Saturday, May 09, 2015

State Department has no plans to review donations to the Clinton Foundation. Well this is certainly going to cause some conservatives to pull their hair out.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

The State Department said Thursday it has no plans to review previously undisclosed donations to a branch of the Clinton Foundation that some say raise questions about potential conflicts of interest during former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's time in office. 

Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said the contributions in question, made to the Clinton Health Access Initiative by private donors, would not have been reviewed even if they had all been disclosed under the terms of ethics agreements Clinton signed before she took office. That's because only donations to the foundation from foreign governments or speaking fees for former President Bill Clinton were subject to vetting. 

The agreements did require that private donations be made public and the health initiative has acknowledged it did not do so in all cases. Rathke said the State Department welcomes the steps the foundation and its arms are now taking to address the issue and won't pursue the matter. 

"The State Department has not and does not intend to initiate a formal review, or to make a retroactive judgment about items that were not submitted during Secretary Clinton's tenure," Rathke told reporters, rejecting suggestions that the undisclosed donations might raise ethics red flags.

Oh man you KNOW that is going to drive conservatives around the freaking bend, and it will inspire Right Wing news outlets to assume all kinds of behind the scenes deal making between the Clintons and the Obama administration.

Not that it makes any difference how much door slamming and tantrum throwing they do, since it seems fairly certain that Hillary is going to be in charge of state department at some point in the near future.

This from Politico: 

On Nov. 8, 2016, Clinton will start — start — with a minimum 247 of the 270 electoral votes she needs to win. If you give her Colorado and Virginia — which many political strategists would, given the Hispanic population in one and the rising influence of the northern-centered population in the other — she'll start with 269. That means Clinton doesn't need Ohio or Florida. She just needs one small state like Iowa, Nevada or New Hampshire to put her over the edge. And because she's got a boatload of money and no viable primary challenger, she'll have plenty of time and resources to lock up at least one of those states.

Benghazi, e-mail-gate, Clinton attack books, none of it is going to amount to a hill of beans compared to the reality of what the Clintons have in their warchest.

And now that Jeb has openly identified his brother George W. as a close adviser on foreign policy, which I think takes him right out of the race, who do the Republicans actually have that can give Hillary a run for her money?



  1. She running against the Koch Brothers. They own half the world. But Alaska voters voted against them! A good lesson for the rest of the America.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      AMERICA voted against them last election..Obama won handily, despite the Rove plan to screw up the Ohio machines again. Go Hillary! And Go Bernie! I am feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time..

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      6:25 AM, I'll never forget Rove on Faux election night 2012 insisting "did not, did not, did not!" as "Obama Wins" was flashing on the screen behind him. I remember wondering just what made him so confident. Like a petulant child, I'm surprised he didn't cry. LOL

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      7:21, yes, that was classic and memorable, the Rove regression to petulant child. I loved it!

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    It's the Revenge of the Clintons!

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Palin better not bitch about the CGI when SarahPAC is still in the business of grifting!

  4. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Nope, nobody. The Republicans have no one that they can run. And I see where the Mittster is gathering up all kinds of big money donors and hosting them at his complex in Utah. They're gonna strategize! And bash Obama and Hillary endlessly.
    The Republicans have nothing to offer the country except their usual bottle necking, intrusive, invasive government. They want in your bedroom, in your womb, guns in daycares, no voting in Democratic neighborhoods, no health care for the poor, no public schools, etc. oh, and that's just the tip of their regressive agenda.
    Jeb? Please! He's George with darker hair. Ben Carson? He's this election cycle 's Herman Cain. Rand? Libertarians are even distancing themselves from that loser. And speaking of losers.... Christie? Nope. Bridge gate will swallow (big gulp) his White House wet dream. Cruz? Rafael can't shut his own father up and that will hinder his chances.
    Losers, all of them.

  5. Bill F5:01 AM

    The disturbing aspect is the Republicans have no credible candidate to offer the country as an alternative to Hillary.

    1. Republicans are disturbing. Full stop.

    2. They've back themselves into a corner. They cannot hope to appease a dwindling, dying-off base that wants to hear marriage equality, reproductive rights and immigrants condemned and draw enough votes of thinking, rational people to win a general.

      Maybe it's always been a matter of whether you want to vote your fears or your hopes. Bamz and Hills can deliver the optimists to the polls, but it's entirely up to us liberals in non-presidential years to fill the lower seats with those friendly to them.

      I confess I didn't vote the first time till I was 34 (Gephart in the Dem primary). At 18, I could have at least been on record voting against Nixon's second round, and that irks me. But until I die, I've got an appointment every first Tuesday in November.

