Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar to appear on Fox News next week to discuss their son's sex scandal.

This courtesy of the Duggar Family website: 

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

 -Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

Gee Fox News, what a surprise. 

Made even less surprising by the fact that Fox News has all but ignored the scandal, allotting it less than two minutes of air time.

Perhaps the first question Megyn Kelly will ask is; "What? There's a scandal?"


  1. Anonymous4:03 AM

    It will be a sanctimonious Jesus this and God that. Jesus has personally forgiven the entire bunch and 'he' wants them back on TV. So, it's God forgave us, Josh is sorry so we are ready to go back to filming our show.
    Thanks! Oh and be sure to vote for Mike Huckabee. He's a swell Jesus lover.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Why isn't that bastard spending 40 yrs behind bars? I just saw where I live a pedo sentenced to 40 yrs! Why not Josh Duggar?

    2. Because they concealed his crimes until the statute of limitations was up. In Arkansas, it's three years. When they DID report it, they told a friend who was a police officer (or state trooper or some form of LEO). He is currently serving 56 years in jail for kiddie porn. He was also interviewed by "In Touch" (that name gags me, considering the topic) and he said that he was told of one incident and one victim and he believed- mistakenly, he now says- that it wouldn't serve any useful purpose report it; he just yelled at the kid for a while. Now, he claims, he feels terribly guilty about failing to report him. "In Touch" states that he was not offered any reimbursement for the interview. I would assume an interview would be an interesting break in jail routine, and an opportunity to present oneself well that can be used when applying for parole. With those caveats, I think he's telling the truth about being told of one incident. Now the official story is five girls and multiple incidents, but, of course, we have no way to know if there were any more victims. And while the police report is out on net somewhere- I haven't bothered to look for it- a judge ordered the report to be destroyed.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      You know, their concealing this crime just compounds it. Ask Richard Nixon, if you can get permission to dig him up.

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Call Senator Murkowski from Alaska! Her father made History when he reversed the Statute of limitations on rape in 2003. Alaska Natives came forward with rape in villages by Catholic priests! It should be done in all states!

  2. Anonymous4:15 AM

    These people are truly sickening. As the youngest of 7 kids, i guarantee no mother can give those kids the quality time they need. Selfish, greedy people. If these fools insist on having more kids than they can handle, then let them support them themselves, without lots of money from TV and publicity. They are now fighting to keep the "reality TV" money rolling in. Jim Bob looks like a backwards hick. They are no better, probably even worse since they involve kids, than the televangelists who pollute the airways. Now TLC wants to film spinoffs, with the two older daughters. What, now they will be on TV into perpituity, spawning one kid after another for the foreseeable future? Get educated before bringing more kids into a world where they will end up being a NUMBER, not a precious, welcome child to be cherished. Disgusting people. Money grubbers.

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      If the Duggar girls get their own spinoff, how in the heck will they keep ma and ps Duggar off of it? This family is so entertained, plus doesn't Ben (Jessa's husband) work for daddy Duggar? How would that all work out? No, get this entire bunch off the air. Quit letting reality TV pay for these people's children. Jill and Jessa's husbands need to provide for their families the old fashioned way: work - not being on TV!

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      If they had to work, maybe they would find themselves too tired to keep making babies. Does Faux have a bed in the green room there, so they can work on #20?

  3. SallyinMI4:31 AM

    I'm sure this interview will NOT be about pedophile Josh at all, and the family's failure to protect their daughters, and ALL about God's grace, forgiveness, and love for the know, God loves Josh so much that he is forgiven, no matter what he may have done (and that's never been proven, anyway, and girls are inherently evil and lie to get attention.) Do I get a prize when all this stuff goes down next week? I mean, Gawd forgave Huckabee's son's cruelty, and he was never accountable for skinning a dog alive. God forgave Newt's affairs, Vitter's dalliances with prostitutes, and on and on. This will be no different. Their Gawd forgives them for everything, and Democrats are cruel and mean to bring up forgiven sins. (And we must be attacking Christianity, too...can't forget that.) And please, TLC, give us our show back, or we will have to pay our own mortgage and water bill, and poor Michelle will never have another of Gawd's creations to pass off onto the girls to raise.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      The secret is that the perpetrator has to be a Republican.

