Saturday, May 09, 2015

Bristol Plain's ghostwriter finally gets around to supporting Dakota Meyer's ridiculous flag challenge.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

My future husband Dakota Meyer (!!) is calling for a social media campaign to counter the ridiculous “Eric Sheppard Challenge,”which attempts to get Americans to stomp on their own flag.

You know not to brag, but I put up a post about this three days ago, and even spent some of my valuable time mocking Meyer. 

I'm just saying I might be more attentive to Dakota's needs than his girlfriend's paid ghostwriter.

You know why? Because I care, that's why.

Not only that but the most recent post before this one was this borrowed picture from Bristol's Enjoygram account with the caption "I'm just counting the days."

You know it's almost as if Bristol is no longer invested in being her mother's religion pimping, flag waving, military handy giving surrogate anymore.

And after her mother paid good SarahPAC money to get her her own blog with a built in ghostwriter.

Kids these day!

Update: But wait, I spoke too soon.

It looks like Palin's ghostwriter is equally sloth-like in HER response to Dakota Meyer's blatant attention seeking.

Here is her Facebook response which was posted just today, and links to Bristol's blog:

They want to stomp on our flag? Show them we're never outgunned. Don't retreat, just reload.

Gee, it almost seems as if with fewer SarahPAC donations coming in that the Palins have reduced overhead by cutting back on ghostwriters, and might now be sharing just the one.

Nah. After all that would mean that they are now just chugging away on fumes and that the Palin publicity machine will soon grind to a final, stuttering, halt.

But that can't be, or can it?


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Will Sarah Palin be wearing her Flag Hooker shoes, or will she be wearing her stomp on the flag cowboy boots. Oh, that's right, Tripp wears the stomp on the flag cowboy boots also too. Dakota had better look around himself before spouting off about the U.S. Flag desecration. Maybe Hillbillies just don't know any better.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      There's a photo of Tripp with flag cowboy boots that I think Bristol, herself, posted. These people have absolutely no self-awareness.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Why don't the Payme's and Duhkoda do something with meaning? Tomorrow is Mothers day...what a about the Mother's who lost their son to WAR? How about that SARAH PAYME! POST that on your Fuckbook! Dare ya!

    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Fuckin' A Bubba!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Meyer will post something for Bristol tomorrow. Something like,

      Happy mother's day to the most AMAZING mom and the most AMAZING woman. I'm so lucky to be marrying the AMAZING Bristol. She's really AMAZING. And happy mother's day to her AMAZING mom, Sarah Palin, who is AMAZING, and will soon be my AMAZING mother-in-law. AMAZING.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I have no sympathy for one Dakota Meyer whatsoever. He's a dim bulb and if he is that stupid to marry into that tribe, let him.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I agree. The way I see it, he at least doubles the public idiocy of the Palin tribe on a daily basis.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Why is PissyBrissy wearing a "birthstone" ring?

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      First thought? Ugly ring, musta been marked down.

      Looks sorta cubic...

    4. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Also, why only the hand shot? In sweats and running shoes - what doesn't she want anyone to see?

    5. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Looks like woolworths. Bris will be a rhinestone cowgirl. I cant wait until Derkota catches on to the living hell he has gotten himself into.

    6. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Derkota is no prize either

    7. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Ha! 5:29
      I agree. Very suspicious.
      Those fingers ARE a little bloated looking...
      Anywaaay, we'll know soon enough, hmm?

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Then you'd better start with your mother. the new but very Used pastor palin. * used goods seem to run in your family.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Well, she used to brag about buying her clothes at a local second-hand store, so why change? /s

      It's probably one of the very few things she has told the truth about!


  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    12:09 PM 'Hillbillies'!? More like 'white trash' from small town, Wasilla, AK!

    No one has embarrassed Wasilla or the State of Alaska as have the Palin/Heath klan!

