Sunday, May 31, 2015

Saying it all in your senior quote.

Courtesy of  

Many people include a senior quote in their high school yearbooks, and every year around this time the Internet becomes awash in amusing one-liners. Few, however, are likely to be as memorable as Caitlyn Cannon's. 

In one line, the 17-year-old recent graduate of Oak Hills High School in California managed to weave together LGBT equality, the wage gap and feminism to make a powerful statement on all three. 

After a close friend uploaded a photo of the quote to Twitter earlier this week, it instantly went viral, receiving more than 5,500 retweets as of Thursday morning.

This young lady is going places. 


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Love it! Thanks for posting, Gryph.

  2. Hooray!

    (My fifth fucking decade of feminism and we're still fighting for equal pay. At my university, I'm surprised they don't expect us to use only 75% of the oxygen men breathe. Maybe that's because we have a surplus of hot air?)

    1. I'm lucky in that I make the same money as men in my job. Unfortunately I am a teacher so basically the men I teach with are also making about 75% of what men in a comparable profession in the private sector would make.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    … making .75 cent for every dollar a man makes.

    She's overstating her case. .75 cent is less than one cent—specifically, it's three-quarters of a cent. Perhaps she meant .75 dollar, three-quarters of a dollar? A pity she's playing into the hands of those who favour the disparity. :-(

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      I understood what she was saying. Maybe she should have added an s to the word cent?

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      I understood what she was saying

      … but apparently not decimal points. "75" or "75." cent(s) is 3/4 of a dollar. ".75" cent(s) is 3/4 of a cent. Digits to the right of the decimal point are (from left to right) tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. If you want seventy-five of something, the seven and the five need to be to the left of the decimal point, not where she had them.

      Once upon a time, a small child came home from elementary school and, after expressing difficulty with fractions, said, "And tomorrow, we are to learn about the dismal system." Sorry to learn that you too are having problems with it.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      She better marry rich as she doesn't seem to have any base math skills or common 'cents'.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:40 PM

      I understood exactly what she was trying to convey.And I agree, this young lady is going places. I went to a few reunions, and "marrying rich" isn't all it's made up to be. Imagine laying under Donald Trump for your share of the bulge in his bank account, well lets say at the pinnacle of his wealth. One guy became a plastic surgeon, and one of my classmates married him and does his advertising by hanging on his arm, lips unable to meet, frozen forehead, red skin from too much dermabrasion. She's so paranoid that a "younger, newer" version will get his eye, she even overdoes it with her make up and valley girl speech cadence. If she didn't introduce herself to me, I would have thought she was a mail order bride or "rented escort" for the night.

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Why is she 'going places' because of a dumb yearbook quote, that she coudn't even get right?

    6. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Ted Powell,

      You are always so obnoxiously arrogant.

      You could also read the statement of .75 as 75 cents *because* $1.75 is equal to one dollar AND 75 cents.

      So that's what she was saying. You're just so damn superior.

    7. The yearbook may not have included non alphabetic characters. $.75 for every dollar makes sense and that is how I read it.

    8. Anonymous2:14 PM

      In one sentence, she managed to exhibit why men still run the world and make more money.

    9. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Ted Powell,
      You are always so obnoxiously arrogant.

      The reason you are able to form that opinion is that I put my real name on my posts. On all of them. Your post does not reveal any of your personal information, so you can post it again, with your real name on it, or be known as a coward.

      You could also read the statement of .75 as 75 cents *because* $1.75 is equal to one dollar AND 75 cents.

      You can read ".75 dollars" as three quarters of a dollar. ".75 cents" is worth only 1/100 as much, because a cent is only worth 1/100 of a dollar. ".75 gallons" is three quarts, but ".75 quarts" is only 3/4 of a quart, because a quart is only a quarter of a gallon.

      So that's what she was saying. You're just so damn superior.

      Perhaps. But I'm not a coward. I'm not a drive-by shooter. I don't attack from ambush. Come clean if you dare.

    10. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The yearbook may not have included non alphabetic characters.

      That would explain her writing ".75 cent" (as she did—scroll back and look) rather than ".75 ¢" but it doesn't make 3/4 cent as big as 3/4 dollar.

      $.75 for every dollar makes sense

      Of course it makes sense—as a sum of money. But it's not the some of money that she specified.

      and that is how I read it.

      One sees what one expects to see. You already knew the approximate amount of the disparity in question.

    11. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Test your numeracy: How many cents in 1.5 dollars?

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Pity about the math mistake.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I'm hoping that the younger generation is not all about "marrying rich".

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    She is going places because she wants to marry a rich lesbian?

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Marrying rich could mean she wants to get married when she becomes rich. She obviously plans on working a job.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.