Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bill O'Reilly loses custody of his two children amid allegations of spousal abuse.

Courtesy of Gawker:  

Three weeks ago, a Nassau County Supreme Court justice ended a bitter three-year custody dispute between Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy. Though nearly all documents pertaining to New York family court cases are sealed, Gawker has learned that the justice in the case heard testimony accusing O’Reilly of physically assaulting his wife in the couple’s Manhasset home. 

According to a source familiar with the facts of the case, a court-appointed forensic examiner testified at a closed hearing that O’Reilly’s daughter claimed to have witnessed her father dragging McPhilmy down a staircase by her neck, apparently unaware that the daughter was watching. The precise date of the alleged incident is unclear, but appears to have occurred before the couple separated in 2010. The same source indicated that the daughter, who is 16 years old, told the forensic examiner about the incident within the past year. 

The apparent domestic violence assault would be the latest in a series of revelations about O’Reilly’s disturbing treatment of his family members, and his ex-wife in particular.

Gawker goes on to cite some of this disturbing treatment which includes using his influence to get his wife's new cop boyfriend in trouble with his department, and trying to get her excommunicated from the Catholic church.

Of course O'Reilly calls these allegations false: 

"All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false," the Fox News host said in a statement to the On Media blog, issued through his personal attorney. "I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further."

Well that court-mandated confidentiality agreement sure is convenient.

But seriously is there anybody who has watched Billo in action on his show who doubts for a minute that he is emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive to his family?

The guy's a POS through and through and HE is the highest rated host on Fox News.

What does that tell you?


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "...of this disturbing treatment which includes using his influence to get his wife's new cop boyfriend in trouble with his department."

    Taking a play out of Sarah and Todd Palin's book? Does the name Wooton ring a bell, Alaskans?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      My First thought EXACTLY!

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Does the name Wooton ring a bell, Alaskans?


    3. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Ted....you are correct. Wooten. I thought it looked funny.

  2. The allegations against Bill Cosby may have had some shock value for those not in his immediate orbit, but in O'Reilly's case, a tale like this just feels late getting here. It only makes you wonder what's the worse stuff we haven't heard about.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      He's had issues for years.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    He's protecting his daughter by calling her a liar.

  4. Well, that explains his disdain for Sarah Palin. If, he could abuse his wife that he loved, his patience with the word salad speaking, hick talking, Dumbass Quitter, must have been very short.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      That's right! I am sure he is a perfectionist and very impatient with people who chronically make mistakes. His f@rts don't stink.

    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Oh, pullease. His disdain for Palin had nothing to do with any of her monumental failings or her stupidity. He wouldn't have cared about those except that he's a mysogynist and she was stealing his limelight.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Hmm..I didn't find anything in that news story about Billo loosing custody of his children. Did I read it right?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM


    2. Nikogriego3:00 PM

      The word is "losing" not "loosing."
      and yes the article did state that O'Reilly lost custody of his children:
      "by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy."

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I've not watched this guy in years on FOX, but could absolutely see him physically abusing others. He has a short fuse which we've seen often on his show.

    I'm glad his wife and kids don't have to actually see him - in their home or his.

    And, it's sure true that having money doesn't buy happiness. Cannot imagine even dating the jerk!

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Pompous, loud mouthed ass. We have all seen the tape of him losing his temper when he was having trouble with the sound on the set. Imagine having that raving lunatic screaming at you, and physically abusing you. All those "holier than thou" books he has written do not seem to have mellowed this ass one bit. Hey, PINHEAD (his favorite insult) money does not buy happiness. You are a prime example of that. Nor RESPECT, either.

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I have literally been saying for 15 plus years that one day, they're gonna find bodies under that dude's porch. The rage which bubbles just below his sweaty, bulbous surface is second only to that of todd palin.

    I feel horrible for his children for having to endure his abuse this long.

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Family values in action! The guy is a powder keg. Pompous, smug, dangerously powerful -- and people believe what he says. Scary...

  10. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Lest we forget good ol' billy "fuckitwe'lldoitlive".

