Thursday, May 21, 2015


The caption read:

Stop growing my little chicken nugget 😩😖 only thing I need in life ❤️❤️

I'm still refusing to feel guilty about exposing Dakota's first marriage. It was the right thing to do.

Besides Bristol will get over it, just like she got over Dylan, Ben, Gino, Joey, and of course Levi.

Ahh who am I kidding? She NEVER got over Levi.


  1. She will have another trial daddy soon.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Well....Pissy "claims" she knew all about DUH's past relationships....maybe she found out about "Something else" mama griz sampled the goods? Otherwise why is their no wedding?
      And Pissy....quit making faces! Fishlips and booboo faces are not attractive you look like a idiot. Not Cute. If you had a decent Mother she would tell you but you don't so I'm telling you!
      A mom.

    2. Anonymous1:27 AM

      By gosh you are right. The sample. I thought of that too. And look, pissy is starting to look a lot like griz Anyway mom, we know that there is much more coming.

    3. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Look, it is Chicken Nuggets, and Chicken Shit!! Does she REALLY think she is attractive? The cosmetic surgery is making her age FAST. Oldest looking "24 year old" I have ever seen. Guess living vibrantly is not all it is cracked up to be, eh, Bristles?

  2. Caroll Thompson2:35 PM

    For someone who claims she wants privacy, Bristol sure does post a lot of public stuff.

    And you did right by breaking the story of Dakota's marriage G. The little guy is back in Alaska where he belongs.

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm glad you don't feel guilty, Gryphen!

    It was the BEST thing that could have happened for Tripp! I'm so happy that he has his Dad, Sunny and his sisters back in his life on a regular basis!!!

    Bristol gets no sympathy from me for trying to take Tripp away from his life.

    Shame on Bristol. Shame on Dakota. They deserve all this and more!

    1. At least Dakota had a first marriage.

      If Bristol dumped him because of that, she just cemented her Hypocrite of the century award.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    She'll never get over Levi Gryphen. I personally don't feel sorry for her at all. She has treated people like crap just like her mother and now the chickens have come home to roost. I hope she dies a bitter, lonely old woman.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Lol...ya sure Children Services didn't MAKE her stay home and LEARN to wash dishes and now to vaccum a floor and make a bed?
      She looks pretty pissy to me...all that work!

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      The chicken nugget has come home to roost.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      the day will come when trip will petition the court to become emancipated to get away from this mental mess of a human being.

    4. Well, he finally came to his senses and got over her.

      But then, when your mentality functions at a constant junior high mean girl state, you don't get over your first crush.

  5. "Stop growing"!? More sickness, right there.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      The way she has used poor Tripp all this time is bad enough but now she has put everything on him.

      He is the only one who can heal her and he needs to stop growing so the can live happily ever after in La La Land.

      It is hard to believe how oblivious she is to what is healthy for her son, I meas baby.. errr man, tiny little stunted Trippy. Whatever he is this week.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Oh c'mon! You can't see why a mother would say that?

      Bristol is (almost) as vile as her mother, but let's not act like the trolls at C4P and deny her the ability to express human emotions.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      When does he start sleeping alone? When he's 17?

    4. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Yeah as soon as baby sleeps put him/her in the crib! Like that commercial...SAFE SLEEP!!!

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      One of her 'chicken nuggets' (mothering that duck) will remain pretty much a toddler for the balance of his life and most likely her own.

      Apparently, poor spiteful, unreceptive, thoughtless Bristol lives in a reality of her own and her mother's making.


    6. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Chicken nugget? Extruded poultry-like substance that is deep-fat fried? Whew. Glad no one who supposedly cared for me came up with such a goofy term of alleged endearment.

      What's the alternative to growing, anyway? Staying stunted? Really? What a simple-minded sentiment. It takes an immature human to wish perpetual immaturity on another human being.

      And 3:18 you raise frightening issues. Bristol has glommed onto that kid to meet her own selfish needs while hurting him with some exceptionally confusing and highly inappropriate practices.

    7. Anonymous5:16 PM

      This Is How McDonald's Makes Chicken McNuggets

    8. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Bristol wants Tripp to remain her baby forever.

    9. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Well, she proved she cannot dance or act so what else does she have? She is looking old beyond her years. All that boozing and fornicatin' takes a toll.

  6. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Like many of your posts, it was actually an IM poster that provided this revealing story. So no need for you to feel guilty, nor cocky.

    1. No that's true, and I don't want to take anything away from the initial commenter.who linked to the marriage certificate. After all I consider my visitors part of the IM family.

