Thursday, May 07, 2015

Hillary Clinton survives first attack from the Right and comes back even stronger.

Nice try.
Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have initially weathered a barrage of news about her use of a private email account when she was secretary of state and the practices of her family’s foundation, an indication that she is starting her second presidential bid with an unusual durability among Democratic voters. 

Americans now view Mrs. Clinton more favorably and more see her as a strong leader than they did earlier in the year, despite weeks of scrutiny about her ethics, a New York Times/CBS News poll has found. And nearly nine in 10 Democrats say the nation is ready to elect a woman president. 

Mrs. Clinton remains a polarizing figure — nearly the same percentage of Americans view her positively as negatively — but her favorability rating has improved by nine percentage points since the disclosure in late March that she did not use a government email account as secretary of state. 

And the number of Americans who think Mrs. Clinton has strong qualities of leadership has risen by eight percentage points, to 65 percent from 57 percent, in that period. Still, Mrs. Clinton begins this campaign with fewer voters saying she possesses such qualities than did in July 2007, near the outset of her first presidential bid.

I think that last number will change significantly before November 2016, and in Clinton's favor. 

The facts are that the attacks coming from the conservatives will only convince people who were never going to vote for her in the first place that they are right not to do so, and convince those who were always going to vote for her that she is the one that the Republicans fear the most.

I think the real challenge for Hillary comes not from the right, but from the left in the form of Bernie Sanders.

However I think she will weather that as well, and in the end it will make her a stronger and better candidate.


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Go HILLARY!! :-)

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I could see Bernie or Elizabeth as great picks for her ticket as VP. They'd win in a landslide! Can hardly wait to cast my vote or Hillary in 2016.

    Republicans across the nation are going to lose many seats due to their horrible governing these recent past years. I see them losing their Republican majorities in their State Legislatures too.

    We are sick of the evil, lying, nasty Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress. They have screwed their party royally! And, don't forget that they are the most disliked and poorly rated U.S. Congress in history. They've done nothing but destroy - the poor are poorer and the middle class has many in the poor category now too!

    1. Would Bernie Sanders agree to be Hillary's VP?

      Would that further strengthen the Democratic Ticket?

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      He might not agree, but it would delightful having him in that spot because I don't think he can beat her in his run against her.

      He is a delightful man, experienced and could bring so much to offset her. And, yes, he would strengthen her ticket.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Can't wait to see President Hillary Clinton

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Lol. You have till infinity?

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      12:56 PM Me too!!! The Republicans pushing all the negative about her aren't doing one bit of good.

      Can hardly wait to vote for her and see another Democrat in the White House for another two terms!

      Plus, her husband, President Clinton will be delightful having there too. What a team!!

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    State Department Plans No Review Of Clinton Foundation Donations

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I wish they would review the Palin's many many many "foundations." The woman and her KKKlan don't work and everyone knows it. I just got back from my vacation in Europe and people are wondering why anyone would give the woman FREE money & why she's the right-wing's protege. It's embarrsing to me since I USED to be a life-long republican.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "We are a nation of immigrants" President Clinton said that...Natives agreed "Yes you are immigrants" with grumbling undertones...

  6. I hoped that during my lifetime I would see either a Black President or a Woman President.

    I never thought I would see both. And back to back.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Because the most important thing in a president is race and/or gender. Nice.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      1:25 PM Love it too!!! Plus, they are both smart, well educated, negotiators and kind people.

      Far better than the Republicans we've been putting up with for the last years - i.e. McCain, McConnell, etc. They are a bunch of hateful losers!

      The Republican party is going to go down across the nation in 2016!

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      1:48. You miss the point (probably by stubborn choice and not just ignorance). A black and a woman being elected as our Presidents means that FINALLY race and gender are NOT keeping qualified people from leading our country.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      @1:48 PM Your Party thinks that the most important thing in a president is Religion. Huckabee, Cruz, and Santorum(bring the dead fetus home to sleep with us)
      are all religious nutjobs.

    5. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Well, 1:48, up until President Obama, race and gender were extremely important to the point where we only elected White males and literally nobody else had a chance.

  7. Randall1:27 PM

    Every time The Right attacks Hillary and she rises above it...
    she looks stronger and more capable than before.

    The Right very foolishly keeps making Hillary look stronger and stronger and themselves look more and more petty.

    I even hear some local Republicans around here groan when The Right (Limbaugh, Fox, Beck, et. al.) bring up Benghazi again.

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    ‘Go F*ck Yourself’: Larry Wilmore Hits Hillary’s Ageist Critics

    After covering the latest Republican entrants into the 2016 race last night, Larry Wilmore moved on to the recent spate of ageist attacks on Hillary Clinton from the likes of Sean Hannity and conservative radio host Michael Savage, who asked his listeners if they really want to have that “frightening” face “staring at you for eight straight years?”

    “You can go fuck yourself,” Wilmore said slowly to Savage, advising him to “look at the mile of bad road between your neck and your hairline” if he wants to see something “frightening.”


  9. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    What I've always liked about Mrs. Clinton, is her ability to rise above whatever dirt the cons can find, real or imagined, and be perceived much stronger. You don't reach her level of ability by having fewer wrinkles, less experience and not being fast on your feet.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      She only appears stronger to her adoring fans like you 4:23.

  11. Anonymous4:59 PM

    No. Absolutely not. I hated Clinton as a candidate in 2008 thinking correctly she was fake then and fake now. I will vote Bernie Sanders all the way. He is the real deal, actually fighting for the American people.

  12. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I damn sure don't want a Republican, but I also don't want Hillary. I will hold my nose and vote for her IF she's the only other option, but I don't think I'll be able to get the stink off.

    I'll vote for Bernie Sanders in a heartbeat. Because he is true to his word. And mark my words, Elizabeth Warren will endorse him.

  13. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Don't Know? don't know why Hilary would want to put herself and her family through constant attacks. I think she is quite the woman. but. no vote. I want fresh young and smart. Like Allison grimes, Elizabeth warren, barney, john stewart steven cobalt bill maher somebody, no clown bus people.

  14. Anonymous6:21 PM

    i love me some bernie sanders. however he is not in any way a challenge to hillary clinton. and im getting a little sick of this bullshit meme that bernie will force hillary to the left. she is already running to the left of obama. everything she has come out with so far as far as policy statements have been very progressive and not at all to the right of either sanders or warren. in fact if you look at some issues like gun control, hillary comes out further to the left than sanders. it feels almost patronizing and definitely infantilizing to say we need sanders to push hillary to the left.


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