Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sarah Palin has decided to use fear to distract you from Bristol's broken, I'm sorry postponed, engagement.

Courtesy of Elvira, Mistress of the Stupid's Facebook page: 

It's unfortunate and potentially frightening knowing that everywhere you look today jihad is on the march – even on American soil. Warnings for potential terrorist attacks on our homeland are now stepped up, and with the arrest of dozens of Americans on terrorism related charges, the message is clear that no place seems safe from jihad. (In other words, "Stop talking about a broken engagement, we're all going to die. Die I say!")

Our military personnel and law enforcement agencies have to be right every time, but the terrorists only have to get “lucky” once to do horrible damage to our country. The threat of radical Islam is real, and it must not be allowed to be ignored. (Quick get under the bed, they never think to look there.)

With the recent capture of Ramadi, ISIS has scored a key victory that is more than symbolic as this death cult takes land that Americans spilled blood and treasure to secure. Make no mistake that this situation could have been avoided had the Obama administration heeded the warnings of military brass that urged them to keep a residual force in Iraq to maintain the peace that America and our allies fought so hard for. (Dammit Obama! Wait, that wasn't his fault.)

But it’s never too late to do the right thing. That means getting serious about defeating ISIS at the source while remaining ever vigilant at home. As always, our foreign policy must be rooted in the motto Peace Through Strength. For your part, friends, I encourage you to keep in perspective the issues-of-the-day that media chooses to report on. Demand our leaders and the press keep national priorities straight, and don't allow fear to dictate our actions and change our way of life. To cower in fear is to let the enemy win. So stay vigilant, take personal responsibility for the safety of ourselves and our property, support our troops, and learn through history that we only remain free by being brave. 

May God's hand of protection remain on this country that has dedicated herself to Him. (Yeah, speak for yourself lady.)

- Sarah Palin

Okay I'm confused are we, or are we not, supposed to cower in fear?

Or is the point to distract us from the fact that the wedding of the century is now the broken engagement of the week?

As for fighting ISIS didn't we just kill one of their leaders, and aren't we helping Iraqi fighters prepare to take Ramadi back?

No I think the President and his administration can continue to clean up the mess left by the Bush administration without any help from Sarah Palin.

Besides it sounds to me as if she has an insurgency of her own to deal with at home. 


  1. Cracklin Charlie12:18 PM


    All I could picture was Jimmy Swaggart. Keep pluckin' that chicken, Sister Sarah!

    What a maroon!

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      " Apparently all the talk about the secret wife of Bristol Palin’s soon to be husband and the criminal charges that he faced and all the other secrets that have yet to be revealed have caused the weekend wedding of Bristol to Dakota Meyer to be canceled. Sarah Palin is the one who made the announcement which is only fair considering she bought the ring he used to propose to Bristol."
      Are we sure the BBQ is not gonna be another "Hoe down"????

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Gee, no new postings on $creech's TV pay me channel?? No mentions anywhere about $P's America?? No bobble headed appearances on FOX?

      Yep, ol' Granny Grifter has become a has been except as tabloid fodder. And no matter what rag $he appears in the comments run 1000 to 1 against her. Happy reading $arah and the whole DULL clan. lol

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      hmmm, slightly OT but wouldn't this be considered roughly the equivalent of $carahPAC$cam ?


  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Dayum, I knew that silence was too good to be true.

  3. I think this is more a misdirection LOOK AT ME! because Potus just got his own twitter account and has been racking up the followers.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      The trouble with Sarah is she practically sets herself on fire to get media attention, then when people start noticing what she's doing and make fun of her or point out her lies or hypocrisy, she starts bitching about how it's all the media's fault for paying attention to her.
      And the next day she's back chasing the media.
      "Look at me! Look at ME! No--not over there, that doesn't concern you... Look over here, at me!"

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I think it's more about too many people are talking about her own daughter instead of Sarah.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "country who has dedicated itself to HIM'? What country is she living in? Christians are dropping like flies and many, many more religions are in our country, which is driving people like Sarah Palin crazy.

    Fear, hate, racism and Satan like actions are Sarah Palin!

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Yes, apparently I missed the part of the Constitution that dedicated the country to one religion or another.
      She calls herself a patriot but doesn't understand the most basic things about our country and what makes it great.

    2. The women is simply an idiot who obviously has no, or very little knowledge about our founders. But we already knew that when she described Paul Revere’s ride. If she didn’t have ghost writers she would look even more ignorant than she already is.

