Thursday, May 07, 2015

Stephen Colbert decides to fund every grant request made by public school teachers in South Carolina. Why? Because he's a damn hero, that's why.

Courtesy of Greenville Online: 

Comedian Stephen Colbert announced Thursday that he would fund every existing grant request South Carolina public school teachers have made on the education crowdfunding website 

Colbert made the announcement on a live video feed Thursday at a surprise event at Alexander Elementary School in Greenville. 

Colbert partnered with The Morgridge Family Foundation 's Share Fair Nation and ScanSource, which is headquartered in Greenville, to fund nearly 1,000 projects for more than 800 teachers at over 375 schools, totaling $800,000. 

"Using the proceeds of the sale of my old set on The Colbert Report which we auctioned off, and with the generous matching funds from The Morgridge Family Foundation and ScanSource, DonorsChoose is going to flash-fund all 1,000 projects in South Carolina," Colbert said. "Enjoy your learning, South Carolina." 

The event was attended by local and state school officials, including state schools Superintendent Molly Spearman. 

"There are going to be some happy, happy teachers across the state," Spearman said. "This is Teacher Appreciation Week, so what a great way to say 'thank you teachers for what you're doing every day.'"

Wow! Just wow!

Not to brag, but when I decide to idolize somebody they usually continue to provide multiple reasons why they deserve to be idolized.

And this guy deserves all of the adulation coming his way.

I swear if Colbert ever seriously decides to run for office in South Carolina he is going to win that election in a landslide. 


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I sure do miss him. Terribly.

  2. Jim in Texas4:43 PM

    Jesus Christ would lose in S.C. running as a Democrat.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    OT: Just saw President Obama land in Portland, OR.
    Welcome, sir, may your stay here be an enjoyable one!

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    There is nothing not to like about him.

  5. Anonymous5:14 PM

    He has the kindest eyes.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      He really does! Thank you for pointing that out.

  6. Anonymous5:22 PM

    We need more exceptional Americans like him. This just in, not to be outdone, Sarah Palin said any donation to Sarah Pac will be matched and donated to "The Patriot and the Bimbos Weddin'" As a "thank you" you'll receive a color photo of Bimbo dressed as an ape from her iconic appearance on "Dancing with a Dunce"

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    This is great, this is utterly fantastic! I also read that Jon Stewart and his wife just bought a farm to rehabilitate animals! These guys are givers!

    O/T, you have to watch this video, in the first few minutes one guy slaps the pregnancy belly he's got strapped on, and it sounds exactly the way Sarah Palin's belly sounded when she slapped hers on the Elan Frank video!

  8. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I hope Stephen is leading the pack for others to match his gift.
    John next?
    Nothing but admiration for Stephen Colbert.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    The President of the United States told this fool to get an education and not make snap decisions.
    Major Fail

  10. Can you ever make just ONE post where you don't toot your own horn and pat yourself on the back??

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Can you ever make just ONE comment where you don't bitch at a blogger or at other commenters??

    2. Anonymous9:30 PM

      DGM, start your own blog, run it however you want, don't tell other people what to do.

    3. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Duhkota Goober Meyer, you could learn a lot from Uncle Gryphen.

    4. Anonymous5:19 AM

      On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog. Or a Doug, Dave, Darlene, Dennis, Debbie or Daniel.

      Please note that your comment is almost as pointless as mine.

      I said "almost"

    5. Anonymous6:04 AM

      DGM has been around a few years. S/he likes to go on blogs (here, Malia's, SPHASH, even C4P if you believe DGM) and complain about how we should more THIS and less THAT, etc..

  11. Anonymous7:27 PM

    You apparently never watched the Corbert

  12. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I was privileged to be in the studio audience of The Colbert Report in January of 2014. I was even more privileged to be able to ask Stephen a question during his Q & A before the show. As a recently retired teacher, I asked him this: "I'm curious to know what kind of student you were in school. I could imagine you as a sweet, compliant, Catholic school boy, but I could also imagine you as an absolute hellion. Which were you?"

    He asked me, "What grade? What grade did you teach?"

    I said, "I've taught all grades, K-12. Just start at the beginning and go through your whole education."

    He laughed, saying, "I cried a lot in nursery school. In the elementary grades I was not in a good school. South Carolina schools were #49 in the country--we were so thankful for Mississippi (at #50)--so by the time I changed schools in 6th grade to go to a military school, I didn't even know what a verb was. But I was never a good student; I was more like an incidental student. In high school I never did homework except for math, which I had to do to keep up. I would read a whole book--of my own choosing--every day, but I just wasn't interested in school. I would smoke pot before school, during a break at 10:15, at lunch.... And one time I remember being in Russ Robinson's class, kind of in a drugged stupor, floating above it all and watching him try to gain control of the class. No one was listening to him, and he wasn't being a dick about it; he was up there saying, 'Come on, people, this is my job.' So all of the sudden, to help him out, I just climbed up on my desk, stood up there and sang, from Jesus Christ Superstar:

    'Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?
    Nothing can be done to stop the shouting.
    If every tongue was still the noise would still continue;
    The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing.'"

    He sang these lines (from "Heysanna, Hosanna") with his absolutely beautiful voice and told us, "At that point the teacher just told me, 'Detention!' and I had to go to the dean who asked me what I did this time. I told him, and he just told me to get lost for a while."

    At that point he had to get behind the desk to start the show, and, although I didn't know this until later that night when I actually watched the show, he started by singing those very lines! (They had us cheering so loud during his intro that we couldn't even hear that he was singing.) Here is a link for that intro (plus a very funny clip about Christie's Bridgegate):

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      What a wonderful -- and wonderfully written -- story!

      Thanks for posting it.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM


    3. Anonymous11:18 PM


    4. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Yes, thank you for the detailed reporting. Well done!

  13. Amerrica Strong and Prod10:13 PM

    Typical libs -- you turn Stephen Colbert into a saint for helping teachers and hurl insults at Sarah Palin who's done SO much for America!

    Like, when she ... mmmm ... well, there's the time she ... ahhhh ...

    Um, where do you go to become a liberal? Does it hurt? I wouldn't have to have gay sex or nothin', would I?

  14. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Stephen Colbert is a gem.

  15. Maple6:53 AM

    Much as I like David Letterman, I am REALLY looking forward to the fall when Stephen Colbert takes over his show. This time, we'll see the real Stephen.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.