Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Creationist suggest that if we believe in Evolution that Josh Duggar did nothing wrong.

Eric Hovind, son of imprisoned tax evader and fellow creationist Kent Hovind, declared on his Creation Today website the following:

If evolution is true, then there is no absolute right and wrong. If evolution is true Josh should not have admitted his faults over a decade ago because what one evolved bag of molecules does to another bag of molecules just doesn’t really matter. If evolution is true there is no ultimate Judge on the bench who will hold every man, woman, and child responsible for their actions. And if evolution is true you will not give an account for every idle word you speak.

So to be clear, as far as Hovind is concerned, if there is no supreme being forcing us to resist the urge to molest our little sisters, then there really is no good reason not to molest our little sisters.

Well that is a fairly disgusting point of view.

Hovind also has a "great punishment" in mind for Josh Duggar: 

A good punishment for Josh Duggar? 

Since Josh molested girls, which could damage their trust of men, which could damage their future marriage, which could damage their future family, we should make Josh Duggar work the rest of his life to help families stay together and help them recognize how twisted the world is and how God offers instruction on how to live righteously! He should be forced to push faith, family and freedom in the public showing the Christian worldview has the answers. We should force him to get a job at the Family Research Counsel who's mission is "to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview." 

That would be a great punishment!

Yes let's pay this former (Well hopefully former.) child molester, who has never received any formal therapy, to tell others how to live a righteous life and to push his version of a Christian worldview on unsuspecting families.

Apparently this makes perfect sense to Hovind.

Here let me clear up a little something.

People who accept the teachings of evolution, embrace secularism, or even self identify as Atheists, have NO problem understanding the concept of right and wrong.

We are more than capable of feeling both guilt and shame for doing bad things, and though we do not believe that there is a powerful sky parent waiting to punish us for our sins, we do recognize and understand why there are rules and laws governing our society and how we interact with each other.

We may in fact be "bags of molecules," but these bags of molecules often live quite moral lives without the fear of eternal damnation being held over our heads.

Which, by the way, makes us the moral superior of anybody who is only acting in a moral fashion in order to avoid punishment, either legal or spiritual. 


  1. Balzafiar6:34 AM

    I do believe Eric Hovind is very likely a sociopath, with zero concern for the well-being of others. If not, he clearly is clueless.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Agree x 10,000

    2. He's certainly a fount of idle words.

    3. He can't be both?

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM


  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "Since Josh molested girls, which could damage their trust of men, ..."

    Being molested damages one hell of a lot more than one's trust.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      That statement alone speaks volumes about this man's perception of girls and women.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Smarmy looking little shit, ain't he?

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    It would appear the Duggar, themselves, are sociopaths. The molestation itself is bad enough. The fact this family portrayed themselves to be sexually chaste as part of entertainment on a reality TV show so the parents and hangers-on (you know who you are Mr. Seawald) could continue to live a more lavish lifestyle

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM







  4. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Anyone that defends a sexual abuser of minors is a total fucking clueless idiot.

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Quiverfull of Shit: a Guide to the Duggars' Scary Brand of Christianity

    But the Duggars are different than your standard evangelical Christians—they’re followers of a particularly scary fundamentalist sect known as the Quiverfull movement, which adheres to a deeply patriarchal and highly authoritarian set of beliefs about gender and culture. What does that mean, exactly? Here’s your guide to the Quiverfull movement and some of its heavy hitters.

    The Quiverfull Movement

    “Quiverfull” is very new. Newer than Scientology, in fact. Starting in the 1980s, its ideas have mostly spread through homeschooling and networking with other similarly minded Christians—which is why the cult-like movement has taken root as social media and internet access has exploded in the past three decades. That, and the fact that they’re literally multiplying, should make you at least a little bit afraid.

    On the surface, Quiverfull follows your typical radical evangelical principles—every word of the Bible is taken literally, traditional gender roles and “family values” are emphasized, and the secular world is alternately scorned and feared. But followers of Quiverfull take one key tenet and let it shape the rest of their beliefs: Birth control is evil. They want to have as many children as possible, in order to build a pint-sized fundamentalist Christian army. The Quiverfull movement takes its name from this verse from Psalm 127 (KJV):


    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Nothing you wrote separates them from other evangelicals.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Except the "as many children as possible" part

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:21 a.m., not true. Most evangelicals do use birth control and have a reasonable number of children (two to four was average in my church and school growing up -- and we attended a large church that was prominent in the evangelical movement). On the more liberal end of the spectrum, some evangelicals do reject traditional gender roles, don't take every word in the Bible literally, and don't even think in terms of "secular world vs. us." A few are openly gay and have found acceptance for who they are within specific churches (albeit certainly not the movement as a whole). Some even vote for Democratic candidates because they care about the poor and support a woman's right to choose.