      My point was simply that I then wrote the post after which we ALL started investigating further and that's when things blew up.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:54 PM

      If we are all family G, can I borrow a fiver until Tuesday?

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Careful, Gryph, family seldom pays back money borrowed. **waves at Carrol** hahaha

    4. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Aww...the drama on TV

    5. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Gryphen, you're the best and you did the right thing by following up the tip from the poster. You could have just Let It Go...but you did the honorable and professional thing as a journalist.

      I admire you very much. Thank you !!!!

    6. Anonymous9:52 PM

      4:10 X 1,000! And personally I'm glad to know Gryphen thinks of us as family.Thank you jesse for exposing the dark side and bringing it to light.


    7. Anonymous3:26 AM

      We ARE a family, but not in the way the PayMe's are, or the Duggers. We do not claim to be Christians who act anything BUT Christian like.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I think she is so full of revenge and hatred toward Levi she can't see straight (she's just like her mother). I think it was a big part of why she went to Kentucky. Karma caught up with her though.

  8. Wow. Just wow.2:47 PM

    So, Bristol advertises for a "lumbersexual" a few months ago.
    No takers.
    Then her mother finds her a big war hero to hook up with. Marriage, husband, whole new life across the country with many opportunities to get a 65% share of all speaking fees.
    Hmm. Sadly, bigamy is illegal.

    Now, Bristol, in the course of six months, has gone from "who wants me?" to "I've got my man" to "I'm celibate and single and all I want to do is drool all over my six-year-old son, take half-naked pictures of him to post on the internet, and live in Alaska doing -- something. God will provide."

    1. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Speaking of half naked. Bristol posted her body on her houseboat so she could have more stalkers to whine about.

    2. Anonymous3:32 AM

      When the Pac money runs out, maybe she could write a book about all the partners she has slept with? It might be a problem remembering the names, especially all the one night stands, but hey, she is a PayMe. Do they buy penicillen in bulk, for Bristles and Toad's "girls"?

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    So, I guess we are back to the same old drama.....

  10. abbafan2:52 PM

    She needs her "little chicken nugget", aka, her little money maker. If her house was indeed sold, she must be back at the compound, continuing to suckle on her mother's dried-up goat teats! Do not feel guilty Gryphen - one day, she may have a brain-fart and realize that she was just a pawn used by her mother and try to break free! However, I don't hold out much hope of that occurring any time soon!

    1. Anonymous3:35 AM

      That would mean WORKING to make a living. We all know that is considered a failure in PayMe world. Grifting has a limit, and it would seem the end is near. Unless her BFF gives her a job in her porn business. Better hurry, from the latest photos looks like the bloom is off the rose. Looking haggard Bristles.

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Too bad she didn't consider how all the shit she has done lately will effect her little chicken nugget. I assume she calls him that because that is what Tripp eats 6 days a week since she won't-can't cook.

    Chicken Nugget has got to be scared right now because he never knows were Mommy will take him next or what kind of man he will be forced to live with and or hang out with, will Mommy make him leave his home , school and Dad again? and for how long? Hey Bristol the Pistol if you give him a popsickle it will be all better right?

    I hope the courts never allow her to take him out of State ever again for this amount of time, you can bet Levi couldn't nor would he. Look a fool has the right to be a fool IF they are the only one paying for their decisions but that is when their rifghts should stop. Where are Tripp's rights?, reality tv shows he has been made to do, photos of himself in his underwear all done by a fame seeking lousy self centered so called Mom.

    Bristol doesn't need another child , she needs another dog. preferably one who likes popsickles and it's toe nails painted.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Todd is her big chicken nugget and you know how tiny he is. Poor Tripp.

    2. Bristol obvious gained (or lack of) her parenting skills from Sarah. If you remember what Levi said about Sarah disappearing in her bedroom for hours, or when Todd came home from his job on the North Slope and found no food in the house, tells you a lot about what she experienced growing up and knows about parenting. Sarah is definitely not what you call an ideal parent, especially when you considered how her children has turned out.

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Tripp watched Bristol kick a boy friend out of the car on her reality show, and leave him at the side of the road. Even if it wasn't exactly real, it looked real to a little kid. Now Bristol promised Tripp a new father on a farm with a cool calf, a little soldier outfit and guns guns guns. And then she pulled him out of there, surprise. Having such an unstable life with attachments and emotions tossed aside like an banana peel must scary for a kid, being bounced around like that.

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      what do these kids survive on? junk food, applesauce, and baby food? neither screech or barstool know how to cook.

