she has such a nice smile.
    Also, stupid gang old are these women?

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Trout mouth Bitchy. Not a good choice in plastic surgery.

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      when you never evolve past sixth grade, this is what you get. like mom, like daughters.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Trout mouth Bitchy. Not a good choice in plastic surgery.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Brisdull's fish mouth pose really draws attention to her ventriloquist chin implant. Very unattractive, Dullard.

    5. Anonymous9:48 AM

      So classy. Very presidential lol.

    6. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Bris was taught by the best fish mouth poser and her best friend, soon to be Best Maid of Honor, Marina Lupas.

      Marina, ExotiX Inc. Now ExotixLLC Arts/Entertainment/Nightlife

      Nothing to see here

    7. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Brisdull's fish mouth pose
      Personally I think it shows her true moronic self.

      Are they planning on publishing a book of selfies a la Kim K?

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Where is Bristol's engagement ring?

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Both are old pics -- the top one is from their family reunion last summer in Idaho.

    2. Sarah7:24 AM

      Good question!

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Old photos--not warm enough yet to be dressed like that anywhere around water in Alaska.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Old photos. Prissy doesn't want anyone to see her preggy belly.

    5. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sarahs ring in the selfie looks a lot like the engagement ring Bris has been showing off for all to see. Or is it my imagination?

  7. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Drop the phone and pick up a fish.
    She can't even get her daughters to follow her lame advice!
    (And now we know why Willow hasn't become pregnant...)

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      How do we know Willow hasn't become pregnant?

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      How do we know she actually has a regular job? It could be an arrangement like Brissy did with Dr. Michael Cusack at the skin place.

      Just because someone take pictures of hair and they are put on Willow's monitored Instagram means nothing. Yes, she has also posed in a salon. Big deal. Willow is the one that would not work on Saturdays. She was a huge disappointment to Melissa Rivers when she tried to help her with a job.

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The pee pond posted this opinion this morning:

    I ask you, IMers, since when is "her favorability ratings may be a liability, but her name recognition is far better than any other conservative candidate" a valid reason to run for leader of the free world? I don't know about you but. given the above pics as an example, I do not want this tribe anywhere NEAR the White House. You see, I like my leaders to be intelligent people I respect and admire. Let her try, she will never succeed.

    1. I think what the pictures clearly illustrate, and what other posters have commented on, is how mentally immature Sarah is. Not only is she not qualified for office, she has done nothing since the 2008 election to educate herself on domestic and foreign policies. Since 2008 she has never offered a single solution to any of our current problems, but has only taken the safe steps of complaining about our problems and putting all the blame on Obama, illustrating how shallow and simple minded she is in understanding how the problems originated, or in offering any solutions.

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I'd like to know how she'd explain her "conservatism" when she left Wasilla in deep debt as mayor, before she even started charging the taxpayers of Alaska per diem as guvnuh because she didn't want to leave her effing compound that looks much like the hockey rink.

      Oh...and $arah? Concerning Gryph's post about the graduation? Please tell us why you fired every black person you could when you assumed the governorship? I, for one, am waiting.

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      A simple family trying to make a buck off of you and me. Snake oil anyone? The fear of god anyone? How bout guns? or KKKnuggets anyone? she appeals to the lame and mentally challenged. A used car saleswoman. A leech. always love the lisa lampinelli live show I saw years ago. It was a complete riot. Keep yer legs closed hooter. (((((((((((((((-: funny shit.

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Flashing the Aryan white power sign?

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      You BETCHA!

    2. WHAT!? Really? That's what that is? omigod

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I think it's supposed to stand for "Wasilla" (ridiculous)

    4. Anonymous10:44 AM

      They hate black people but try to emulate them at every turn. They also hash tag pics with #hoodrat and one of Piper's favorite songs is a rap song. Stupid racist fools.

    5. Anonymous10:47 AM

      If her other hand is making a letter "P" sign, THEN it is the Aryan sign for White Power. But with her lips pouting it's a white girl trying to act black with the West Side gangsta rapper nigga sign. See explanation further on down.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    WTH is behind Turd's head? Did they photo shop her face onto someone else's head?