      I am not a fan of evangelicals as a whole, and the radical ones, including the Quiverfull movement, are unquestionably dangerous. But having grown up evangelical, and with many family and friends who still define themselves that way, I also think it's important to recognize the nuances and range of beliefs that fall under that umbrella. Yes, I wanted to strangle my down-home good-folks relatives who sent a Duck Dynasty-themed Christmas letter, but I also have a friend who just graduated from an evangelical seminary where LGBT students are welcomed and most people understand evolution.

      Believe it or not, there are evangelicals whose beliefs about how to live in this world are closer to yours than to the Duggars'. When you tar them all as radical extremists, you alienate potential allies and make the same mistake (stereotyping, prejudice, unfair accusations) about them as the Duggars and their ilk make about you.

    4. So, while the rest of us are trying to save this planet by using birth control and limiting our offspring, these bozos are out to take over through sheer numbers and in the process, use as many resources as possible until the planet is exhausted.

      Thank goodness I'll be dead by that time.

      I wonder if we'll ever get to the point where we regulate reproduction to the extent that the law allows you to have as many children as you want, but only the first two may reproduce, every child after that will be irreversibly sterilized. Might make a great science fiction story.

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I encourage EVERYONE to leave a comment on his FB regarding his view. You should read what he says progressives believe. He is a very sanctimonious man.

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I vehemently disagree with his skewed declaration that evolution means no morals, no right or wrong nor accountability.

    There are parents and even families that cling to creationism and uphold a judgment day at death who preach yet model antisocial behavior, lie often to compulsively and mistreat others.

    I will comment that if God, the Ten Commandments and prayer instiils in a person a sense of courage, to make amends, recognize effects of their behavior on others, accountability that leads to change of their behavior I have no problem in that.

    I have known three people to date who pose as pillars of their church. One volunteered often under the guise go goodness to take from the poor or charity so she could not spend her own money stealing prescription medications . She lived a sociopath life using a crown go God.

    I know families who attended church, used God as a threat yet have dynamics to scapegoat one person in the family. Religion is no guarantee of individual accountability.

    It is wishful thinking or magical thinking that belief in God or practicing religion means a person is moral, accountable, admits mistakes, would not lie cheat or steal.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      The Duggars church was complicit the cover up, so your agrument is moot. So was the catholic church regarding multiple molestations and many cases of I could state from ancient times to present day. Churches are nothing but a breeding ground for deviance.

  8. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hmm. It seems to me the ancient Greeks and Romans had plenty of understanding of "right" and "wrong".

    Read Aristotle's "Ethics", and Marcus Aurelius's "Meditations" for a quick overview.

    A suggestion utterly lost on the self-satisfied Mr. Hovind, I suspect--above his grade-level reading comprehension.

  9. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I'd rather be a bag of molecules than a religious idiot like this bag of crap.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Me too.

      Does that make us " 'baggers" ? ;)


    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Hee hee hee hee!

  10. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Evolution is pretty clear on incest - and it doesn't like it. Evolution likes diversity and adaptation. Remaining in the same genetic pool will quickly (earth time) lead to extinction. Every species will suffer genetic damage (sometimes leading to a better trait - other times not) the more you spread your genes amoung your species the better chance the genetic flaws can be masked.

  11. ibwilliamsi8:36 AM

    This must be why it's ok for Mike Huckabee's boy to torture and kill a helpless dog. Dogs don't have faith in God and are not much more than a bag of molecules. Got it. /s

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    And one more thing about Evolution - it doesn't like you wasting your sexy time on females that are not yet of reproductive ages. Hence one of the reasons human females have larger breasts than other primates. Human males are visual and that is one way nature ensures they mate with adult capable of conceiving. They are attracted to the adult female.

    Warped socialization creates pediphiles.

