Saturday, May 09, 2015

Alabama legislator introduces bill that would undermine the teaching of Evolution and Climate Change in public school. Why yes he is a Republican, how did you know?

Rep. Mark Butler
Courtesy of

Legislation that would allow Alabama educators to teach alternatives to mainstream scientific theories like evolution, the origins of life, global warming and human cloning was introduced late last month in the House of Representatives. 

The bill is similar to controversial legislation, nicknamed the 'monkey bill,' that passed in Tennessee in 2012; Louisiana also has a comparable law. Critics of those laws said it would open the door for science teachers to teach creationism, which is unconstitutional. 

The ACLU of Alabama is already speaking out against the bill introduced by Rep. Mack Butler, R-Rainbow City. The bill has yet to be considered in committee. 

"This is a thinly-veiled attempt to open the door to religious fanatics who don't believe in evolution, climate change or other scientifically-based teaching in our schools," said Susan Watson, executive director of the ACLU of Alabama. "It also opens Alabama to costly litigation that it just cannot afford." 

Butler couldn't immediately be reached for comment on the bill.

Well of course he couldn't be reached. 

After all these guys never want to answer the hard questions about what their motivations are, they simply want to sneak this bill in under the radar and hope nobody notices.

However this Butler guy is a little more courageous on Facebook:

"This will encourage debate if a student has a problem learning he came from a monkey rather than intelligent design."

That pretty much tells you all you need to know about this guy's religious agenda and ignorance about science. There is of course no real debate about the reality of evolution among scientists, though there may be some minor disagreement within the scientific community on the age of certain fossils or when and how certain species died out.

Personally I feel that if Mr. Butler is so keen to introduce debate over sources of information in the public classroom, he should be willing to support a class entitled "Who Wrote the Bible? An exploration of the myths and manipulations that led to the creation of the most famous book of fables ever written."

Now THAT would be an entertaining class!


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "develop critical thinking skills...." the continuing drop in church attendance demonstrates the increase in critical thinking that has already taken place.
    Mr. Butler we all know that your real agenda is to indoctrinate your religion on other peoples children, talk about violating parental rights. Another Republican who really doesn't know or care about freedom or the constitution... they just want to rule the world.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Indeed! They really do not want free-thinking, they want mind control. They want blind followers who will parrot ancient myths as if they were fact. Just ask the rest of the GOP clown car...and where's Sarah Palin when you need her to add her (unintentional) comedic genius on the subject...she hasn't been seen on FOX in months.

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    IM, your last paragraph has my approval!

    I'm so sick of Republicans and their lack of thought, facts and details. Plus, they are horrible leaders in the governmental process. I think they will be toast in 2016!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      One can only Hope.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Now wait just a cotton-picking minute! You mean to tell me I came from a monkey? I thought a fish washed up on shore and grew legs!

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      no, you didn't come from a monkey. monkey's and people have a common descendant.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Why would an intelligent designer create:
      Rh+ and Rh-
      small pox - or most any horrible disease

      Why would the ID'r allow for things to go wrong, as in:
      mental retardation
      phantom limb pain
      Kanners Autism (I'm not including Asperger becasue autism spectrum genes are good for the gene pool, if difficult for the individual and family, and some with Asperger wouldn't ask to change)

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I Hate fucking republicans.

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'd rather know that I came from a monkey than think there is any chance that I'm related to any of the knuckle dragging khristian hypocrites like rep mark butler.

  6. Is that Butler's official photo? That's the most touched-up thing I've seen in ages.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    What I can't grasp ( maybe it's because I can think) is why religious people are always against caring for the earth that they say God told them to rule over.
    Shouldn't they be thinking the complete opposite? That by not caring for the earth God created that they are in effect telling God to F off?

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I agree with you. To all of those self-proclaimed Christians, I would say God gave us an earth that was a "Garden of Eden." Look at the mess we've made of it. God also gave us the intelligence to understand that we've made a mess of it.

      For that reason, I cannot fathom why anyone would NOT want to do everything possible to protect this small swirling blue dot in the universe.

      And, if we are obligated to keep procreating without pause (as GOP legislators so firmly believe), shouldn't we also feel obligated to give the planet the care it needs to heal so that our children, their children and on and on can flourish. After all, it is God's planet. He entrusted to humankind. God certainly did not single out the oil companies or the chemical companies or other mega-sized polluters to flourish; in fact, they are the types Christ banished from the temple.

      Let's all wish Mother Earth a Happy Mother's Day.

  8. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; one third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence." Bobby Henderson (2005) from his Open Letter To Kansas School Board

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    <<<"This will encourage debate if a student has a problem learning he came from a monkey rather than intelligent design.>>>
    First - we didn't descend from monkeys. We do have a common ancestor (maybe about 4millions years ago, give or take). And monkeys don't look like they did millions of years ago, anymore than present-day humans look like early homonids. He doesn't bother to understand what he is fighting against.

    Second - the human body is not the result of intelligent design. It's the result of adapations over years. We have outdated pieces of equipment and a cumbersome design. The brain is the result of one system added on top of another and we have blindsights. We have tails we don't need. The kidneys pump a bunch of water out, and then put it back in - presumably a more efficient design could have been designed more efficiently. The 3 parts of our ear (hammer, anvil, and ?) is analogous to fish jaws which were somehow repurposed to hear better - presumably an intelligent designer wouldn't have worked with fish jaw parts. I could go on..... BAbies are born about 3 months earlier than would be healthiest, because if we waited 3 more months, mom's couldn't push them out hte tiny canal. PResumably an intelligent designed would ahve accommodated this better. Particularly since the INtelligent Designer loves humans so much.

    As going totally overboard - why in world do men need nipples?
    Why do men's prostate swell with age? Why would an intelligent designed include that design flaw.

    all right. enough.

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It's going to be a hard slog pushing that boulder of crazy up bullshit mountain. They always bring up the same lie that we're descended from monkeys. Can you imagine the bills for electrolysis we'd need if that were true? And yet, they bring up banana boy and the form of a banana fitting a man's hand perfectly. Can't have it both ways.
    Why was it that for years, monkeys and pigs were used to test the efficacy of new medicines, some that actually saved lives? And where was this douche nozzle protesting that level of cruelty to his god's creatures?
    It's not going to encourage debate, it's going to confuse a lot of kids unable to sniff bullshit from real science. Once you let the camel's nose under the tent, it won't be long till the entire camel will come in and take over.

  11. Randall1:31 PM


    THAT building is a school - that is where we teach empirical knowledge.

    THAT building over there is a church - that is where you teach superstitious nonsense and unprovable claims.

    The voices in your head are NOT God - seek help.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.