Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bad news for Jeb Bush, it looks like Sarah Palin is kinda sorta endorsing his candidacy.

Courtesy of the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page:  

Encouraging to see the strength and diversity the GOP has to offer voters as the 2016 race continues to unfold. Unlike the coronation on the left, conservatives can head towards a positive, healthy democratic (small d!) debate on how best to restore America to the beautiful and bold dream our Founders set forth. 

It was encouraging today to hear Governor Jeb Bush speak directly to an issue that touches so many lives in these challenging times, both culturally and fiscally – raising a child with special needs. Nearly one quarter of American families live with special children that have greater challenges than some people will ever understand. These families need an advocate in a government that insists it can set our nation's priorities, especially given the disastrous implications of Obamacare on the special needs community. As was said today, these children are truly a blessing and they can teach us more than we can ever teach them. Some days it's admittedly tough to understand all God's purposes, but it helps when those we chose as leaders have a heart for those less fortunate. I'm glad Jeb's life was touched by God's purpose-filled children, and hope he continues with a positive message of inclusion, empowerment and specifics as how we can best advocate for families who would never expect government to do it all, but would like to count on government being on their side. 

This campaign is just getting underway with many good candidates, and many more to come. Let's keep our hearts open, but our eyes and ears too! May the best man, or woman, win! See you on the trail!

 - Sarah Palin

Well no wonder Palin feels a connection to Jebbie, they are both using special needs children as political props.

On this issue Palin's a huge phony, as proven by her lack of advocacy for the special needs community (Unless she's paid of course), and her lack of care for the child in her home that requires extra support, which we just saw recently for ourselves in a video that Palin posted on her "all about me" channel. 

After all there's a reason that they are referred to as "special needs" children.

As for Jeb, well I don't know that much about this advocacy for the special needs community, though he did recently rush to Mississippi to be on hand for the signing of a bill that gives vouchers of $6,500 to private schools that take in children who require special education which was based on a program he started in Florida while serving as governor.

So you know, there's that. 

In my mind this feels like one political opportunist, congratulating another political opportunist, on discovering a similar political opportunity.

However if past is prologue having Sarah Palin curse you with her endorsement is kind of like having somebody congratulate you with knife wielding slap on the back.

And here Jebbie thought sharing a name with Dubya, was the worst thing that was going to happen to his campaign.

Hmm, I kind of wonder how Palin's last handful of supporters are going to feel about their champion kinda sorta endorsing the most establishment bozo in the clown car?

This might be fun to watch.


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    A voucher for $6500? That won't even pay for one trained aide, let alone a TEACHER who understands how to teach special kids. All that money does is end up in the pockets of the corporations running the charter. The already do not hire real teachers, as they don't have the funds, and are not required to have certified staff. Lord knows what they would do if they had to cope with ADHD kids, kids on the autism spectrum, and kids with physical handicaps. A charter is not equipped for that, and what may happen is if they get greedy and start accepting those kids, the regular parents will flock back to public schools. Our 'private Catholic' schools in town do not take handicapped kids. Nor do the charters. So these bills are nothing more than pandering. Of course.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      +++++ My siblings and I attended, and my mom taught at, a private school. As you said, our teachers did not need certification, and there were no oversight regarding curriculum or education. The school was completely unequipped to deal with either special needs or gifted students. We had both types, and both types suffered.

  2. " Nearly one quarter of American families live with special children that have greater challenges than some people will ever understand."

    Sarah, that sounds like an awfully high percentage of American families. Are you sure you're right?????

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      The quitter guv rilly meens the rill murikans like Heath/Palins, c4pee-ers and whatnot.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      25% of American families do not live with "special children."
      And there are degrees of "specialness" -- children incapacitated by cerebral palsy, birth defects, FAS, as well as Down Syndrome, heart disease, lung transplants, etc.
      But adding them all up, they're a small portion of the American families.
      That's why the Federal Education System gives them special training and therapy from age 0 on up -- for free. Sarah never used these services. She couldn't see that a baby who couldn't speak or eat would be able to speak and eat if given the right training from from the start. So pathetically stupid.

    3. That's because edu-macation isn't important to someone who barely graduated from high school and went FIVE different college's. However most of the college's she "went too" either say she was there from two WEEKS to just a few months, AND the college she claims she graduated from, won't publicly acknowledge she was even at that school. We know she was at least to one because of her "sexy" bedroom pics and the one nighter she had with the basketball player whose color not anywhere near Sarah's pasty complexion 😉.
      This is also a woman who doesn't have a problem with ANY of her kids dropping out of high school...

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Shouldn'tit be special meeds children WHO snd not THAT?? Or does she think special needs kids are inhuman??

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Most schools in ALASKA have special education services and classes! I know we got in trouble for having wheelchair races in the halls! The kids loved it! We got in trouble! But they wanted to race!

