Wednesday, June 24, 2015

And yet nobody EVER protests him like they do Planned Parenthood.

So much for every life being precious and all of that hooey.


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    He must have missed all the new laws calling miscarriages abortions, and jailing women who go to the hospital for murder. Thankfully, the GOP is all over that and already doing it. Because they love women so much and they are totally medical professionals who know better than God that a miscarriage is just another name for murder.

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Dude... love the idea of your sign, but it would make a bigger impact if it were easier to read. Props for the raised fist---that abortionist in the sky needs to be gestured angrily at!

  3. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I may be misreading it, but it looks to me he's MOCKING anti-abortion/pro-god people.
    'Heaven is the biggest abortion clinic ever!'???

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      They need to be mocked. And worse.

    2. Suzy Q10:17 AM

      Yea, 5:52 that was my impression, also. Either that or he is a multiple-personality person. He has God circled and a line through it like he doesn't like God. Abortion clinics in heaven, another give away that he doesn't oppose abortions. I guess it's all how people interpret the sign but it was kind of obvious to me, anyway.

  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I hope "wasted sperm" is not on their agenda... I can just imagine the "masturbation police" breaking down the doors..
    Every sperm is sacred:

    1. Suzy Q10:19 AM

      I hope it IS on the agenda. But we all know that it's NEVER the man's problem it's always about the women. Anything to take away rights for women. Really sick of it all!!!

  5. Olivia6:45 AM

    Several formerly close relatives no longer speak to me after I pointed out that God kills everyone, babies and the unborn included. A god who knows all and can do all would certainly spare those lives if he thought it mattered.

  6. I agree, Olivia. Survivors always thank god for saving them, but no one seems to blame god for the ones that didn't make it.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM

    If any other disease/condition was killing this many "children" we'd be spending billions and moving heaven and earth to "cure it". But when it's Gawd, it gets a pass and a sigh and a shrug. Or, maybe, we know they're not really "children" yet.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    Why is it always men who stick their noses in women's uteri and personal business? Why doesn't he include "stillbirths", a misnomer, they're not born still, they're born dead. And women have to look at mugs like this "speaking" for them?
    Not that I don't agree with the message, but when was the last time a woman protested what men do with their privates? Onanism was a big no no in Biblical times, but crickets chirping.


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