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    And will Faux keep a domestic abuser on the air? Darn tooting they will, it's only a woman he was abusing.

  12. Anonymous11:05 AM

    O/T May be Yes, may be No?

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Here's what the turf war is over. Waco is the meth capital of Texas ( always those red areas) and the Bandidos have long controlled the area. The Cossacks slunk in as a "farm" club for the Hell's Angel's 2-3 yrs ago and were planning a major war with the Bandidos by having the Angel's take over the area. What you saw on the news was just the beginning. While there are no good guys in any of it, that is exactly what is happening.

  13. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I think it's awful the way the liberal media uses a man's own children to spread these heinous lies. This is such obvious propaganda, created by liberals to take out the only man who has the guts to expose them for what they are. Don't worry Bill, your supporters will never believe anything they say about you, you could barbecue human babies while using kittens and puppies for target practice on live television and we would still trust you, because we're smart that way.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Why don't you post your support of O'Reilly on a Fox site? It's very unlikely that he reads IM.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Pick a number, the line for wifey number two already formed. Bill's got that "troll magnetism" about him that makes idiots defend him beating his wife. And Beaglemom's right, Billo can't handle the truth, so he "reads" Fox News while beating his wife in front of the kids. He's not a man, he's not even a boy, he's a pompous jackass who pays lawyers to talk for him.
      What a fickle sissy. I hope his wife wrings him dry and leaves him penniless.

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Didn't he even try at first to ANNULL his twenty year marriage, even though he had kids?


  15. The incident cited was 2010. What man who thinks he's got some right to slap people around waits till he's 60 to get started? Thus the experiences of those who dealt with Bill-O in his hotter-headed 20s and 30s have to be all the more hair-raising.

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I have a father in law just like him! I get PTSD just looking at that POS! BTW my FIL is also an Irish pompous asshole....And his favorite personality is that same POS. WTF?

  17. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I hate his guts, as destructive as his act is on television that influences hundreds of thousands of ugly people, that doesn't mean he's a terrible father. Let the courts handle this.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Yes it does mean he is a terrible father. Children raised in violent, abusive homes can suffer greatly. You don't think it hurt his child to watch her Mom being dragged and slammed around by her Dad?
      Sorry, but he is a public figure and deserves to be outed as the abuser he is. And the only type of person that would defend an abuser is another abuser, I hope your family is far away and safe from you.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      How 'bout dragging his wife downstairs by her neck in front of their daughter? Do that makes him a terrible father?

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      *do you think that (damn editing on a phone)

  18. What a manly man! He has a record of the of fabrication historical experiences, sexually harassing the hired help, and physical violence against people. Yet, this goof retains his throne! Shultz, Bashir, Obermann were abandoned for less. Seriously?? Liberal media!! A big Nelson Haa-Haa!

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    F*ck it!! I'll drag her LIVE!

  20. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Is and always has been a POS. Not many had/have the backbone to call him on it.

  21. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Any man even jokingly raising his hand at a woman deserves what he gets. Bill better start sleeping with one eye open. Something tells me Mc Philmy is armed and at her breaking point. A good thwack with a cast iron pan in the face should suffice, and may be an improvement!

  22. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Does Bill O'Reilly have a case of the Sarah Palin Curse?

  23. This is old news but for those of you who hadn't heard this before just google Andrea Mackris and Bill O'Reilly. He said he wanted to rub her pussy with a falafel. How can anyone who said this and keeps a job do it? Most people would be embarrassed to show his face in public. Palin and O'Reilly, two peas in a pod. Nothing embarrasses those two asses. They have quite the high opinion of themselves and believe their own press.

    1. Anonymous2:27 AM

      OMG... How vulgar he is. What is a falafel?

  24. Enjay in E MT8:24 PM

    Why do I think Bill-o only wanted custody to avoid paying a pretty large chunk for child support?

    Was that mean?

  25. In his own words, Bill O'Reilly has described being beaten by his father, until he grew big enough to beat his father. Chilling testimony which bears the mark of truth. I don't think his violence is just verbal.


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