    5. Anonymous5:53 PM

      m baker

      They are infamous for their love of junk food. Eating disordered family, uppers, sugary, booze, drugs. The worst drug problem today due to prescription addiction. It is overwhelming both law enforcement and health care. Doctors and pharmacists are easily swayed to make money and they do not put patients first. Too many people become addicted and in dealer/buyer relationships with medical professionals.

      Sarah Palin is a public person who engages with the public at the times she is high on her cocktails or medications or a combo.

      Her children cling because they need contacts, $upport or help.

      Sarah Palin is a toxic parent.

    6. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Oh butt Jesus will save her...gag...

    7. Anonymous2:42 AM

      You got that right - about doctors and hospitals being scared to prescribe now. Recently visiting my uncle in the hospital (newly diagnosed stage 4 pancreatic cancer) I overheard the discharge instructions for his roommate. The roomate was in a car accident, had 7 broken ribs, a broken clavile and shoulder, lots of cuts and abrasions. He got his chest tube out in the norning, sent home in the afternoon after a week in hospital. Sent home with ONE DAY worth of pain medicine and told to "follow up with your primary doctor for more" WTFFF? If this guy's primary is anything like mine, it takes WEEKS to get seen. So what will the poor injured man have to do? Bounce right back to the ED for pain control. What a shitshow!!

    8. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Bris could get a job as Ronald McDonald? Being a big fan of McDonalds could work out for her. There would be the costume, travel and free food. What could be better?

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Bristol: we don't care about you, with your Justin Beiber hat or your frowny face. But feel free to keep exposing yourself to the world if that's what you think is a productive use of your time.

    But normal people do not exploit their children as you exploit your son. Stop posting pictures of him for the world to see.
    Let him grow up out of the limelight. Let him not be a target of bullies at school who talk about his mother and her loose morals. Let the kid be a kid. Privately. He can start his own Facebook account on his 18th birthday, in 2026.

    Until then, shield him from all of the turmoil of your life, your boyfriends, drunkenness, emphasis on material objects, and your general laziness. Get an education, get some training, get a real job, work hard, stay in one place for the rest of his childhood, and show him what real maternal love and dedication is, what a real mother is. You didn't have that, but you can change the world, for him. Grow up, act your age, and let that little boy sleep in his own bed.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Well said!

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Amen! there have been a couple of comments from people i have seen on here stating that they think Tripp may be gay, if he is so what, but Bristol really is the one giving off that impression of him if you think about it. She has called him pretty, she has painted his toe nails she has shown him helping Granny with her spackle..ah makeup and she treats him like a one year old, the whole thing is sick and i bet Dakota did not find it amusing and probably tried to discipline Tripp at some point and that would never work, you don't say no to Chicken Nugget.Poor kid.

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Hear, hear!

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      I agree completely. Tripp is growing up; he's in school now (at least part of the time) and he should not be the focus of most of his mother's narcissistic selfies. If she cared about him, she would be working hard to protect his privacy.

    5. OMG. This made me cry. Yes to all of it. So well said!

    6. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Bristol is raising a kid that is going to hate her guts as he gets older.

      I pity him reading all of his past history as he becomes a teenager. He is going to rebel and I'll wager it ain't gonna be pretty!

      There will come a time he will not be her 'chicken nugget'!! She's a horrible mother as is Sarah Palin!

    7. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Bravo 2:58! +300,000,000,000

    8. Anonymous5:54 PM

      He's going to hate her for all the terrible things she's said and done about his father. I can only imagine what she says to Tripp about Levi.

  13. Anonymous3:02 PM

    That clever!

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Oh FFS! Typical Sarah.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      "sacrificial SEAL families?" OMG!

  14. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Umm, didnt she ask for a lumbersomething? Then she got dakotex. I wouldnt have taken the bait. She has serious self esteem issues like her dufus mom.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Eagles - Witchy Woman

    2. Anonymous2:44 AM

      lmao!! Spew alert.

  15. Anonymous3:04 PM

    If Chicken Nugget is the only thing you need in life, Bristol, perhaps you should grow the hell up and put his needs before your own.

  16. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Have I missed an update on the stories Gryphen is working on with that one source? Are they still in the works?

    I'm still hoping Willow will eventually expose babygate! She could do it anonymously, maybe leave Gryphen a few posts leading to the evidence ;-)

  17. Parenthood equals sacrifice. Period. Your own wishes, whims, impulses and gratification go to the back burner for at least the next 18 years, and it's all about what you can do to turn that new life into a productive member of society. That includes sacrificing your anger at the child's other parent, if he or she doesn't love you any more. And even after that, you're on at least part-time duty for the rest of the days you live.

    If you don't understand that, you have no business reproducing.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Bristol still has not admitted any of her other pregnancies. Hiding babies must be a Palin trait.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      And burying them by the fence!

