Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jeb Bush says that his brother's response to 9/11 was "admirable."

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) suggested in an interview Sunday that the crux of responsibility for out-of-control spending in Washington during the 2000’s was in the hands of the Republican-controlled Congress, rather than his brother’s initiatives as president. 

Appearing on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” host Bob Schieffer asked the all-but certain 2016 GOP presidential candidate what he had learned from George W. Bush’s successes and mistakes in the Oval Office. 

Bush pointed to his brother’s inability to keep “the reins on spending” but suggested that it had largely been the legislative body in Washington that had failed to control costs. 

“I mean, because of the war and because of the focus on protecting the homeland, I think he let the Republican Congress get a little out of control, in terms of the spending,” Bush said.

Does he mean the wars that his brother lied us into, and the agencies he unnecessarily created that duplicated the efforts of the CIA and FBI? THAT out of control spending?

 When asked about George W's successes Jeb points out his response to the 9/11 attacks:

“We were under attack and he brought, he unified the country,” he said. “And he showed dogged determination and he kept us safe. And you know, you can talk about a lot of stuff, but when you're president of the United States and you're confronted with that kind of event, to respond the way he did is admirable.”

You know I wonder if the families who lost loved ones fighting in George W. Bush's war of choice would find his response "admirable?"

I don't know about anybody else but I find myself really enjoying the spectacle of Jeb Bush trying desperately not to crap all over his brother's legacy while also attempting to convince the American people that he would not be a similarly disastrous choice for President.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    "He would not be a similarly disastrous choice for President."

    Well, Gryph, if a picture says a thousand words.......

  2. Keep spinning, Jeb. There is nothing "admirable" about diverting resources from Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden was, to invade Iraq just to make your daddy feel good.

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Why does the media keep saying Jeb Bush will be the Republican named to run against Hillary Clinton? He's down horribly in the polls (in that clown car of so many!) and is not the Republican front runner by a long shot!


    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      '''Why does the media keep saying Jeb Bush will be the Republican named to run against Hillary Clinton? He's down horribly in the polls ''

      This is typical of media. They try to decide who will run for president. They want Jeb to run, so they keep telling the public he will be the nominee, although the polls(people) say differently.
      They tried to get Hillary nominated like that in 2008, but as we see, it did not work.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      >>This is typical of media. They try to decide who will run for president. They want Jeb to run, so they keep telling the public he will be the nominee


      Newsflash: It’s Going To Be Hillary vs. Jeb

      Can we all stop pretending that there’s any real suspense in this presidential race?

      Read more:

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    He unified the country? Like HELL he did. He put the fear of the big bad boogeyman into people so Cheney and he could make a shitload of money. He is a OGRE.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      They are all dividers.

      We need to know all they are all hiding.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

      Of course he did, jebbie. I saw him with the megaphone on 911 saying everyone hears him, and that he's gonna kick Osama's butt. Then he landed in front of a mission accomplished banner. That stuff counts for something, right?

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oh well, he can just kiss his chances of getting into the Oval Office good-bye.

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Presidential daily intelligence briefing: Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S. Several months later Bin Laden strikes in U.S. Now Jeb says "He kept us safe."

    Invades Afghanistan. Corners Bin Laden in Tora Bora. Instead of sending U.S. forces in to finish him off, outsources this job to easily bribed Afghan warlords. Bin Laden escapes.

    Invades Iraq under false pretenses. Deposes Saddam Hussein handing Iran the opportunity to exert hegemony over entire Persian Gulf region on a silver platter. Worst strategic blunder ever.

    Is so full of Texas swagger with shock and awe, makes no plans to stabilize Iraq after the invasion by rebuilding the Iraqi economy and putting people back to work. Lawlessness and looting ensue.

    Proclaims "mission accomplished" after a month of shock and awe. Shortly afterwards, Iraq descends into chaos.

    Decides to marginalize hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers while de-Baathificating the Iraqi army. Turns countless trained and heavily armed, now unemployed men out into the streets. Violence ensues.

    Fails to deploy sufficient forces to secure Iraqi military installations. Previously mentioned angry, restless, disaffected citizens loot sophisticated military hardware which they now turn on our soldiers.

    Fails to provide sufficiently armored military vehicles to our forces. Numerous roadside bombs kill or permanently maim many soldiers.

