Sunday, May 17, 2015

Separated at birth?

Personally I think it's really a shame that Gene Simmons has let himself go like that.

Here is a picture of Palin holding a gun which of course makes her more recognizable. 

Wait, that's not right.

Oh here we go.

Boy that IS confusing!

By the way there is also this mindless interview with Gene Simmons, I mean Sarah Palin. Man I have to stop doing that.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    How the mighty have fallen!

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Sarah Palin and Gene Simmons, androgynous TWINS, separated at birth. Sally really got around, huh?


    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Gee, the awful hair!! Just nasty. Ick. Just ick. Dumb and dumber.

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    WTF was that? She said the same three phrases over and over. Is that an electronic monitoring device on her wrist? Does she have to return to the asylum before midnight or it will go off?

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      It's all she can remember.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      The yellow bracelet on her wrist says
      "Don't tread on me".

      Scroll through the Getty images....the pics of Sarah are downright hilarious!!!!

      What the hell is that black top with the zippers? It doesn't fit her at all. And her red sandals...LOL....her toes are all mangled!! She is one messed up, washed up, used up fake celebrity!!

    3. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Hammer toes and a man's shirt. She probably swiped it off of some sleeping homeless guy.

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Nauseating. Both of them.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Her claws look like meat hooks. Poor reporter looked startled when she reached out to shake his hand.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Seriously. They are both downright garish.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I guess even her wigs have refused to make an appearance.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      My thought as well.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      She had hair extensions going to the middle of her back. Ridiculous on a 51 year old hag. Looked like she forgot the Belmonts.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    which one is gene? she rilly looks BAD. so ya see,granny grifter..all the ugliness of your rotten soul is now exposed. goes to show ya, beauty is skin deep,but Ugliness goes clear to the bone!

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Gomer Palin should have accompanied his future Monster in Law to the Iowa shindig.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      This was in CA.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      9:35 No shit, Sherlock.. It clearly wasn't a cornfield in Dubuque. I know it was the ship docked in the LA Harbor. The USS Iowa. Been there, seen that! I'll slow down for you so you can keep up on your Hoveround!

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Anonymous10:06 AM

      I'm not 9:35 but will defend them. Your comment made no sense and the reponse was nasty and just as senseless as your comment. You're the problem.

  7. Personally speaking, if I had to appear at an event monitoring Navy Seals, I'd consult a speech therapists that I could pronounce "seal.'

    1. "Honoring" not "monitoring." LOL.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Liz. My thoughts exactly. Navy Sills.

      What's the big dill, can't she show respect....OK, my bad. We all know the answers to that.

    3. At least she didn't get confused and think she was there to honor clubbing baby seals. Er, "sills."

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    When did $arah get an engagement ring that looks just like Bristol's?

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Can someone freeze frame and enlarge to see if Sarah took back her ring?

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Anonymous9:41 AM:
      I did that and it damn sure looks like Bristols engagement ring.

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      9:27, 9:41, 10:15

      Wow! Just Wow! I never would have expected that but I'm not the least bit surprised.

      We all know the woman is sick and is sickly abusive to Bristol. But this is over the top even for Sarah.

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      She's so skinny, those pants (or whatever they are) are just hanging on her frame. Where's her ginormous Jesus belt buckle? That'll save her.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      10:15 can you share? This family is so odd, to say the least. Gryphen needs to write a "fictional" film based on the Payme Clan.

    6. Anonymous7:50 PM

      What's up? I noticed that Sarah is wearing two rings and she usually wears none at all. Something large on her wedding ring finger and what appears to be the almost invisible "wedding band", that she very seldom wears, is on her right hand.

      Sarah mentioned that Todd was there. Are there any pics of him?

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    $arah looks so haggard and old.Plastic surjury and botox is being very unkind to you.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Maybe she can not afford to keep it up? Those procedures require constant "rweaking" Could explain why Bristles chin implant has slipped and needs correcting. Too bad, so sad. Did she sell the engagement ring to buy plane tickets for Taaahhd and herself to this shindig?

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      It reminds me of that old movie Death Becomes Her!

