Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mike Huckabee joins his fellow GOP presidential wannabe Ben Carson in saying that the President does not have to do what the Supreme Court says.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“You seemed to indicate that as president, you wouldn’t necessarily obey court rulings, even the Supreme Court,” Fox News host Chris Wallace pointed out during an interview on Sunday. “We have operated under the principle of judicial review since the Marbury v. Madison case in 1803.” 

According to the GOP candidate, the United States would be operating under “judicial supremacy” instead of judicial review if bans on same-sex marriage were to be struck down. 

“Presidents have understood that the Supreme Court cannot make a law, they cannot make it, the legislature has to make it, the executive branch has to sign it and enforce it,” Huckabee said. “And the notion that the Supreme Court comes up with the ruling and that automatically subjects the two other branches to following it defies everything there is about the three equal branches of government.” 

“The Supreme Court is not the supreme branch,” he added. “And for God’s sake, it’s not the Supreme Being.”

As many of you may remember Ben Carson was widely mocked for making the same argument earlier this month.

Towards the end of the interview Huckabee makes this statement:

"I want to get back to the main point here, it 's a matter of balance of power. If the Supreme Court could make a ruling, and everybody just had to bow down, and fall on their faces, and worship that law, that isn't a law because it hasn't been yet passed, then what if the Supreme Court ruled that they were going to make the decision as to who is going to be the next President?"

Huckabee goes on to say that the Court can't do that. Which should come as a great shock to President Bush, because that is exactly how he got into office. 

When the Supreme Court decided to stop the recounts, they for all intents and purposes gave the election to George W. Bush. If the recounts had continued evidence suggests that Al Gore would have been the President.

Of course Huckabee is only focused on gay marriage right now, but if he pushes this idea that we can simply ignore rulings by the Supreme Court, I don't think he would be very happy with the can of worms that could open up.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    That is so stunningly, amazingly stupid. I'm at a loss.

    How the fuck do you run for president without a basic understanding of how American democracy works? Why the fuck would he want to undermine the power of SCOTUS if you believe in American exceptionalism (which the tea party loves to use as justification for everything)? Has this become a Republican talking point? It's hard to believe that both Carson and Huckabee would try to push this line of thinking without it being some kind of strategy. Carson's a total noob to politics, so I could write it off if it was just him, but Huckabee's been in the game too long to all of a sudden spout this kind of crap.

    Scary. These people love this country so much they can't wait to see it completely destroyed, brick by brick.

    1. Maple3:31 PM

      Remember that they are both Dominionists, and have no use for either democracy or the U.S. constitution. They're just insinuating their philosophy inch by inch, starting with the powers of the Judicial branch.

  2. WA Skeptic3:49 PM

    I already knew I wasn't going to vote for either of these jackwagons; this just makes it that much easier. Why do these men insist on ruling as dictators and tyrants? If that's what they wanted they should go somewhere else.

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    “The Supreme Court is not the supreme branch,” he added. “And for God’s sake, it’s not the Supreme Being.”

    Let's make sure that Huckabee's "supreme being" becomes the last word in what laws rule our country. "For God's sake!"

    Why is there such a pallid response from mainline Protestants, as well as all other citizens? Really, the old-style Christians need to speak up and make it clear that these Dominionists are NOT representative of virtually all organized Christiian churches.

    Passive acceptance of these hypocrites and theocrats mean that the general populace will start to believe this stuff, when there's no active response from the rest of us.

  4. My dad is a retired federal prosecutor in addition to having served as a clerk to a federal judge for 10 years before, Harvard graduate, history professor/lecturer, so I think it's fair to say he knows a bit about the law when I say he nearly fell off the shitter when I read this to him.

    He was ok with Carson expressing the same thing because he believes all doctors are morons to begin with (law school v. med school bias), but coming from someone who was in executive office, Huckabe HAS to know that he is so beyond wrong, there is not a facet that could be argued for a different interpretation, such as there might be a case made that a potato and a treadmill are similar.

    tldr: wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong so very very wrong and wrong again until the heat death of the universe plus 18 minutes.

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    He's more full of shit than an outhouse! I love that expression.

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Good call, mentioning how Huckabee is focused on gay marriage, as well as obsessing maniacally over the sex lives of other people.

    The entire Republican slate follows in his footsteps, as does the current Congress: just look over what they've voted on in the last several years, and the subject of SEX in one form or another, totally dominates all legislation.

    You would think the Puritans of old had formed the government, now.

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    So how does Mike Huckabee plan to defy the court on gay marraige. Will he not marry another guy?

  8. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    The more I hear spew from this guys mouth, the smarter Sarah seems. Did they have the same history class, or are they both just brain, well washed, oh nevermind. Huck belongs to the Dick Nixon "When the President does it, it isn't a crime" school of belief.

    1. No, dear Anita. No matter how much stupidity comes out of Huckabee's ass, he cannot match the ignorance of Sarah. Sarah is one walking shitpile of retard, with Bristol being the whore shitpile.

  9. Sharon7:00 PM

    It really is funny considering the SCOTUS indeed gave W the presidency...what a short memory among other things. Gore had the votes...sigh, will I ever stop imagining how different our country would be if Sandra Day didn't vote, probably not. I think he really did himself in with that disgusting gospel spew over Dugger...that whole family makes me cringe...ick factor of 10, you had to guess there must be some wierdos growing up with mom pregnant every year. Why does the media give this asshole the time of day? The fact this jerk is clueless about our system of government won't bother his sheep, but seeing the hostile remarks about the Duggers....that is good.

  10. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Isn't Huckabee the one who said that he wished all Americans could be forced at gunpoint to listen to right wingnut historical revisionist David Barton?

    If he takes his history lessons from Barton, that may explain Huckabee's complete inability to understand how our three branches of government work.

  11. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, does this mean we don't have to follow Citizens United after all????

  12. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gryphen, do you think this applies to American voters, as well?

    When political parties fail to show ideological differences, centrist voters are less likely to vote, Stanford expert says

    New Stanford research on European elections shows that when political parties fail to show ideological differences, centrist abstention from voting is higher. As parties polarize, people are also more likely to go to the ideological extremes.

  13. Anonymous9:47 PM

    These Klowns would fit right in with Kim... Spot-lighted by Klieg lights on a North Korean missle sight, just before they take their rocket ride.

  14. I'm sure Huckabee meant a GOP President doesn't have to but a Democratic President and especially Barack Obama better do not only what the Supreme Court says but also what Congress tells him to do. That is the Republicans in Congress, be they the majority or the minority.

    In other words a GOP president is a dictator and a Democratic president is a figurehead.


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