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Garland Mayor Douglas Athas |
Garland Mayor Douglas Athas, like many in his city, said he wished AFDI president Pamela Geller hadn’t picked Garland as the site for Sunday’s event.
“Certainly in hindsight, we as a community would be better off if she hadn’t,” Athas said Tuesday. “Her actions put my police officers, my citizens and others at risk. Her program invited an incendiary reaction. She picked my community, which does not support in any shape, passion or form, her ideology.
“But at the end of the day, we did our jobs,” he said. “We protected her freedoms and her life.”
One can only imagine this poor guy's frustration.
One day he's worried about keeping the trash picked up off the streets, and dealing with petty crime crime, and the next his officers are warding off an attack from assailants aligned with a dangerous terrorist group.
But hey, it's not Pamela Gellar's fault. As she explains here courtesy of Time Magazine:
So, why are some people blaming me? They’re saying: “Well, she provoked them! She got what she deserved!” They don’t remember, or care to remember, that as the jihadis were killing the Muhammad cartoonists in Paris, their friend and accomplice was murdering Jews in a nearby kosher supermarket. Were the Jews asking for it? Did they “bait” the jihadis? Were they “provoking” them?
Are the Jews responsible for the Nazis? Are the Christians in the Middle East responsible for being persecuted by Muslims?
Drawing Muhammad offends Islamic jihadists? So does being Jewish. How much accommodation of any kind should we give to murderous savagery? To kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.
This is a war.
Actually it's not war. It's random, often unrelated, acts of terrorism that will surely increase if people go out of their way to provoke a certain element in the Muslim community.
Now I support free speech as much as anybody, actually more than some. But what Gellar did was not in the name of free speech, what she did was to attempt to agitate a certain segment of the community so that she could prove to people that she was correct in writing terrible things about them.
Were they wrong to attack the AFDI? Yes, of course.
Was Gellar and her group wrong to place the lives of police officers at risk in order to play the victim, and garner support? Yes, of course.
You know it's kind of like the riots in Baltimore.
We all condemn the burning of police cars, and property damage, but we also have to realize that there were factors which inspired that response.
Are we at war with black people in Baltimore as well?
There is no defense for the atrocities perpetrated by terrorists happening around the world, however we can do much to demonstrate that America is a place where people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds can live in harmony.
A huge part of that might be to stop attacking Muslim countries and killing their people, and to stop our police from shooting black people in the back or severing their spinal cords.
Just a thought.
P.S. Just a note in case I did not make myself clear. Killing people because they draw a picture of your prophet is never a reasonable response. My point was that if we were not also raining down death on innocent Muslims from the skies in Pakistan and other places, perhaps there would be fewer folks willing to kill over a cartoon.
Gellar is an agent for the Israeli government. She foments hate and stokes fear in the USA. She did not get what she deserves: She got exactly what she planned.
ReplyDeleteEVERYTHING played out exactly as planned. IT Continues..as planned..
DeleteCan you say "red flag"?
It's ALL a RUSE..But people die..hummmm?
Well said, Gryph. Extremely well said!
ReplyDeletePamela Gellar was there in Garland promoting hate speech. The comparisons she is trying to draw between herself and genuine victim groups is simply invalid, not to mention a real insult to those groups, who never did anything to provoke their persecution. They are innocent victims of bigotry and intolerance who are literally sought out for persecution.
ReplyDeleteGellar, OTOH, went out of her way to set up a disgusting hate speech situation and advertise it in a very deliberate attempt to incite and invite a violent reaction by those she was targeting in a sick partnership of sorts to help her portray herself as a victim.
When you have to orchestrate your own victimhood, especially in a manner that puts others' lives at risk, you are not a victim. You are a poisonous stinking pile of weasel turds.
She wanted it, she got it and now she can play the victim, like somebody else we know,.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, if that's even your real name, do you have ANY idea what is going on in Texas at this very moment????
ReplyDeleteThis is an eyewitness report from a VERY reliable source, that was fabricated within the last 15 minutes. So this is literally breaking news!