      Truthfully, Dakota Myers should be real happy he didn’t go thorough with the marriage. If he doesn’t know it now he will realize it later. I’ll also bet none of the Palin’s will show up at his party, especially not Bristol.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Me too! I missed that part about the Christian theocracy. And, I had some damn good teachers and professors! Where did she say she went to school? I’m convinced in all those schools she managed to avoid one moment of critical thinking and spent a lot os time doing god knows what. It sure wasn’t becoming well educated, or even caused her to develop an ongoing curiosity. She just tunes in to Beck and Limbaugh and calls it good. Anywhoo ... I still enjoy The Palin Shit Show and am glad Gryphen hosts this blog for my daily tune-in.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Her political opinions and screeds are so boring that I don't read them any more unless it's pointed out to me that there is something hilarious or she's drunk again.

    Mainstream media could give a chit about what she thinks either so she's just preaching to her hardcore base which reads omens into every word that prove she will be our next president. That can be entertaining too at times.

    She's so much more fun when she or her kids make big boo boo's. That's all we're waiting for the gift that keeps on giving to do - show us another trainwreck and watch her take herself down another notch. Otherwise the world really has no use for this z list celebrity.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Fortunately, it's never a long wait!

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I wish to personally thank Sarah, Bristol and Dakota for providing us outstanding entertainment over the past several days. It has been far better than any movie, book or TV show.

    Trying to figure out if it is a comedy, drama or horror show we have been watching. Been laughing so hard ... it must be comedy.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    She acts as if she's relevant, someone needs to tell her she isn't. Of course, this is deflect from the bullshit she created, trying to snag a MOH son-in,-law. Why isn't she preparing for her celebration of life bbq?

    1. . . . it's life, in general, 12:37. What a dumbass! Bar-b-que to celebrate life, in general.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      She's not even being covered by the right wing side of things. Google news has got nothing but stuff about the wedding called off.

    3. 12:37

      Celebration of life? Somebody is/was pregnant. This is the same tired line the old bat gave during 2008 presidential campaign to explain away her daughter's out of wedlock pregnancy.

      Damn sarry is dumb as shit.

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What a dolt. All this is , is damage control for her knuckle dragger followers.

  9. angela12:41 PM

    As Gina would say . . . .
    Poor Baldy.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Oh, GinaM, where have you been? I miss your commentary.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      And Beldar too - I miss him!

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The dowdy Sarah is as lame a spin doctor or 'expert' on anything as ever.

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    How's your channel going Sarah, the one job you have with paid subscribers and you put more work into your Fb posts for free.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      The one she's going to unconventionally run from to avoid those pesky debates, ya mean? -- c4p

  12. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Hot rumours flying out there of possible but unsubstantiated tips so far that the divorce was sealed & buried because it contains information that would have disqualified bowl-hair-cut head from getting the MOH.

    Too bad he didn't listen to his friends who were honest enough to warn him about Palin Curse!

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    This from the crazydaysandnights website. This a very interesting claim:

    "Apparently all the talk about the secret wife of Bristol Palin’s soon to be husband and the criminal charges that he faced and all the other secrets that have yet to be revealed have caused the weekend wedding of Bristol to Dakota Meyer to be canceled.


    So it looks like more BAD news for Dakota will be coming out.
    Hope it's true.

    1. You can’t trust anything that comes from the C4P website since it’s so full of crazies. Like someone from this website wrote earlier, they analyze every word or action by Sarah as a possible indication she is running for President. But then again, Palin is such a grifter she doesn’t want to tell those at C4P the truth that she has absolutely no interest in running, and never has, nor did she have any plans on running in 2012. In early June of 2011 Bristol was asked a question by an interviewer if her mother had made up her mind yet on running. Bristol stated she definitely had already made up her mind if she planned on running or not. Shortly after that someone ask Sarah what she thought of Bristol’s reply, Sarah stated to the interviewer ‘She needs to learn what is said in the kitchen needs to stay there’. In mid September, Sarah PAC then sent out pleas for donations to help Sarah to decide on running. On about October 5th, or two weeks later after Sarah PAC had sent out pleas for donations, she announced she wasn’t going to run. That should be a clear message for everyone on just how dishonest and a grifter Sarah really is, especially since only less than 10% of the donations to Sarah PAC support the candidates she supports, the whole stated purpose for the formation of Sarah PAC. The IRS needs to go through the books at Sarah PAC and identify any money Sarah takes out for herself, and tax her on that amount.