  10. What is with that thing she does with her tongue over her teeth whenever she's interviewed? I don't notice it in her speeches, though. Hmmm...flirting? GROSS no matter what. Her hair looks like shit. That bracelet is hideous no matter its meaning. And what's with the wedding ring(s) all of the sudden?

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Meth, drug addiction.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      I noticed that too, to distraction, in fact. All that face moving, mouth contorting stuff she does. And there's a spot there where she's doing the little girl thing. Ugh!

      I really wish someone would do her the favor of getting help for her. If not for Sarah's sake, for the sake of the kids and grandkids.

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      That whole family learned a long time ago not to tell Sarah what to do.

    4. Anonymous12:29 PM


      that'd be the engagement ring skank bought for duh_kota to give to barstool - in most of the getty pix it looks like she's trying to keep that clawed talon-hand/ring hidden in her pocket, but the damned ring gets hooked on the pocket's opening ... dimwit fraud, washed up nasty bitch ...

      LMAO !!

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I'm pretty sure it's Bristol's ring!

      It's exactly the MO of Sarah!

      Their wedding is not going to happen ever.

  11. FrostyAK9:35 AM

    Isn't Gene nearly 70? Really hard to tell them apart except for height.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      He doesn't pretend that he doesn't have work done. He and his wife showed their surgery on a TV show.

      Had Sarah been smart she would have tried to sell her family getting their surgeries, she may have found a buyer.

  12. Anonymous9:35 AM

    O/T But This:

  13. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What a pathetic excuse for an interview. This creature is such an embarrassment to USA. To realize she is such an inspiration to the Teabaggers speaks volumes as to how they worship stupidity....

  14. laurensd19:40 AM

    Where is hideous, second only to Boehner, tan Becky, the chem depend dog lady?
    We heard she is on the board of the Iowa boat which may explain why Palin showed up.
    Looks like fashionista Sarah is continuing to wear ONLY black all Johnny Cash-like.
    Maybe she is in perpetual mourning for Brisdull's marriages that never will.
    Looks like DuhKota decided to retreat. He obviously can't reload 'cause the dumbass ran out of ammo. Based upon his somewhat lame bravery and valor story, he now has to go mano y mano in combat. He and McCain have finally convinced America that our military is not sacred. Not by a long pun, Gomertucky.

  15. Anonymous9:44 AM

    $carah looks BEAT. Something is wrong, either healthwise or legal shoe about to drop. Gene Simmons is as faded as she is. He even sank to the low level of having a reality show about his life. Pompous ass refuses to retire gracefully. I can understand why he wore that ghastly makeup when he was on stage. Cover that fugly mug. $carah was probably scouting around for someone, ANYONE who will fund a TV show with her as spokesperson. Might as well forget that, nobody is interested. Talk about "rode hard and put away wet" THAT is how that looks. Where was Taahhd?

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:13 PM

      Maybe that IS Todd...

  16. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sarah was on the USS Iowa in CA when the rest of the GOP were in Iowa...

    The forum sponsored by the Iowa Republican Party was the biggest gathering of 2016 rivals in Iowa to date as the presidential race picks up speed in the state that early next year holds the first nominating contest on the road to the election in November.

    1. Caroll Thompson10:47 AM

      I think you are correct 9:46. The big boys all attended the Lincoln Dinner last night in Iowa. Everyone who is anyone in the Republican primary world was there.

      It does seem that whenever the big boys gather, Sarah pops up somewhere else to prove she has better things to do. Of course, she would be at the dinner in a heartbeat, but she was not invited.

      I think the desire to see Sarah Palin go away is something Democrats, Republicans and Independents all agree on.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Oh, Sarah would have been at the Lincoln Dinner with the Big Boys, but, you know, she had already accepted the offer to appear at the Seals Thing. Never mind that her name wasn't on the program until a few days ago.

  17. angela9:47 AM

    I think its terrible that everyone on this thread isn't more supportive of Sarah's reassignment. I've always wanted to believe everyone here had open minds. It must be difficult for someone to decide to become a sun hardened lizard like Sarah has. More support people.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      if they did a show on rehab she'd be a good candidate.

