Sunday, May 17, 2015

Man if you think Jeb Bush flubbed that question about invading Iraq get a load of Marco Rubio spinning like a top over the same question.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“But what [Megyn Kelly] asked was, ‘Was it a mistake to go to war with Iraq?'” Wallace pressed. 

“That’s not the same question,” Rubio replied. “The question I was asked was what you know now.” 

“But that’s the question I’m asking you,” Wallace explained. “Was it a mistake to go into Iraq?” 

“It was not a mistake for the president to decide to go into Iraq because at the time he was told…” Rubio said before being interrupted. 

“I’m not asking you that,” Wallace reminded him. 

“The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein is not there,” the Florida Republican argued. “But I don’t understand the question you’re asking… A president cannot make a decision knowing what someone might know in the future.” 

“That’s what I’m asking you,” Wallace tried again. “Was it a mistake.”

Okay now I want to see every one of the Republican presidential wannabes self destruct over this same question. I think so far only Rand Paul has managed to unequivocally say that invading Iraq was a mistake. 

Boy you know what Rubio could have used during this interview?

A cold sip of refreshing water.

Would have probably made all the difference.


  1. What I want to know is, Was it a mistake not seizing the opportunity to annihilate Pyongyang thus eliminating Kim Jong il and his regime instead of counterpunching bin Laden in Afghanistan? But then, of course I'm a liberal and say “Never let a crisis go to waste."

    1. Balzafiar4:45 AM

      I'm hoping internal assets will take out the little tyrant Kim Jong Un. Insiders cannot be that blind to what is happening. North Korea deserves to be a free country.

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Here's another GOP asswipe not ready for prime time.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I've been to 12 countries (13 if you count a stopover in Tokyo airport) so I must be twice as qualified to run for President!

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I should be Queen since I've been in 42 countries! And a few more if you are counting airport stopovers.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      3:09 -
      Why think small? With all that experience, go for Empress instead!

    4. I've been in eight countries if you count crossing the French border on a tour bus for a few miles to avoid traffic. (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, England, Mexico, Guatemala and crossing the French border for 30 min.)

      I think Ol' Scotty is just talking about the Republican clown car. I can't believe he thinks six countries as governor trumps Hillary's stint as Secretary of State, not to mention senator and First Lady.

      And this cheesehat hasn't even officially declared himself yet.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anyone surprised? Anyone ever seen a republican that doesn't want war?

    1. Thing is, they didn't go to War. They went to “nation-building."

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This ignorant asshole is sooo unfit for the office of president I'ts not even funny. Keep dreaming whacko.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Problem is that all of the GOP candidates are already unfit for their current positions as governors and senators.

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    It's not really even a question of ,based on what we know now'. It was a mistake based on what they knew then, because those that new the truth knew it was a pack of lies.

    1. Not even to mention a strategic blunder of the first water, regardless.

    2. Exactly right. Knowing what we knew then it was still a huge error in judgement.

      I couldn't believe when I heard the announcement that Dumb,ya had declared war. I cursed all the dumbsh!ts that voted that clown into office, with a healthy dose of wishes for immediate aneurisms for Karl Rove and Dick Cheney.

  7. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Second Amendment Sunday!

    Nine dead.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Waco has turned into the meth capital of Texas, I'm sure that's what the turf war is over.

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I never get tired of watching that clip of Rubio take the drink of water, mid speech. Comedy gold. President Obama must have been laughing his ass off.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      And trying not to keep his eyes off the camera for mother than a second. So awkward! So funny!

    2. So far the Rclown car has done nothing but provide fodder for late night comedy. I guess we won't know if they have anything in the way of a half way viable candidate until the actual convention.

  9. Randall2:36 PM

    Another one bites the dust...

  10. This is very insidious and besides the point. The real issue is whether we knew AT THE TIME that the information being spouted by the administration was questionable. And the fact is that it was known to be doctored and that it was doctored by the very people spouting it. There was also counter information available AT THE TIME that news outlets such as Fox IGNORED. Not only that, but, but outlets like Fox added steroids to the flimsy administration claims and lead the charge for war.

    Making Rubio squirm is mildly entertaining, but avoids the real issue and absolves more culprits than it skewers.

  11. All the froth over this question and the way the press is covering it is insidious. The "debate" begins with the assumption that the best intelligence available at the time made a case for war. We know for a fact that this isn't true. It was known at the time that the intelligence was flawed, that people were asked to ignore contravening evidence, that the press knew but chose to fan the propaganda flames for war (Knightrider service being the notable exception).

    All this is being whitewashed with the phrasing: "if we knew then what we know now"

    Don't fall for it, people.

    1. Maple8:39 AM

      Asolutely right. Fox is doing their dirty work for them, by asking questions such as "If you knew then etc." Well, Cheney, Bush and their gang DID know then, what we all know now that they knew. So much for Rumsfeld's knowns and unknowns.....but some did know, including my own Prime Minister Chretien who refused to join the so-called coalition of the willing. He knew that there was no proof, and that the real enemy was the Taliban, and not Saddam.

  12. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Hey El Stupido if Sadam was still alive there would be no ISIS. Wanna bet a dollar to a bottle of Deer Park? Or you're just wanting to join the not ready for prime time club?

  13. Maple8:41 AM

    Oops, I meant Al Qaeda, not the Taliban.


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