  13. Ashley8:51 AM

    As Will Rogers once said, "If dogs don't GI to heaven, I want to go wherever they go when I die". Wise words, IMHO.

  14. hedgewytch8:59 AM

    It never ceases to amaze me how people with no working knowledge on a subject, who actively seek to discredit such knowledge, are the first to interpret what that knowledge means, and are so sure they are right, and those who work with the knowledge have no idea what they are talking about. Irony, it hurts.

  15. The worse part of this hogwash; they actually believe their own bullshit, thats why it turns from pathetic to scary, and these A-holes scare the crap out of me

  16. Boscoe9:09 AM

    Wait a minute... if evolution is true, inbreeding is proven top be a bad and dangerous thing genetically. On the other hand, if the BIBLE is true, then Josh Duggar did nothing wrong because according to Genesis, everyone on this planet is the result of two people inbreeding anyway...

    Also, I'd be curious to know where exactly the bible says you can't sex up your sister, 'cause I'm pretty sure it isn't in there.

  17. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I grew up in a family with 8 siblings. Never did I have to fear my older brothers or sisters. I'm an atheist and was brought up without religion.
    Maybe the actual issue is, that the religious people should spend less time reciting fairie tales to their children and more time teaching morals, ethics, and your basic rights and wrongs, plus a bit of respect for our judicial system. Then maybe, just maybe they wouldn't be raising so many deviants and those that support deviants, since those have no place in a productive society.

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    They are turning themselves inside out to defend a child molester and criminal, all because Jesus.

    Jessa Duggar’s father-in-law rails against unwed mothers and sex ed in rant defending Josh

    ...“So, what is the ultimate answer?” asks Seewald, before replying. “The answer is what Josh found and millions like him. He found forgiveness and cleansing from Jesus Christ.”

    “Jesus forgives repentant sinners,” Seewald explains. “Real sinners: murderers, thieves, child molesters, homosexuals, self righteous church goers, the proud, liars, scoffers, atheists, hypocrites, and any other sinner or combination of them all. All that is required is to come to Jesus confessing that you are a sinner and with faith that his death will avail for you. He will receive you and begin the process of salvaging your life for his glory.”


    1. They are all monsters. Monsters.

      Christ in a handbag, but I don't want my life "salvaged for his glory." (Seewald.) For anyone's glory. Fucking servitude, that's what the Christian Taliban AND the Republicans want to impose on the US.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      "All that is required is to come to Jesus confessing that you are a sinner and with faith that his death will avail for you. He will receive you and begin the process of salvaging your life for his glory.”

      That's all that is required? Well, shoot howdy, someone's just solved the problems of our criminal justice system. Why aren't we closing down the prisons today? We don't need 'em, all they have to do is say "Jesus Si, Sin No" and they shall be healed and Never Sin Again!

      It's Henry the 2nd and Thomas Becket fast-forwarded into the 21st century - Jesus people should have their own law courts separate from the State 'cause the Supreme Court isn't the Supreme Being (No shit Huckabee) but if your Supreme Being says Mohamed is his prophet, well then how dare you try to claim religious law trumps the laws of the USA!

      Do these people not see how they are becoming - or are asking to become, or already are - the very thing they say they are afraid of?


    3. Yeah, but you're not supposed to intentionally commit sins based on the knowledge that all you have to do is repent and say sorry and all if forgiven.

      That's like a Catholic with a wife and a mistress, committing adultery. But as long as he goes to church every week and confesses he's sorry, it's OK.

      That's not how it works.

      And that is the weakness of this whole repent/forgiveness clap trap.

  19. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Dan Savage's Podcast was released this morning. I highly recommend listening to his opening commentary on the Duggers. It is one of his best.

  20. It doesn't matter what Evolutionists think. It matters what Creationists believe since pretend Christians like the Duggars, Palins, Cruz's. Bacmann's, etc. are the ones that are pushing their bullshit version of the Bible. Evolutionist aren't the ones saying that Adultery, Incest, Sodomy, Stealing, Greed, etc. are SINS that condemn you to hell. THEY are.
    I believe in Creation. I also believe that these pretend Christians are nothing more than Apostates, who reject the actually teaching of the Word. They are self righteous hypocrites.