  18. Anonymous9:48 AM

    O/T: did you know that even nature suffers from the PayMe curse?
    Remember when they were on Lake Powel a couple of years back? Well, its water level is down 45%...

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Gene is clever, he knows he will look better when standing next to the ass clown.

    Poor thang!

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      why did she riff bristols extensions? wont she need them for the big WEDDIN?

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      That Sarah sure is frugal... it looks like she's reusing Bristol's old extensions.

    3. Anonymous11:05 AM

      10:12 The comments about Bristol on that page are brutal. Ouch!

  20. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Oh yeah, Sarah. Like you are the person to thank him for being there for the military. Just go away and shut up, you do not speak for us.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      That same 'thank you' struck me the same way and then the lunging handshake to seal it. Gag.

  21. Lou Sarah has reached the Botox-isnt-helping-anymore stage of her descent into obscurity.

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    At least in her gun photo that dude wasn't sporting a chubby.
    dang she looks rough.........hope they have her obit prepared and the garage cleaned out for a funeral, or will she sink to the bottom of dead lake......along side her fir
    st ring??

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      ahhh, when she croaks here soon they'll just hose her skank fetid diseased corpse off the garage floor and out into the dead lake ... i mean the lake's already dead so no big deal ..

  23. She is sticking with celebrities so she can land some kind of show with them. She desperately needs to be on TV of some kinds. The Republicans running for Prez will never have her campaign for them or even close to them. They saw what she did to McCain. She is hitting the bottom of the barrel. Why isn't she home with her kids.....

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Hollywood has had it with all of them.
      Was "Amazing America" picked up for a 3rd year?

  24. Caroll Thompson10:09 AM

    For all her talk of history, it's a pity Sarah never bothered to learn any. But from the looks of her, she is definitely history. She looks as old as Gene Simmons, who is 15 older than her.

    And from this U.S. Navy veteran to you Sarah: FUC__ You.

  25. krbmjb0510:15 AM

    Look at those Crypt Keeper hands!

  26. krbmjb0510:23 AM

    Watching it without sound. She's definitely on something, she remembered to wash her hands after applying self tanner, and Willow has been practicing her cosmetology tricks with stripper hair extensions.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Listen to her and you'll be sure that she is on something that's making her manic.

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Manic depression may be? Make the call Sarah...even for you "things are not what they seem" sooner you see that...

  27. Anonymous10:31 AM

    In the photo of her holding the gun, she really is wearing a big ring on her left hand....something she has never had before. It would be just like her to take the ring from Bristol and wear it to smack DUH in the face. Pathetic.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Looks just like it, all right.
      Nice try, $arah, we know you're divorced.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      10:31 If only she were smacking DUH in the face. It's more like her to be smacking her own daughter by wearing her engagement ring.

      She always needs to put Bristol down. So sick.

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Maybe when she bought Bristol's ring, they offered to throw in a second one at half price.l

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      If she smacked DUH, he's exactly the type of man who would respond by pulling out his Glock and shooting her, whether or not his target is Black.

    5. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Nah. She was in LA already when Bar$tool came crawling back home.
      She simply got a 'rill dill' for the ring: two-fer-one dill!

      She was hoping that she can sport her ring at the wedding which might now be put off indefinitely.

    6. Anonymous1:40 PM

      @12:26, How do you know when Bristol was back in Wassilla?

    7. Anonymous2:56 PM

      It appears that Sarah left for LA when Bella Hanson's grandmother sent this to Bella.
      Bella posted it (5-16-15 1:38 AM)

      dakotameyer0317 Some LVOA uppers coming off the line from @Warsport. (5-15-15 5:56 PM)

      dakotameyer0317 My world @bsmp2 (5-15-15 7:28 PM)

      bsmp2 5-16-15 12:42 PM is Bristol's Trust in God's Timing post.

      Bristol may have left before 5-15-15

    8. Anonymous4:14 PM

      2:56 We can leave Dakota's post timing out of the equation as it could have been set ahead of time to auto post at that time and he didn't turn if off.

      His quote of the day things auto post each morning, so he or his helper is familiar with the process.

      Who knows, maybe every photo and comment they have done since this whole "drama" began was preset to auto post, and we just didn't know about how it was going to play out.