  14. "It's unfortunate and potentially frightening [that no one seems able to get me to sit down and S my stupid self TFU...] blah blah blah ..."
    Jabbering anger dunce says what?

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    #weddingN4days LMFAO

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Our homegrown jihadis like the Bandidos and Hell's Angels? AIP members who would subvert our government? Grifters like Sarah, Bristol, and Dakota? Sarah can go to Texas with her dysfunctional family and clean up the Biker Gangs. 'Never Outgunned', right Sarah? No MOH shill for you this year, Assclown.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Golly gee, what if those sealed and secret records reveal Sarah's favorite medal is a domestic terrorist? Like when he pulled a gun on a girl from his school or worse.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Now your in the RIGHT direction

  17. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Was the Iraq War a Crime or a Mistake? Yes.


    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Actions speak louder than words

  18. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Fox News Is Hurting Republicans (and the country)

    ...The study, authored by Bruce Bartlett, who worked in the Treasury Department under George H. W. Bush and was also a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, found that Fox viewers tended to be less informed about current affairs than people who watch mainstream news -- and even people who don't watch the news at all.

    "Republican voters get so much of their news from Fox, which cheerleads whatever their candidates are doing or saying, that they suffer from wishful thinking and fail to see that they may not be doing as well as they imagine, or that their ideas are not connecting outside the narrow party base," Bartlett said.

    Citing a host of other studies, Bartlett found that Fox News viewers tended to have misguided beliefs about the Iraq War, the Affordable Care Act and other major issues. He also noted that Fox's audience tended to hold a bias against Muslims.

    "It appears that right-wing bias, including inaccurate reporting, became commonplace on Fox," Bartlett said.

    This is especially problematic, he said, because "many conservatives now refuse to even listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth."


  19. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Okay, since I am more worried about getting shot by a bunch of white, motorcycle gang bangers should I wear a bulletproof vest to shop at my local grocery that shares a parking lot with one of those breastaurants? Twin Peaks and Tilted Kilt. Somethings seem to attract pissed off, highly armed, inked ol' white guys....They don't hear or see as well as they used too. So, Sarah still has some appeal with demographic.

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The desperate Pee Ponders at Sea Oh Pee are really, really clinging to the "just postponed everything's going to be just fine" thing. What are they going to do when the inevitable shocking truth about Duhkota comes out? They claim that precious Sarah would not lie. Where is their concern for Brisdull? Weirdos.

  21. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The men who are truly destroying our country with lies, lies and more lies:



  22. Anonymous1:08 PM

    coming from the aip terrorist herself. threatening others with gunsites. christina,gabbie,micheal moore...trying to cause harm towards others.mark,dar...who else??. trying to divide the country*us, against them. trying to gin up the. crowd."kill him" against the president of our country. Sarah,you cunt. go fuck yourself.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Bravo! Well said!

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      The chickens are certainly coming home to roost, eh $Sarah? Karma's a bitch, bitch, and she's got her "sights" on you!

    3. She's just pissed cause Bristol sold her home and now has to live with her.

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Dakota couldn't wait to post his on his facebook his F___ You poster of M. Moore and Sarah giving the thumbs up. He was SO proud of that. I just thought to myself, "How nasty and beneath dignity on either of their parts". An ex-governor and a MOH stooping so low TOGETHER - really?? Nasty people.

    Then when Sarah suddenly had Bristol marrying him I rolled my eyes knowing (as most of us knew) this match made in heaven scheme was not going to end up well.

    Now Sarah & Dakota probably can't stand each other's guts in the battle over Bristol. Sarah won & got her baby back because Dakota wouldn't settle on her terms and so she wasn't willing to pass the running of Bristol's life over to him.

    Now look, they both got exactly what they deserved for scheming - they've forever linked their names together and tainted each other's questionable reputations even further. All they've managed to do is shake loose more skeletons that we ever knew out of each others closets. Ended up exactly as it should for making deals with the devil to fool the public for personal gain once again. I'm enjoying the fall-out.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I am not enjoying it, but think you nailed it on every point. Also agree that there are probably even more skeletons in the lives of both than we can imagine. I also think that Dakota has serious female attachment and commitment issues, and Bristol seems to have serious male commitment issues. I seriously doubt that Bristol will ever make it down the aisle with any desirable man, ever.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I suggest that none of the kids in and around the Palin household are going to have happy adult lives.