    Having failed to provide a sufficiently large invasion force to fully stabilize, secure, and occupy the country, later decides more are needed and initiates the surge. Later claims the surge was a stroke of military genius.

    Oh, and who can forget that his actions and incompetence resulted in the deaths of probably unknowable numbers of Iraqi civilians.

    Lastly, ponder this. There are estimates that the Bush wars will cost three trillion dollars when all is said and done. That works out to upwards of one BILLION dollars for each and every victim of 9/11. How many children could have received a free college education for that money? How many people could receive comprehensive health care for that money? How many cures for terrible diseases could have been found for that money?

    We don't need any more Bu(LL)sh(IT)e(R)s in the White House, ever again.

    1. A J Billings1:23 PM

      @12:54 Great post! The tragedy, and travesty of the Bush/Cheney war adventurism, accompanying lies, and their war mongering accomplices has now been mostly forgotten, but the interest on the 2-3 trillion is robbing our current economy every day.

      I can guarantee you that the minute Cheney learned of the towers being attacked, his first thought was how he could use that to start wars.

      How appropriate that Bush kept right on reading "My pet goat" to school kids when he was told of the attack, instead of taking command instantly.

      Al Gore had a lot of faults, but the mid-east would likely be a safer more stable place today had Gore been handed the election in 2000 by the Supreme Court instead of Bush the buffoon, and Cheney the warlord

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      "I can guarantee you that the minute Cheney learned of the towers being attacked, his first thought was how he could use that to start wars". I still contend that Darth had a hand in EXECUTING 911 -- they knew something was coming and they leveraged it /added to it for their immoral purposes ("the new Pearl Harbor"). There are enough excellent, well researched documentaries and the Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth and other world renowned professionals that have proven the controlled demolition of those towers and a lot of other very sketchy stuff at the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA that do not match the official story. It is talked about in other countries a fair amount, but the media suppresses it here. Cheney & cohorts belong in prison.

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Anon 210

      Absolutely agree that Cheney was the mover behind 911.

      So W acted admirably? Yes, he was the doofus puppet Cheney chose to play Prez while Cheney and his company made billions.

      Furthermore, I contend that Cheney got his inspiration for his humongous act of treason by learning about the government's role in the other huge act of treason that occurred on 11/22/63.


    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      "Told of the attack?" He planned it - Read:
      SOLVING 9-11 BY Bollyn and 9/11 THE SIMPLE FACTS

      No plane struck that 3rd Tower that went down about 5pm BUT was announced by BBC news 30 minutes BEFORE it imploded.

      All 3 towers settled into their own footprint. No plane parts were found at the Pentagon or in PA.

      The Zionist Jew who leased the Tower 3 months before the demolition and had coffee there every morning was not in the Tower on 9-11.

      He had the building insured and collected twice because he said there were 2 planes involved.

      Israel's entire citizenry has guaranteed free health care and we are sending billions to Israel every year and our own US citizens are not covered by the govt. All loans to Israel are forgiven every time they come due.

      Of all the dead in the Towers only one was a Zionist Jew and they figure he did not answer the warning on his cell phone that morning so did not get out alive.

      The Empire State Building was struck by a B-25 in 1945 between the 78th and 79th floors and an engine plunged down an elevator shaft and set a fire in the basement. Repaired and still standing!!!!

      G W not only continued to read to the children but posed for photos with the teachers before exiting the building or responding to the message of attack.

      Check it out - Our FED members that run the Federal Reserve Bank that determines what happens to our money are almost ALL Zionist Jews. Only 3 of the 17 officials are Gentiles. The Jewish population in America is less than 2% so.....

      Take notice!!!! Netanyahu made a speech stating Israel had really benefited from 9-11! And we support them through all their illegal activity. Sheesh!

    5. Anonymous2:36 AM

      Yes. No plane hit the pentagon either.
      The pilot of the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was in the Navy and a few years before i/11 was involved in a "what if a plane hit the pentagon" rehearsal exercise. A fews years After 9/11 his daughter was suicided.
      The offical story is the conspiracy story and if the average person spent 15 minutes of their patriotic time investigating the impossibilities of the official story...welll, this would be a different country.
      Why did Silverman say they "pulled it" re: WTC 7?
      The towers were wired for implosion months if not years prior to 9/11.
      No building before or since collapsed like controlled demolition after fires, some which consumed the entire buildings.
      Thermate can melt steal and was used on the support columns. You can see it in action melting the steel in some footage.
      Thermate was found in the dust all over NYC.Physiciats and architects and pilots, all smart people have weighed in and 9/11 was not done by 19 Saudis by themselves or a cave dwelling boogeyman.
      Wake the fuck up Americans!!