      I guess we still don't. What did they know and when did they know it, and did they really care since it appeared they were all in it for show anyway?

      My guess is that the big plan for the big televised wedding was not picked up as they were "sure" it would be, so they canned the whole thing.

      Our finding out about the "Deleted Divorce" just gave them an excuse to cut the cord on the event a week early.

    9. abbafan9:04 PM

      Anon @ 11:15 A.M. - the cheap bitch found a BOGO deal at Nordstrom's! The same place where she skipped out on the Toad to go idolize The Donald's ex!

    10. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Or their little vehicular tampering incident was "forgotten" with other crimes? Hmm? Craig will be taught some manners...might want to tell him!

  28. Anonymous10:39 AM

    She looks her age here.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      66 years old?

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM


    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      And yet, continues

  29. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "Personally I think it's really a shame that Gene Simmons has let himself go like that."

    Gryphen, seriously that was a good one. ROFLOL


    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      I cant tell the difference between the two. can you,gryph??

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    By this time next year, Sarah's cheeks are going to sag down by her chin if not past them. Do they make cheek bras?

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      She'll have to get bigger cheek implants.

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Which cheeks?

  31. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah Palin holding gun photos always has the caption: "Does it kick, Daddy?"

  32. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Oh, the Palin drama never ends, does it.

  33. Anonymous11:12 AM

    heh heh heh.... remember when Lois Griffin revealed that she'd "done" KISS in the 70s?

    (In a roadside diner after KISS plays a concert in Quahog, Rhode Island/or a small town in Alaska)
    SW(tm): "Chaim? Chaim Witz? Is that you?"
    GS: "Screechy? Screechy Wretch(tm)???"
    SW(tm) (in her trademark high pitched annoying voice): "OMG!! I havent seen you boys since you played here in '77!!"
    GS: "Yeah, it's Gene now, baby, ok? We gave you your nickname, Screechy, remember?"
    SW(tm): "I knooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!"
    GS: "Oy.... you havent changed a bit, Screechy. Whoa! Nice rack! Wait a minute... weren't you a carpenter's dream back then?"
    SW(tm): "Flat as a board and easy to screw? Not no more, Chaim! I got me some store-bought titties!"
    GS: "Yeah, pretty life-like. Oy gevalt.... (shudder) Hey we better go. We have another oldies gig in 3 weeks in Massachusetts and we dont want to be late. Let's GO, fellas. NOW!!"

    and... scene.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Gene will let anybody do him anytime he's away from home. Just 3-4 years ago he was here in my city and sent one of his goons to pick my beautiful red-haired daughter out of the audience right in front of the stage because Gene wanted her to join him for a private meeting in his room back stage. She turned him down. Yep Gene is just as scummy as ever.

  34. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I'll tell you what Sarah won't be doing in 2016.

    She won't be on FOX.

    FOX, the GOP, and conservative Christians are sick and tired of Sarah's cock tease about running.

    It's over.

    And no one is going to tell Sarah and her bots.

    Kinda' like those sweethearts still waiting for the UFOs to land at Area 51.

  35. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Sarah really knows how to dress for the occasion. Did she think that she would be hired as a member of the crew?

  36. Anonymous11:19 AM

    In the picture below, you can clearly see the extensions, her own hair, and the wig perched on top her head. How long do you think it will be until she starts wearing pink, lavender, and blonde wigs/extensions all at once like Jan Crouch used to do on TBN?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Did Sarah have a weird chin implant done? Why are her jowls protruding outward like that?

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      When you compare her now to 2008, the difference is garish.

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      If you scroll down to Photo #7 you can see the ring better.

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM

      For the full effect of the extensions and two wigs (bonus turkey neck!):

    5. And the ring looks suspiciously like Bristol's ringl.

    6. Anonymous2:07 PM

      The bunions on her feet: ouch! OUCH! What did she WEAR as 'shoes' to DO that to herself – or could it be due to bone and/or deterioration and/or collagen-wasting disease?? If the causes are medical, that could possibly explain her extreme thinness, terrible posture, near inability to walk unassisted (note her clinging to Simmons' arm), and why her jaw implants continue to deteriorate and sag. Would think that given her diet and extensive dental work (including a mouth full of veneers, plus 50 years of other – probably mercury-based –dental work), there could be good reason for the considerable deterioration we see going on in her jawbone area. I. do. not. envy. what Sarah's older years will be like, medically speaking.