      Track and Bristol are the first examples we have from Sarah and Todd. Wow oh wow!

      Tripp is showing results of poor mothering from Bristol, which she learned from her mother, Sarah!

      Fucking mess to watch and we'll probably continue doing so for many years to come.

      And, I wouldn't be surprised to see one of them murder another! It wouldn't surprise me at all.

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I think Sarah promised him someone to back his movie or give him a reality show, on his part he was going to marry her retarded daughter Bristol. Sarah couldn't produce a backer so they had to make shit up and cancel the wedding.

  24. Anonymous1:12 PM

    She said, "i effed my baby because i can, and be scared of jhad so i can marry durkotex myself, ef taaad."

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      The only place Bristol and Tripp can ever be safe is when they are happily back to the old Kentucky farm with the guy who invited ISIS to his house. He has a gun with a flashlight, you know? He forgets the batteries and he bullets, but he looks cool.

  25. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Sarah, why don't you get out those flag boots from your TV commercial, march your ass over to to Iraq, wave your flag necklace and show-off your gaudy Wonder Woman flag bracelet? See how the 2nd amendment works over there.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Don't forget your Belmonts, Sarah darlin'. You know how men all over the world respond to you when you're wearing your Belmonts.

    2. . . . and don't forget the black rubber skirt with the built-in bubble butt. ISIS will love you when you show up to Iraq in all your glory, Sarah.

  26. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Jihadist on the march, even on our own soil.(what the fuck soil is she talking about. ) I have to wonder who writes this drivel, we all know Sarah can't put this many words toghether on her own.
    She is one crazy bitch.
    -Betty White

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Anonymous 1:19: Heavily-armed, mentally unstable, and ferociously angry Christo-fascists are on the march on our own soil. By the millions.

      There, fixed it for Sarah.

      There's no need to worry about Iraq. The republicans are brewing up ethnic and sectarian violence on the own soil, with each day that passes.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      She didn't write that.

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Yeah look humanity is about to lose it's temper and this jihad crap is over! See the communications like now that take place brings humanity together we are getting closer and we argue delegate and debate issues and behaviors! We are starting to agree to disagree to begin with...so then it continues..good! These crazy focks try to go Rambo will piss us off...and? Well I suggest Animal control...what do you think? Lol...grin...

  27. Anonymous1:27 PM

    If Dakota was an "honorable" person, he would unseal the divorce and post it on his Facebook for all to see.

    What you hiding Dakota? Man up.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Why did Dakota contact his ex-wife last October?

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      And was told to leave her alone?

  28. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Sarah recommends learning through history? That's rich.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Saladin and King Richard III

  29. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Peawit Ignoramus is going back to her fallback political 'pundint' silliness ... gotta keep the c4p brainless knuckle draggers enthralled.

  30. Anonymous1:32 PM

    If she wants everyone to fear, all she needs to do is keep releasing the crazy ring flasher from the USS Iowa. Video and photos of that repeated and we will all be full of fear.

  31. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Want to make millions of dollars? Here it is.

    Write an Ap that deletes all stories and photos of Sarah (and other Palins) from all the websites that you go to.

    The "SarahFree" AP will sell big numbers!

  32. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah who?

  33. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah, you are such a jagoff.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM


    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Chicago too.

  34. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Yep, ol' $creech is who our nation turns to for foreign policy advice. BWHAHAHAHA

    Can't wait to see all the Palin's and Meyers' whoopin' it up this weekend at the ol' Kentucky home - It will likely be their first meeting ever. What a great time to come togehter to celebrate the non-wedding of their mutual DULLards. YeeHaw!

  35. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You must mean provide the distraction to the throngs and the masses of the 25 posters at IM and the 25 posters at C4P that are obsessed and still actually pay attention to anything Palin anymore lol.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Ah Trolliana, you wish it was 25. And that all are easily "distracted".

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      2:01 PM Why aren't you trolling Facebook for your Palin news?

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Gryph and IM have over 28 MILLION visitors, troll. Go back to your job writing favorable comments for Paylin grift.

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      2:01 You're part of the 28 million. Hate to tell ya but the joke's on YOU. rofl

    5. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Yeah thats right 2:12 4:15 4:47 and 6:26...... Eeeeveryone is paying attention to sarah and gryph lol!