"From my hidden vantage point I can see a quadruple double row of black military-style assault vehicles extending in both directions along the otherwise empty Texas Interstate as far as the eye can see. Every vehicle is flying the now-familiar Obama "rising sun" campaign flag. I stopped counting individual vehicles at 10,000. Periodically a rebel fighter will stand up out of the bush holding a muzzle loading musket to fire a round that bounces harmlessly off an Obama forces uparmored vehicle. Then, an articulated robotic drone arm rises slowly from a rumbling mobile drone attack drone (MDAD)and a brilliant blue laser beam lashes out to vaporize the patriot in his tri-corner hat festooned with teabags and his "Obamacare is Hitler" t-shirt. Oh, the humanity!
Not surprisingly the Lamestream Media has failed to report on this unprecedented domestic invasion of the sovereign Republic of Texas. Acting Texas President Louie Gohmert has appealed to other nations, including Belgium, Chad, Nova Scotia and the tiny principality of Monaco for military assistance to fight Obama's aggression and help establishing a thriving gaming industry that does not benefit so-called Native Americans or as they are now called by the new republic, "primitive savages determined to rape our women and attack our pioneer's wagon trains".
As reports of the fall of storied texas cities such as Dallas, Ft Worth, Houston, Amarillo and Crawford have surfaced, rumors run rampant that cavernous chambers beneath abandoned Walmart and Hobby Lobby stores are being used to process millions of vanquished Texans into delicious spicy meat stick snack foods popular with truckers and chock full of essential nutrients such as salt, sodium nitrate, salt, potassium nitrite and quar gum and salt. Lots of guar gum. And salt. (I haven't tried these treats for myself, but I'm told by reliable sources they taste like tobacco juice and old F-150 upholstery)
If only our exceptional nation had elected that old man whose name escapes me at the moment and his rapidly aging partner, The Screechy Wretch(tm) this secret invasion of Texas would never have happened! Sure, we would have invaded Iran, Syria, Portugal, South Venezuela, North Venezuela, the mythical island of Atlantis, North Korea, Thailand, Poland, Cleveland, Cuba, Haiti, Cuba again, Grenada, Lebanon, Antarctica, Newfoundland and Belize, to name just a few. But we would never have invaded Texas if Barack HUSSEIN Obama had never been elected president!
Swoon.....I love you.
DeleteWolverines; nice touch!
DeleteBeldar strikes again?
Deletewhat gave it away, aragon?
DeleteBeldar has a classic style ya know.
DeleteI love you Beldar J Conehead! :)
DeleteYup, it's our beloved Beldar... or whatever your anyomus menniker is right now... Keepe Goin!
DeleteBlimbaugh tried to equate this with a woman dressing in revealing clothes so therefore deserved to be raped. So ridiculous
ReplyDeleteIt's more like a racist spitting in the face of black man, calling him a n***er and expecting the person to say thank you.
This was just posted at the Pee Pond. Comments from these racist bastards usually simply entertain me but this one sent shivers down my spine:
ReplyDeletedave7777 Guest • 17 minutes ago
Sgt York. we need to follow his example and round up muslims.
What Gellar did was akin to yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater.
ReplyDeleteActually it is not even close.
Delete1038 How so? Thank you for clarifying.
DeleteIt is like yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater. Someone yells it loud, gets trampled and hurt, then complains about getting trampled and hurt.
DeleteSo when Gellar put on this event, Did everyone get up out of the seats at a theater and go screaming for the door trampling over each other in a mass panic?
DeleteOr... did a couple of nutjob Muslims, decide in their nutty muslim ways, that they should drive from AZ to Texas to shoot the place up and try to terrorize America because Koran (Quran)?
Pretty sure it is the second one.
You guys should try to be Americans for once instead of bowing down to your Muslim overlords.
Pretty sure it is the second one.
DeleteYou may be mistaken. Not so literal. Think more like on par and equivalency.
They were like Sarah's friend Ted Nugent. The FBI keeps up with them, nutjob Muslims and other domestic terrorists, including shit stirring nutjobs.
