Monday, May 11, 2015

George Zimmerman has been shot. Correction: Shot at.

Courtesy of TPM:  

George Zimmerman was involved in a shooting incident Monday afternoon near Lake Mary, Florida, according to the Lake Mary Police Department. 

Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell told WESH that police at the scene said Zimmerman suffered a minor gunshot wound. The incident involved Zimmerman and one other man, police told the news station. 

Authorities told local TV station WFTV that Zimmerman was shot in the face during a confrontation with another driver. The injury appeared to be minor, they said. 

No other details were immediately available.

TMZ has an update:

Zimmerman's lawyer, Don West, tells TMZ Zimmerman told him he believes he recognized the other driver as someone with whom he had a run in several months ago. 

The lawyer says Zimmerman told him the other driver drove along side his client and fired into the driver's side window. 

The lawyer says Zimmerman was not struck by a bullet, but rather shattering glass. 

Oh, it was just glass and not a bullet. Oh well, at least now he knows what it's like to stare down the barrel of a gun and fear for his life.

Not to be insensitive but my question is why did this take so long to happen?

Now I don't wish any harm to come to George Zimmerman, that would be inhumane of me.

I'm just saying that when you live your life as Zimmerman has these things are bound to happen.

You know, if there's any justice in the world.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Gryphen, don't be a pussy. This ain't no thing. Real men get shot at literally all the time. It's just something real men do. It's just George being George. (imaginary ruffling of George's imaginary hair).

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I wouldn't wish ill on that murderer, but I won't shed a tear if the next one gets him.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Anyone still think it was Trayvon's fault?

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Perhaps none here but if you read the comments at other sites, he still has plenty of defenders. Apparently, among various knuckle draggers, "Zimmy" can do no wrong. He is always a victim.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      My family's strongest supporter of most RW causes, guns and most gun nuts even says "George Zimmerman is crazy and was guilty".

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Nope! Never did... Not even for a second...

      Just a kid walking home from the store to his father's house carrying Skittles and a Soda Pop...

      Who met up with a crazy heavily armed self appointed vigilante and no sense of right and wrong...

      A man who never should be allowed to carry a gun...

    4. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Just a kid walking with skittles lol.

      Still painting that whole 'innocent young child' backdrop. Was he also singing zipadee dooda with all the cartoon animals?

      Nothing about his recent troubles with the law, theft, vandalism, violent behavior, assaulting and punching a bus driver, suspension from school, kicked out of mom's house, absent dad....

  4. Caroll Thompson2:27 PM

    There is justice in the world sometimes. It's a very rare day when I condone gun violence, but if anyone deserves to see the business end of a gun, it is Zimmerman.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      I couldn't agree more.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I heard this on the radio earlier at work, George Zimmerman was shot at today. Followed by, he only got scratched by flying glass. Okay, I'll admit it, I was disappointed. Maybe there's a secret bounty on his ugly, bald head.

    1. Whoever shot at him really needs more time on the practice range.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    He scares me. Definitely looks like a man that I'd not like to meet on a dark street. Menacing is his look, very frightening looking guy.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      To me, his look is a combo of menacing and dial-tone. Which makes it even more menacing.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      he's nothing but a Pussy,without the gun. just like dumbkota.

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      why haven't they taken away his concealed weapons permit after all the complaints about him? regardless that they were dropped out of concern of retaliation..theres a obvious and ugly pattern. not only did he Kill a kid,but they look the other way as he threatens others on a regular basis?

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    ABCNews just reported that Zimmerman did have a weapon on him and the other driver is saying he brandished it and that's why he fired at him. Finally met your match, huh Georgie?

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Yeah, of course it's something like that. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      This man Apperson is the same one Zimmerman had a road rage incident with in the fall. I think Zimmerman is stalking him.

    3. Zimmerman doesn't expect his victim's to fight back, let alone be armed.

      I certainly wouldn't believe Zimmerman's version of events.

    4. Anonymous8:06 AM

      compliments to apperson.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Not sure where I read it, but I thought I read somewhere the shooter claimed he saw Zim brandishing a gun in a threatening way.