  36. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I have a theory I'm going to float for what it's worth: I think Bristol and Dakota may have had an argument, a disagreement if you will about maybe his first marriage or even something else and the next thing you know, Bristol gets a good look at PTSD up close and real (rill!) personal. He's also an admitted to having it and if he has been drinking it may have boiled to the surface. Just pure conjecture, however conspiracies being what they can be, it's right up there with alien's abducted the real Dakota, and replaced him with an impotent one. Or the other way around!

    1. Janice A Soderquist2:15 PM

      Maybe he got a first hand look at how lazy and spoiled she is. Won't clean, cook and just wants to shop. And no cook or housekeeper for his house....?

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Probably all of the above.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Bristol has her own demons that she demonstrated at The Brawl. She may have gotten drunk, gotten mad and lashed out at Dakota who may have hit back 'cause not everybody is a Korey Klingenmeyer, not everybody works for friends of Todd and Sarah.

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM

      I agree, Poor Brissy is in love with the idea of marriage and if anyone noticed, Levi beat her to the altar, has a lovely wife and three kids. Brissy just teaches Tripp to give people the finger and laughs about it. Just look at any photo of Brissy, and any photo of Sunny. Someone's jealous and still carrying a torch for baby daddy one.

    5. Anonymous4:45 PM

      I think they just woke up one morning, a few weeks into their "relationship," and realized they had nothing to say to each other. At all. They had already had sex, so, conversation over. Two dumbshit people with a whole day stretching ahead of them with no prospects of real conversation.

  37. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sarah, put your own house in order first.

    Who asked her for her input anyway?

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      It had to be Bristol or Nancy begging mom for some shiny thing other than the elephant in the room.

  38. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bars in Alaska are now offering pregnancy tests.

    ... The pilot program is meant to reduce the number of babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome in the state. Alaska has one of the highest rates in the country. Supporters hope the tests will reach women early in pregnancy — a crucial time when they might not know they’re expecting.....


    Just a question, can a mother or grandmother of a FAS baby pass the baby off as a DS baby or a DS granchild because the parent or grandmother is embarrassed?

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      x two. it doesn't appear trig rilly fits the downs syndrome diagnosis when you compare the two different syndromes. for the nay sayers..look it up. FAS, OR DS?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Good idea. I hope the ones near wasilla explain that the girl is the one who has to pee on the stick. They can recycle them as swizzle sticks, for full instructions, go to the Hobby Lobby website.

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      I think its another of granny's lies. otherwise,how could she claim the baby as rhers and save face. also and too how could she live with the other syndrome baby being her grandson. in grannys mind its always easier to lie,as always. anytime the deformed ears ect are brought up the trolls come out like they always do when we get near the truth. why has granny done Nothing for downs foundation?

    4. angela5:15 PM

      Trig is not Downs.
      His body type is not correct.
      He is underweight like a FAS child would be.

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Aw that's sad...so you can stop drinking for 9 months...your PREGNANT!!! I have known some tomboys' who worked and drank hard...knew they were preggo cuz they puked...lol...we celebrated it and offered weed...hey it was the 80's...but ya know what? Those kids they had are hardy and healthy! No excuse at all to drink when pregnant!

  39. Anonymous2:18 PM

    to paraphrase BJC's name for the Screechy Rectum, it seems plain in palin's world: opinions are like AH's; everyone has them and they all smell. I guess that goes for her, and for me, eh? Lucky for me, I'm not forever memorialized in all my digital glory as old Screechy Rectum is......
    as to her post....it says be afraid and be brave. she's such a farce.

  40. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The Palin brawl live on at HuffPo


  41. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Yay! Glad I was a tiny part of that, thanks to Gryphen's tip.

  42. Anonymous2:49 PM

    As if you wrote one word of this fairytale, palin. Your followers are so fucking dumb it is no longer funny. If you continue to try to ruin other peoples lives, maybe you should just end your own.

  43. What a disfunctional family. Not one person in the Palin clan is qualified to do anything, politics, speakers, variety shows, higher education, regular working on jobs etc.
    They are back at stage one in Wasilla. Just a waste of space, liars, drifters, small time crooks, uneducated and baby spawns.

  44. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Tawd rilly needs to hose the bitch down before she is going to appear in public. That nasty B is filthy.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Did you see him on the video?
      He looks like the proverbial creepy uncle.

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Tawd hates Sarah and loves it when she gets herself in trouble.

  45. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I want to know what stuff Palin is taking to be that whacky.