    3. Well put, dvlaries, as always.

  18. Anonymous3:15 PM

    That poor child. Child cruelty is a form of child abuse. He is being used as a prop by his own mother to force her point home that she is 'dealing' with her recent break-up.

    It is very cruel to be using this child, showing him sleeping and trying to draw as much pity as she can towards herself. She can't even pose without making a stupid face. With every photo she posts, every Meyer family member and every friend of Dakota must cringe and realize how their friend and relative was close to marrying a dysfunctional emotionally-stunted abusive mother.

  19. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Karma's a bitch, eh, Bristol?

  20. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Maybe she should do what good Mom's do and not even introduce your child(ren) until you have known someone 6 months to a year.
    But that would mean Brisket couldn't run off willy nilly all over the country just to get laid. Her life must not be very "vibrant" in Alllaaaaska if she jumps at any reason, at any minute to leave.

    BTW no child should be put in the position of being their parents emotional support system.

  21. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Don't feel guilty. Her mother is the one who should feel guilty for rushing her into this engagement to begin with

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      @3:22 PM Bristol is not an adult yet? She can't make her own decisions?

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      its just another of screech's scams to benefit herself. oh military! she couldn't use track,becuz he's a mess. the moh was a Fraud. check . whatsamatter Sarah? did your latest scheme blow up in your face? what's next? she showed who she Riilly was trying to attract the Christians. tried to burn down her own church. check. she's running out of large voting groups. there's only gays, hispanics,and blacks left. will she "go there"? stay tuned!

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Bristol may be an adult but she's still a child.

    4. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Bristol is a mentally disabled adult. She will have to be watched over and cared for by her mother and father forever, just like her first kid Trig.

  22. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Bristol is asking her child not to grow up, because she needs him to tend her emotional needs.

    This girl probably has inherited NPD from her mother and shows the same traits that SP has. Bristol is using her kid as her 'mom'. Tripp is the mother of Bristol, being there when she's sad, needy; he's like her pet, she cuddles with him, sleeps with him, and makes him up like he's a doll, her doll.

    She calls him a 'chicken nugget'. He is a human being.

    "Only thing I need in life". Bristol, Tripp is not a THING. And he needs a mother. He is not on this earth to supply YOUR needs. Just because you're hurting doesn't mean you can use him as a crutch. You are going to derange this little kid. Get Help Right Now!

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM


    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Naw she'll rape him and the State wont care cuz their buddy is tweeking that Erin's law already! Don't teach kids that rape is wrong! It's Gods Will doncha no!

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Spot on about using him to meet her needs!

      How is that privacy request working via photos? Dunce!

  23. fromthediagonal3:33 PM

    Looking at the recent pictures, I cannot believe that this child was birthed in December 2008, and thus is 6 1-2 years young. I shall leave it at that.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      How right you are, Tripp was born long before 2008.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Yes, please put up your 6 yr olds. Just for comparison. You can cloud out their faces.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      trig was born before trip. check out *steelers fans baby pictures . trig was bigger than tripppp at that time and there's no doubt its them.

    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Even her 'friends' have commented at how old he actually looks - and they also do not believe that he is only six y/o.

    5. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Could someone link to this "Steeler fans" baby pictures of Trig and Tripp? This has been repeately posted as proof that Tripp is younger, but I've never seen the picture (and I've seen thousands of pictures of those two)

    6. Anonymous9:43 PM

      trip and trig babies together-old school Sept. 18 2012

  24. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It says on my TV schedule that Extra is going to interview Sarah tonight. More lies as usual but should be entertaining.

    Why don't they interview Bristol? Why does mama have to do all the clean up of this latest disaster?

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I heard they have the answer to why Bristol and Dakota aren't having the wedding this wkend.

      Since it is all Sarah Palin's plan, who better to talk to Extra with the rill story about the postponement?

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I believe it's just the tail-end of her 'interview' aboard the ship when she broke the happy wedding cancellation news that would give them the media attention they crave so desperately.

    3. Janice A Soderquist4:22 AM

      Do you think Extra is smart enough to catch Sarah in lies? Will they just let her go on and on and not challenge Her.....

  25. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Dakota's marriage was reported on several online gossip rags. And an old family friend talked about it on Facebook. So yeah, you don't need to feel guilty about exposing a secret.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      All of this was done after IM reported the marriage. Now the world knows Bristol bragged about sleeping with a married MOH winner.

      Oh those Palins, All they see is the headline.

