Monday, May 18, 2015

Well look who finally gets to join Twitter. Update!

Welcome aboard President Obama.

My advice is to tweet whatever you're thinking and never apologize if it pisses people off.

After all what are they going to do, not vote for you?

By the way he's already engaged in a little good natured Twitter sparring with the big dog himself.

Okay this could end up being very entertaining.

Update: Hey look the Right Wing is welcoming Obama to Twitter as well.

 I'm so glad racism is dead in this country, aren't you?


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Just started following him. Twitter is exploding!

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Call me crazy (many do) but I thought President Obama had been twittering already??? Since I don't, perhaps in confused. Confused as a poor, picked on, misunderstood single grizzly mama just trying to secure her little cub a new, sparkly daddy with a shiny medal and have to be a calling off the weddin'... Sigh....

    1. He's been Tweeting as @BarackObama. I think those are mostly from his aides, except when they end with "-BO".

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM


    Good for those two!

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Let them /aides have fun!

  4. Techgnome4:41 PM

    "Earlier today, the President of the United States and the holder of the highest office in the land, Barack Obama, debuted the first, official Twitter account run by the President and the President alone. Because of how the internet works, hundreds of people immediately asked the President to please sit on my face, daddy. And because of how the Presidential Records Act works, every single one of those tweets, from "spank me" to "fist me," is getting filed away in the official White House archives."

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      People are so gross! But I'm sure the President was ready for that lol

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      He will be as a lamb among the wolves.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Aides are doing this. Do you think he has time for this? There's some pretty stupid people out there.

    4. Anonymous2:52 AM

      How funny. This is one way to file it for later use. These things are important in love and war. (

    5. Anonymous2:54 AM

      Let us hope that all bags and threats make their voice be heard. Clear the air folks.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The predictable meltdown of the lunatics, as the President joins the Twitter madhouse:

  6. Anita Winecooler5:06 PM

    Pass the popcorn. They're crawling out from under their rocks already! See that, Sarah? POTUS opens a twitter account, and it's news. You fart the Star Spangled Banner, and no one notices.
    RAM's firing up the facebook machine already. Ronald Regan never had a twitter account blah blah blah.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      RR never had one? Why, what was his problem? Everyone knows the Republicans invented everything good and fun and innovative. God, that hurt to type that!

  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Oh, too funny. Bill as FLOTUS! Ha ha ha!

    1. fromthediagonal7:14 PM

      I hope the new term might just be FSOTUS from here on: First Spouse Of The US.

    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Good one!

    3. Anonymous11:01 PM

      FHOTUS = First Husband of the United States?

      (pronounced 'photus')

      OR, keep FLOTUS = First Lord of the United States?
      (Lady vs Lord)


  8. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I love them both and I don't care who has a problem with that! lol

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Bill O’Reilly Accused of Domestic Violence in Custody Battle

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      I'm sure it's all Obama's and the liberal media's fault.

  10. Oh shit I'm going to have to learn how to do this!

    1. There are a few good candidates among fellow commenters whom you might follow, and check out who THEY follow. It'll give you a good start in seeing the kind of Tweets you might want in your Twitter stream. That is, if you like the kind of news and discussions in these places we already visit.

      You can follow anybody you have an interest it, but it's a good idea to look at their profile and history first (although you can un-follow any time).

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    It takes a genius to be a witty comedian. Excellent, Mr President.
    I will miss him terribly being in the driver's seat. But glad we will still have him a-tweetin'!

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sarah Palin announces that daughter's wedding "will not be held." Oops! I guess the ring wasn't enough to convince Bristol to sign the next few years of her life away.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      And Sarah was wearing the ring in California, before Bristol called things off, or he did...Something is smelling like rotten fish, as always with this backwoods crew.

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Well, she "did" buy it.
      Now he answers to HER. ;-)

  13. Anonymous6:09 PM

    He's already hit a 1.4 MILLION followers.

  14. Anonymous6:43 PM


    Know anyone interested in @FLOTUS? "

    Love it!

  15. Anonymous6:51 PM

    uh ohhhhh

    carolhaka renalin • an hour ago
    Biden's coke head daughter also has a "resisting arrest" charge against her. But look, Sarah Palin's daughter had 2 illegitimate children 6 months apart! Squirrelllll ....

    JanuarysRose8 carolhaka • an hour ago
    Better than aborting them. That's a plus to me.

  16. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I Love my president. I would love to meet shitfuck sarah palin and walk up to her and bitchslap the little sense she has left in her pea brain. Slap her until she cries like a baby. She has caused so many people, so much harm. Especialy my beloved my president. Fuck her

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      She's put to bed like a baby every night.
      Queen Heifer is FINISHED.

  17. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Fox "news" is to blame for all the sociopathic hatred shown in those obscene tweets.

    They have been pissing on the easily manipulated for many years now...and have them geared up to do nearly anything.

    If you can stand to WATCH that fount of rightwing propaganda for even a few minutes, you'll hear two or three ridiculous statements, meant to instill hatred of the President.

    I'm all for free speech and all, but NOT for outright treason and sedition. I hope to live to see Fox shut down for good, by millennials who are too savvy to fall for their bullshit.

  18. Anonymous12:51 AM

    The one that said "we still hang for treason, don't we?". Good. Let's start with the 47 traitors in the US Senate

  19. Anonymous2:39 AM

    The one that says "Rope, we still hang traitors, don't we?" There are 47 senators that we can start with...

  20. Anonymous2:45 AM

    The bottom feeders and their welcome to twit and twat wagon are similar to the Republikkan clown car. And now!!! The citizen united bus load of shit and giggles and lousy entertainment show. It was last seen heading to ky jelly for the 23th, Memorial weekend.

  21. Anonymous3:16 AM

    That distorted evil fake poster is so distressing. How are there people in this country who would do such a thing or think it a joke? The insults and malice so prevalent in social media shows the very ugly side of us Americans. We should all feel ashamed when anyone sinks so low.

  22. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Liberals are pissed off because everybody hates Obama lol.

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Everybody doesn't hate Obama. Only the bottom feeders of society. You being one of them?

    2. Anonymous6:12 AM

      5:15 PM
      "Liberals are pissed off because everybody hates Obama lol."
      Riiiiiight!! Obama was so hated that he won in 2008 and again in 2012 both times with a margin of millions of votes. Because that's what we do in America, we vote for the guy we hate. Duh.

      How stupid are you? What is your IQ? You must be down in Sarah Palin's IQ range, 83.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      We hate Obama!

    4. Anonymous12:55 PM

      @6:12 Go f*** yourself.

  23. Grrrr !7:45 AM

    For seven years now, conservatives have hurled the most vile and offensive racist insults at Obama ...

    But that 'Rope' graphic is by far THE most disgustingly nauseating thing I've ever seen!

    Evidently, the answer to "How low can they get?" is "The Mariana Trench!"

  24. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I despise the racism that is so prevalent in our nation. Poor President Obama and First Lady Michelle! Those twitters above are abhorring!

    Sorry to say it, but we have many Americans out there that should be shot! So, so many truly evil folks!

    Thank you President Obama for the fine job you have done, and are doing, for America! I'm delighted in the fact I voted for you both times (and I'm white!).


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It just goes directly to their thighs.