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    As I recall, he hid on the day. Non one knew where he or the evil Dick Cheney were. After the reading stint at the elementary school, good old George was apparently whisked away to neverland for the rest of the day.

    1. Exactly. As I remember too, from the time he left the Florida school, he was in the air no one knows where, and not back to the White House till nightfall. And yes, Cheney MIA too. The most we got during daylight was some secretary of travel - a woman - trying to sound reassuring.
      I've always suspected he shit his pants, they had to hose him off and smack the hysterics out of him, before they could prop him up in front of a TV camera.

  8. Balzafiar1:13 PM

    Jeb needs to know this: he will never be President of the US. Bottom line.

  9. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The worst of them can't let go of 911 mythology and their grand recruitment plans.

    Why have US citizens joined the Army post-911?

    I posit that there are many kinds, but that also many of them have done so for revenge, as part of a religious war. And I also posit that these people are dangerous, and in it for all the wrong reasons. It's unprofessional. It's based on lies. It's downright UnChristian, from the standpoint of this Progressive Christian and the Christians I know who feel sympathy for the dead citizens of Iraq that have been killed as part of a war based on lies, a war started for oil, power, revenge, and politics.
    Track is a man now. He's going to war. His character and the character instilled in him by his parents is in my mind critical to understand. How do these people raise their kids? How do their kids turn out? What values do they have, and what mistakes have they made, and what do these mistakes tell us about their character and the character of their parents?

  10. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Off topic

    Today I learned "Christian Reputation Repair Expert" is a thing.

    Maybe the Duggars have too much santorum on them for this one to take their case? Or maybe it's the repentance thing?

    More details at the source:

    "Frederick explained that his clients go through an intense vetting process to determine whether they are capable of being helped and whether it's worth the company's investment. Despite rumors that he was hired to help the Duggars get through the scandal, Frederick said things did not work out with the Duggar family for reasons he could not reveal.

    He said that his firm looks for clients who have: "a willingness to admit fault, transparency, willingness to want to change. … Especially with our Christian clients, repentance is critical. This isn't our first time doing this, we know when something's going to work out and when it's not.""

    The Duggar boat has already sunk.

    Not to mention Dan Savage has already had his way with Duggar as he already did with Santorum.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      That is really interesting.

    2. hauksdottir1:58 PM

      That website also has this:

      Top Stories

      Hillary Clinton Calls Bible 'The Living Word;' Impresses South Carolina Pastor with Knowledge of Scripture

      As a member of The Family, I would think she has her Bible knowledge well-practiced. Every last unthinking cretin will vote for her once the pastors get the word out.

    3. 1:58, Clinton has an exhaustive knowledge of the Bible because, like me, and like every student at Wellesley in 1965-69, she had to take two semesters of a rigorous study of the Bible, including actually reading both books in the Oxford edition and doing a scholarly literary analysis of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), examining their parallelism, borrowings, discrepancies and sources.

      Hillary Clinton self-identifies as a Christian. That's fine by me, as she has been an extraordinary dedicated public servant and has the wisdom, intelligence and Constitutional knowledge to understand the separation of church and state.

      And if Hillary Clinton is the nominee, the more who vote for her, the better as I will be praying (figuratively; I'm an atheist) that she wins.

  11. Anonymous1:17 PM

    He must have sounded like a complete idiot. I can just see him turning his head to the side like Nipper the Victrola dog, confused but eager to please. I really thought he was the smart one (because who could be dumber than W?), but he is really not presidential material by any stretch. He has said some stupid things, but the real depth of his dumbth is his full-throated defense of the indefensible, his brother's administration. This is his idea of being his own man?? Oy...

  12. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Yeah, real admirable to ignore intelligence that an attack against the USA by Osama bin Laden was imminent. And then, what, like 6 mos. after 9/11 Shrub publicly stated that he wasn't worried about Osama bin Laden anymore.

  13. Anonymous1:40 PM

    W was a better president than Hussein Obama
    Time to impeach the Kenyan Muslim Marxist
    Send Barry and the Mooch back home to Kenya
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Please kill yourself. Thanks!