  26. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Plastic surgery scars on her chin? Those eyes were done, too.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    What's she going to do with him when he's 18? Sit him on her knee? He's 6 and a half years old!!! His school chums will bully him for these photos, and taunt and laugh at him. Why does she do this??

    These Palins are unraveling at an exponential rate and not only are we at IM noticing, the public are already watching this train wreck. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Levi better have a legal team right now checking this out. It is though Bristol is chiding someone to come and take him away from her. Why would she do that? So she can have a huge pity party.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      It's ok for a 6 year old to snuggle with him mom. guarantee most of his chums do the same with their moms.

      That's not to say that she should be posting all these pics of the poor kid for the general public to see.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Lol..your funny...sit him on her knee...:)o

  28. Anonymous3:40 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA Sarah and Bristol Palin made all of those accusations against David Letterman, and Bristol has proven him right. Another shack up with a Trial Daddy that failed. Bristol would have been better off chasing a Yankee's player. Bristol is nothing more than a used up piece of ass. Dakota and his wild friends are laughing their asses off.

  29. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Bristol, if Tripp is all you need in life then stop abusing him with all these trial daddies.

  30. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Except for Tripp's sake I'm still getting over the disappointment. I had $100 bet how long the marriage was going to last and I would have won. Shoulda bet on whether the marriage was even going to take place. D'oh!

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I bet a $100 that it would never happen :) I went shopping today!

  31. Anita Winecooler3:59 PM

    Someone's happy meal is short a couple of fries
    Awwww. I'm a private person, dammit, trying to live my life in private, just like everyone else who posts their every moment on the internet. Leave me alone, dammit, you liberal yahoos not respecting my right to privacy. BTW, does my chin look shiny in this photo and do these yoga pants make me look fat?
    Nice to see her cross over to the dark side, chicken mc nuggets , as a name, are owned by MacDonald's corporation, not Chic Fil A.
    Don't worry, Tripp will get over it real quick if you stop using him as your little prop. You're still holding a torch for the Mac Nuggets daddy and I can't say I blame you. He's counting his lucky stars with Sunny and his family.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      At least she is not calling him her little Pink Slime.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Poor Bristol happy meal is short of the whole bag of fries. And she's not very happy with her 'free' toy so she will simply break it and whine for another one instead.


  32. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Well, for several months, Tripp's military haircut will remind his mother -- and everyone who sees the pictures she posts of him -- that they were going to be a military family, starting in May. Bristol can act out and give her mother the engagement ring to flash, but her son's hair isn't going to grow any faster than it ever did. He'll be a jarhead until at least August.

    Bristol's still hurting because Levi didn't want her. Now she's the one who ran away. What a mess -- what a lot of drama for 24 years old. She needs to slow down and figure out what's really important.

    Hint: it isn't money, Bristol, or fame. It's plain old, real love. Real love. You may never have experienced it in your life. If you had, you'd know to give it, without reservation, to your son. First step -- keep him away from your camera, read him a book each evening before "lights out" at the same time every night, in his own room, in his own bed. Teach him to cook with you. Take him for a nice walk. Sing songs. Draw pictures. Turn off the iPad and the tv, and just have a quiet chat together.

    Keep him away from gadgets, machines, and competition. Just give him a safe, secure environment. Let him smile for real -- out of joy. You'll both be happy.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Beautiful advice, 4 pm. Will you be my mama?

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      No she's Retired! Not Re-Tired! Lol...:)

  33. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Oh hell no! No guilt! This family has made ALL their money being nasty, horrible people.

    SNIFF, SNIFF whiny palins, Go FUCK YOURSELVES.

    This tramp had the nerve to trash Sasha and Malia on her blog. Those girls have more class in their farts than you and your whole trash family have put together pissy brissy.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Exactly! Well said.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Oh yeah and crimes she can't get out of

  34. Anonymous4:07 PM

    That CHIN!!! Can Brisdull really believe that chin implant looks natural ?? That it makes her look attractive??? The implant lines are so visible and the skin is all bumpy.
    $he really butchered herself ---- just like anorexics who are so delusional they think looking skeletal is appealing and pretty.

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Someone call Social Services already...head exam ASAP!

  36. Anonymous4:13 PM

    When taking a selfie from that angle, please check for boogers and nose hairs first.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Of course she doesn't want him to grow up. He is her best weapon- Bristol can and does use Tripp to hurt other people. Look at all the pointed pictures she is posting of him these days to hurt Dakota. And I have no doubt that the Dakota debacle didn't take her attention away from parting Levi with every cent possible in every way she can think of.

    Dakota got lucky not marrying Vampira.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      She's got more chins than a chinese phonebook.

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Is it just me but do any of you guys have trouble posting comments?