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      That is a secret nobody can keep, since it is so obvious! I wonder if the Lord forgave Dennis Hastert? He already spent close to $2 Millionn hiding his transgressions. He UA a reoug. so he will be forgiven, no doubt.

  4. SallyinMI4:32 AM

    Wonder if she practices that look of awe and wonderment in the mirror, or if it is taught to the Quiver women?

    1. Balzafiar5:55 AM

      @SallyinMI -- That adoring look was popular pre-1960; it can often be seen in B-movies dating back many decades prior to that time. The idea was that the "little woman" must always look up to and adore her strong man. I remember seeing Queen Ann Romney giving Mitt that same treatment during a press conference. ::barf::

      I get a feeling of revulsion every time I see something like that.

    2. Anonymous5:59 AM

      I think she really is such a dim bulb herself that she thinks Jim Bob (what adult man has a name like that? And this guy wanted to be a senator??) is a genius.

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Nancy Reagan had that look down pat!!

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Take your finger and cover one half of her face at a time. The side closest to the camera shows dog-like adoration, but the other side shows sadness and despair.

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Ah -- I love the smell of a flaming gravy train in the morning.
    In this case, I'm pretty sure the smell is made even sweeter by all the flaming hypocrisy and desperation.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Hahahahaha!! You have the best comment

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    How can she stand to have sex with that man?

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      She would be dead if she is her mission in life to keep her husband satisfied. Period. She has no goals of her own, no job, nothing but procreating and making sure the sins of the sons are swept under the carpet.

  7. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Michelle's gaze at Jim Bob Joe Don Willie Wayne reminds me of Nancy Reagan's gaze she gave her Ronnie. Ugh!

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      That's exactly what I thought!

  8. SallyinMI5:39 AM

    Kelly: How are you all doing?
    JimBob: Well, Megyn, it's been a hard time for our precious family, but God is there for us.
    Kelly: How so, JimBob? Can you explain to our viewers what God is doing for you?
    JB: Well, sure, Megyn. This whole unfortunate incident has brought the whole family closer to God. We know HE forgives Josh, and we know he is a loving, forgiving God that does not punish for sin when you ask for forgiveness.
    Megyn: So Josh is OK? And his wife? And the kids? 'Cause, you know, this must have been hard to see something that happened so long ago, and that he thought was over, being dredged up by the media.
    JB: Absolutely, Megyn. Michelle and I are down on our knees every night (awe-struck woman nods) praying to God to lift this cloud from over Josh. But he and Anna are strong int heir faith, and they will get through this.
    Megyn: So, Michelle, how are you holding up?
    MD (grabs her husband's arm and looks adoringly at him: Well, Megan, as JimBob said, we are just praying that this too shall pass, and we can get back to doing what we love, and showing people through our show how they, too, can experience the best the God has to give.
    Megyn: So no word from TLC on taking you back?
    JB:Not yet, Megyn, but we appreciate all the emails and calls people are making on our behalf, and until we are back on the air, we have started a GOFUNDME page to help us with expenses for the children.
    (Screen shot of GOFUNDME page.)
    Megyn: That's great, JimBob. We encourage our viewers to support this good Christian family who is being persecuted by a liberal media and possibly even the White House!! Tomorrow, we'll chat with Josh and his lovely wife Anna.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Pretty sure you nailed it

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Wow. Seriously, no need for them to even do this interview now.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Spot on! I would only add that Ms. Kelly will start off in the interview more 'stern' but as it progresses, she'll soften up and before it's over, somehow the whole sordid event will be blamed in part because of 'liberal agendas.' Guarantee it!

    4. Anonymous3:30 PM

      You nailed it, Sally! *seriously*

  9. So the Duggars are going to let Megyn ask them one or two
    "hard" questions---then the rest of the time her job will be to lick them like newborn kittens. By the time Fox is done cleaning them up----there will be crazy conservatives setting up funding sites for them----- 'cause of Jesus.