DeletePamela Geller consults with security and she isn't telling everything.
Someone must have let her know she was provoking and possibly who she was provoking.
She does a lot of work in Arizona.
It is hard to believe she is clueless about who is a theat to 'tea party' instigators or even Geller herself.
I'm going to organize a paint a picture of god getting a blow job day. With prizes for the best pictures. The more disgusting the better. And maybe we can have a beer drinking, bibull burning bon fire.
DeleteWhat? What's wrong with that? I thought it was okay to insult the shit out of your so called gods. Come on, if Pammy poo can do it, it must be okay, right? Respect and manners no longer matter. It's a free for all.
Hey 1:20, fuck off! I don't have to try to be an American. I AM an American. I bow to no one. The only people terrorizing America are freaky American wing nuts, like you.
This little "my god's better than your god" bullshit game is really getting old.
Go for it 2:30... organize your Jesus blow job event... all for it! You make the foolish assumption that people who recognize the Islamic terrorist threat as either christian fundies and or right wingers, neither one of which I am.
DeleteFrankly, you should all be thankful these guys got drawn out and taken down. Who knows what they could have done elsewhere, especially when they were not expected.
Foolish assumption? I don't see the words christian fundies or right wingers in that comment. I believe it was freaky American wing nuts.
DeleteI do not care what you are or are not.
Who knows what else they COULD have done elsewhere? Like a grade school? Like a high school? Like a theater? Like a college campus? Like a parking lot? Oh yea, those were done by some of our own freaky American wing nuts. You do not tell me what I should or should not be.
Yes, elementary and middle school kids know the concept. A person does not need to be the one doing the deeds and may not even be there.
DeleteOld Geller has been yakking up a storm of victim cred after this happened.
She is like one who yelled 'fire'. Immediately ran like she was caught doing wrong. Went to where she felt safe to go into victim mode.
You libs are some of the dumbest fools known to mankind.
DeleteEnjoy living in fear of the islamists.
in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others
DeleteEXAMPLE @ 5:16 PM
hey Pam..next time stand outside.
DeleteA Few People Lead Many Of The Anti-Muslim Groups In The U.S.
ReplyDelete7 Conservatives Who Surprisingly Have Refused To Stand Behind Pam Geller
Bill O'Reilly
Bill Donahue
Donald Trump
Martha MacCallum
Rev. Franklin Graham
Greta Van Susteren
Laura Ingraham
Has quitter pants sounded off on this yet, or is she, like she does often, waiting to see who in her 'orbit of ilk' says what and then jump into it, ass first??
Delete11:55 AM Quitter Pants is so busy being relevant and supporting women of course she has a video up on her Channel. Her Facebook is current with what happened to her pal. There is nothing that can hold her back from being there and doing her all for pal Geller, free speech and 'Prophet Mohammad Cartoon contest'. Dakota Meyer, also, too. Never forget how important who you pal around with is.
DeleteHer hatebook page hasn't been updated in days...
DeleteSarah 'EXCUSE CENTRAL' Palin has a ready made excuse. Like Hillary was, Sarah is so busy with the happy wedding plans. Sarah's for her straight shooter, Bristol the pistol.
DeleteSarah Palin is going to do it her way. It is the wedding she never had and again it was thwarted when she was a loser in 2008. This is her big opportunity to show the world and her faithful followers that send her money. She can't let them down. She has many fine examples to look up to and find an even more special wedding.
DeleteA loving family.
Love is in the air.
A well planned wedding.
Nixon was a crook but his family planned a beautiful wedding. One should not let little or big criminal activity prevent you from doing right by your daughter when she finally snares a man to take the plunge. Even if it was set up for the couple.
DeleteLovely, daughter and father.
Happy time.
The listed FOXNews entertainers have most likely become actually frightened of the nutjob-reign-of-terror Geller's actions.
DeletePlease remember that Pamela Geller was instrumentally associated with the (forgot the name of it) nasty Muhammad video that set off (triggered) the violence in the Middle East, including Benghazi. Much of that video was financed by Geller (as an purported Israel operative, think Bibi's people)
Mitt Romney will never disavow Geller's despicable anti-Muslim actions; he so admired Israeli operative (h/t 47% secret video). Pamela Geller has been photographed with high ranking US politicians and others.