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Once he grows up she loses him as a weapon against his Dad Levi ( who dared move on and find true love) Plus had his "first" marriage before old Mini Sno Ho

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Maybe Tripp sleeps with Bristol, but doesn't she also bring a lot of guys home? Does she only do that when Tripp is with Levi? If not, Tripp must be used to shuffling beds.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      He thinks it's"normal"! Rape is God's will just ask those Republicans!

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Hey what's going on with that Jackass from Warsillia that wants to twist up Erin's law? And Pete Kellys kid RAPED a kid??? How do these bozos get there? You stupid focking AK voters!

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Ask Josh Duggar.

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      6:47 PM Wasilla breeds these religious freaks in Wasilla that are Republican - to the extreme right - and some serve in the Alaska Legislature.

      The guy that screwed up Erin's Law in the Alaska Legislature is from Wasilla and just announced he plans to run against Lisa Murkowski next go around. He'd be awful in that position as is Lisa!

      Get the religious idiots out of office - across the USA!

    5. Anonymous1:06 AM

      Amen to that 808!

  39. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Remember THIS blog post Brissie?


    You can dish out the advise but you just can't seem to follow it.

  40. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Chicken nugget. my butt. That's her little 'Cash Calf'

    Brisket & her mommy have emotional intimacy issues and can't seem to deal with real friendships and interaction with real people so they live on the internet where a handful of gullible people can fawn over them, send them money so they don't have to lift a finger (except their middle finger) to maintain a true friendship or work at real jobs. Charlatan con-artists 24/7/365.

  41. Anonymous4:42 PM

    OMG have you seen The picture Sarah put up on facebook!????? If that isn't a message to stick it to Dakota some more I don't know what is.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      That's Sarah, we are supposed to forget that she is having a barbecue on Saturday and if the wedding had gone as planned Bristol would be on her honeymoon and i don't think she would be laying wreaths on soldiers graves but she would be laying a soldier.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Screw that bitch.
      Dakota doesn't know how lucky he is.

  42. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Is she secretly breast-feeding him?

  43. Anonymous4:59 PM

    The real tragedy here is that Sarah failed to replace Track Palin.

    Track is going to need that insta

    Down the memory hole.


    It was a wonderful time while it lasted.

    Her combats.

  44. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I'm confused. Someone said in yesterday's post (?) that Bristol posted a photo of Joey Junker's dog with painted toenails.

    I see that dog on her Photo page (link above).

    Scrolling through I see several blank spaces where presumably she removed Dakota photos. But, she left one up and that's the "Camping" photo of B+D+T and the dog in the front of the truck without seatbelts.

    But that dog is the same one as in the Joey Junker's Dog photo isn't it? So she took Joey Junker's Dog to Kentucky?

    Or is it her dog that Joey gave her? Still a bit weird to take the dog to KY, especially given how quickly and easily the Palins seem to cast off dogs.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Joey was close to the dog, Lucy. He loves her, I don't think she was ever technically Joey's dog. She may have adopted Joey. She knew he wouldn't just use her as a doll and do her nails and crap dogs don't care about. She is a good dog with a bad owner.

  45. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Sorry, should not say "cast off dogs," should correct it to say "How often Palin dogs run away from home."

    That's the Palin phrase, isn't it?

  46. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Tripp is almost as important to Bristol as taking photos and posting them on Instagram. Plus, that's kind of a FUC- U to Dakota.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Yep. Pretty clear message from her.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      For whatever reason this marriage didn't happen, I'm relieved for that little boy.

  47. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sarah looked completely ridiculous in that extra clip! She's falling apart! Babble babble babble.
    Also too, what the heck is a "Navy Sill'

  48. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Awwww, poor OnHer Back lost her Medal of Honor.....

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Yeah, she's just milking it for all she can get. We, at IM have real and normal human feelings, so we tend to think others do. But make no mistake, that photo has been staged like everything else to rake in the FREE CASH.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Well lets see the IRS take most of it!

  49. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The above photo of Bristol is horrible. I'm really surprised she put it up! Are those surgery lines in her chin?

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Nope, it's the outline of her chinny chin chin implant.

  50. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Bristol has got to stop calling Tripp baby names. She called him pretty and "my boy." No kid wants to hear this, and his class mates could tease him about the names. Bristol is smothering the kid and wants him to remain as a baby. With older kids come much more serious problems. Tripp probably asked Bristol what was going on, going from here to there and from guy to guy. Now she is going to have to explain her crazy behavior to her kid while she is acting like a kid, too.

