Sunday, May 10, 2015

So let's close out today with video of our President wishing three lucky moms a happy Mother's Day.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Three lucky moms got the surprise of a lifetime when President Barack Obama called to wish them a happy Mother's Day. 

The three women, from Minnesota, Arizona and Florida, had all written to the president during the year, CNN reported. 

"I know how tough it is to raise kids and do right by them, and if it hadn't been for my mother, I certainly wouldn't be here," he told one mom. "You're doing the most important work there is." 

"I was so proud of everything you've done raising four kids and you know serving our country. And you know, those boys are going to turn out good because of you," he told another. "Congratulations on being a great mom," he added.

Aw, that is damn sweet.  And you just know those mothers were all blown away to receive a call from the President.

I know my mom would have been.

Well gee it kind of makes the flowers I sent and the fact that I took Mom to see "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" pale by comparison.

Next year I think I'll shoot for one of those presidential phone calls.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Who answers phone calls from unrecognized numbers? I bet those women were not "surprised" one bit.

    1. Bill F4:58 PM

      I bet you are an ass hole.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Not everyone uses caller I.D. like you, Troll.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Maybe a family member was contacted ahead of time and arranged the mom to pick up for a surprise.

      Maybe the mom was told right before the call that the POTUS would be contacting her.

      These are still surprises.

      And who really cares except for a Debbie Downer like you?

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      There are people that slurp the pablum pushed by the publicity people and there are people who recoil with distaste. Takes all kinds, just as there people that read tabloids and people that read science news.

  2. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

    I'd be struck speechless, and my husband can vouch that's near impossible. He's a good man with a big heart, if she were alive, I imagine his mom would be so proud of the son she raised.
    Happy Mother's Day to all moms and the ones who paved the way for us. It's the hardest job to get right, and you only get one chance.

  3. Jessica5:00 PM

    I know a lot of teenagers who would break their own necks to answer any call. I have three in my own house.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Skanky can't wish her mom a Happy Mothers Day without slapping a SarahPac logo on it

  5. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I'm a guy with no children and even I would love to receive a call like this!

  6. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Why didn't Hussein Obama wish Sarah and Bristol a Happy Mother's Day?

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Because they are both rotten mothers, and because their offspring couldn't write the President an intelligent letter as the three mothers kids did.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Why didn't Sarah wish Bristol a happy mother's day?

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Hah. Sarah probably didn't even spend Mother's Day with her own mother. Otherwise, we'd have seen it or heard about it...hey Sarah, where's the warm and fuzzy posed MD picture from today's big family get together to honor you?

    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Because Bristols STILL waiting for a phone call from President Obama. Yes, she's that FUBAR,

  7. You Know Who5:54 PM

    Happy Mother's Day Bristol! Less than 2 weeks before your big day!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hopefully this marriage won't have to be annulled.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Happy Mother's Day, Bristol. Mother of 4 and 1 in the oven. Happy Mother's Day to Sunny, a real Mother, not a traveling Husband/Trial Daddy hunter like Bristol.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      x2 Happy Mothers Day Sunny!!

    4. Anonymous4:06 PM

      How far are the contractions? Must be carrying high, her chin looks huge!!!!!

    5. Anonymous4:10 PM

      And if he does keep quiet, it's used to show he's out of touch. The guy can't do anything his way, everyone's got their agenda he must meet or he's ingenuous.

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Not be to outdone, Sarah Palin just phoned three mother who previously made donations to SarahPAC and asked them to make another donation to Mama Grizzly's Welfare Fund because it's Mother's Day and the troops need thanks and flags need respect.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM


    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      You noticed that President Obama didn't call Sarah Palin on Mother's Day!!!! Haha! Could it be due to her 'poor' mothering habits? Look at her offspring and what they've not done nor attained!

  9. Scruffer7:02 PM

    I like Obama. I do. But I've always sensed this cocky arrogant 'thing' coming from him. I guess all Presidents have that and they have to. They're a major leader in the world.
    But in this case - he shouldv'e just made these calls in private. Not film them, not publicize them. Make them from the heart and leave it at that.
    Not the 'I am your President!" I mean, that's just ugly and turns the focus on him, instead of the mothers he's calling.
    Seriously, not a good image to portray....

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      You sound like my right wing crazy CO sister. She saw that photo of him with his chin raised, and has hated him ever since.."cocky." In other words, that N**** doesn't know his place. How cocky was Bush in that flight suit with the padded crotch? "Mission Accomplished" BS.
      I heard no arrogance in those phone calls, and I'm sure his choice would have been to do it in private. Bush couldn't even be bothered to visit vets in a crumbling Walter Reed until the press forced him to. I love President Obama, who loves people. All people.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      he was sending a message and setting a good example. some people seem to forget what being a mom means and the sacrifices made to help their children achieve their goals. and ,some need reminding. thank you for caring, Mr. President

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      How is it arrogance and ugliness to call a mom up on mother's day and identify himself as the President? They are obviously thrilled to hear from him. Is he supposed to stammer and say "aw, shucks?"

    4. Anonymous9:41 PM

      but...would you be making that same remark if he was white?? cocky? arrogance?

    5. Anonymous10:08 PM

      9:41 is this the new way? Anyone questioning Obama is a raciast? Grow up.

    6. Anonymous6:44 AM

      follow your own advice.

    7. Anonymous7:08 AM

      I don't know if the OP is racist or not, but it's strange to go after the POTUS for being arrogant and then in the next sentence says he has to be arrogant.

      And considering there was nothing cocky or arrogant about how the President acted, it certainly does make me question the OPs ability to read other people.

    8. Anonymous8:21 AM

      if Bush had made those calls, would you 'dis him for it,or give him credit for reaching out?

  10. Anonymous7:37 PM

    This is the first time I've ever had a crush on a POTUS, and I'm a 63 year old married lady. I wish he could stay in office. A call from him would be wonderful! I will have to look up what he gave to Michelle, the Wonder Woman First Lady for Mother's Day. Love her, too!


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