    And, Dakota Meyer wants to be part of them? What a friggin' idiot! He'd better research them further before saying 'I do'! Fact is - he'd be much better off saying "I don't"!

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      why not?? he would fit right in. dumb as a box of rocks. no motivation to better himself. instigator and a world class liar. what dreams are made of, palin style.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      They will bring him down (if he doesn't get drunk and violent and bring them down first).

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Only the shadow knows what goes on in that depraved mind. If he's willing to marry into this farce of a family, who knows, to him it might be a "step" up. Come on, Daaahhh, grow a pair of cajones and break it off. Imagine waking up next to that every morning for the rest of your natural life. One look at her mom should tell you all you need to know (Her mom's the one not in mom jeans and doesn't carry her own purse). If you happen to wake up and come to your senses, gnawing through your arm and jumping out the window are a small price to pay for your free dumbs.

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    How nice.... A picture of the engagement ring that Sarah Pac bought.They should both be mortified that Mommy dearest bought that ring. But they are both such stupid Grifters it doesn't even occur to them.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I don't think it's real. Sarah wouldn't spend that much PAC money on anyone but herself.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Bristol knows a lot of secrets.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Katleen Kearon...she's in NY now? Manattan Life? Hillary will like that...

    4. PalinsHoax2:47 PM

      Cubic zirconia? Paid for by $arahPac?
      I'm surprised the ring is not being worn on Bri$$ie's favourite finger - the middle finger!

    5. Anonymous4:27 PM

      yep, it's a gin u whine pubic zirconium!

    6. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Funny, I didn't see any pubic curlies on the ring. I'll have to get a closer look at it.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Sarah said, "They want to stomp on our flag? Show them we're never outgunned. Don't retreat, just reload."
    Everytime I read that Sarah uses the phrase "don't retreat, just reload", my mind instantly flips to the Tucson massacre against Gabby Giffords. In the days before the massacre, Sarah repeatedly taunted with the same phrase "don't retreat, just reload".

    Is Sarah now advising people to load their guns against anyone who stomps on the flag? And/or anyone who wears flag cowboy boots and hooker shoes?

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Believe you me, Queen Heifer has absolutely NO remorse over what happened in Tucson. None whatsoever. Heck, she even crowed that she bought ex-hub Tawd a new rifle in honor of Sandy Hook.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      For all we know she is in retreat right now. She hides behind social media and anyone can make posts for her.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Oh no, she keeps showing up saying stupid shit for the rubes that pay $10 per month for her "web channel". 15 minutes per week of moronic ramblings is all she puts up. Most of the subscribers do so just to make fun of her:

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Can't believe this heinous bitch has the sick, stupid temerity to still use the "don't retreat, reload" bullshit. Even if her single-cell brain could drum up more creative and appropriate jingoisms, her numb, ugly soul would never grasp all the moral and ethical reasons why she should.

  8. "They want to stomp on our flag? Show them we're never outgunned. Don't retreat, just reload."
    The constant, unrelenting gun imagery is just disgusting. And I don't think it is going too far to call it evil.

    I've had it with these repulsive gun-humping vermin as they revel in the disgust of civilized people, while they try to claim the high road for themselves.

    Every single right comes with responsibilities. Their unrelenting rage at the notion of having to accept any responsibilities to go along with their precious freedom is no more than the tantrums of a toddler.

    Palin's repeated use of her stupid "don't retreat, reload" catchphrase just demonstrates her glee in knowing that she can hurt others with it, as well as her absolute inability to ever apologize for anything.

    Thank goodness nobody pays attention to her any more apart from a few bloggers and their readers. She's dead. She's just too stupid to fall over.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Are they going to shoot anyone stomping a flag? Wow.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Well said, Nefer!

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Don't you know the penalty for stepping on the flag is death by firing squad?

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      When in the Middle Ages? Wake up 123

    5. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Their also a bunch of weird "military humpers" believing that the current military is "fighting for our freedoms" when they are just indiscriminately killing middle easterners. Sick fucking society we live in.