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Well if it's true that he's only 6 years old he doesn't know any better yet. Bristol has no clue how he's going to rebel one day especially since a child is smart enough to see the difference between his mother's life and his father's life. Which values he sides with one day remains to be seen. I just hope he doesn't end up like Uncle TrackMarks.

  51. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Tripp is also her stud muffin, and her man crush and her pretty boy and the love of her life, and... and...

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      a useful prop and nothing more.

  52. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I'm not buying it. She's following the script so people can keep throwing money at them. The woman only cares about money and benefits, etc.

  53. Anonymous6:37 PM


  54. linda6:45 PM

    I have trouble with anyone who says their child(ren) is all they need in life, is their life, means more to them than anything. I'm a mom of grown children. I love my children, and they were important to me, but I never would have said and still don't say today that they were all I needed or the center of my universe. They were one very important part of my life as I was to them. There is something rather sicko about saying this kind of stuff about your children, but many people do it on Facebook and elsewhere. Any mother or father who feels their children are their be all and end all are going to have problems when the kids grow up and the kids are going to have problems growing up and separating as they are supposed to do.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Wise woman you are.

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Yeah and tomboy moms really make them independent before leaving home!

    3. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Yep! A parent's job is to raise decent human beings. Love them, treat them like the individuals they are - not your property - and then let them live their own independent successful lives.
      Of course, a parent needs to have THEIR OWN identity first, to be successful.

  55. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sex sex sex

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Bristol is toxic liker he mother. What she is doing to Tripp is one of the worst things a mother can do to a child.

  56. Anonymous7:05 PM


    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      of course bsmp2 would give it 100 hearts...fake everything

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Well bsmp2 sure "liked" it! Wonder if the family values clause was the reason Dakota cancelled the wedding?

  57. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Just another prop in the Palin arsenal. Pathetic..

  58. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Delusion, thy name is "c4p"...a regular explaining the situation that caused the marriage to be canceled:

    myfairlady DeeDEEthree
    3 hours ago
    If that were the case, don't you think she would remove pictures of him. Someone wrote on his Facebook page that there was some paperwork mix up and that it happens a lot with vets thinking their divorce has gone through but it hasn't because of people moving around and end up not signing the paperwork. So, I don't know. I just feel so bad for them and hope it all works out.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Probably that same damn storm that held up the paperwork on Barstool's house. what a bunch of maroons.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Didn't someone somewhere say myfairlady is none other than Nancy French?

    3. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Nancy Fraud French is no better than the Grifting Palins, and is a LIAR.

    4. Anonymous9:01 PM

      The other day she posted "My husband, David French.....blah,blah,blah", and linked to an article on his Patheos blog, soooo?

    5. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Do paperwork delays cause memory lapses, too? Or is there a secret ghostwriter code that says if you don't put those pesky factums down on that thar book paper, then theysa didint happen? You know, a DEEvine loophole like them Xtians who think putting in the back hole or the mouth idint rill sex.

  59. News Flash! Sarah Palin pals around with child molesters and sister Rapists. But it's ok incest is in the Bible.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      I definitely had to "like" that.

  60. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Some mother you have, Bristol:

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Thank you. Now I'm going to take a shower.

  61. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Why such a long face, Barstool?

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      That happens with chin transplants.

  62. Anonymous8:34 PM

    She should have run away with Levi. Her mother ruined her life with Levi. Or she ruined any chance with Levi the love she can't let go.

    1. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Levi dodged a bullet, and look at the prize he got!! Sunny is the total opposite of Bristles in every way. Levi learned that you can not make a ho into a housewife. He found himself a beautiful girl, who is a real mother to her kids, and is getting an education. I wish Levi and Sunny nothing but happiness, they deserve it, putting up with all the tripe the PayMe family throws at them.

  63. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Momma Grizzly looks 'rode hard, put away wet' and...well...the usual...

  64. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Gryph, after repeated comments insisting trip is the older of the 2 brothers i went in to find the steelers fan picture of the 2 babies together. if you put in trip and trig old school Sept. 18 2012 patheos you will find a picture of Both babies together. trip is laying on the floor on his tummy in a grey romper outfit. trig is standing facing trip in a yellow shirt with those blue baby glasses on we've seen in a few photos. would you please go to that page and POST a screen shot of it before its taken down. I think it will resolve the ongoing debate over trip being the much older of the two brothers once and for all!

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      WOW! I've never seen that photo. I got a copy in case it comes down.

      It clearly shows Trig is standing over and looking down on Tripp who's laying on his belly in that "can't even turn myself over" stage of growth. Trig is in his "I can stand, but walking, not so much" stage.

      Trig is well ahead of Tripp in age and development.

      Cute photo. Especially Trig.