    All I can say is, if it did happen the way Zim says, I'd have already told the police to go arrest the dude. My understanding is the other guy reported it instantly and has beed unfailingly cooperative and no charges have been brought against anyone.

    Now, why wouldn't Zim want the police trying to square his version of the story with the other guy's? Hmmm, I just can't put my finger on the reason ...


  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What you put out comes back to you. Too bad he and Palin both never learned that.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Were both parties wearing "Never Outgunned" t-shirts?

  11. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I wonder what would entice Georgie to brandish his gun in any road rage incident. Does he not know there are other's with bigger guns? And that they have a propensity to just "go off" sometimes, accidentally of course. Didn't Georgie's mom teach him correctly? Keep it zipped, George, you're not impressing anyone, and karma would be a face to face meeting by chance with Jodi Arias, the butcher from Floriduh.

  12. angela3:28 PM

    Zimmerman is a dangerous shit magnet. It seems to be up to his neck. One or two more incidents--he will be inhaling it.

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Reports now are that this was a continuation of a previous road rage incident.

    "Lake Mary police said Zimmerman and Apperson have an ongoing dispute and were involved in an altercation in September, when Apperson accused Zimmerman of trying to kill him while on the road. Both men are waiting for legal counsel before speaking with police."

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I started a GoFundMe page to send Mr Apperson to marksman training.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Ahh, great idea!

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Ha! Great idea!

  15. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Oh well, looks like Zimmerman tried to pick on someone other than an unarmed child or woman. Am I to assume the other guy was the "good guy with a gun"? I think I will.

  16. Anonymous4:01 PM

    If there any sense of divine justice, he'd have died. And no, I'm not sorry for my words. Fuck that smug little prick. Let him feel what it's like to "stand his ground" and lose.

  17. Anonymous4:22 PM

    and why the hotline to TMZ ......... ho baging douch nut probably outgunned asshole and the scum bag lawyer too

  18. Anonymous4:27 PM

    This is what George Z. would want, for people to believe he was shot, he's yet the victim. When first hearing about this today, I had a feeling it would come out he was either grazed by a bullet, or there was no shooting.

    This guy is a walking time bomb.

  19. FrostyAK5:15 PM

    Too bad Apperson isn't a better shot.

  20. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Some teacher.

    2. I have the same rights to free speech and personal opinion as anyone else. My profession does not negate my rights under the Constitution.


    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      God you are annoying and flappy lipped.

      Flappy flappy. Flap those lips.

  21. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:08 PM

    Well, if it's true that Dakota is still married, Bristol's gonna need a different husband, right?
    If so, I nominate Georgie.
    They could live in Florida, one of the finest states in the good old US of A.

    Is that a gun in your pocket, Georgie, or are you just glad to see her?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Well, he does love guns and that seems to be the most important thing for Sarah and Bristol.

  22. Anonymous11:15 PM

    George had left central Florida and only returned for Mother's Day weekend. He should have just sent his mom flowers.

  23. Anonymous12:57 AM

    That bitch zimmerman richly deserves some serious butt kicking karma coming his way. What a useless pos he is. I have zero sympathy for the killer of Trayvon Martin.

  24. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Don't deny it, you hate this guy and wish him harm because he defended himself against a thug who has been portrayed as a saint in the mainstream media.

    1. Of course we'll deny it, because every word of your comment is bullshit.

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM


    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      It's amazing anyone can still defend the lying, violent, waste of space that is George Zimmerman. How many times has he gotten into an armed confrontation since he killed Martin?

      I guess people like you have a lot invested in the idea that all young black men are savages and that shooting and killing them is always justified.

      Don't deny it.

    4. Anonymous12:53 PM

      He killed Martin, a grown young man, in self defense after being jumped by him and getting his head beat into a sidewalk, thugs life eh?

      You see that is why he was found not guilty of any crime, and why the DOJ had nothing either but politics to play.

      Too bad Martin's father wasn't better at doing his job of raising his troubled son. He of course was out all night doing who knows what.

    5. Anonymous1:10 PM

      lets wait until the story comes out on this one. will it be his usual m.o.,or will he finally be charged?

  25. Anonymous3:22 AM

    You're an idiot.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      look in the mirror.

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      look in the mirror in reference to 2:45 am


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