Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jeb Bush goes to Liberty University to pander his pants off for that sweet, sweet evangelical vote.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Jeb Bush on Saturday made a major overture to evangelical voters, seeking to reassure a skeptical voting bloc that when it comes to core beliefs about religious freedom and Christianity’s role in the world, he’s with them. 

The former Florida governor and likely presidential candidate made his pitch at a commencement address at Liberty University, a prominent symbol of evangelical Christianity in Lynchburg, Va., that has become a routine campaign stop for presidential hopefuls. Bush aimed to connect with evangelical voters — many of whom have been wary of his potential candidacy — by decrying progressives who, in his characterization, see no role for religion in public life.

“I am asked sometimes whether I would ever allow my decisions in government to be influenced by my Christian faith,” Bush said, building on a spirited defense of the First Amendment and the importance of free exercise of religion. “Whenever I hear this, I know what they want me to say. The simple and safe reply is, ‘No. Never. Of course not.’ If the game is political correctness, that’s the answer that moves you to the next round. The endpoint is a certain kind of politician we’ve all heard before – the guy whose moral convictions are so private, so deeply personal, that he even refuses to impose them on himself.” 

Holy crap! It almost sounds as if Bush has been possessed by the spirit of Ted Cruz.

But wait, there's more:  

“The stories vary, year after year, but the storyline is getting familiar: The progressive political agenda is ready for its next great leap forward, and religious people or churches are getting in the way. Our friends on the left like to view themselves as the agents of change and reform, and you and I are supposed to just get with the program.” 

And do you know why those of us on the Left view ourselves as "agents of change and reform?" 

Because we are.

And the reason that that we see Fundamentalist Christians diametrically opposed to that kind of change, or the acceptance of all people despite their sexuality, religion, or lack of religion, is because they are.

If religious people did not demand that their ability to discriminate against gay people while hiding behind their faith be protected, or attempt to indoctrinate public school children in science classes by promoting the teaching of Creationism, or freak out because a child sits during the Pledge of Allegiance rather than pay homage to their God, then I don't see too many liberals having a problem with them.

After all it is not their right to worship that we object to, it's their constant need to impose their primitive religious beliefs on all of the rest of us that chaps our ass.

You know we openly mocked Sarah Palin just the other day for going full televangelist, but now it's clear that she is simply jumping on a bandwagon already bulging with potential presidential candidates who seem poised to reanimate the social conservative values of the Moral Majority.

And this in the era of gay marriage, a dramatic decline in church attendance, and the rapid growth of non-theism.

Well as one of those political progressives that Jebbie is bitching about all I have to say is, "Sounds like a plan to me."

I completely support the Republican party going back in time and embracing the values espoused by Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggert, and Pat Robertson.  Good luck with that.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "Well as one of those political progressives that Jebbie is bitching about all I have to say is, 'Sounds like a plan to me.'"


  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    What the religious right doesn't understand is that many progressives have a faith in God, the late Kennedy brothers were all Catholic but never tried to get birth control and divorce outlawed because why?, they respected other people right to believe and worship as they choose.

    1. Anonymous3:54 AM

      John, Robert and Ted Kennedy also understood the importance of separation of church and state and they all valued the Constitution. That's the big difference between the pseudo-Christian politicians of today and those of our very recent past. All of the nonsense about religion that we get from today's GOP wanna-be candidates has nothing to do with either religion or the Constitution. For them, it's all about control.

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'd have a shred of respect left for Jebbadiah if he had the balls NOT to go kissing the asses of the ultra right wing evangelicals over nothing short of stupidity. I have more respect for JFK, who was attacked because "they" didn't believe he could separate his Catholicism and leadership from the pope and still be objective and fair while executing his oath of office.
    Go ahead, Shrub the second, remember they love tongue action while they're giving their "in God We Trusts"

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      He is a member of the Club of Rome, and had a private audience with Pope Benedict. He is also marketing the 'faith' bill-of-goods for all it's worth, and pandering to the lowest common denominator.

      My lifelong experience and observation is that people who talk loudly about their faith usually don't have any. Jesus taught that religion and faith are two diametrically opposed concepts. Unfortunately, His teachings are almost unrecognizable among most of the so-called Christians of today.

