Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Late Show's final Top Ten list. Delivered by well known celebrities and entitled "The Final 10 Things They Had Always Wanted to Tell Him."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

10.Alec Baldwin: “Of all the talk shows, yours is most geographically convenient to my home.” 

9. Barbara Walters: “Did you know that you wear the same cologne as Muammar Gaddafi?” 

8. Steve Martin: “Your extensive plastic surgery was a necessity, and a mistake.” 

7. Jerry Seinfeld: “Dave, I have no idea what I’ll do when you go off the air. You know I just thought of something, I’ll be fine.” 

6. Jim Carrey: “Honestly, Dave, I’ve always found you to be a bit of an over-actor.” 

5. Chris Rock: “I’m just glad your show is being given to another white guy.” 

Letterman briefly cut in, telling Rock, “I had nothing to do with that.” 

4. Julia Louis-Dreyfus: “Thanks for letting me take part in another hugely disappointing series finale.” 

Letterman interjected here, too, saying he “had nothing to do with that, either.” 

3. Peyton Manning: “Dave, you are to comedy what I am to comedy.” 

2. Tina Fey: “Thanks for finally proving men can be funny.” 

1. Bill Murray: “Dave, I’ll never have the money I owe you.”

I stayed up well past my bedtime to watch this final episode even though I stopped being a devoted viewer probably about ten years ago or so. 

In my opinion the loss of sleep was well worth it to see the final episode of a show that has broken so many barriers, and impacted so many of the late night programs that we have enjoyed since Letterman first debuted on NBC back in 1982.

I also watched the last episode of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson back in 1992, and remember all too well how devastated Letterman was by the choosing of Jay Leno as Carson's successor and how that inspired him to move his show to CBS in August of 1993.

And now almost twenty two years later, we see another late night giant say his goodbyes.

Of course any sadness I might feel, is immediately assuaged by the knowledge that the great Stephen Colbert will take the "Late Show" reins on September 8 of this year.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I can remember Dave's daytime show from 1980. Yup! He was on in the morning and I thought he was hilarious then. Still so. I always enjoyed his humor over Jay Lenos. Never could stand Leno and his endless, tiresome Lewinski jokes or his dancing Itos (OJ Simpson trial). I'll miss Letterman. Great sarcastic humor.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Me, too!

    2. Anonymous11:29 PM

      Loved Letterman's morning show too. I was a young housewife with little kids. Dave provided some intelligent humor in between Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and Sesame Street.

  2. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    You said it all, Gryphen. Letterman was and is still one of the best, though I felt he was funnier in the earlier shows, but after the heart surgery and becoming a father, he slowed down a bit with the physical comedy, but was still one of the best.
    They replayed his return after 911, and in his own way, he was able to comfort us with his words and humor.

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I still miss Carson - and don't even get me started on the intelligence of Cavett.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Carson was the king. Letterman was the king for the younger generation, but still knew the importance of class. How they passed on him for Leno blows my mind.

      It didn't get much better than Carson with Johnathon Winters as a guest.

    2. Leno was "safe" and wouldn't upset the demographic. The problem was, that demographic continued to age and Leno didn't attract a younger crowd. My parents are 85 and loved Leno.

      Dave's unique brand of craziness appealed to all ages.

      Colbert has big shoes to follow. Carson always considered Dave his successor. So Carson - Letterman - Colbert. That is a lot to live up to. But if anyone can do it, it's Colbert.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I LOVED Dick Cavett!

  4. Scruffer7:06 PM

    You gotta be accurate Gryph...
    #8 . Steve Martin: “Your extensive plastic surgery was a necessity, not a mistake.”
    It should be AND a mistake...

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    True class. Going to miss him. Fish on Dave!!

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      In so many comments, what has happened to the comma? -- Fish on Dave!! what does that mean without a comma? A comma is a breath -- take it, you guys.

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Did you see this Gryphen?

    Republicans Are Trying To Impeach Hillary Clinton Before She Can Win The White House

    Republicans are trying to stop Hillary Clinton from being elected as the next president by launching a “late impeachment” effort against the former Sec. of State who is no longer in office.

    A PAC called Special Operations Speaks is trying to convince Republican members of Congress to impeach Hillary Clinton:

    Special Operations Speaks PAC is calling on the United States Congress to impeach former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for “high crimes and misdemeanors” pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.

  7. Anonymous8:01 PM

    O/t but here's some juicy political fodder:

    Here Are Pictures Of Molester Josh Duggar With Scott Walker, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz

    Josh Duggar’s admission that he molested girls has the potential to damage Republican presidential candidates as Duggar has posed for pictures with Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul.

    The 19 Kids and Counting star’s history of committing acts of sexual abuse, which was covered up by his parents, rocked TLC and the entertainment world, but the scandal also has political ramifications.

    Due to his former position at the Family Research Council, Duggar was friendly with several 2016 Republican presidential candidates.

    Here is Josh Duggar with Scott Walker:

    There is no question in my mind that this is more common than we even know in these closed circle extreme religious organizations/cults. There's also no doubt in my mind that incest is that deep dark secret that the Heath/Palin klan hold close. Sex is power and when used in a dark and sick way like incest, it's close to low as you can go. What Josh Duggar did was most likely something he learned/experienced at home.

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      WARNING: Graphic descriptions contained in police report.

      Jim Bob Duggar waited more than a year after his son, Josh, confessed to sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, In Touch Magazine is reporting exclusively, based on information contained in the official police report.

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Flashback: Duggars Call LGBT People A Threat To Child Safety

      Duggar Family Spawn/Family Research Council Top Lobbyist Resigns over Molestation Charges

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Note to self: Always double check your husband's "helpfulness." He set the DVR for me and I just sat down to watch it.....and we have Jimmy Fallon.


  9. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Baldwin and Murray had the funniest on the list- like bookends.

    Chris Rock- eh- used to be funny- now it is all racial commentary- and more preachy and annoying than actual jokes. Bet he doesn't mind all those white folks that helped him amass a 70mil dollar fortune.

  10. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Frankly, I didn't find any of them particularly funny -- It was a shock to see so many Famous Names walk out, or kinda shuffle, and speak out of such old, tired faces, phoning it in. Louie-Dryfuss was right.

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I will really miss David Letterman. He was the best. Of course, I love Colbert dearly and I am sure he will be a great replacement. The Colbert Report was fantastic. I wish all the best to Letterman and his family. He has more than earned a nice long rest.


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