Monday, May 18, 2015

It's official, John McCain's favorite girl is going to run for President!

Oh no, not THAT favorite girl, Lindsey Graham.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

Lindsey Graham says he is running for president. 

While the Republican senator will make his official announcement June 1 in his hometown of Central, South Carolina, he made his intentions clear during an interview on “CBS This Morning” Monday. 

“I am running because I think the world is falling apart,” Graham said. 

He becomes the seventh major candidate to jump into the race for the GOP nomination. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, ex-Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson have already launched their respective campaigns.

Oh man this circus just gets more interesting every day. 

And how in the hell will Miss Scarlett of "Bomb the Crap out of Everybody" farm going to fix the world anyhow?

By the way this is how he answered the question about going into Iraq:

Asked about stumbling from fellow Republicans Sen. Marco Rubio and former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida on Iraq, Graham said that knowing what we know now his answer of going into Iraq would be, “probably not, but that’s yesterday’s thinking.” Graham, however, added that “I’m afraid that more American soldiers will die in Iraq, eventually in Syria, to protect our homeland.” 

This guy thinks that every problem is a nail and that the US Military is the hammer that needs to drive it into oblivion.

He's the kind of asshole who thinks that a burning building needs more gasoline in order to bring it under control.

In short he may be the absolute WORST candidate for President that the Republican party has to offer.

And that is a list which includes Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee so you KNOW this idiot is really dangerous.


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    All I see is more fear mongering and power grabbing in his announcement.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The repubs are throwing everything and everybody in the race hoping one wet turd will stick to the wall.

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Why don't journalist ask them how fighting in the middle east is going to protect America's freedom? We have no business being there or losing Americans due to their wars!

    Personally, I think that all these Republican male 'wanna bees' should be castrated and their tongues cut out of their mouths!

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Whoa 1:21! You are spot on.

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Some investigative journal should be interesting about 'Lady Graham'.

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM

    calling him McCain's "favorite girl" is very insulting-to women

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      It doesn't offend me at all and I'm a woman.

      It's meant to cast dispersions on John McCain's affiliation with him due to Lindsey acting like a gay man and not declaring himself so!

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      cast Aspersions
      a girl and a gay man are different

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Yes, but Lindsey acts very feminine - like a girl!

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      i know girls who can kick his saggy ass

    5. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Sorry - this nonsense can't go unchallenged... First, calling someone a "girl" in an attempt to insult them is absurd and demonstrates the unconsciousness of the one who used the term this way. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A GIRL OR A WOMAN.

      If the issue is that Graham is/might be a closeted gay man in a largely homophobic political party (GOP) then SAY THAT! Because that IS the issue.

    6. Anonymous11:15 AM

      thank you 9:11

  6. Caroll Thompson1:43 PM

    How on earth will over 20 people fit on a debate stage. In 2012, they started with 10. Now it's double that amount. In a ninety minute debate, allowing two minutes per candidate, I guess the moderator can ask 4 questions.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      No problem. Fox is hosting. Fox is moderating. Fox will ask them about the weather, their love of God and guns, and BENGHAZI!! Oh, and the IRS, the Clinton Foundation "have you ever donated?" and anything else except what they would do to overcome poverty, poor education, hunger, and lack of healthcare for all. Heaven forbid we get a question with real import to real people. They'll say Hillary's name more than their own that night. Bet Mittens is there too...

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    You should be ashamed of yourself, using the homophobic term "girl".

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Why? He acts very feminine!

  8. cjumper1:47 PM

    How did referring to him as a girl get started?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      He is unmarried, has a high whiny voice, and is probably in the closet.

    2. Gabrielle10:04 PM

      Interesting... it appears as if mocking a Republican politician who is unmarried as a "girl", is okay here. If LG were an unmarried possibly closeted Democrat would he still be called a "girl"? Just asking...maybe he's actually kinda smart when it comes to his marital status.

      -A straight, unmarried & very liberal female Democrat (from Texas, no less)

    3. cjumper9:55 AM

      Gabrielle, I was uncomfortable with it too, but was hoping that there was a better explanation.

      --A straight, unmarried very liberal Democrat (from Alabama, no less!)

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Doesn't he realize that his GOP opponents are going to start insinuating that he is gay the moment he officially announces?

    He doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected president, so what is he going to do after he drops out? The base hates gay people, so he won't be able to give speeches and yap on FOX after his opponents get through with him.

    This doesn't make sense to me.

  10. OT: Elizabeth Warren released a damning report on trade deals. That's gonna hurt.

  11. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I'm getting real, real tired of Elizabeth Warren. And, I'm not sure I believe the stuff she is pushing against President Obama. Cannot figure her out for the life of me.

    Plus, think Lindsey should 'come out' and tell us he is gay. It will be forced upon him should he run for POTUS. He's never going to be 'the' candidate and will never sit in the White House.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Though I like her I'm holding off on forming a final opinion.. She needs more time.

    2. Leland2:56 AM

      2:17, I think perhaps you need to read what she said. The report I heard concerning her disagreement was that she was appalled at not having access to the text of the treaty and the way it is being created. In the report I heard on NPR, she said the numbers of people "advising" on it were like 85% BUSINESS leaders, not the usual negotiators. If that is inaccurate, I would like to hear someone else's understanding of her complaint.

      Personally, I find the very thought of ANYONE attempting to secretly write a treaty and then allowing only an up or down vote by Congress a bad idea - even with the crappy Repubes we currently have. The precedent is too powerful. She even went so far as to say that while she would possibly trust Obama in this situation, he's only got so many monte left in office.

      I have never been a fan of NAFTA, considering what it has done to our economy and have been leery of anything along those lines ever since. Ever heard the phrase "giant sucking sound"?

  12. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She is much prettier than Sarah Palin. McCain is showing better taste to stand beside this pal.

    Bristol Palin’s Wedding CANCELED, Let’s Make Up Reasons Why

  13. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Atta, girl. lol.

  14. Otto Katz4:31 PM

    Why did you call him a girl? Are you being homophobic? Because I take offense if you are.

    1. Balzafiar5:56 PM

      Oh, please don't be offended. Surely you have heard him called Lady Lindsey or Miss Lindsey before.

      If he would just man up and come out of his tightly closed closet it would likely all stop.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:01 PM

    eHe's running because the world is falling apart? Does he know what gravity is? Curtsy, Miss Lindsey, and don't wear patent leather shoes without your panties on.

  16. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The clown car is overcrowded but he can always sit in somebody's lap.

  17. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Another jerk in a sea of jerks. Not one qualified candidate among them and for the cherry on top one is under felony indictment.

  18. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "I feel safer already." .... ALIENS

  19. Anonymous12:06 AM

    It baffles me how so many GOP candidates are DOA. While they must have huge egos that contribute signiciantly to their decisions to run, surely they realize they are not popular enough to win a primary, much less a general presidential election? If that hasn't dawned on them, I think that perhaps years of uncontested elections in gerrymandered Republican voting districts has blinded them from the realization that they, in fact, aren't even close to being as popular with the general citizenry as they have come to believe.

    1. I think a lot of it has to do with making a follow-up career of speaking engagements, hosting gigs on right wing radio and tv, crappy straight to the remainder table ghost-written books, and so on. In other words, raking in money without having to actually work, let alone hold down a real job.

  20. Why do you hate girls? Why do you believe calling someone a girl is an insult?

    You say you support gay and lesbian and women's rights, but you fling sexist insults.

    Is it OK with you if people call your daughter 'boy'?

    "It Gets Better" unless you're an effeminate man. Then people will insult you till you die, and so-called progressives will join in the pile on.

    I thought you were better than this, Gryphen.


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