Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chris Christie spent over $82,000 of tax payer money on snacks at football games.

Courtesy of New York Magazine:  

New Jersey governor Chris Christie is a big football fan, but he is also apparently a big fan of snacks at football stadiums. According to New Jersey Watchdog, Christie reportedly spent over $82,000 of taxpayer money on concessions at MetLife Stadium. 

Christie paid for food and drinks at MetLife with a debit card 58 times over the 2010 and 2011 NFL seasons, accruing a bill of $82,594. That means he spent an average of nearly $1,500 on food and drinks every time he attended a football game.

Apparently the money came out of a $95,000  fund he is given quarterly to be "used for official receptions on behalf of the state, the operation of an official residence, for other expenses."

He gets $95,000 every three months? That is $390,000 annually. And he spends this much of it for food at football games?

How many hot dogs can one man eat?

I used to simply think we could not afford to have Chris Christie in the White House due to his abrasive nature, slippery relationship with the truth, and his conservative politics.

But now I wonder if we could even afford to feed him if he were the President of the United States.

By the way the Washington Post suggests several ways that Christie could have better spent that $82,594.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Yet, Republicans have no qualms about shaming folks on food stamps and trying to dictate what they can and can not eat.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It's not cheap to feed a elepig.

  3. He'd probably have an all-U-can-eat buffet installed in the Oval Office ON DAY ONE!

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    He's going to need another staple job on the old tum-tum. That guy has a serious eating-and-drinking problem, not to mention his anger management issues.

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If he ever became President he could have a GO Fund Me For Food website.

    Speaking of funding, Dakota and some pals want to make their own war movie! this is not a joke, there is a short video to go with the request for money. It is a must see.


    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      These guys are so disturbing. I wonder how
      many are in the wedding party?

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    How the fuck do these idiots keep getting elected. Remember the fat asshole taking a state chopper to his sons baseball game? I guess rank has it's perks huh lardo?

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Can you imagine all the government departments he'd have to create as president to keep up with his lavish lifestyle?

    The Dept. of Cocktail Drinks
    The Dept. of CheeseBurgers & Chili Dogs
    The Dept. of (Ice Cream) Cones
    The Dept. of Pork & Beans
    The Dept. of Favors For Friends
    The Dept. of Transportation For Me
    The Dept. of Football Tickets
    The Dept. of Mobsters
    The Dept. of Bridges

    Oh yes, andThe Dept. of Megaphones (who needs a teleprompter?) This includes a megaphone for every room including the bathroom in the white house, every car, every helicopter, everywhere he goes there must be a megaphone within reach at all times especially in crowds.


  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Christie will never be POTUS! It's no more than a pipe dream and the press keeps covering the law breaker! Why?

    The Republicans have no candidates that are capable or qualified to be POTUS!

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Christie has not been within a ballpark reach of his wiener in years. Guess all those dogs bring back fond memories.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM


  10. I suspect this is more than hotdogs. Hosting guests in the luxury suites and restaurants at the stadium doesn't come cheap.

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    He is a vile grunt. Through and through. Gorging himself on food, rage and narcissism. Sick fuck will NEVER be president, of that I am certain.

  12. Anonymous1:46 PM

    $82,594. Isn't much compared to other waste of taxpayers money.

    You would hope Medal of Honor recipients are honest brokers because they can access a lot of money due to the benefits awarded.

    With all the questions in regard to the Bing West/Meyer "Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War" book and it's alleged ficticious nature about the Battle of Ganjgal. It reminds one of the Scott McEwen/Jim DeFelice/Chris Kyle book "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History" where one of the lies is about another person.

    It takes a serious con to make up things up like it appears Dakota Meyer is up to. There is no doubt much more he needs to keep hidden.

    The taxpayers have no clue about any former wives or how many children. We could be paying out a fortune for support, feed and medical care and not even know. Meyer must come clean 100% or he'll make Christie's little theft of snack money look good.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      "War correspondent Jonathan Landay of McClatchy Newspapers, who was embedded with the coalition troops, has written extensively about the battle."
      "War correspondent Jonathan Landay of McClatchy Newspapers, who was embedded with the coalition troops, has written extensively about the battle."
      "He called Swenson “one of the most upstanding and moral men I have met in my life, someone who believes in what he’s doing. He believes in the regulations, in accountability. He’s unwilling to accept the go-along, get-along."
      "Landay reported that 11 U.S. troops were on the battlefield and that four died that day. In his account, it was Swenson who led the final mission to retrieve the bodies of the four dead Americans, with Meyer in the back seat of the Humvee. Landay emphasized that Meyer also performed heroically and that his fellow troops thought he deserved the medal, despite the contradictions."