  46. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Bristol wiki page C4pees are making crazy changes.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Let 'em. Who gives a shit about Bristol.

  47. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Bristol has a new photo on instagram posing with her sisters and she is all smiles, they are trying to stick it to Dakota with the Sarah wearing the ring photo and Bristol's new photo she makes sure you see her left hand minus a ring.

    Back to living vibrantly huh Bristol? I don't think it shows you to be brave at all, i do think however that it shows you to be shallow, vain and with no sense of what an engagement means. It's also an insult to Meyer's family and shows no dignity, brains or class but it is so Palin.Ha HA! oh well on to the next trial Daddy right Tripp?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I bet Dakota's clan will be very very happy to celebrate life without the Palins.

  48. Anonymous4:07 PM

    This wedding is never going to happen. EVER.

  49. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Whew! When she said "Jihad" I thought she meant folks putting gun sites on their enemies, and bikers who love their freedumbs in wackjob texas, Jihad Palin is itching for a holy war but the world sees though her bullshit and are laughing their asses off at Jihad Sarah and Mini-Me never a bridesmaid, never a bride, counting the days till the special olympics. No disrespect to the special olympics nor the participants intended.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      And there you go, $arah, we know you read here,
      so questions for you:.
      Jihad like the gun sites you put on districts?
      Gabby Giffords?
      Michael Moore?
      Did God tell you to incite violence like this?

      Last questions:

      Have you EVER heard of Jesus Christ?
      Sermon On The Mount?
      Seven deadly sins?

      Do whatever you want, "freedums" we all have, but leave God out of it. You, and your effed up family, exemplify nothing of what you preach.

  50. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Who would marry that Pig?

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Piper Indi Grace?

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Do we really have to go there, 4:54 PM? She's a beautiful girl, I always held out hope for her the most. Entering high school next year, let's hope she is the first to graduate of the sistas. I just cannot imagine what it is like to live in that compound. No Thanks!

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Beautiful? Where do you get your standards?

  51. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I'm confused. Palin is always telling everyone how weak Obama is, and then... keep national priorities straight, and don't allow fear to dictate our actions and change our way of life.
    That sounds like she's trashing Republican foreign policy thinking to me - the foreign policy thinking of tough-talkin' cowards and draft dodgers. The same cowards who support torture b/c they know waterboarding would break them before their faces got wet, and who have no confidence whatsoever that we can stand up for our freedoms and principles and be just as safe as we are with the NSA and half a dozen other agencies sticking their noses into our private affairs - with their blessing.

  52. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sarah Palin is lecturing about terrorists and terrorism? Actually Sarah Palin may know something about terrorists and terrorism.

    Did Sarah Palin’s son try to terrorize Alaskan families by damaging school buses in the bus yard? Was schooled closed due to these hooligans terrorist activities?

    How about Willow? Was Willow in a house that did not belong to Sarah Palin, Willow or her friends? The house broken into was trashed by these high school students old enough to know the difference between right from wrong? Besides having sex, drinking alcohol and doing drugs, how much financial damage was done to the house? Was that a form of domestic terrorism?

    What about Todd? Was he involved with sex trafficking in Alaska? He didn't sue Shailey Tripp for writing a book about Todd being Shailey's pimp. Is that a form of domestic terrorism?

    Would it be considered domestic terrorism if Todd interfered with the duties of Federal Secret Service agents who were in Alaska assigned to the Republican Party vice president candidate detail? Why did Todd lure these agents with prostitutes?

    That's a lot of activities by one family whose mother was the Governor of Alaska and is now she considers herself a expert on Homeland Security.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Todd and $arah are deep in the USSS prostitution business, have the APD in their back pocket, as well as judges, and who knows what else. Saintly, aren't they? Just who I want as a leader.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Associates and quid pro quo with strip mall doctor who has a bevy of ladies that are 'loyal' to their area of expertise. Spa life and all.

      Shailey travel out of town with others. Greg West and others know how it goes.

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Care to address that, $arah, and the BFF Marina exotic? Geez, your followers are stupid.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      And that ONE they keep trying to kill!

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and Tripp, also too "some of the kids' friends", rented a Hummer limo and crashed a birthday party. Track and one of his friends, propositioned somebody's wife, in front of the husband. Bristol and Willow "went after Willow's ex-boyfriend's mother". When the homeowner prevented the two sisters from approaching the mother, Bristol slugged the host 5 or 6 times. Track approached Willow's ex-boyfriend, got in a fight with him. When the boy's father stepped in to help, Todd put the father in a headlock.