    7. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Her hands, her feet, her neck....OH MY! She is fucking gross!

    8. Anonymous4:05 PM


      I've had veneers done and at the same time they removed all of my mercury/amalgam fillings and re-did my back teeth with the new white bonding agents so they would match my veneers. I had beautiful straight teeth thanks to my parent's dedication with braces but by age 40 they had gotten very dingy and discolored from coffee/tea/smoking and the only answer was to veneer. Two of my front veneers were made too large and didn't match my impressions and they were re-done. Palin had some big front teeth so I think she did veneers to make her look less "chipmunky". It's a nice way to have a beautiful smile but it means shaving off some of your original teeth to make the veneers fit, so you are always stuck having to maybe get new ones every decade or so.

    9. Anonymous6:16 PM

      I don't think it's the same ring. Bristol's had a very thin band; the band on the one Palin is wearing looks wider. More likely the usual twisted one-upsmanship games, as others have suggested.

    10. Anonymous8:37 PM

      What are those long wrinkles on the sides of her nose? She looks like she is sneering.

    11. Anonymous9:10 PM

      That isn't Bristol's ring. It's rectangle like Bristol's, but the band is different.

  37. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Enlarge photo #1. Her hands look like old lady hands. Guess it's not practical to botox hands?

    But it's Sarah's feet that are so weird. Her toes really are like talons. Why she wears open toe shoes is beyond me. She should hide those things.

  38. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The last time I checked extensions were to blend with the real hair. If Palin intended an ombre look that was a fail. Is she simply too cheap to spend enough money to wear different hairstyles? She looks silly or like a little girl playing dress up not getting it right.

    It seems it is purely for attention for flattering her appearance is not a goal realized.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      does she ever shower???

  39. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Separated at birth? I always knew that Palin was another Netanyahu ass-kissing Israeli-flag waving Jew, I mean, rill American Patriot, just like her brother Chaim Witz.

  40. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Click on the above picture of Sarah Palin pointing the gun at the Dakota Meyer look-alike. Then zoom in on Sarah Palin's wedding ring. It looked different (bigger) to me so I looked for another picture of her wedding picture posted below. The ring posted below is not as big as the wedding ring shown above.

    Maybe Sarah didn’t like Todd's ring?

    Sarah Palin's thinner wedding ring.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      She had to have a ring bigger than Bristol's ring. She has to have a better bigger one.

  41. Anonymous12:36 PM

    What is Sarah Palin hyped up on. In the Youtube interview, the guy standing calmly asks Old Sarah some simple questions but Old Sarah can't answer the questions without moving around like a junkie who needs a fix.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Could be because she's a junkie who needs a fix.

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      The best part is when her peeps like Pee Ponders and others are completely oblivious to her being loaded. They will go on as if she is the most brilliant gifted politician and just gave the most clear and perfect speech.

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Like a cat on a hot tin roof, junkie. I think her drug of choice is anything in the amphetamine family. Startling weight loss, gibberish, constant fidgeting and in coherance.

  42. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Where are her bi boobies?
    Is an alternate personality rowing the boat at this event lol?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      She was afraid Gene Simmons would get TOO turned on that he wouldn't be able to control his tongue, so she left the Belmont girls home....LOL

  43. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Notice how the trolls have given up on defending Sarah?

    They're as burned out as Sarah looks.


    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      I have always wondered if most of the trolls (other than Alicia) were were multiple manifestations of Bristol. And Bristol's unable to come to school today: she's out sick and staying home.

    2. OH! Good point! You could be right.

    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Multiple personalities run in that blood line...pedifilia as well...really really sick!

  44. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Okay. This is a foundation that purports to raise money for families of former Navy SEALS. Why does Sarah Palin have to be shown brandishing a big assault weapon? What does that have to do with helping families? This gun fetish thing is beyond looney anymore.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      she does the gun thing because that's all she has left.