  11. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Zero class...the whole bunch of them!

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Is that Bristol and Sarah in a selfie?
    Where's the fish?

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      the fish is the one on the far left.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Yup! A big dopey carp!

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    It's pretty obvious that Bristol likes that picture because she thinks she looks good in it, despite the fact that pretty much everyone else looks like shit.

    It's her way of sticking it to her mother and her sister.

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Don't make that face anymore, Bristol. It makes you look really ugly.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Bristol seems to make those fish lips in almost every photo. Is she trying to imitate Kim Kardashian or is that supposed to be sexually suggestive?

  15. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Photoshopped Willow's head. Where is she? Mono? What happened to the engagement ring?

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      That's an old, pre-engagement pic.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Pre-engagement July 2014 Idaho

      Track and her cousin Jason.
      Track Palin

      Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

      Sarah Palin's 4th of July was so much more red, white, blue and star spangled than everybody elses's. So take THAT haters! Update!


  16. Anonymous7:08 AM

    It's becoming more obvious that Palin has lost her ghostwriters. Her recent FB posts are much closer to her actual skills. Or lack thereof. I wonder if it's because her PAC can no longer afford to pay them or if they have finally figured out what a fraud she is and quit. I also wonder if her reason for backing out of her commitment to the NRA is because she couldn't afford a decent speechwriter.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Her bro, Chuck Jr. always helps her out. Especially if she is too incapacitated to write word salad.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She is so narcissistic, as long as Bristol thinks she looks cute in a picture screw how other people look. This is just a crap move to do to her sister. Willow was obviously goofing off and had no intentions of this low class pic to be posted.

    I have a big sister like this whom would tag me in pictures that made me look awful if she thought she looked hot in them. She would even go as far as Photoshop herself and leave everybody else in a bad light. I finally had to block her from tagging me

  18. Whatevs. Mama Day, but nothing from Sarah about her mom? Or about American Hero Moms? Or about bridal moms? Or OutFunned Moms? Whatever became of The Wedding anyway.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Someone did post a photo of Sarah and Sally, but the Happy Mothers Day came courtesy of SarahPAC. Personal and friendly, just like Sally's postage.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Now that you mentioned it, has Palin ever said anything nice about her mom? Anywhere? You would think the woman was dead and never raised Sarah based on the lack of recognition she gives her about anything.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Well, if what we suspect about Chuck is true, Sarah may well despise her mother for ignoring things all those years. Oh, course, Sarah herself is a pretty rotten parent, but she did not have any decent role models either.

  19. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Yes, of course...

    Blind Items Revealed #1
    [original blind posted on] March 15, 2015

    When this former A list celebrity/B list reality star turned B list celebrity with A list name recognition got engaged the other day, the ring was paid for by her mom.

    Bristol Palin

  20. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Such a collection of ego-maniacs could only indicate a Narcicist's meetup.

  21. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Is that Sarah in blue in the top photo? She looks huge, like "pregnant with Track" huge.

    I wonder why Bristol chose that particular photo where Sarah looks like a dumpy old hausfrau.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Sarah had posted a photo of herself with Trig which might have made Bristol jealous. I think that there IS a history there.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I think Mommie Dearest and Bristol have had a falling out over Dakota and the move to KY. That's why mommie insisted that she put a ring on it.

    3. Cracklin Charlie9:55 AM

      Oh, there is some history between this mother and daughter. Some real twisted, sordid, deep rooted right out of a Faulkner novel history.

      Think passive aggressive on steroids.

      I can't shake the thought that Bristol's mother has sent/sold her away to Kentucky due to some recent transgression.

      Talk me down ya'll!

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Lower photo, are those gang signs? wannabe gang signs?

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Various interpretations: Westside gang (LA) or white supremacist "W" sign. She's a wannabe gangsta or a racist. Either way she IS a major loser, and I'm certain she knows the sign for that.

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Question: Does anyone look preggo to you guys in this picture?

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Ha! He knows no other adjective except "Amazing". That is how DuH always describes the women in his life.

      Regan Judd was AMAZING up to 1.1.2015, for 2 long years she was Bristol and Sarah need to share that description with each other.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Recycled picture, how about something current there DuH sparky?