      Was that terrorism? Yep, I think so. Then the ex-governor's family wailed, moaned, cried and cussed their way through interviews with the police. They blamed the people at the party "who were jealous of the Palins". Domestic terrorism? Yes it was.

      Wake up, Sarah, you simple minded sh*t, you and your family of retarded inbred delinquents are terrorists. You are not a politician, you aren't even a decent citizen. If you moved in next door to me, I'd sell my house at a loss before I'd live next door to you. If one of my kids said they were going to date one of your kids, I'd have my kid committed. You, Sarah, are a terrible person.

    6. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Yes, $arah, and your whole damn clan. Can't wait for your next attempt at mention. When will you get it through your thick head that the ONLY reason you get any press at all is for people to laugh?

  53. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Is that a man in the photo above? Good lord she looks hard edged and masculine!

    And this guy just can't quit Sarah:


    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      It's gene Simmons.

  54. Anonymous5:11 PM

    ...For some reason, some parents have adopted a form of torture that was glorified in right-wing media during the Bush years. It is, after all, “how we baptize terrorists,” according to half-wit half-term former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin.

    But children are not terrorists, and torture is never a means to punish a child for a torn backpack or a lack of proficiency in the Alphabet. Children can be taught. A ripped backpack can be fixed or replaced. A child, once broken through horrific abuse is not so easily repaired.


  55. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Ahaha is this proof the Palins reads Immoral Minority?


    Tuesday, May 19, 2015
    "Sarah Palin has decided to use fear to distract you from Bristol's broken, I'm sorry postponed, engagement."

    Anonymous 3:58 PM said:
    Bristol has a new photo on instagram posing with her sisters and she is all smiles, they are trying to stick it to Dakota with the Sarah wearing the ring photo and Bristol's new photo she makes sure you see her left hand minus a ring.


    Monday, May 18, 2015
    "Well folks it's official, the wedding is off! Update!"

    This Comment Was Posted:

    Anonymous6:17 AM
    There is a picture posted of Bristol surrounded by her children and Piper. How come Track and Willow are not in the picture consoling their three time engaged sister?


    So on 5/18/2015 there's a picture of only two sisters and the comment said where's Willow to console Bristol.

    Low and behold after reading yesterdays post , Bristol instagrams all three sisters according to Anon 3:58 above.

    Since we know the Palins reads Immoral Minority


    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Works for me!
      C'mon, coward, run!

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Doesn't work for me - I want those lips nowhere NEAR any part of my anatomy. Eeeeuuuuuuwwww Disease laden lips.

  56. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Wait a second. Is Sarah Palin a domestic terrorist? Sarah Palin put sniper scope crosshairs on a map identifying politicians she disagreed with.

    Just so happen one politician, Gabby Gifford, who happened to be on the map was shot in the brain and she had to quit her job.

    If President Obama put his sniper scope crosshairs on politicians he disagreed with and they were shot in their brains, what would Sarah Palin be hollering on her facebook?

  57. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Selfishly, I felt as if Palin had stabbed me in the back.


  58. Anonymous5:56 PM

    When Sarah was asked about Bristol Palin’s wedding problems, she said Dakota Meyer and Bristol had “issues” to work out.




  59. Anonymous6:14 PM

    You read about gold diggers marrying very rich old men who are close to their deathbeds. Upon death the gold diggers are instant millionaires.

    Are there any studies regarding gold diggers marrying suicidal soldiers with PTSD and inheriting their assets?

    That stat would be very interesting.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Well your close but far...inheritance is a scam that Sarah learned from her folks...sooooo....

  60. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Sorry Pee Pond, if the wedding were just "postponed" Bristol would be wearing her ring. It would be easy to stop speculation if she were wearing it.

  61. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Earnest: We Can’t ‘Light Our Hair on Fire Every Time’ a ‘Setback’ Like Ramadi Happens


  62. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Anonymous6:04 PM

    Do we really have to go there, 4:54 PM? She's a beautiful girl, I always held out hope for her the most. Entering high school next year, let's hope she is the first to graduate of the sistas

    Anonymous 6:04, is PIG the initials for
    Piper Indi Grace's birth name? We at Immoral Minority didn't give Piper those initials. I'll give you one guess who did.

    Yup you're right

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I know, which is why I said it.
      Who the hell do they think they're fooling?