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      @1:40 you need to have at least one Reagan worship line to really meet the standard for right-wing-nut-job

    3. WA Skeptic2:36 PM

      Man, what are you smoking? This is a joke, right???

    4. WA Skeptic2:37 PM

      Oh, man, that is some potent smoke you've got there!
      This is a joke, right? Right????

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Snark guy is back! He's the Beldar of agitation to watch everyone go off, even told us so one night!

      Well played, sir, well played!

  14. FrostyAK1:48 PM

    Yeah, Georgie boy's response to news of the 9/11 attack was to continue to read "The Pet Goat" to the classroom. Rumor had it that he was holding the book upside down...

    Then he was whisked away to safety. Unlike the rest of us.

    Then he started a war of aggression against a country not even involved with 9/11.

    What a shining example for Jebbie to follow (NOT!).

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Like Sarah Palin, the man was an idiot. Unlike Ms. Palin, he was an entitled white man whose father had been president and for whom everything had been done. Unfortunate for us all. I call great that Obama won TWICE!!! Best thing that ever happened to us!

  16. hauksdottir2:05 PM

    Safe? How convenient to forget the anthrax attacks after his buddies made a killing in pharmaceutical stocks.

    Jebbie's advisers are the same warmongering chickenhawks who signed the PNAC declaration with him and who were in the cabinets of Bush1 and Bush2. There will be no change.

    And no security for America as long as Bush's are being groomed for office.

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Um, no. I watched the news that day from the newsroom in Bashville, TN. He started the day reading "My Pet Goat" in Florida. He then went into hiding all day until late in the day when he was videotaped getting off of the helicopter on the White House lawn. He tried very hard to look intelligent, informed and caring, but it didn't come through. He looked like a deer in headlights. We (the American people) knew exactly who was in control that day: Dick Cheney. Make no mistake about it, George W. Bush was out of his element that day, and Dick the dick Cheney was in control.

  18. Anonymous2:18 PM

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I'm beginning to think he's only running to somehow magically repair his brother's legacy. Ha! Good luck with that!

  20. So this is the creme de la creme of the GOP?
    Sad and tragic---but funny as Jeb is the "smarter" bro.

  21. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Jebbie is shooting off his mouth and shooting himself in the foot with all kinds of stupid, ignorant, dishonest stuff today:

  22. WA Skeptic2:31 PM

    Every one of the Bush boys are ethically challenged; makes you wonder what dinnertime conversation was like as they were growing up.
    Not one single one has any empathy or compassion for anyone than themselves.
    From stealing from S&Ls in the '80's to interfering in the Schiavos' personal medical decisions, they have no shame.

  23. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Chickens coming home to roost.

  24. London Bridges2:34 PM

    you have to understand Jeb is running in the republican primary. He is pandering to the Rethug war mongers. If he gets the nomination, then he has a good chance to win by controlling the voting machines and flipping votes.

  25. Randall3:02 PM


  26. Jordan3:59 PM

    I look forward to the strategery and truthiness of another Bush campaign. Dumb asses!

  27. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

    YAY Jeb, you're "winning" in a Charlie Sheen kind
    ] of way! Ignore the facts and keep feeding us the same pablum. Fooled me once, shame on you, fool me twice.... you can't get fooled again". Go kiss some saudi princes and walk hand in hand for a photo op.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Me, personally, I'd rather throw a shoe.
      Make that hiking boot with good aim.

  28. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Admirable for a retarded drunk who had no idea it was coming I guess.
    He felt lucky that Xheney didn't take him out as well as all the innocent Americans on that day.

  29. The statistic I read on the eve of Shock and Awe and that has never left my memory since is that half the population of Iraq then was age 14 or under.

  30. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Disgusting! Arrogance is not admired.

  31. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Gryphen, if you're determined to wrap yourself in the august trappings of "citizen journalist" at least respect your readers enough to get the quotes in your stories correct.

    To wit: "Appearing on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” host Bob Schieffer asked the all-but certain 2016 GOP presidential candidate what he had learned from George W. Bush’s successes and mistakes in the Oval Office."

    should OBVIOUSLY read

    "Appearing on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” host Bob Schieffer asked the ALL-BUT-CERTAIN-TO_FAIL 2016 GOP presidential candidate what he had learned from George W. Bush’s successes and mistakes in the Oval Office."

    At least you skillfully chose an appropriate photo to illustrate your post, so perhaps there is hope for you yet,...


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