    2. Anonymous11:09 PM

      And 'Trig' is wearing glasses!
      (can't see his ears, though...)

  65. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Someone needs to tell her that boy is no longer a baby and she needs to stop coddling him quite so much. Its not good for either of them.

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      I would just love it if she would stop figuratively breast feeding him. She's going to turn him either into a lumbersexual or gay if she keeps this up. He may grow up to hate women who knows?

    2. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Can't turn someone gay, you ignoramus.

  66. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Chicken nuggets grow up to have wings. He will fly Bristol he WILL fly. When that day comes you will be crying because you want to stop him from having his own life. Totally unrealistic as your abstinence lies your mother enticed you to parrot. I have a feeling since Tripp has Johnston genes it's not going to work out the way you thought it would using your child to make money. Ain't gonna happen one day.

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Isn't he only like 8 years old? She's stuck with him for at least another 10 years.

    2. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Thank god for Sunny & Levi's influence. They are a normal couple raising kids, working hard and staying out of Mama Palin's plots. Kudos for them. Maybe there is hope yet.

    3. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Oh and by the way, I went through Dakotas 700+ comments on his facebook of May 18th when the breakup was announced. AMAZING how many people told him how lucky he was to escape the Palin's crap. Finally he got good advice about that.

    4. Anonymous10:23 PM

      And gryphen you need to do a post this weekend about how Sarah says memorial weekend is not about bbq's. We shall see what the weekend brings lol.

  67. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Dakota's wiki page deleted all info about him being married. How is that possible?
    I would wish Cassandra, a friend, Dakota's parents, Regan, would talk to the press. Ask him why he left out his marriage in his biography.
    Now, what man in their right mind you ever date Bristol after all of this? I'm surprised Joey got with her and stayed for so long. He isn't a looker, but he seemed normal. He must have low self esteem. And I think Dakota is a fame whore like the Palins, just on a smaller scale. I thought he fit right in with them.
    We shall wait and see what happens on Saturday...

  68. Anonymous10:29 PM

    So Bristol Palin moved in with Dakota Meyer and fucked him for 3 weeks, just to find out that he was like all of the other Trial Daddies? Nancy French must be a blind fool. There is nothing Christian about any of the Palins who fornicate at will anytime, anywhere. Pimpa Drug Addicts, Bastard babies, Adulterers, Fake Pregnancies, and Grifting for Dollars. Is that the Republican Dream?

    1. Anonymous4:03 AM

      In a word = YES. As long as fools keep sending money, that is all that counts.

  69. Off Track:

    Josh Duggar is a pedophile but he's sorry so it's OK.

    1. Anonymous4:15 AM

      I hope this creep is charged for his offenses and I hope the program gets dropped - pronto. What is it with fundamentalists and Republicans? They all think that their crimes simply go away when they say "I'm sorry." Doesn't work that way for anyone else.

  70. Anonymous11:15 PM

    9:26 pm, continued. keep in mind trig was a preemie so the April 21 birthday was probably his 9 month Release date. thats when he looks like a fat little full term baby with sally and chuckles out in the hallway. we All know they wouldnt have. had a preemie out of icu in the hall exposing him to others. now,do the math. she got knocked up again in march?? annnd, 9 months later.. if Dec. 28? is trips birthday, then mom got pregnant shortly after having premature brother trig.

  71. Anonymous11:18 PM

    you found the picture, gryph! yeah!!!!

  72. An European Viewpoint12:30 AM

    The words say one thing but the picture says another.

    This is not a look of sadness, sorrow nor pain.

    She is clearly making a taunting face, unbeknowst to her child who is innocently sleeping in her arms. Not cute at all to use him that way, I suppose to mock Dakota's previous expressions of love for both of them ?

  73. Janice A Soderquist2:18 AM

    What about the picture of Dakota holding the baby in bed with the gun on the nightstand? Is it his?

  74. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Gee Barstool, If you keep letting Tripp play with guns and or eating a shit diet, he WILL stop growing...even permanently or prematurely

  75. Janice A Soderquist3:59 AM

    Maybe Dakota didn't get in her pants for three weeks. He could not talk her into it, they fought over this and Bristol just left.
    She may not be prejudgers.

  76. Janice A Soderquist4:09 AM

    Maybe Bristol is gay and that is why Sarah pushed the marriage. Sarah didn't want another laughing stock story about the Palins. Bristol does have some shady friends she might have hitched up with.....

  77. Janice A Soderquist4:11 AM

    Well, if the big bbq is tomorrow in Kentucky, the Palins should be boarding their plane soon. Let's watch their posts and see if it looks like they are ready to leave town.....


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