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM


    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Well, might be just a shadow - or might be the beginning of a baby bulge. OR might be the fatty food they get in Kentucky. (Seems like Tripp is putting on some pounds, too, if you check that picture of him with with the rainbow).

    5. Like Anon@8:45 AM said, that picture was posted on DM's Instagram in February 2015 (CPAC).

      There was a May 27 2014 "Guns & Ammo" transcript of the interview with DM about his appearance on Sarah's "Amazing America" finale for that season.

      So, the history with the Palin Mafia goes back at least that far. I'd guess tentacles were extended to Dakota by Todd and Sarah before that, perhaps as far back as the one-shot "Stars Earn Stripes" series in summer-fall 2012.

    6. Anonymous11:25 AM

      8:45 AM

      They like to remind everybody to check the recycled and to old because there are more skeletons to be discovered.

      It is a signal that says do more research and find out who these people really are.

      Why do they lie and make up so many false stories?

  24. Anonymous8:07 AM

    What's with the idiotic gangster finger signs and Bristol always poofing out her lips? Is this a valley trash thing? Should go over well in Kentucky - not! How long before she misses mommie and moves back to Alaska after marriage - any bets?

  25. Anonymous8:18 AM


    From the Taylor County Kentucky Public Records:

    Dakota Meyer married Cassandra Wain on May 17, 2008. He was stationed in Hawaii and she had a Michigan address. Dah's birth mom was a witness and one could assume mom's dad was the officiating preacher. Divorced? Where? When?

    Also, too. If I found her FB page (Cassandra Marie) she's one good looking gal holding a very nice fish.

    Why is Willow twerking Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      You mean he is a polygamist?
      Wonder if Bar$tool and mommy-dearest, $carry, know about this wedding...
      Also, wasn't he supposedly with an other woman (forgot her name, the one with the heart issues) during that time? Somehow does not quite add up... But then, what does with this clan!

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Link please

    3. Hmmmmmmm. That is interesting.
      Divorced, eh?

    4. Anonymous8:59 AM

      You mean he is a Mormon, married and getting married again w/o benefit of a divorce?

    5. Anonymous9:04 AM

      YUP!!!! Here it is! HOW THE HELL DID WE NOT KNOW THIS?

    6. Anonymous9:16 AM

      8:18 AM:
      Interesting.....please provide a direct link to the Taylor County Kentucky Public Records in regards to this info.

    7. Anonymous9:30 AM

      8:18 didn't provide a link so I found it for you. Here is the actual signed marriage license and certificate:

      here is the county clerk's record:

    8. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Eat your heart out Bristle. Apparently your "gentleman" prefers blondes (with real chins).

    9. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Hey Bristol the Pistol it would be bad luck to get married here where Dakota got married.

    10. Well ah swan. Perhaps getting a divorce has slowed down the wedding plans a bit? This might explain The Great Silence about The Wedding.

    11. Anonymous9:56 AM

      They were never getting married for real, he can't because he is still "Married"

      They thought they were going to get away with the lie to cover Bristol's growing stomach.

    12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:05 AM

      Check the bottom of this page--local KY newspaper--still looking!

    13. Anonymous10:33 AM

      This might explain The Great Silence about The Wedding.___

      Do you think he has violated all those papers, prenups and such he signed when he talked with the Palin/Heath men in Wasilla? When he met brother Chuckie?

      Sweet little church. Cumberland Presbyterian Church Kentucky

    14. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Thanks for the links. I am a bloodhound of a researcher but a bitch when it comes to getting what I sniffed out linked. Also, too, when more than one of us gets involved in the search it tends to add creds.

      Cassandra Marie is a natural beauty like Sunny. I am not sure the photo was a selfie but she was holding a fish.

      Dakota's birth mom was married for the third time three days after Dakota got THE MEDAL. Her dad is experienced doing these family weddins' at the church that is also linked by one of you good IMers. Wonder if they keep a shotgun behind the lectern? Never Out Gunned


    15. Anonymous10:54 AM

      It looks like Cassandra took his name...

