Thursday, May 07, 2015

The US is the worst place in the developed world to be a mother. So much for all of that exceptionalism we keep hearing about.

Courtesy of RT: 

America is the worst developed country in the world to be a mother, ranking 61st globally in maternal health, a groundbreaking analysis of global health inequalities has found. 

The US performed worse than last year, when it was in 31st place overall. This year it is 33rd. Although it did well on economic and educational status, according to this year's Mother's Index the country lags behind on children's well-being, where it is 42nd, and on maternal health, ranking 61st. 

A woman in the United States is more than 10 times as likely as a woman in Austria, Belarus or Poland to die from a pregnancy-related cause, according to a comprehensive report, State of the World's Mothers 2015, published by Save the Children. 

Women in the US face a 1 in 1,800 risk of childbirth-related death. It's the worst performance of any developed country in the world, the report, released ahead of Mother's Day, celebrated on the second Sunday in May, has warned. 

Save the Children also scrutinized infant mortality rates in 25 capital cities of wealthy countries and found that Washington DC had the highest, at 6.6 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2013. This rate is a historic low for the District of Columbia, but is still three times the rates in Tokyo and Stockholm. In 2012, the district had an infant mortality rate of 7.9 deaths per 1,000 live births (while Stockholm or Oslo had infant mortality rates at or below 2.0, according to the report.) 

Many major American cities, meanwhile, have even higher infant mortality rates. In 2011, Cleveland and Detroit reported infant mortality rates of 14.1 and 12.4 per 1,000 live births, respectively.

And yet conservatives continue to work to cut social services that help low income women and help provide foods and medical care for their infants.

And I imagine campaigning to close all of the Planned Parenthood clinics is not exactly helping things either.

Let's just add this to the list of things about my country for which I am ashamed.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    What do you expect, in a world where Sarah Palin's kid's call her their best friend, and awesome? She sends her son off to the Middle East to give her some semblance of foreign policy and military bona fides? Her girls to "graduate" early just to attend hair and skin school? Preach abstinence with trial husbands. The fecund Mama Grizzly only brings mediocre to the table.

    Then they keep word salading some sort of logic out there that their pro-life choices (sure) are a model of civilization, liberty, freedom and whatnot, so if only cackling rads would follow along and realize how good conservative yokels are for the feminist cause. Meanwhile, if you don't abstain from sex, "Life Happens," and if you practice family planning, you are a baby murderer. Don't worry about eradicated diseases, they can't hurt your "choice," to go without vaccinations, what could go wrong? Cut public funds for public schools, early childhood development, sex ed, Medicaid, SNAP and all manner of programs designed to protect the most vulnerable children in this country. . .EXCEPTIONAL!

    By the way, see that Cindi McCain, with no children having served, was chosen to be the Blue Star Mother's spokeswoman? If they had asked Sarah, I'm sure she asked, "What's in it for me?"

  2. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I have friends that moved to Switzerland and they have a 4-year-old. The husband's employer pays for the boy's preschool and will pay extra if they send him to the Waldorf school.

  3. Maple5:41 AM

    Just as I expected, that "disgustingly socialist" country Norway came in #1. My country, the GWN, was #10.

    When you have too many people making the minimum wage (or as many would say, starvation wage), too many living in poverty and too many with little or no access to good health care, then you can expect to be #61. If you're wealthy in the US, there's no better place to receive the best healthcare possible. If you're not wealthy, you're SOL. Imagine, in the wealthiest, most powerful country on the planet....

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      The United States does not have the best health care It ranks like 37th .We fall behind Cuba in infant mortality. We have the most expensive health care but FAR from the best.

    2. Maple8:41 AM

      Actually, the very things I mentioned (poverty, lack of access etc.) are what gives the US its 37th rating. For those who can afford it, the US really does have the best, most advanced healthcare -- although there are plenty of unnecessary procedures done.

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Let's just add this to the list of things about my country for which I am ashamed.
    And for me, the list is growing at an alarming rate.


    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Me Too. Iam appalled and ashamed of this country.

  5. According to my education at C4P, if the Government would just get completely out of our way, with no regulation of education, the environment, healthcare, or wages, the few of us left will be able to pull ourselves up by our own umbilical cords and will do just fine.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Exactly, Liz. I took a few continuing ed courses over there also. Sadly, the "few of us left" will be the wing nutters. Everyone knows the Left burns their umbilical cords in a satanic ceremony.


  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Exceptional countries are inoculated against the need for change. They are perfect the way they are.

  7. Crystal Sage9:41 AM

    Yeah, those countries with the dreaded "Socialized Medicine" rank highest on the health scale for mothers and babies. I'm not surprised at all but the FOX-afflicted sheeple of the United States think that Socialism is for free-loaders and communists. Too bad they'll only wake when it's too late. Thanks, Tea Baggers. How many women and children have died because of your intransigence on universal health care? Shame on you.

  8. Is it any wonder the right wing talibangelicals value the fetus more than the incubator?

    Perhaps doctors should refer to abortions as "parasite removal".

    And U.S. healthcare isn't rated that high to begin with.

    We pay the most by far of any country, yet rank low for what we receive and our life expectancy isn't that good either. Some of it is our fault, but some of it is our "for profit" healthcare system.

    No wonder the rest of the world thinks we're nuts.

  9. But....but...we have the best (for profit) health care system in the world!

    Don't we?

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Courtesy of 'RT' ( Russia Today) ... lol.

  11. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

    Woe can do much much better. Someone we know moved to Denmark because of her husband's job. I was absolutely blown away at what the average citizen is guaranteed. First, the work year is thirteen months, so you get paid an extra month. Child Care is provided on site, and either or both parents are invited, anytime, to stay for lunch (90 minute lunches) Guaranteed health care, wrap around care, and refunds from the state for special needs/ special care kids. I could go on an on, but their way of thinking is "A happy employee is a productive employee". I was fortunate to work for a company run by a progressive woman, we had breast feeding/pumping lounges with every possible needed supply readily at hand, along with a lot of other percs. Paid leave to care for a sick relative, your job waited for you at the level you left. What's more important? Funding war inc or keeping families healthy? I wish the same for every woman, every family.


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