  45. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Sarah just loves speaking out and raising money for the Navy "sills". Rilly, rilly she does folks.

  46. Anonymous2:01 PM

    My boyfriend thought that was Gene Simmons' sister or mother. When I said, no, that's Sarah Palin, he said, "Holy Shit!!, what happened to her?!"

  47. Anonymous2:08 PM

    That Sarah is one big mess!

    A "reverse" ombre with dark extensions, which hasn't seen a brush in two weeks, a duplicate ring that looks like Bristol's engagement ring and toes so gnarled no wonder she wears shoes two sizes too big.

    Whoops! Forgot the Belmonts but remembered the drugs.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      she acts like a spun out old crack head.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Spot on!!!

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Company you keep...

  48. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I honestly cannot, for the life of me, understand how some people can watch video such as this and think she's the answer for who needs to lead this country. You have GOT to be kidding me.

    1. Cracklin Charlie3:31 PM

      Their faith trains them to do that. If they just believe in something enough, it will be the truth, regardless of any pesky "facts".

      It's kind of like the Tinkerbell Effect. If you just clap your hands, and really, really believe, Tinkerbell won't die.

  49. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Gruff masculine voice: check.
    Masculine sunglasses: check.
    Lurching and swaggering and leaning from hip to hip, hands waving and teeth gritting like a man: check.

    Is Sarah really a man?

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Perhaps that is why Todd hung out with Shailey Tripp and her stable of hookers?

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Man trapped in a woman's body

  50. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This chick is going through a horrible identity crisis. Trying desperately to look youthful, cool and badass. And she can't deny she either has a serious eating disorder or is on drugs. She's skin and bones.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Daddy disorder...he was a monster!

  51. Anonymous2:44 PM

    She is metthed out of her sad badly wigged melon. Just waiting for her to mention anything about the duhkota fiasco.?????? Radio silence from the seditious one.....

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      She or her writers won't say anything, not now. After May 23?

      The 'ring thing' may be her statement. I can think of many different ways that could go.

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Daddy rapes you mommy forgives him goes to church he sits drinks beer watching sports on tv and was a teacher and coach...makes Sandusky look like a choir's time to talk about this Sarah...and Molly...Heather! Chuck you little fock! Your just as bad!

  52. Anonymous2:50 PM

    You should always wear closed toe shoes when you have hammer toes like that.

  53. Anonymous3:00 PM

    What the hell is wrong with her? No, really, she clenches her fists, punches the air, makes weird faces and can't stop moving.

    She looks anorexic, she is definitely on something. My Dog! she has become like a SNL skit, Sarah playing a wacked out drugged out older woman who thinks she is still 14 and "hot".I may even feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a self centered twit but since she is one i don't.

    Behold, Sarah! the new May West! who still wore her long blonde wig and tight clothes right until the end and it wasn't an act she never got over being a "star" and Sarah still thinks she is one. Get the hook someone take her off the stage, it's too painful to look at.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Her dowager's hump is showing very prominently now, she looks like a linebacker in the shoulders and a wasted anorexic on the bottom half. Add those hammer toes and pale crab claws into the equation and that is one sick looking menopausal woman who's been living on a liquid diet and/or throwing up her meals. Plus her hairline has receded a full inch from where it was a few years ago. Damn, age and abuse has treated her very poorly.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      She might be mad about that repo man!

    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Lol...well that repo man gonna drag daddio to the courts about raping his kids! Sounds like that BEAR woke up! Heathen gonna get scooped baby!!!

    4. Anonymous8:43 AM

      did $$ from house sale go to repo man??

  54. Anonymous3:27 PM

    No cleavage! Todd are you sure you married a woman?

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      She is turning into a man. Looks just like that Bruce Jenner (?), the guy who is trying to turn into a woman. Those two could be twins - check out their pictures side by side!

  55. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The Liberal of the Pedop Grphen's site fears Sarah Palin . She's running .

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      And we say let her run, it will be the most fun ever! Can you imagine the woman who in the video above gave that itchy, scratchy discombobulated drug-addled speech running for POTUS? She's gold, absolute gold and even more so than foot-in-mouth Jebbie.