  4. Dinty4:21 PM

    OT: Seymour Hersh sets light on some misconceptions about the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden in the London Review of Books:

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Fuck off, Paid Palin Troll. Go back to your World Nut Daily.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Hello, Sy Hersh is one who should be listened to.

      Either of you, 6:12 or 6:42pm ever read one of his books or followed him in the New Yorker?

    3. Dinty7:58 PM

      OK, when someone posts something that may disagree with you, it doesn't mean they are a paid-Palin or even pro-Palin person. I post here all the time (not as much lately) but I have made my opinions being anti-Palin and pro-Obama pretty clear.

      You need to stop reflexively/defensively lashing out when you see something that may not tack with your worldview. That's something a certain someone who is the subject of many of the posts here does.

    4. Anonymous3:56 AM

      There was a time when I read Seymour Hersh and respected him. But not for quite a while. He seems to have gone off some kind of a deep end and not returned.

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Gryphen, you left out HAGEE. His Republican Christian family values are something we can all aspire to.... sex and drugs and .... a whole lot of free money.

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    What scares me is that all this, combined with the Rove vote-making machines and computer systems might get this Bush retread elected

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Bush retread is right: a Jeb presidency would be beyond a nightmare. Jeb was the founder of PNAC, Project for a New American Century. PNAC formed in 1997 by a group of arms-peddling and oil-hungry neocons who wanted to reconfigure the Middle East through forced regime-changes. They basically planned the Iraq/Afghan invasions long before news of the war was made public, and said in their founding documents that the only thing that would get Americans sufficiently roused for their 'cause' would be for America to be attacked by terrorists on our own soil (they called it a 'new Pearl Harbor event'. PNAC founders made out like bandits from George W. Bush's wars and Middle East misadventures.

      With respect to 911, the Bush family was 'there', too. Little-known fact: Marvin Bush's firm, Securacom, was in charge of security for the 911 towers before they were pancaked in an apparent demolition event. Before 911, over a long period of time, various floors in the buildings were shut down and closed off for 'maintenance', and it is alleged that explosives were planted. In all of history, no plane has ever flown into a building and leveled the building, let alone leveled it pancake-style. If you haven't read about this, you need to, merely to learn more about what this family is really about (destroying America). Did you know that on 911, the doors to the roof of the building were locked, so that no one could escape to safety there and be helicoptered out? And that the building surveillance tapes for that day and prior days were, ahem, 'missing', due to a 'power outage' on the weekend before the event? And that the building's bomb-sniffing dogs were removed just 5 days prior to 911? Marvin's company was also in charge of security for Dulles Airport (considered a 'sensitive airport') at that time. Thanks to bind-the-scenes maneuvering, Royal Saudi family members were able to escape America through Dulles just after 911, at the time when all airports in the nation were completely shut down to civilian traffic. Does anyone else find it interesting that no investigation was ever done as to why and how 911 occurred – and instead, the Patriot Act was hurriedly passed with little debate less than two months later?

      Information about PNAC:

      Information about 911:

      What in the WORLD would a Jeb presidency bring us? Third-world status, more war, and christo-fascist sharia-dom?

    2. Anonymous4:01 AM

      I have always had my doubts about 9/11 and, frankly, about the wave of "poisoned letters" received by liberal members of Congress in the days leading up to the beginning of the Iraq war. I suspect that frightening Congress and the rest of us, for that matter, was part of Bush and Cheney's ginning up the war game. Nothing nefarious about the Bush family would surprise me. Their ties to Middle Eastern oil, their history of sculduggery and of flirting with treason if they could prosper from is never ending.

  7. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I just saw this same photo on Facebook, in a posting that tried to make Jeb's little skit with the robe, sound GOOD.

    I was surprised to see a LONG list of comments, all talking about how the man is a lunatic...with NONE sounding favorable to him.

    I keep hearing he'll be the anointed one at the RNC, but what an uphill battle that will be.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Not uphill if he rigs the votes. And the Bush family has at least two presidential elections' -worth of experience in that department.

  8. Anonymous2:36 AM

    America is over 50yrs behind in technology, science, engineering, medicine etc. This is due to the current republican party of backwards and the lack of back bone from the democrats. It is time for Americans to tap the elected paid servants on the head and remind them who pays for their paycheck. and AMERICA IS NOT FOR SALE NOR ARE OUR ELECTIONS. global scum must be removed NOW


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