  10. Anonymous6:13 AM

    This "family" trying to garner any sympathy for themselves absolutely sickens me!

    They are probably thankful to their "Lord" that at least it was pedophilia and not homosexuality (seems to be a common theme with the fundamentalists). That shows how how whacked-out these hypocrites are. Homosexuals, as a general trend, are just normal people and don't get into pedophilia.

    Also notice it is all about Josh and you never hear about the daughters and how they survived all that abuse .It's all about the men with these cretins with absolutely no care about the women who fall victim to the abuse of their "religion".

  11. Anonymous6:19 AM

    They are indeed trying to get their show back and I have no doubt that is the reason for this interview.

    Thing is, even if they succeed, they need viewers to keep the show going.

    Only the like-minded people who are fundamentalist and seem not to be bothered by the pedophilia and its cover-up will continue to watch. I have faith that set of viewers is extremely small and the show would implode anyway based on viewership.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      They need advertisers, and quite a few have booked on them. As they should.

  12. Anonymous6:49 AM

    How could the Duggar mother have tolerated her son's behavior towards her daughters? She KNEW it had happened and was happening and she did NOTHING to stop it. What "family values" do these people have? It was the money that mattered and still matters most for them. Disgusting.

  13. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Wow, that graphic says it all!

  14. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "The forgiveness given?" By their mythological, non-existent savior? Oh, well then. That makes it all OK. It's peachy keen in Duggarland as all has been forgiven by their Yeezus! But why did Yeezus allow Josh to molest his sisters in the first place? Oh, that's right. That was the evil, liberal lovin' devil!

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The Duggar family are money grubbing freaks. I've never watched even one episode of their show but did see a few minutes of video a few years ago of them showing photos of the fetus that was miscarried. That turned my stomach. I'm of the opinion that had Josh not molested "a friend of the family's child", they wouldn't even have gone to their state trooper friend. Oops, it's out now, let's cover our a**es. And the judge who ordered that the police report be destroyed should be kicked off the bench. Sick, ignorant people but hey, they're worth a few million now so in their mind they're smarter than the rest of us dummies.

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Those TWO FUCKS, plus Kunt Kelly, take this..

  17. Anonymous8:03 AM

    What a racket this type of Christianity is! All you have to do is call Jesus your lord and savior and then you can do whatever-the-fuck you want during your earthly time, never endangering your certainty of going to heaven. I was raised Catholic (until I got smart) and at least in that cult you had to do good in the world. (Of course, confession would absolve you of any sin, over and over and up to the very point of death.) So these religions really don't do one hell of a lot to keep people who otherwise seem to have no innate sense of morality on the straight and narrow. What good do they do?

  18. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I certainly won't be watching them spew their "Jesus" crap! There is no God in this family. They are just a bunch of hillbilly money grubbing f......s! Damn TLC if they even consider bringing them back, or their daughters. ..nothing of interest there. I think we should all send letters to TLC.

  19. Anonymous8:10 AM

    My husband and I work in a home where we see a parade of youth 4-18 come through, most of whom have been sexually molested in addition to other horrors many adults can't even imagine. We see the effects of such abuse and it is unmistakable.
    When I first heard that Fox was going to entertain the Duggars, I looked at my husband and said, "Maybe this is the issue where Fox jumps the shark and the people begin turning off the station."
    My husband looked at me and said, "No, because too many people don't care about the victims, especially if the perp is "Christian."
    But, oh, it would be a lovely thing to see if this time the hypocrisy and lies of Fox finally brought down the franchise...and the Duggars along with it.
    We had a youth who was victimized multiple times. During her time with us, she was worried that she would go to hell for revealing the rapes and abuse. We spent a lot of time assuring her that nothing was her fault. But, it will be a long road to healing. We hope she makes it. So many of these young victims don't, despite the best efforts of teams of supporters.
    Those poor gilrls - the victims --- they're all I can think about. And we rarely hear a word about them, especially from the RW Christian camp.. I hope, somehow, they get the help they need to know that they did not cause this violation and they will survive with their spirit and soul intact.