  21. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Duggar Patriarch Ran for Senate Saying People Should Die for Committing Incest

    ...But did you know that before he was the star of 19 Kids and Counting, Jim Bob was a somewhat prominent political figure in Arkansas, serving as a member of the state’s House of Representatives? Gawker remembered. Gawker also remembered that he ran for U.S. Senate in 2002, losing in the GOP primary to then-incumbent Sen. Tim Hutchinson. They discovered Duggar’s cached campaign page from the time, which says the following:

    Q. What is your abortion position, and specifically, where do you stand on rape, incest, and threat to the mother’s health?

    A. If a woman is raped, the rapist should be executed instead of the innocent unborn baby. Adoption is an option. Many couples would love to adopt and are waiting for a baby. Abortion has been and always will be the destruction of an innocent child. Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes. The developing infant committed no crime and should be allowed to live. In the unlikely event that the life of both mother and baby would both be lost (for example, a tubal pregnancy) all should be done to save the life of the mother.

    Sorry, could you repeat that part again?

    Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes.

    Josh Duggar, who resigned his position at the pro-life Family Research Council as a result of the revelations, is currently very much alive and not on death row.


  22. Uh. Let's pay Josh Duggar to be a hypocrite?

    Man, I hope Duggar's wife is keeping close tabs on her daughters.

    I really don't get the connection this Hovind a$$wipe is trying to make with evolution.

    God gave us a set of standards and also free will. Duggar committed a sin. Whether you believe in evolution or not. And Duggar doesn't believe in evolution, he's a Christian. So he believes in God yet purposely committed a sin. And forcing this hypocrite to push the Christian agenda and work with families and little girls is not the way to make this right. Paying him over $100,000 commit this hypocrisy certainly isn't. Saying sorry and asking forgiveness does not make it all go away, although some of these Fundies think it does. It's that whole absolution thing the Catholics can't quite get a grip on either. You can't go intentionally committing sins, go to confession and then it's all forgiven and you're OK. That's not how it works.

    You could make the case that since Josh Duggar committed this sin, that proves there is no God because if there was, he would have prevented it from happening.

    Hovind is just a screaming idiot with his own issues and agenda.

  23. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Sometimes you see a quote and wonder what kind of a zealot would say that! They say things so far to one extreme that it almost turns into the other extreme. People saying things like that typically don't have a clue, and that's the inspiration for the new online game show "Which Flavor of Zealot Said that?!" (TM)

    First in a continuing series!

    We present the quote and the readers vote on "Which Flavor of Zealot Said that?!" (TM)

    Proper names and other giveaways will be removed from the quotes as necessary for added suspense.

    Today's Nugget of Wisdom has to do with masturbation and those loose sperm causing pregnant hands in the afterlife:

    "According to Daily News, a 2000 TV viewer told preacher on Sunday that he “kept masturbating, although he was married, and even during the .

    warned the man that viewed masturbation as a or forbidden act.

    “Moreover, one states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” opined, according to the translation provided by Daily News.

    “If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?” the televangelist noted, adding that the viewer should try to “resist Satan’s temptations.”

    What religion is apparently worrying about pregnant hands in the afterlife? What do you think? "Which Flavor of Zealot Said That?!"(TM)

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Better try again.

      Sometimes you see a quote and wonder what kind of a zealot would say that! They say things so far to one extreme that it almost turns into the other extreme! People saying things like that typically don't have a clue, and that's the inspiration for the new online game show "Which Flavor of Zealot Said that?!" (TM)

      First in a continuing series!

      We present the quote and the readers vote on "Which Flavor of Zealot Said that?!" (TM)

      Proper names and other giveaways will be removed from the quotes as necessary for added suspense.

      Today's Nugget of Wisdom has to do with masturbation and those loose sperm causing pregnant hands in the afterlife:

      "According to (newspaper name removed) Daily News, a 2000 TV viewer told (religion removed) preacher (religious televangelist name removed) on Sunday that he “kept masturbating, although he was married, and even during the (religious pilgrimage name removed).

      (Religious televangelist's name removed) warned the man that (religion removed) viewed masturbation as a (word for flavor of sin removed) or forbidden act.

      “Moreover, one (word for flavor of sin removed) states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” (name removed) opined, according to the translation provided by (newspaper name removed) Daily News.

      “If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?” the televangelist noted, adding that the viewer should try to “resist Satan’s temptations.”