    6. Anonymous4:28 PM

      WCBWJU? Which caliper bullet would jeeezeus use?

    7. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Chill out, 2:33! That was sarcasm. Besides, have you not heard about all the threats leveled at anyone who DARES to desecrate the flag (except if they happen to be named PayMe, of course) or disagree with what some military-wanna-be-hero might spout?!

  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    O/T, just saw this blind item revealed at

    December 9, 2013

    This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.

    Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      That was the popular guess.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Hear that, Willow?

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      How do you think that she and Bristol both got down to less than 100 pounds? Lotta uppers being consumed in that family.

    4. Anonymous5:41 PM

      3:58, wow! It all makes sense now. I thought that they both did it by running marathons, exercising daily and eating a nutritious balanced diet. I guess that's why she couldn't sell and market that diet book she boasted about a couple of years ago. Nobody would buy a diet and exercise book that advised using meth to lose weight fast and keep it off. Probably why she has to wear wigs. Why haven't the teeth fallen out yet? Her Bucky Beaver look yesterday may be false teeth.

    5. Anonymous8:25 PM

      FFS For FAKE's Sake!

      Fake hair
      Fake teeth
      Fake boobs
      Fake birth
      Fake faith
      Fake leadership
      Fake runner
      Fake marriage
      Fake parenting

      The only RILL thing about this schill is her SCHRILL

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Sarah is now writing about the flag stomping on her facebook. She has also posted a photo of a Thomas Paine quote written on a flag and her own flag flying in a snow storm. This is the same woman who wrapped herself in a flag and wore flag shoes to stomp around in.

    Thank goodness that Sarah is involved. Now SarahPAC can pay for everything.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      One has to wonder how the idgits that are paid to do her bidding sleep at night.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      It is a violation of flag protocol to fly one in inclement weather.

      Not honor, dishonor.

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Didn't she also SIGN a flag and thus DEFILE the flag?

  11. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Dakota must think because he has a uniform and medals he doesn't need to wear the flag. What about Bristol? Is she going camo or red, white and blue?



  12. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I wonder if MOH and D'OH even realize that they're setting themselves up to be even bigger fools by their pairing up.

    On this Mother's Day weekend, what kind of POS would put her daughter through this for her own selfish ambition?

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      You got that right - her own selfish ambition and she's still using family members as props to her own ends. This iceberg too shall melt.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    What happened to SarahPAC gamble on the hockey stick?

    "just a 'hockey mom' from Wasilla" LOL

    Was that raffle in line with the PAC rules adn regulations?

    The page you were looking for could not be found.

  14. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Nah. After all that would mean that they are now just chugging away on fumes and that the Palin publicity machine will soon grind to a final, stuttering, halt.

    But that can't be, or can it?"

    We can only hope this grifting, grasping pathetic group of losers is taking its final gasp.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      It could be, especially when it finally dawns on her believers that she's not running.

      Also too, the media is tired of her. She's yesterdays news. A big tease and of course don't take her seriously anymore. At the very least half her facebook likes are ones her pac bought and are people looking for her next family trainwreck. Now THAT makes news - not her stupid teabagging ideas. There are plenty of those going around anyway from those who have actually put their hats in the ring.

      Palins aren't good for anything else now other than a laugh. To get attention she'd actually have to do something huge like the President the N word and you never know, she just might.

  15. Anonymous1:38 PM

    What do you want to bet that that picture was designed to let all of her jealous girlfriends know that Bristol's hard-to-get new Nike gear had arrived?

    Remember, she can't crow about her expensive new designer shit any more.... because those are not her public values, only her private ones LOL

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Marina, BFF of Bristol Palin, sells, shoes. They may want it to be known that Bristol wears Nike instead of buying, trading or accepting gifts from a sex worker.