  20. Anonymous8:16 AM

    They're going to claim that god has forgiven them so we should too. Fuck that, i'm sick of that shit. You screwed up and you are going pay the price. Bye bye "19 and counting" (down).

  21. Anonymous8:21 AM

    If you have never seen this family on TV, here is a Christmas video they did in December of 2014, led by the child molester himself:

  22. FrostyAK9:41 AM

    I expect that headline should read:

    'Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar to appear on Fox News next week to lie through their teeth about their son's sex scandal.'

    Does anyone think Michelle will say a word as she looks at Jimmy Bobby with reverence in her eyes, as if he was her god?

    There is nothing worse than a holier than thou person or family that in reality are abusers, and LIARS when it comes to their transgressions. Another great example would be the palin KKKlan.

  23. Anonymous10:01 AM

    They need to STFU and disappear. There is no end to "Christian grifting." What kind of people watch their stupid ass show anyway? SIck sick sick people.

  24. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I cannot stand that Jim Bob. I don't think I could watch the show. However, I hope Megyn will put on her prosecutor hat on and not give them an easy out. Megyn is a Catholic that grew up in upper state NY and I doubt if she buys into that cult one bit.

  25. Anonymous10:03 AM

    If they weren't "Christian" would Fox News and others be calling for understanding and forgiveness? Is that why there is so much predatory behavior among "Christians?"

  26. Anonymous11:18 AM

    If they weren't "white, heterosexual" Christian Fox News wouldn't give a damn. Certainly, if the parents of some young African American jailed for smoking pot wanted an interview on Fox they would not get it. You know how it goes - jail and consequences for everyone else except our fundamentalist Christians who have a personal "get out of jail free" card given to them personally by their Jesus.

  27. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Why isn't JOSH being interviewed on Fox instead of his mommy and daddy? And how does Josh know God has forgiven him--when he obviously isn't really sorry?

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      My thought is that by having his parents stand in front of him, Josh can make the viewer believe he is younger than he really is, just a kid who made a mistake years ago and has gone ahead...blah, blah, blah. Haven't seen anyone asking how the girls are doing. Why are they still at home with the parents who let them be abused?

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    My upbringing was conservative Christian, slightly less patriarchal than the Duggars but still extreme. But our church was always clear on the point that eternal forgiveness doesn't mean you don't face "earthly" consequences. If you break the law, God may forgive you, but you still go to jail.

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      @3:54 PM. Yes you are correct.

      Of course the consequences of sin are real and (must be) dealt with here on earth, usually by the ones sinned against. In some skewed world views, material blessings = godly, deserved earthly rewards; poverty and pain = sin because of unrighteous living.

      The red words of Christ include repentance. The Christian point of 'forgiveness' is repentance (turning against that particular 'sin' (wrong-doing). IMO, too many who claim Christ (of the New Testament) see and use Christianity as 'cheap grace' to sin, be forgiven, sin again, be forgiven again, ad nauseum.

      Unfortunately repentance is not a part of the attractive 'cheap grace' scenario for some. And here you have it, pseudo-christianity dominionist theocrats move to take over the world for only the 'right kind of 'blessed' Christians.

      Lord have mercy on us all.


  29. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    WTF could they possibly say? "After the forgiveness" and the statute of limitations running out, it's just a bit too convenient.

    Didn't Josh just get married? Why isn't Josh going on Fox News and speaking for himself? Mummsy and Pappie aren't going to be around forever to clean up your messes, be a man and stand on your own two feet. I'm guessing the forgiveness was coerced from the victim, anyway, so it means nothing.
    Now if Jesus himself appeared on Fox news and announced the forgiveness, then I'd be impressed, Doesn't the judgement come AFTER you've croaked? How do they know he's forgiven?
    That photo says...... "Hey big guy, wanna follow me to the bedroom?" nothing sexier than talking about your pedophile son.

  30. Maybe they should consider that all the public uproar is God telling them to shut up and go away.

  31. Will Michelle be allowed to say anything or will Jim Bob do all the talking. Perhaps he'll allow her to nod her head and utter an occasional grunt of agreement.


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