      Cassandra Marie Meyer 29

    16. Anonymous11:06 AM

      How on earth do you leap to the conclusion that Duh never got a divorce? On her facebook page she is in a serious relationship with Troy White whose facebook page has lots of pics of them together. She's a cutie and I think she moved on from Dirtbag Dakota a long time ago.

  26. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Interesting pictures posted on $arah's public fakebook site...
    (All posted on May 9) : Toad with Trig at school (NEVER with $arah - interesting!), Bar$tool with DuhkotAhh and Tripp in the snow - I guess trying to establish that they met much earlier than the February/March episode in LV, and trying to make people forget that Bar$tool actually advertised for her 'Lumbersexual' sometime in December, and was 'an item' with Junker until the end of February.
    Also, too, a flag that has been defiled with writing on it, and a picture of $arry with her mother - posted by her $arry PAC.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      They portray it as they want the clueless to believe.

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:41 AM

      Can anyone say with certainty when Bristol was last in alaska?

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      9:41 AM

      Brisrol was to leave right after Easter with the bonfire. How can you be certain of much with these
      You know, around the time Dumbcode posted that misleading photo from Shealah Craighead and cropped it to make it look like they were in church.

      How could anyone know if she has been flying back and forth or going to Arizona or Vegas? They all live very secret and dark lives behind the masks and fronts they put out for the public.

      BEFORE CROP, post: March 14, 2015

      Palin says Meyer came to Alaska last year to film the “Amazing America” reality show with her mother, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. She says during that time, he met Palin’s son Tripp.

    4. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Posted 2015-04-06, 22:30 Everyday I'm reminded more and more of how lucky I am to have @bsmp2

      Posted 2015-04-05, 22:25 Even though we were in the middle of nowhere Alaska. We put this up and watched the UK game!! @bsmp2 is definitely a fan!!

      Posted 2015-04-05, 22:21 Had a great Easter with @bsmp2 and the Palin's in Alaska!

      Sarah Palin Talks PTSD and Veterans in Surprisingly Un-Gimmicky CPAC Speech

      Gimmicks and uber pads saved for later.

      February 2015 (CPAC)

      CPAC 2015

  27. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Looks like Bristol's BFF has been teaching her what gansta & rapper finger signs are. Notice how she's making a "W" sign. This is the famous sign meaning West Side Niggas. What an idiot she is but I guess she thinks that makes her "cool" like saying "yo yo ma". Are you paying attention Meyer family?

    See for yourself here the gunplay lyrics (scroll down for the pic):

    and here:

    and here:

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Yup you're right. I thought I seen Bristol hanging out with her bff in east Anchorage clubbin' with the brothas.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Yes that's who Marina hangs with. I wonder if Dakota likes Bristol & Tripp's rapster music. Will she have to listen to it in secret once she's married? When Willow visits will they twerk in secret also, too?

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Also remember, tha Brissy taught the gangsta signs to Trippy!

  28. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Happy Mother's Day to my favorite moms

    How many moms does Bristol have?

    Is Bristol counting Sarah's sister who took care of Bristol during her "MONO" times (wink wink) and for keeping the family secret?

    Is Bristol counting Mrs. Johnston for allowing Bristol to come over all times of the day and night to fuck and drain Levi's main vein while moaning like a wounded banshee with all the family listening in the next room? Hey Bristol those were the days my friend you thought would never end. You would fuck and suck forever and a day.

    Does Bristol still have feelings for Ben, Gino, Joey and her first love Dylan and is wishing their moms a Happy Mother's Day?

    Is Bristol thanking Duhkota's mom for allowing Bristol to test drive her son in sin in Kentucky before marrying him?

    Is Bristol thanking her mom for allowing Bristol to go camping in her canvas tent with Levi and having his baby?

    How many moms does Bristol have?

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:39 AM

      You seem so eager to provide the sleazier details of the story. Some things really sre better left unsaid, Todd.

      Ps...I wished at least thirty women a Happy Mothers Day yesterday. And my girls wished me one as well. My mother passed away in 1994.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Crack Charlie pull your panties out of your ass.