      Y'all just keep encouraging her but you aren't doing her any favors by doing so; what you are doing is providing some much needed comedy relief to moderate Republicans and Democrats. Thanks in advance for your support!!

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Run, Sarah, Run!
      A Democrat

    3. Anonymous5:56 AM

      if they rilly cared about her they would encourage her to get into rehab and be a good caretaker to her downs grandson. we libs aren't a bit concerned about her running. in fact we Encourage her to run. all the more to laugh at. you cant beat the entertainment. better than any soap on tv. this one is in realtime! even snl brought her back to mock. please run. run screech, RUN.

    4. Anonymous6:32 AM

      3:27 PM Sarah Palin is running for office just like Bristol is getting married.

  56. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Bristol Palin’s fiance, Dakota Meyer is lying about his past according to a friend of Cassandra Wain, a woman that Meyer allegedly married back in May of 2008. Based upon these recent allegations, some rumors are flying around that Bristol Palin’s wedding date may have been cancelled since she apparently has been missing a wedding ring.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      3:48 ...missing the ring.

      Hello....We found it. Right on Sarah's hand.

      Other than being extremely cruel and tacky to her daughter, Sarah paid for the ring so she has the right to repossess it, I guess.

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      It's not a "wedding ring," folks, it's an engagement ring. The wedding one is usually plain or plain-ish; the engagement one is bling-ish. Gheesh.

  57. Anonymous4:00 PM

    She is not even listed as a speaker on the official event schedule of Keynote Speaker (General), Special Appearance (retired Admiral)and Honoray Guest speaker (retired MOH). How on earth did she manage to be allowed to speak?

    1. Anonymous11:35 PM

      she probably sucked cock ..

    2. Anonymous6:02 AM

      she probably went fishing for an invite thru too tan Becky. the Gop don't want "scratchie/stinky" no mo.

  58. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The May 2008 marriage of Cassandra Wain and Dakota Meyer is not alleged. He even had a lawyer say there was a divorce. There is a document for the marriage.

  59. Anonymous4:05 PM

    For the official dinner gala program - she is not listed anywhere. They did have a retired MOH navy seal as the Honored Guest speaker. Wonder if she tried to get Dakota on the program?Link:

  60. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Notice how her lunging handshake to the reporter asking questions was her signal to him that the questioning is over. Sarah was so nervous in that unscripted interview that he might ask her a question she didn't know how to answer. She really is very afraid of reporters with questions that aren't approved by her in advance!

    The blond streaked wig on top of the long teenage black hair extensions is just not a good look on an aging mature woman. But then again no one has ever accused her of being emotionally or mentally mature.

    She has zero cleavage for such huge twinflatables she usually wears. And she really should get something done about those hammer toes.

  61. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I have noticed that Palin has a habit of scratching her scalp in several interviews. Dirty hair? Painful extensions? Lice? Drugs? ...Anyone?

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      The greatest killer of them all, KOOTIES! May she itch herself to death.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I noticed that too. Either a drug induced nervous twitch or that woman has lice. Or BOTH! LOL

    3. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Excessive itching: sign of liver damage.

    4. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Excessive itching and picking at your own skin is caused by meth use.

    5. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Drinking does that! Stop it already! Your daddy is a piece of shit! There! Now get help for the crap he put you ALL thru! Stop denying it already! The BEAR is woken and might wander to eat him!

  62. Anonymous4:20 PM

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Did Willow raid Bristol's extensions for this job? And the hands. OMG.

      Does NO ONE in this woman's family care for her at all?

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I think she's wearing those secret extensions you can buy online for 15 bucks.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM


    4. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Nah, its kylie's line. Haha

  63. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Sideshow Sarah™

  64. Anonymous5:46 PM

    According to event links, the Keynote Speaker was Michael V. Hayden, "Former Director of both the CIA and NSA". Clearly an upstanding man with nothing to hide, whom rill Americans can totally trust. A perfect role model for the Palins, Dakota Meyers', and Chris Kyles of this great country. And Israelis like Chaim Witz.

  65. Anonymous6:17 PM

    what's with the real Gene Simmons' gangsah sign?