      For many years, Nike, Inc. has been accused of using sweatshops to produce footwear and apparel. Nike has denied the claims many times, suggesting the company has no control over sub-contracted factories.

  16. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Nancy French is such a hypocritical shitbag. She doesn't believe couples should live together before they are married, but apparently she's willing to set it aside for Bristol (even though Bristol has also brought her young son to live with them in pre-marital bliss).

    I guess Nancy is willing to set aside her dubious values for a paycheck. Wasn't that Jesus's message, after all?

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Nancy French is a fraud.

  17. Caroll Thompson1:45 PM

    No one is listening to Sarah anymore. She is not being invited to the dance Indeed, it looks like the NRA dis-invited her to their latest soiree in Tennessee.

    This flag stomping thing is only being ginned up for Sarah to get donations. I guess the hockey stick thing didn't work out.

    As to the flag; it's my flag and I will stomp on it if I want to. Multiple Supreme court rulings have said stomping, burning or doing whatever to the flag is protected free speech.

  18. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, just let it go.

    No one cares about your gun-fetish. Those who care about what the flag represents, and it's the majority, don't have to talk about it all the time. These people are the volunteers, those who serve with a servant's heart, community organizers, donors, volunteers and more volunteers who care for their communities and fellow man.

    Sarah, show the U.S.A. how much you care by doing something ONCE that does not require OPM. Prove it.

  19. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Another reason why this incredibly short engagement is so suspicious...Bristol loves taking pictures of the ring her mommy bought. Why not milk it for six months or so?

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      When is the last time that we have seen a current photo of Bristol?

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      I'm thinking the same thing, 2:33.

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Maybe the perennial fatso Bristol simply stopped throwing up her food and go fat again? She had lots of lipo but is she didn't keep starving and throwing up her food she was going to go back to her "Eskimo body". Too bad she'll be a fat fuck for her wedding. At least Duhkota and her will match in their fatness.

    4. Anonymous4:18 PM

      If history repeats itself, she's pregnant and has convince Meyer it's his. They've already taken the wedding photos because she'll be a few months pregnant when they walk down the aisle.

    5. Anonymous4:40 PM

      We might get treated to the photo of Bristol the Bride holding the big wedding bouquet in front of her, just like Britta did. It does run in the family.

    6. Anonymous5:23 PM

      @anon at 4:18pm
      Well Britta claimed to be pregnant anyway, or was that just Britta being on the SarahPac payroll and getting stuck with the DWTS baby Ol' Brisket pushed out.

    7. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Good point Anonymous 5:23. I have wondered if Track and Britta were even married, or if it was all just a temporary cover for another of Bristol's babies.

    8. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Why would Britta and her parents take on the responsibility for a child that isn't theirs? Out of the goodness of their hearts?

  20. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I imagine that Nancy has a contractual quota o fulfill on the ghost-written blog. I also imagine she has discovered the truth about the rill Palins. Yet. Tsk. Tsk. I think Jesus is frowning at ya, Nance.

    As for Sarah's lack of public blathering about the upcoming nuptials....

    Just my two 'senses' worth....but I would bet that Sarah's narcissism is such that she cannot fathom 'sharing' attention with anyone for any reason.

    Another theory or contributing factor - maybe Bristol has put her foot down on having Sarah say anything on public media - especially after swooping in and imposing a ban on the BFF, Marina.

    In any case, once the point is made here, we can expect old thin-skin to 'show us' we're wrong. Maybe she'll drag Jill (if she's still alive) to KINtucky to be a standby altar for the festusivities.

    1. "I would bet that Sarah's narcissism is such that she cannot fathom 'sharing' attention with anyone for any reason."
      I think you might be on to something.When she had an unwed teenage daughter, she could play the role of noble martyr mommy, helping out the kids, who were, after all, still kids.