  6. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Why is that disturbign Bill F? The out of touch and self-described stoopid party only has irrelevant and stoopid candidates.

  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    We will need massive GOTV efforts. MASSIVE - to get people registered (so that means TO registration places to obtain ID and register) AND then to the polls and not denied. That means getting out frm behind your computers and getting involved and door knocking, etc.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    What's it going to be, $arah?
    You said you're ready for Hillary.
    Put up or shut up.

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      She just meant her PAC would be ready to send those pitiful donations to whomever her advisers choose...wonder if DaKOta will unstrap his guns long enough to run for something, enabling Sarah to donate to him and Bristol? I mean, Bristol would be just as good a political wife as old Todd was. And they could do one of those matching outfits family portraits, holding hands while walking in a wooded area that worked so well for Sarah's last chosen ones...

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Considering that she's the one who sits on her self-imagined throne with all the answers, if she doesn't run she's nothing more than a cowardly ankle-biting chihuahua and those who send her money are fools.

  9. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Since they really have such limited options, my guess is they will dust off Romney and hope for the "third times a charm" adage. At one point, I thought maybe Jeb could give her a run for her money, but he and his "advisors" are acting like out-of-touch idiots already.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Nah. He'd have to get past Mrs. Romney, I forget her first name.

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      All she cares about is money and I think she would LOVE to be able to invite her snobby "Real Housewives of Politicians and Other Crooked Rich Men" to the White House for tea and bridge.

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM


    I'm not voting for them, but my guess is that will be their pair.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Scott Walker is a Grade A moron. He's perfect for the GOP.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Walker doesn't have a chance...all the Clinton campaign would have to do is play that video of him when he thought he was talking to his overlord, David Koch, (where he admitted considering putting trouble makers in the crowd) on repeat. Besides, half this country hates him already. Rubio is a joke, too.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Whew! For a second there, I thought Sarah named her faux tatas,

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM


  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The Earthquake Movement has another billboard up at the Freedom Summit this weekend...Still waiting for Sarah!
    But this posting made me laugh...

    May 7 at 7:35pm ·

    For the 2016 presidential election, it does make a difference who we send to Washington to clean up our big, out-of-control government. Governor Sarah Palin is a proven reformer with a track record of fighting corruption and balancing the budget. She is a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and a faithful adherent to the Constitution. Please join us in asking Sarah Palin to run for President of the United States in 2016.

    Issue after issue, no one has taken a stronger stand in making our government accountable; in fiscal responsibility, foreign policy, national security, energy independence, immigration and ethics reform. Whether it's Obamacare, Benghazi, the IRS and the NSA spying scandals or media bias, she is America's leading voice. She tirelessly fights for us.

    Sarah Palin understands everyday Americans because she is one of us. She is a Commonsense Conservative. Consistent. Steady. And unafraid. Take a stand now to restore America to her founding principles. Take a stand with Sarah Palin and let her know that she is not alone in this fight.

    Why have some of you not signed our Petition in Support of Sarah Palin for President in 2016? If you have not...please do's very simple to do! We have 3906 current members in this group alone...and there are only 2288 signatures...and many of these are duplicates that will be purged when the Petition ends. What is wrong with this picture (and I don't mean the photo of Sarah the link)???????…/sarah-palin-for-president-2016…/


    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      She sure did a bang-up job of balancing the budget in Wasilla, now didn't she?

  13. Anonymous9:37 AM

    A few months ago, I was starting to get concerned about Jeb since he seemed to be gathering support and appearing relatively intelligent and sane (especially compared to the rest of the GOP idiots).

    However, he is making a lot of mistakes while Hillary is only getting stronger, even with all the mudslinging that the GOP is doing.

    Once again, the Republicans are hurting themselves with the conflict between primaries and the general election. They have to swing so far right to win the primary that they end up too far right to win the general election. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you!)

  14. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Could this be another problem for the whole Palin/Meyer
    Writing on the flag...not being accepted well by her following.

  15. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Guess who has registered to participate in the
    Louisville Ironman contest in October 2015?
    Check out his confirmation posted at

    Better start training immediately...
    You just can't make this stuff up!!!!

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM


  16. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I want an investigation of every member of Congress who accepted money from the Koch brothers or any of their cover organizations or ALEC and I want an investigation of the relationship between Justices Scalia and Thomas and the Koch brothers and any of their cover organizations or ALEC. It's time that we start investigating the other side.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Now your getting the Hillary campaign center...tell them!

  17. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Gryph, the HuffPo link doesn't work. :-(

    1. Oops. Fixed now.

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Where's Whyle E. Sarah, covered in soot while Road Runner Hillary goes "Meep Meep"??? Nothing on facebook? Cat got your tongue, Sarah?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.