  66. Anonymous6:56 PM

    The wedding has been called off.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Assumption or fact?

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM


    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Cam you provide anything to support the fact?

    4. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Where is the proof.

  67. Poor Simmons. Beware the Palin curse.

  68. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I read that Dr. Ben Carson said Sarah Palin looks as though she is suffering from anorexia . That photo make me wonder.

  69. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Gene Simmons dated Cher for many years. Sonny was a republican also. Why does very liberal Cher like to sleep with republicans?

  70. Anonymous9:30 PM

    @7:59 - why don't you g to Cher's Twitter and ask her directly? @cher
    In the meantime, back on topic...SP is manic

  71. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I think Sarah, who is always hyper and manic, was more so during the dinner gala because she was afraid the reporters were going to ask questions about Bristol's wedding.

  72. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Anonymous4:09 PM

    I have noticed that Palin has a habit of scratching her scalp in several interviews. Dirty hair? Painful extensions? Lice? Drugs? ...Anyone?

    Could be itching due to hemodialysis?

  73. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Since she loves being on camera, and makes it her business to seek out any in the area. you would think she would take care to hdress appropriately. Does she HONESTLY think she looks good in these dirty looking outfits she wears? Maybe the sponsors of any even she appears at should add "Scratch and Sniff" to any photos of $carah. Proof positive that money cannot buy CLASS. Or laundry detergent, it appears.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Please no Sarah Palin's scratch and sniff pictures.

      I would prefer to sniff my dog's ass after he craps before I get a whiff of Sarah Palin or Bristol Palin’s scratch and sniff pictures.

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      5:50 AM

      Lolllllll. Yep dog crap is like perfume compared to tuna that's been left out to rot in the Arizona sun.

  74. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Someone must have told her to dress it up a little.

  75. Do you honestly think Bristol would cancel her wedding if she was pregnant. Maybe she is thinking of child support from Dakota without marriage. If she is back in Alaska, is she seeing Junker? I bet she is not pregnant. Is living with Dakota worse than being pregnant single again?

  76. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Why is Sarah Palin always inappropriately dressed? And why does she always look like her hair is dirty? And what is with the dark glasses at an event where people are supposed to see her? She, and the rest of them, are increasingly Kardashian-like. Bizarre. All they now need is someone to announce that he/she is really transgender.

  77. Anonymous8:07 AM

    That Sarah Palin sure likes to party. At her age you might think she would slow down and party after an appearance like on the USS Iowa.

    Dakota Meyer is getting into his same old grove. He must be over Bristol by now. Perhaps one of his former girlfriends he's kept in touch with is helping or his buddies are planning a knock down, brag down bachelor party to end all parties. Dakota is just a guy who loves fast cars, guns and the ladies.

    dakotameyer0317 Those who don’t exercise their constitutional rights (ALL OF THEM) run the risk of losing them. #SecondAmendment #2A #DakotaMeyer0317 #NeverOutGunned #Warsport #LVOA #GPRE #USoptics

  78. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Final voyage: USS Iowa on its way to South California where it will be transformed into a naval museum

    2014. Jamie Lynn Spears Gets Back to Work After Wedding, Performs in L.A. Wearing Her Diamond Ring! Battleship Iowa, the 22-year-old bride showed off her huge diamond ring while rocking out on stage.

    2015. Sarah Palin gets to work midst plans of questionable wedding and flashes her big rock! Is she engaged?

    @SarahPalinUSA talks with @extratv aboard the @ussiowa at the @SEALNSWFF Dinner Gala.

  79. Anonymous8:59 AM

    So let’s talk about those lovely golf courses out there in Kommie-fornia!
    Lest you think that we are picking on Palin’s weakest video this week, we remind you that Sarah Palin is all about grifting efficiency, and thus left us little choice. As of press time, Palin had published only one other video this week, and at 1:31 in run time, it is 45 seconds shorter than her deeply stupid ramblings about California’s drought.

    Unbelievable night!!

    Simmons couldn't handle the tongue competion with Sarah. He didn't have one thing on his twitter feed about their discussions on the California drought.

  80. Anonymous11:06 AM



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