  29. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Damn! What happened to Bristol’s face in the top picture? Her cheeks sticks out farther than her nose and her chin looks long and filled with puss? Looks like her face is big and swollen. Was this picture taken after the 2014 Palin Family Brawl in Anchorage when she got the shit beaten out of her and dragged on the ground by her cankles?

  30. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Dakota, Bristol and Tripp in the snow is posted on Bristol's instagram, dated March 8, 2015. After CPAC, Bristol visited Dakota in Kentucky, and then he came up to Alaska for about a week. Bristol seems to have first met Dakota when she accompanied her mother to that show in Las Vegas were Dakota was also appearing (end of January?) Sarah's official photographer photographed them at CPAC as already in love. Quick romance.

  31. Anonymous9:00 AM

    TRASH, $arah.
    Just look at you.
    Valley trash.

  32. PalinsHoax9:20 AM

    Oh my, Bri$$ie's lip pose, with the cellulite-looking chin, looks so juvenile and unattractive, even the fingers on her hand are cringing and warping in disgust.

    Meanwhile, Mommy Meanest should not hold up her gnarled, masculine-looking hands up to her face, Oh no, no, no!

  33. Anonymous9:21 AM

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Gryphen was right!

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      So, does that mean that $arah(Pac) is really the one marrying Bristol?

      EEEWWWWWWW! ;)


  34. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sarah looks like she has 2 heads, and Willow's head looks like it is on backwards. Postage must be very scant.

  35. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Did the wonderful amazing Palin/Heath clan all get together and celebrate with Sally Heath? Considering she's getting older and probably can't put on any kind of dinner or celebration, did anyone invite her over to their home? No photos from professional Chuck Jr.?

    The truth is, many people don't make a big deal about Mother's Day. Some wish and chose to, and some don't. Many mothers will tell their adult kids, 'look it's just another day' - better to be a good son/daughter every day of the year'. They'll also say that this is a profit-driven holiday for flower shop and card industry.

    Still, it's a nice holiday to show appreciation. However all people want to celebrate it, it goes without saying that the Big Momma Sarah Palin, who boasts herself as the biggest best mother of all (with journalism and communications degree) doesn't do a write up about mothers and share her experience with her own mother. Would it show that she's a total fake and phony and she's the worst daughter of all? A daughter who shamed, humiliated her mom countless times.

  36. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Is that the only photo Bristol could come up with? Of her sister doing the suggestive stripper pose, in front of aunts, young cousins, and gulp.......MOM?

    Only the Palins could provide such a memorable endearing photo like this to emote wonderful feelings of motherhood.

    These people's heads are screwed on wrong. And a lot of us are, but rarely has a screwed up person relentlessly acted like they're the saint of all saints, judging others with a bible in their hand.

  37. Anonymous10:47 AM

    OT but ha, ha, ha!

  38. I can smell the skank in that picture from here...

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      OG Wasilly!

      They all be "back that thang up!"

  39. Anonymous11:16 AM

    If I'm going to post a picture of my mom on Mother's Day, I"m going to post one where she looks her best. Then again, I'm not a passive aggressive brat and my mother isn't a narcissist.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      She'd have to wait for the professionals to fix her up good, you know, the ones that do make up under a pink flood light wink wink

  40. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Bwah ha ha apparently scammers with old pictures of Dakota think they can make money or get a woman impersonating him.

  41. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Odd, at that angle, it looks like the wigged one is hiding a baby bump or she just stole a watermelon. Poor Willow isn't housebroken yet? She does her best work while squatting!

  42. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Ok? Wait a nose picking minute. What? no engagement ring? No engagement ring for the shotgun brassy wedding of the month? The fav moms eh? sweet

  43. Anonymous2:39 AM

    This family got by due to white privilege. They are underachievers with no drive to work hard and be role models. Men like Sarah palin for her looks and women who like her are from the same back ground as she: undereducated, underworking and living off of others' stupidity.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:48 AM

      "Men like Sarah Palin"

      She's a man, baby! Lol!

  44. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Looks like sarah is eating a fat juicy booger there fresh from the source leading to the term booger eatin' moron


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It just goes directly to their thighs.