      Now Bristol is an adult halfway through her twenties and heading for 30. If mommy dearest talks about the wedding, not only will the attention be on Bristol (as it should be), it will point up the fact that Dakota (in Sarah's mind) chose Bristol over Sarah, an unforgivable insult to narcissist Sarah. Palin obviously competes with her daughters in going for the hot and sexy young thing look.

      It will also point up the fact that the next generation is moving on to adulthood and family-rearing, meaning that Palin's time as a young and fertile hot mama is done and over, another unforgivable insult.

      I think Palin would be all over the wedding preparations if she could somehow focus all the attention on her and her hotness, but she hasn't figured out how to do so.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Sarah's lack of public blathering--- maybe no one is interested any more I don't think that Sarah even makes the D list. Bristol calls herself a public figure. Well, she does have to go out in public to go shopping or drive Tripp somewhere.

    3. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Nefer, I agree with you. The comparison is too obvious: young and "starting a life together" vs old and wore out. Sarah doesn't have it in her to be the gracious mother of the bride, generous and thoughtful on her daughter's big day. And at 50 she's either beginning, in, or possible through menopause. The comparison is just too brutal for her needy ego.

  21. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "I just think it's a goal to have."

    Ah....thank you jeebus and the intertubes for the gift of archiving this comedic gem: Abstinence....Bristol...Oprah...and Sarah's anti-antebellum curlz...

  22. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Bristol's Plain

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      any new photos showing bristol's waistline? is she wearing a camo maternity dress for the neptuals?

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      My predictions is that she will recycle her cammo see thru "thong" dress.

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Haven't seen any recent photos of Tripp and his pet calf. Hope they haven't killed and eaten it already.

  24. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Why did Bristol pick a ring that looks just like Sunny's...hmmmm

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Mini Sno Ho didn't pick it out, her Mommy did. but since she is still jealous that Levi has moved on and is happy I am sure it looking like Sunny's even if it's fake is exactly what she dreamed about( at least for her first marriage).

  25. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Stop Blogging, Brancy. Bristol can't count to save herself. Remember she was on "the pill"and pushed out her handsome little money maker, no counting needed. But the girl sure knows how to stomp, ask the party she crashed.

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    My future husband Dakota Meyer (!!)

    Because fiance is a big girl word and foreign to boot.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Totally agree Anonymous 4:55. Also, too, Bristol had just about given up on ever having a "husband", when she resorted, not too many months ago, to advertising for a "lumbersexual".

      Dim-witted, self-centered, lazy and unappealing, Bristol is pathetically happy to actually have a guy willing to marry her (even if he's bought and paid for by Mommie Dearest and is dreadful husband and step-father material).

      Levi has moved on and is now the "husband" of the lovely Sunny. Meanwhile, Bristol has had how many hidden babies, by men who wouldn't or couldn't be bothered to marry her.

      If this doomed marriage to Dakota actually happens, it will be interesting to see if Bristol accomplishes anything positive. Thus far, Bristol's life positively screams "loser".

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      "Duhkota .... How do you spell fiancé? "

      "Uhhh fee-on-say...wait flea-hon-slay...shit just say future husband!"

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      @ 6:48 No, no, no. Not just future husband but my future husband !!!!

  27. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Bristol doesn't need to invest in her mother's rhetoric now that Sarah has found her male counterpart who apparently is following in her lockstep. Sarah knows her brand is ruined so now she figures Dakota (the future senator/congressman/president) can pick up her banner and carry on. Yee Haw you bet her rootin' tootin' bible flag grifting scam will carry the grizzled granny into her old age now that Duhkota has been annointed and handed the scepter. What a hoot watching the teavangelicals. All her plans go awry but one thing is for sure about the Queen of Quit. She never quits scamming.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      There are a couple of problems if Sarah has passed the banner to Dakota.
      1. Dakota is as dumb as a rock. Even dumber than Sarah Palin is.
      2. If Dakota was a political asset, some other politician would have hitched their wagon to him already.
      3. Dakota is objecting to people stomping on the flag, while the Supreme Court has ruled that is a form of protected speech, according to the First Amendment. If he doesn't know the law and the Constitution, he won't make it past the first debate.
      4. Have you hear Dakota talk? Worse than Sarah. He sounds like a kid asking, "Do you know what?"
      5. He thinks that Bristol Palin is an amazing woman. He wrote the same thing about Sarah Palin and some more women. Man of one word, amazing.