I'm certain that when Scott Walker, 2016 GOTP hopeful shores up his 'foreign policy' creds with Bibi, Pamela Geller just may serve the tea. *gack*
I fervently hope that Pamela Geller is on the road to becoming her very own Orly Taitz; can not happen soon enough for those of us who are sane.
FBI Sent Warning About Texas Shooters Hours Prior
ReplyDeleteMay 7, 2015
She's a real shit.
ReplyDeleteTexas ‘Draw Muhammad’ shooting:
ReplyDeleteFBI had monitored gunman Elton Simpson since 2006
..revealed convicted jihadi suspect boasted about attack online in chilling tweets to ISIS pals
Chris Kyle’s Widow
"Most people who are dealing in that world know that it's always a threat and that the American public is very fortunate to be ignorant to a lot of things that are stopped and thwarted every day in this country, let alone around the world,"
"Draw the Prophet". Tara Kyle has written a book.
Larry Wilmore Goes After Pamela Geller’s ‘Bullsh*t Free Speech Argument’
Greta must have Sarah back to her Fox show.
ReplyDeleteGreta Stands by Geller Criticism: ‘Mocking an Entire Religion Is Just Wrong’
You have an absolute right to free speech. No one is stopping you from telling kids there is no Santa Claus. The courts can't stop you from b'casting bloody fetus anti-abortion ads during meal time, and they can't make you stop drawing cartoons of religious figures solely because you know it enrages their followers.
ReplyDeleteBut people that do these things are assholes, and should be called out as such.
Pamela Gellar, domestic terrorist.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know what we do to them. So...follow the law and do it already.
I'm tired of listening to this sort of hate speech that puts us all in danger.
No she isn't, she is an asshole, but not a terrorist.
DeleteThe terrorists were the Islamic fundies that showed up with guns and shot a guard because their crazy religious ideologies told them to.
anonymous 1:47 PM, she's a domestic terrorist stirring up violence.
DeletePeople like say a Saddam Hussein or a Muammar Gaddafi are not terrorists if they
don't personally show up with guns and shoot, or intend to shoot before they are shot?
Isn't Pam Geller pals with Benjamin Netanyahu?
Both Sarah Palin and Pam Geller are pals with interferer Netanyahu. He is called many names, including terrorist.
If you look at him in depth, you would say he is a terrorist. His pals like Geller are terrorists.
Now you losers (2:07) are comparing her to Saddam and Gaddafi, strongmen dictators of oil rich nations - not your average run of the mill terrorists. 'People say...' where do you come up with this garbage?
Delete2:29 PM
DeleteThat was a question. It is in you where a comparison is made.
The point being do you have to be there and doing the killing and what have you?
An example of someone looking for anarchy, chaos, havoc and or killing is Charles Manson. DO NOT compare Manson to Geller.
Just note that horrible things happen, some are terror or domestic terror when a leader or instigator is not present for the violence or the instigator is on the sideline.
remember the "Kill Him "remarks when mcnutts /paymeeeee were running?!
DeleteWasn't Geller involved with a movie that set off attack in Libya? Sorry I can't recall how that went down or any details.
ReplyDeleteYes. You are correct. Pamela Geller was involved with the nasty Muhammad video that triggered violence in the Middle East during the time of the Benghazi conflagration. It's what war provocateurs (think Bibi Netanyahu) do, eternally relentles: damn anybody and everyone not on board with Bush's war on Muslim (Islamist) terror. *sigh*
imagine if they held a draw angel Moroni contest?? imagine minora desecrating contests...while we're at it I'm sure people could find humor in desecrating the pope! these things normally aren't done becuz we have the sense to respect others beliefs and common sense not to fan the flames and risk others lives....but obviously not everyone shows the Class to restrain themselves.
DeleteWasn't Geller a big scaredy-cat and hightailed it out of the state where the crime would have gone down.