  63. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Sarah looks like she slapped on her wig without bothering to comb it or even shake it out. It looks filthy. She looks terrible. Rilly, rilly terrible.

  64. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Mrs. Betty Bowers ‏@BettyBowers 47m47 minutes ago

    Prayers for Dakota Meyer on his cancelled marriage to Bristol Palin. Is anything more humiliating than not being good enough for the Palins?

  65. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Awesome Sunny FB page. Getting their little house ready (that they earned honestly). Happy for them.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      remember the ugly remarks from screech when they stayed at levi's mom's house to save up $. we're so proud of Levi and his beautiful smart wife sunny. hard work pays off! hey screech! at least they didn't steal it like you stole the hockey rink supplies to build your fugly red shack.

  66. Anonymous7:41 PM

    There is a good reason her name anagrams to 'Sharia Plan' because the stupid bitch is incapable of doing anything of a positive nature. She fails at every thing except fear mongering for $$$$.

    She didn't even write that screed, she just changes a word here and there to add make it sound like her folksy drivel.
    She's this century's Tokyo Rose.

  67. Chenagrrl7:42 PM

    Jihad? On the march? ISIS is really no different than the grizzled geezers with guns and expensive motorcycles who shot up Waco. Both are sets of punks, one much better organized than the other.

  68. Anonymous7:54 PM

    We own the manly skank's a$$!!!

    Remember how we always say $he never sows any pics of TriG? Well, today, i order to distract from the non-wedding this Saturday, she posted several of them. Trig with HER! Also, too, a picture of Piper Diaper from her finishing middle school.
    HOOHAAAH! Now, if only $he can keep her in HIGH SCHOOL w/o any scandals or quitting...

    Brissles sure looks completely heart broken In the picture posted by mommy dearest. NOT!

  69. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Josh Duggar an accused molester gets a stay out of jail card from a pervert cop?


    "Josh Duggar 'was subject of molestation claims in 2005 and was turned in by his father Jim Bob'

    A new report claims that 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar was named in an underage sexual abuse probe
    Jim Bob Duggar allegedly turned his son in to Arkansas State Police after 'he caught him leaving a young girl’s bedroom and learned something inappropriate happened'
    The trooper who took the report in 2005 never followed up with Josh, and then was arrested himself and 'convicted on child pornography charges'
    Crimes Against Children Division later involved themselves in the case but by then the statue of limitations had passed"

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      The Palin legendary curse strikes again?


  70. Anonymous8:11 PM

    We predicted this outcome.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      You predicted what outcome? Palin is doing the same thing she has been doing for the last 5 years. No more no less.

  71. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Poor Bristol. A pork chop's hanging around her neck, and still the dog won't play with her.

  72. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Is Sarah Palin in Savannah for her 2016 presidential campaign?

    Shoppers at Kroger on Victory Drive late Saturday got a surprise campaign appearance in the store's parking lot.

    Savannah Morning News reader Marcia Neblet got these shots of a vehicle sporting a campaign sign for Sarah Palin's bid for the White House in 2016.

    The sign reads: "Fed up with the LIES?! Sarah Palin for President 2016. Most Qualified, Presidential, Honest, Vetted (for 8 years) to date, Pro Constitution, Free Speech, Gun Rights."


  73. Anonymous12:47 AM

    It used to be communists now it's jihadists. Same shit just a different turd.Like this asshole knows anything about anything.Cupid stunt.

  74. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Huh? Who gives a shit

    .... I don’t know what’s going on here: Bristol trying to pull a Nicki/Beyoncé and expecting people to give a shit when her wedding actually happens and photos leak onto Instagram, mildly disrupting social media for five minutes; this so-called “secret wife” requesting “secret alimony” back payments; Bristol and Dakota realizing they’re actually still quite young and maybe should focus on having fun and enjoying their youth for a bit before settling down.


  75. Anonymous6:11 AM

    BrisD'Oh what happened to your rush wedding?

    Oh wait, we should be directing that question to your mommy.

    How old is BrisD'Oh? Why is mommy speaking for BrisD'Oh?

  76. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Gryphen now that Dakota is useless to Sarah, will Sarah resume promoting Track as a war hero? What about Trig? Will Sarah dust off Trig for her photo ops and start up the I'm A DS Mother propaganda - campaign?

  77. Anonymous8:21 AM

    TIME Magazine List Of ‘Most Influential Marriages In History’


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.