      What religion could be worrying about pregnant hands in the afterlife? What do you think? "Which Flavor of Zealot Said That?!"(TM)

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM


  24. Does anyone think that is all of the Duggar children had been allowed to attend a public school and be socialized they would have turned out more normal. I mean, Josh could have had a girlfriend outside of his gene pool to kiss. And maybe mutually consent to feel each other up.

    When you're home schooled and basically trapped at home, you can become warped and mentally stunted. Especially if you have to listen to Daddy Preacher pontificate daily at mandatory church services.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Yes! At 14 he would have been looking at girly magazines and working it out on his own in private. Of course there's that whole masturbating is a "sin" thing. My dog, these people are so messed up.

    2. I blame Saul of Tarsus (NOT an apostle! Never met Jesus!) and the Puritans.

      Even animals have sex just for fun. Sometimes with same gender partners.

      These puritan fundies want to suppress what is a natural animal behavior that, if you believe in that sort of thing, GOD INVENTED!

      Why would God create an orgasm if he didn't want those having sex to enjoy it?

      It's not beer that proves God loves us, it's orgasms and sex.

      Next thing you know the Fundies are going to start circumcising female children just like the barbarians do....so they don't feel anything. That way they won't be tempted to commit adultery since it won't be enjoyable.

      Our Neo-Puritans are so close to fundamentalist Muslims it isn't even funny. If they had their way we'd have our own brand of Christian Sharia law in this country.

  25. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Evolution explains morality quite well, and certainly more convincingly than a religion whose adherents would have us believe that before their religion was concocted, morality didn't exist. Survival of a specie makes morality necessary, and it's not at all difficult to observe that animal groups are not viciously preying on each other and are instead behaving in ways that make them collectively successful. Empathy is foundational to morality - and treating others as you would want to be treated by them is not an idea that came from any religious book. In the cases I've read about, studies of the morality of (previously) uncontacted tribes reveals the systems of morality under which they lived is something we would be wise to aspire to. (The reason isolated tribes have to be protected is due to the devastation brought by xtian missionaries who destroyed harmonious cultures and left native peoples alcoholics, drug addicts and prostitutes, to return home to the accolades of fellow xtians for spreading the word and saving those poor savages who wore too little clothing. All of which was moral, of course.)

  26. I agree with you on this one.

    It's always really scary to me that so many Christians seem to indicate that the only thing keeping them from killing me is that their holy book says they would go to Hell if they did.

    I'm glad the Bible says "Do not kill." After all, people of faith are making it clear that the civil law alone will not keep them from doing something - theyneed special exceptions from our laws so they can do things that would otherwise be illegal, in fact.

    Them's morals, folks...

    1. They apparently don't have any problems with Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not covet, Do not commit adultery....

      I'm surprised they stop at Do not kill. Though I'm sure many are pro death penalty and pro war. So much for pro-choice. We all know they only give a $hit from conception until birth. After that you're on your own.

  27. Anonymous12:35 PM


  28. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ultra-Conservative Tea Partier Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

    An ultra-conservative former Brooklyn city council candidate and Tea Party strategist – whose campaign slogan was “Our children are our future” – has been arrested this Thursday for possessing and sharing child p*rn on the Internet.

    Joseph Hayon, 37, admitted to police that he traded the images of kids between the ages of 2 and 12 in December 2014.

    According to prosecutors, a tip led police to search Hayon’s, where the found his stash.


  29. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Well i hope the massive disaster coming burns these lousy christians alive.
    Darn creep, duggard is just a slimy pedophiler ! In religious clothing.

  30. Anonymous2:01 PM

    What an ass. Even Adam Smith saw moral sentiments as innate - and though he didn't have the language to say so, an evolutionary advantage! In today's post-Darwinian understanding of evolutionary biology - we know that it is.

  31. Anonymous2:34 PM

    But in a Christian's mind - they know the truth, and they fear God -- and knowing the truth and fearing God, this bag of Duggar molecules still decided to molest his baby sisters. And they were not even in puberty yet!

  32. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

    If I want to learn about evolution, the last person I'd give a gram of credence to is a creationist.

    In nature, the most beautiful flowers are hybrids. It's about diversity and keeping the gene pool chlorinated.

  33. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Is his firing squad ready ?


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