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Yes, those are problems but what matters is what Sarah "thinks". Of course she's wrong about him but that won't stop her from trying. He's the best thing that's come along for her & Bristol since sliced bread!

  28. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Does Bristol cook dinner and wash the dishes with that fancy manicure? I bet that she even helps out with the farm work, wearing those fancy high heels with the red soles.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Aaahh, c'mon, she throws on those spiked heels and tromps around the lawn aerating the soil and then runs out to the back 40 to stomp around and break up all the hard pan dirt clods.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Good one Anonymous made me LOL!!

  29. Anonymous5:18 PM

    The question that should be asked is still "Will Brisket get a "rill" wedding with a license and everything that she has dreamed about for her first marriage, or will she get a fake one like Track and one crappy snapshot.
    Wrll Brisket that may depend on how much gorilla suit floor humping, "rill" weddings aren't cheap.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Now that Bristol and Sarah have echoed Dakota's "Don't Tread on Me" meme about the flag, it's political. SarahPaC can pay for everything. The only photo that we will see of Bristol will show her carrying the world's biggest bouquet, which will hide whatever has to be hidden. Dakota will wear his military outfit because that IS what Bristol is marrying. The only question is whether Track will come to the wedding and will he wear his military uniform? OMG, Dakota said that he always carries a loaded gun with him. He is never outgunned. Now that's what you really call a shotgun wedding.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      It will be a full blown military wedding and Dakota will be wearing his MOH. I hope he doesn't spin too quickly and whap her in the mouth with it.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Bristol is ashamed of her pregnant condition AGAIN!
      She was right, abstinence does not work for a Horny Palin.

  30. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Possibly the best reason ever for why palin couldn't answer Katie's question:

    The Governor was pioneering the use of social media while Couric, smirking, inquired of what antiquated leftist agitprop rags she read, like the now defunct Newsweek. All of us by then had long since by-passed the LSM and were getting our news, unfiltered, online.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Get real, 5:22 PM Sarah can't wipe her ass without help.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      She couldn’t even name Alaska papers she normally had at her fingertips as governor. You have bought the lame stream media Kool-Aid.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      5:50, 6:22 It was a pee ponder's comment. sheesh, I thought that was a bit obvious.

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Yes, when Palin delivers what look to be her stoned or drunken screeds it's really just a secret 'code' she's devised that only her followers can decipher. This way she doesn't let the 'lamestream' media in on her secrets for saving the nation as she 'secretly' builds that powerhouse cyber prezidential campaign.

      Damn that crazed biotch is crafty.

    5. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Wait a minute. Some of the on-line news appears in articles which have to be read. You cannot click "play video" for everything.

      The reason that Sarah could not answer Katie's question is because Sarah Palin has a learning disability and she cannot read.That is why she never uses a teleprompter. She tries to look at the pages in her notebook, but Sarah cannot read complete sentences. (She cannot write in complete, simple sentences, either). Someone has to write the key phrases on note cards for Sarah, preferably in all capital letters.

    6. Anonymous10:57 PM

      I think you're right 8:41 about the learning disability. In fact she may have dyslexia thus why she encourages her kids to roll their eyes at teachers and disvalues any education at all. She has a learning disability and thus has brought up her children assuming they have one too. She certainly wouldn't want them to succeed at education any more than she was barely able to if in fact she actually has a degree in anything. Only 6 month degrees in hair school and skin school are acceptable. Oh in Track's case drug dealing is cool too.

