Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rick Santorum agrees with Mike Huckabee that the Supreme Court is not the boss of him.

Rick Santorum and his family, the LAST time he lost the GOP nomination.
As many of you no doubt remember recently Mike Huckabee claimed that the President did not have to do what the Supreme Court told him to do.

Well today on MTP Chuck Todd asked for Santorum's response to the idea that the President did not have to do what the Supreme Court mandated on gay marriage:

“I think it’s important to understand that the supreme court doesn’t have the final word. It has its word. Its word has validity. But it’s important for Congress and the president, frankly, to push back when the supreme court gets it wrong.”

Now of course this only seems to pertain to gay marriage, as Santorum has no  problem with the incredibly damaging Citizens United ruling or striking down the Voting Rights Act.

Nah Santorum is really only concerned about gay people getting the right to marry like everybody else.

Now while Santorum  did not go quite as far as Huckabee in calling for civil unrest, he did suggest that there was a blueprint for action if the Supreme Court dared to defy the will of the religious conservatives:

“Of course I’d fight it. Roe vs Wade was decided 30-something years ago [in fact 1973, 42 years ago] and I continue to fight it because the court got it wrong. 

“And I think if the court decides this case in error I will continue to fight, as I have on the issue of life. That’s the role of a citizenry. We’re not bound by what nine people say in perpetuity.”

So according to Santorum if SCOTUS decides to rule in favor of allowing marriage equality, which of course most of the country agrees with completely, then that just means that the conservatives will spend the next 30 or 40 years chipping away at it. Just like they have Roe vs Wade.


You know I actually think that Rick Santorum gives a "frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter" a bad name..


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    What a lovely, happy family! What is that old saying? A picture is worth a thousand words.....?

    1. That 2006 photo, Santorum's lost re-election concession speech, is now iconic.

      Clutching her matching-dressed dolly(!), the younger daughter is thinking, "Oh shit, now he's going to be home all the time. Behind her, her older sister looks fully resolved she's going to be a virgin until she's 30, "might as well eat."

      Mrs. Santorum's face is the real study. This is a woman who is not intimidated by anything including Mr. Santorum, no matter how much patriarchy he spouts. My instinct's concluded she knows where all of Ricky's bodies are buried, and he knows if he crosses her, she'll have his balls nailed over the fireplace. She scares the hell out of me.

      Meanwhile, Pugsly Santorum there, over on the right, is totally lost in own thoughts of world domination.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You know, if I were god, I'd not be too happy with a Nazi like Santorum pimping out my name to win a pathetic election.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      If a homeless person on a street corner claims to hear God we lock them up for a psych hold.
      If a person behind a podium claims to hear God they make them a GOPee nominee for president.

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    And he is not going to win anything except the loser of the year ehich he needs to share the award with Sarah Palin!

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    what a vile comment to make about anyone.....the really lowers your credibility. Scum rating rises dramatically!

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Which comment, exactly? Cause no one compared him to Sarah Palin, yet. iOHHHH they did.... frothy mixtu re? Wig glue and skin creme.

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      wasn't a reply. Was commentary of the blogger

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      The comment culled from the urban dictionary was appropriate.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      copying & pasting does not make anything appropriate

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I feel sorry for his kids. To have him as a father or as a role model. Ugh.

  6. I believe the pic is from when he conceded the loss of his Senate seat in 2006.

  7. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I wonder why that little girl looks so sad in that pic, cuz her daddy is Rick Santorum, or cuz she has to wear that ugly frumper. Or maybe both.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

      That doll she has with the matching dress? It's an "american girl" doll. A hundred bucks for the doll, a hundred fifty plus for the matching dresses.
      He probably convinced her he was going to win and they could live in the white house. Hell, I'd cry too.

    2. The boy looks scared (like he knew his father was going to be in a rage later). The little girl looks spoiled (as well as the older girl)

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      The "little girl" appears to be about 16 but made to look like she is 6.

    4. Balzafiar7:34 PM

      The thing I noticed most about their expressions is that the corners of their mouths are all turned down -- not a sign of happiness.

  8. A Responsible Serious-Hobby Dog Breeder3:55 PM

    I became aware of his colossal ignorance and stupidity back in 2005 when he sponsored the PAWS bill. He is an expert on all things dog & cat related only in his deluded mind. Fortunately it didn't pass, but this a-hole has been on my radar ever since as one of the bad guys.


  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I dislike this idiot. But I will say he is the only one of the repuglican clown car that seemed to have any feeling for the actual victims in the Duggar incestuous molestation exposure.

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Such a happy family!

  11. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Methinks Rick Santorum was abused by a priest when he was an altar boy.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Little Father Santorum.


  12. A. J. Billings1:59 AM

    All of these cretinous fools insist on running to be Pope of America, instead of President.

    We are NOT A FUCKING CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY, and I hope to helll these Ayatollahs of the Bible never make it to 1600 Penn Avenue.

  13. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Well, isn't it just great. The law-and-order party doesn't believe that the law applies to them. That's something that some of us have known for quite a while but, now, they're telling it to the whole world. Is it because they would put their sick interpretation of "biblical law" above the Constitution? Haven't these guys, at least once in their lives, sworn to uphold the Constitution? Were they lying then? Or are they all just brain-numbingly stupid?

  14. Anonymous4:08 AM

    The thing that I remember most about the last primary, is watching Santorum's wife standing a few steps behind her husband on stage and his older daughter licking her lips, nodding her head, and staring at her father as if she was "in love" with him. It was really, really, odd. He also did a lot of campaign stops with his daughter instead of his wife. They acted more like a couple than father/daughter.

  15. Anonymous5:04 AM

    He can't "chip away at it." There will be tens of thousands of married citizens, he can't do a damn thing about it. Other than not marrying a man himself.

  16. Anonymous6:18 AM

    That youngest daughter is now 17. Don't you bet she hates seeing that picture.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      If that photo was taken in 2012, she was 12 or13 at the time - a little old to be clutching a doll and to be bordering on a tantrum.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I think it was stated it was taken in 2006,

  17. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Somebody needs a nap. What a face.

  18. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen.

    You saved us all the need to GOOGLE SANTORUM NOW!!!

  19. Let me again state I believe these two clowns mean a Republican President doesn't have to do what the Supreme Court says but a Democratic President, especially President Obama, must not only do what the Supreme Courts says but also what the House and the Senate say.

    If the Republicans had their way they'd chop off the leg of the three legged stool of our government during a Democratic Presidency but during a Republican Presidency they'd replace it with one twice as long.

    They feel they should have their way whether they are the majority or the minority.


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