Thursday, May 07, 2015

Rep. Louie Gohmert becomes the latest to buy into the "Obama is imposing martial law on Texas" conspiracy. Wait, he's just now buying in?

Courtesy of Policy Mic:  

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) is the latest Republican to express concern that a planned U.S. military exercise in the Southwest known as "Jade Helm 15" may be a ploy for imposing martial law on Texas. 

"This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law. Certainly I can understand these concerns," Gohmert said in a statement on the exercises. "When leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, are military veterans or even 'cling to guns or religion,' patriotic Americans have reason to be concerned." 

Gohmert, who has served in the Army and has participated in military exercises, explained that he understands why a training exercise in civilian territory would be a routine occurrence and useful for the military. But he claims that a map depicting the operation's parameters that labels Texas "hostile" territory has stoked his deeper fears that the president could be using the operation as cover for something more sinister.

Wait, there's a map?

 Oh hey, there is a map.

Oh I see, they marked Texas as "hostile."

Well that certainly seems reasonable to me.

Except I don't think it means "hostile" to the military in the same way it means "hostile" to me.

According to the Washington Post, which confirmed the map's legitimacy with Army sources, the map was likely made for local authorities, and the depiction of a domestic region as hostile territory is a regular feature of training exercises which — by definition — are simulating combat with an enemy. 

Oh I see, so the areas marked in red are only pretending to be hostile for the military maneuvers just like has been done for decades. And Louie Gohmert, who was in the military, should know that.

But he either doesn't, or is pretending he doesn't, in order to fit in with the crazy people who are convinced that Obama is going to round them all up and put them in FEMA camps.

My only question is what took Gohmert so long to chime in on this?

After all the Louie Gohmert I know, and think should be institutionalized, would have been taking point on this conspiracy theory, not following up in the rear.

You know if I were a barely coherent moron in Gohmert's district I would be sorely disappointed in the kind of support I was receiving from my Congressman. 


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I hope the Army erects a tall fence along the northern border of Texas then permanently closes all the military bases in the state. Let the idiots take care of themselves.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Yes, it's even more weird when you consider the number and size of military bases in Texas. I know a few Texans but I suspect only one of them of being stupid enough to buy this conspiracy shit.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    You know, a sign of low intelligence, possibly due to inbreeding are ears that are very low on the head.

    Mother and father kissing cousins Gouber?

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Remember the Alamo?

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    You've got to excuse Louie Gomer....
    He's a little slow...

  5. Fucking lunatics.

    That is all.

  6. He, and Cruz, must have some really ignorant constituents in their districts to have elected these two idiots. Whether Gohmert actually believes in what he say or not, he is contributing to the paranoia that already exist with the low information and ignorant far right.

  7. Anonymous4:02 PM



  8. Anonymous4:12 PM

    What more proof do we need? There's maps fer Chrisssakes!!! Maps, I tell ya! Louie must have the constituents with the most Reynold's Wrap Aluminum foil and bowling allies per Texas, or maybe the whole world, if only they had maps for that. LMAO, Anyone know if he's been toilet trained yet?

  9. Why don't these idiots realize that Texas already belongs to the United States? Damn, I wish we could convince the rest of the U.S. to let it go. We'd be better off. The average IQ of the rest of the U.S. would go up 15 points.

  10. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Texas has the best of the best coming, ALL of the best that the military have to offer.... and instead of showing pride, Texas is showing only hostility.

    I hope they go to Massachusetts next time, WE know how to show proper hospitality to our fighting elite.

    Screw Texas.

  11. Anonymous5:03 PM

    What's in the water down there?

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      From what I gather "Fracking Waste" and "Sewage Treatment Plant Discharge."

      As the drought goes on there is less and less dilution...

  12. Jade Helm

    "Jade" stands for "Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution"

    "Helm" stands for "Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.”

    Tracking this story on Facebook -

  13. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The United States of America military force under the control of President Obama never attacked Alaska and never took our guns under Gov Sarah Palin’s watch!

  14. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Keep yer eyeballs on this paranoid wacko. The guy has said some very deeply disturbing statements over the last few years. I do smell a stinky of nasty dirty paranoid wanna bees

  15. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Pos. As well as tom brady, pos.


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