      Videos contradict Medal of Honor recipient’s account of Taliban attack



      Swenson's MoH Spotlights Controversial Battle

      At the White House ceremony, President Obama made no reference to the controversies surrounding the Sept. 8, 2009, battle in Kunar province near the Pakistan border, but instead praised Swenson’s heroism.
      Obama recalled awarding the medal to Dakota Meyer for his actions in the same battle “not far away” from Swenson. The president noted that Meyer did not attend Swenson’s award ceremony.
      Obama said that Swenson was leading a mixed force of Afghan National Army troops and their Army and Marine mentors near the village of Ganjgal when “on the outskirts of the village, all hell breaks loose.”
      In the book, Meyer and West wrote that Meyer was firing numerous rounds at a “swarm” of Taliban as the helicopters arrived, but the crewmembers stated to Landay that valley floor was quiet at the time.
      Meyer told the Marine Corps Times in a phone interview that he had lobbied hard for Swenson to receive the Medal of Honor, including sending letters to the White House. While disputing accounts in Meyer’s book, Landay has also written previously that Meyer deserved the medal.
      In an e-mail reply included in Landay’s article, Bing West charged that Landay “has annually dredged up baseless innuendoes to attack the Medal of Honor process and to denigrate the valor of Meyer."
      Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who served as a Marine officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, raised questions again on why the initial recommendation for Swenson’s medal was lost by the Army, and also questioned the rules of engagement ordered by McChrystal and retired Army Gen. David Petraeus, who succeeded McChrystal as commander of the war effort in Afghanistan.

  13. Well, you know he didn't eat it all himself. He treated staffers, groupies, hangers-on and others to free snacks. Quid pro quo.

    Christie is so not presidential material.

    I hope the people of New Jersey wise up and vote him out of office the next time.

    1. It appears to me that he may have very well eaten it all himself.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oh Gina, where have you been? It has been so dull here. You and Beldar Conehead just evaporated one day.

    3. Sorry, but there must be two of us. I only began visiting this site a short time ago.

    4. Oh snap! Another GINA!! What are the odds!! LOL!

      My Beldy is still around he's just in disguise...right Beldy! LOL!!

  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Think about that 41,000 a year on food..... $112.32 per day on food....if he only at all the meals at the stadiums.
    I hate these greedy fuckers.
    Earthymama / Chicago

  15. Anonymous2:58 PM

    ..."But now I wonder if we could even afford to feed him if he were the President of the United States."

    LOL Gryphen!!

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "How many hot dogs can one man eat?"

    Have you ever seen this man eating on the boardwalk? As they used to say in the old neighborhood "MAaaaadonnna Mia! Damn the Torpedoes!" The vendors get dollar signs when they see him heading their way. Lets just say, I've seen hogs eat less, and with more etiquette.
    Was that photo before the stomach surgery, or after? The state of NJ should sue the doctor if it's after.

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Christie looks like he will blow up at any moment. I pity anyone in the vicinity.

  18. queue fish tank in the Meaning of Life, fish, Oh fuck it's Mr Cresote.

    1. "It's waffffff-er thin!" coaxed the oleaginous head waiter (John Cleese) offering Mr. Creosote just one more bite... which, unlike Creosote, was thin.

      Nevertheless, he took it and quite disgustingly exploded. I'd keep my distance from Gov. Creosote-Christie in any circumstance. Who knows, it could happen again...

  19. Anonymous5:29 PM

    He has no self control as indicated by his inability to control his diet or his temper. He is not presidential material no matter how hard the GOP tries to sell this obese lazy idiot on us. When your highest achievement consists of not being indicted for crimes yet is not what USA voters want.

  20. Anonymous5:48 PM

    You dont walk with Chris Christie, you walk among him. Legend has it that his shadow once killed a dog. Lard ass, big mouth punk.

  21. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Presidential material? I wouldn't want him as my garbageman. He's a vile, narcissistic, selfish, deceitful, stupid mound of flesh.

  22. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The pig!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.