Saturday, May 09, 2015

Attorney General Loretta Lynch launches investigation into police brutality in Baltimore.

Courtesy of CNN: 

The Justice Department launched on Friday a pattern or practice investigation into the methods of the Baltimore Police Department, weeks after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. 

Calling police-community relations "one of the most challenging issues of our time," Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Friday the investigation, which will look into whether the police department has used excessive force and conducted unlawful searches, seizures and arrests, and discriminatory policing practices through the lens of civil rights and constitutional violations. 

She said she launched the investigation at the urging of Baltimore officials and community leaders, and with the support of the Baltimore police union. 

"Our goal is to work with the community, public officials, and law enforcement alike to create a stronger, better Baltimore," Lynch said at a press conference Friday. If violations are found, the investigation will result in a "court-enforceable agreement" to change the practices of the Baltimore Police Department.

This of course follows the DOJ's scathing report on what they found after investigating Ferguson.

I have a feeling that there will be similar findings after this investigation in Baltimore.

Personally I think that if the Department of Justice were to investigate police departments all over the country, that they would find racism brutality, and injustice, in varying degrees, practiced by virtually all of them. 

I did not use to think that was true, but that was before the evidence started showing up in video clips, witness accounts, and e-mails. Now only a blind man could say that he did not see institutional racism in every nook and cranny of our society.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    O/T -- Bristol and Dakota take note!
    There's a family of ten children who're being ranged "free-range" in, where else?, Kentucky.
    There's a shed that houses the family's livestock.
    Two make-shift tents house the family of twelve, with more on the way. There 's no homeschooling -- the world of the devil!
    Instead, all the kids from infants to adolescents are free to roam their plot of land, covered with old nails, dog feces, etc.

    When questioned about this "back to the basics" lifestyle, Old Dad Clampett waved a pistol around at anyone who would interfere.

    Now THAT'S how to raise children wddout no gubmint, emirate, Sarah? They'll seen learn which are poisonous mushrooms and which are deadly; which snakes it's okay to play with; that grunts and shoves are the preferred way to communicate in the modern world.
    Oh, but they do have a Facebook account. They're not totally batshit crazy.
    Maybe Bristol could learn a few lessons from these rough-rough Kentuckians. They sure make the Palins look like Marie Antoinette at Versailles.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Yea! Way past time this be done.

    And, I think it should be the norm across the country as there are obviously horrible misdeeds being done by the cops across the country.

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    By the DOJ's 'scathing report' on Ferguson, you must mean the heavily embellished fishing trip launched to cover their ass when it became obvious the investigation and witness report on Darren Wilson were going to find, and did find, he acted in self defense, acted appropriately, and was found to be telling the truth.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      9"45 AM You are a Liar, they could not find a video that showed what happened. Darren Wilson got his feelings hurt and handled it like the Coward that he is. You and your ilk will never believe what any Black witness says, even when there is a video showing the truth. Enjoy your Cross Burning Ceremony tonight.

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Here is the DOJ report 12:03. The DOJ report under Holder and Obama.

      It has all the investigation witness statements and testimonies from all the BLACK and MULTI RACIAL witnesses deemed most credible that corroborated Wilson's testimony.

      You should give it a full read and let it soak in before you make a bigger ass of yourself and appear more ignorant than you already are.

      You are an ignorant fool, and a bigot 12:03.

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I'm so glad she hit the ground running. What's been exposed so far is just a scratch on the surface, we've got to find a way to lance this boil once and for all.

    And now for the other view, Megynocologitst Kelly has a "different take" on the issue.

    To which I say, Fuck You, drop dead and have a nice day!!


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