    7. Anonymous10:58 PM

      You are on to something here which explains a lot!

  31. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Over at the pee pond a poster thinks that they just got an up arrow from the infamous MOH himself. Swear they need a stupid-off but they would all tie for first place.

    9 hours ago
    AAAAAAAAAhhhhh! Someone using Duhkota with his picture, Dakota Meyer, just hit the up arrow on my statement. Is it the real Dakota Meyer?
    4 Reply

    speppers69 carolhaka
    9 hours ago isn't. They are likely Brawlin Bristol or Granny Grifter with too much time on their hands. Said Dakota is using his Medal of Honor for profit. And the "DUH" in Dakota is used to call him stupid.
    5 Reply

    carolhaka speppers69
    9 hours ago
    Have you looked at the photo? It looks like a picture of him in a hospital. Why would they agree with my statements vs. the usual troll activity?
    2 Reply

    Exgunman carolhaka
    9 hours ago
    Believe it is him if you wish, but it is not likely...........
    2 Reply

  32. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Is anyone else feeling like I am?

    It's like the end of the season cliff hanger for your favorite TV show. I'd like all this Bristol Dakota stuff to hurry up and play out so I can see how it ends.

    Same with Sarah Palin.

    I'm long since tired of all the foolishness and cheating and just want to fast forward to see the ending.

    1. Anonymous11:34 PM

      It's a soap opera that has expired and we addicts all want the fireworks ending. May not happen but some as titulating will. Crazy, isn't it? The Palins are a soap opera! And I can't stop watching until it ends!

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      6:48 You have nailed it! There are indeed the seriously damaging legacy of Palin that troubles us. But it is the soap opera aspect of this that is so damn entertaining. The cliff hanger has gone on too long. We have been thinking the gig is up for years. Surely, the "wedding of the century" - which I place 50/50 odds on happening at all - will somehow be the catalyst for the finale.

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      The Palin Place is the best soap opera around. However, I am getting impatient for some resolution. It can't go on forever, can it?

  33. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Look at all the books she wrote! Sheesh!

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      And nobody would read a word she wrote until she started pretending to be Brisol Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      And--seriously--nobody reads her now, even when she pretends to be Bristol.

  34. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Bristol is probably dressed in Nike so she can train Dakota for the Louisville Ironman Competition in October 2015.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Bwahahaha Duhkota Man Boobs will photoshop that event like Sarah Palin photoshopped the Iowa event.

  35. Anonymous11:10 PM

    A person that posts a selfie of her own hand with different style manicures, and engagement ring multiple times over the past months may have a narcissistic disorder.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Bristol needs to remind herself daily why she's doin' the pig farmer. $$$$$$$$$$$$$?

  36. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I wonder how Dakota feels about a person shoving their big feet into American Flag shoes and stomping around! Or wearing American Flag thongs and head rags. So disrespectful to wear our flag in such an ostentatious, crude, and vulgar manner.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      guess it comes down to do as I say, but not as I do. seems to be the paymeeee family theme. he'll fit right in.

  37. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Is that Bristol's hand? She has some big ass fingernails and her ugly ass fingernail polish just screams out look at me!

    Bristol loves getting pedicures and manicures with Tripp and her exotic model bff Marina Lupas. Bristol loves her stiletto shoes and high priced clothes. I'm lost, with all that expensive crap Bristol loves I can't relate to the image Bristol tries to portray to America. Bristol wants America to believe Bristol is a poor struggling singe mom.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Got a point there, could be Bruce Jenner for all we know.

  38. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Anonymous5:50 PM

    Get real, 5:22 PM Sarah can't wipe her ass without help.


    Wiping Sarah's ass is Todd's responsibility. Todd doesn't have an outside job, so if Todd wants Sarah to keep buying him toys like his airplanes, snowmobiles, mom jeans, food and etc, Todd has to carry Sarah's purses, kiss and wipe her ass.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.