ReplyDeleteShe wouldn't go to the city she loves to stir, Phoenix. Where did she go so fast?
Security warns and advises her. She doesn't always listen. Why would she listen this one time?
How could Pam Geller NOT know? We got a crazy minister in floriduh burning Quorans, We got the dutch artists, hell we even had and author, satanic verses, go underground for writing a book and then we had a bat shit pot stirrer place gun sites on her facebook chronicle of her descent to insanity. And Pam had no clue? Seriously, there can't be a woman half as stupid as Sarah, what are the chances?
ReplyDeleteJust because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.
ReplyDeleteTerry Jones and Westboro Baptist have the right to do the disgusting things they do.
And the rest of us have the right to condemn them for it.
Damn Geller is a worthy mentor of Palin "blood libel" victimhood! What the fuck does being Jewish have anything to do with two non-Christian black guys getting gunned down by white cops at an event in Texas attended by a few dozen of the world's stupidest tea partiers?
ReplyDeleteThere were bombs in the car, nothing to support the lie that these "terrorists" were "heavily armed", and there were NO WITNESSES except for cops themselves (who, of course, can be trusted, especially in the employ of a known liar like Geller and her propaganda factory AFDI).
The outcome of this tea party hatefest is exactly what Geller planned and paid for.
"two non-Christian black guys getting gunned down by white cops" Don't know what color the cops were, but it is great they mowed em down.
Delete5:17: there were NO bombs in the car, no munitions, and nothing else to show that the guys were bent on a killing rampage except for tea party mind-readers who think EVERY Muslim wants to kill them and every American (even if the Muslims themselves are American), and the one keystone cop who could very possibly have shot himself in the foot if the "heavily armed terrorist" (probably bused in from Arizona to give Geller the publicity she wanted) didn't do it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, there are a hundred thousand Muslims in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM was "provoked" the way Geller wanted, so the "suspects" (already talking to the FBI informants) had to show up from a thousand miles away, only to die in a hail of bullets in a less-than 15 second exchange of which there are no witnesses... except for the cops themselves. And seriously, would the one "security" guy really admit he accidentally shot himself in the foot because, unlike the scores of machine-gun toting Delta Force goons trolling the zone, he was scared by the darkies exiting the otherwise empty car?
Basically what happened is a couple of non-Christian black guys getting out of car were machine gunned to death by a couple dozen white guys in order to serve the interests of a Jewish woman who knows how to play the victim card.
ReplyDeleteYou said it best.
Delete5:47 Did you see the Palin-styled photo ops of attendees posing with great murican "security" patriots before the event and videos of them in the aftermath? "Security" looked like a damned army of Chris Kyle clones who couldn't wait to encounter the first hoodie or any other savage (i.e. brown-skinned non-Christian) to shoot.
ReplyDeleteI heard most of the visitors of the Geller's hatefest were from out-of-town. Geller had to cull the whole damn country to find the stupidest tea partiers who would bother to attend her stupid event. But I swear, representing the great state of Texas, all 12 jurors from the Eddie Ray Routh trial must have enthusiastically paid admission to attend Geller's show.
ReplyDeleteI live in Garland. The police did say most tickets were bought by "outsiders."
DeleteNow, they've come out with new restrictions on bags allowed at the Culwell Center & feel it could become a target because of the contest (and the "whole world" now knows where it is. )
Geller and Palin are here to show the world an example of what GOP victims look like.
I don't think Gellar will be renting anymore facilities in the DFW area. She has received plenty of criticism here for her antics. I don't know why officials in Garland let her rent any facility knowing what she may have been up to. I believe in freedom of speech, but provoking insane religious people is just stupid like the idiot pastor who burned the Koran. Maybe he and Gellar should get together and put on their idiotic side show for one another. I am surprised a fatwa has not been pronounced on them yet.
ReplyDeleteTexas ‘Draw Muhammad’ shooting: FBI had monitored gunman Elton Simpson since 2006
..revealed convicted jihadi suspect boasted about attack online in chilling tweets to ISIS pals