    6. Anonymous7:14 PM


    7. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Have to cut Jeb! a break, English isn't his native language.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Well, well, well! Guess it is that time in the election cycle to drag the prop out kicking and screaming, dust him off, and polish him up.

    1. Kinda explains the "new" video of the bottom feeder "interacting" with Bristol's oldest son.

  4. A J Billings6:40 AM

    Jeb Bush is just another of the long line of patriarchal Christian Taliban.

    That Palin said something good about him is surprising, given that she is allied by past association more closely with the odious Ted Cruz.

    Cruz and Palin are both part of the new Apostolic reformation movement, though it's obvious to nearly anyone that Palin is utterly ruined as far as aspiring to the Presidency.

    $arah's huge "prayer group" from Alaska may still believe she has a chance to be Queen Esther, but their efforts have all come to nought.

    It is going to be a veritable treat to watch the implosion of the PalinBots once their Quitter Queen announces that she won't be running again.

    Last time that happened, the level of anger, despair, and convulsion among the faithful was profound. Several members of C4pee wouldn't even comment for days, so great was their sadness.

    It appears now, after 8 years of Palin running for nothing, and having destroyed herself , that the Palin worshipers are almost expecting her to fail again.

    There are or a few delusional hold outs like DeeDee3 and TheresaAK who claim prophecy as their source of inspiration, and VG who clings to a sad legacy that exists only in his own

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Jeb is Roman Catholic. How will that play out as the campaign rolls on?
      Roman Catholics were targets of the KKK, and are just as unloved by the Evengelical "christians" today.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      8:21, if he's the nominee, it will play out just like Romney in '12. My evangelical relatives held their noses and voted for him, because ya know, Mormons might be scary, but at least they aren't Muslims. This is an actual conversation I had with my mother, who persists in believing that Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. Compared to that, a white Roman Catholic from Texas? Pffft, no problem!

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      My brother in law was rmoney's defense adviser. Talk about holding one's liberal nose. Pee yew!

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    GOP Rep. Cresent Hardy ~~

    I have three children. One of them issumma cum laude and two were magna cum laude. The other one, he didn't need an education. He works for Raytheon, smarter than all the rest. He works hard, he builds things that are genius. Some people have that ability ....

    But they all work hard. They are raising their own families. They will not be a drain on society, the best they can. Hopefully they will never have some disability.....

    Fuck these assholes and their care for people/children with special needs. They don't give a shit, unless it benefits them somehow.

    Just ask Sarry. She has done nothing, absolutely nothing for the downs community....and that includes the child in her house.

    jebbie, sarry, carson, fiorina, frothy, fuckabee none of them are fit to run let alone hold the office.

    Earthymama / Chicago

    1. hauksdottir12:13 PM

      GOP Rep. Cresent Hardy ~~

      I have three children. One of them issumma [sic] cum laude and two were magna cum laude. The other one, he didn't need an education.

      Rep Hardy must not have finished first grade. 1+2+1=4 (One plus two plus one equals FOUR children for people who are math-challenged.)

      The good Congress-critter also doesn't specify whether those children were graduated from High School or University with those honors.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Now it makes sense why $arah posted up that old video of herself being a "loving mother". Needed to remind everyone that she invented the "special needs" political prop. "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!"

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I'm still shaking my head in disgust at that video.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I expected her to not be a great parent, but I was dumbfounded at how bad she is/was. And she released that video to show how "good" she was/is. Wow. Just wow.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      She released it to show how HARD it is for her (and ended up showing that she's a shitty, shitty mom).

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      I'mstill chuckling to myself about hercalling him TriGVEEE.
      Desperate much you sicko??

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I think Sarah's sort of endorsement of Jeb is intended as a way to humiliate and publically shame her unwed daughter.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Yeah--that might make sense if the Palins felt any shame.

  8. Janice A Soderquist7:04 AM

    Barbara Bush hates Sarah.
    Why now after all these years is she liking the Down campaign. She never went out and spoke about it, it didn't pay well. Did she ever volunteer for their cause and did she ever donate to them out of her millions? All show.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      It's all she's got left. She can't use Bristle, Track, Duhkota, hunting, family values, energy, etc. Quitter guv can't afford any more new props and Tri-G is the only one that can't speak for himself.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      The Dakota fiasco seems to have killed her with the vet platform.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Barbara Bush had a very public statement about Sarah Palin! I don't recall all of it but basically it was"go home" to Alaska! Ouch!

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Palin still had to add "See you on the trail" to confuse her minions who still wonder "Is she or isn't she running?" Wants $$$$.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I just tried to cut and paste her "See you on the trail" over at the pond but I have been blocked. Lol

    2. Wonder who she'll back, now that her buddy Trump is running. She gonna (or already has) blow him in order for him to say she'll be his VP?

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      My thought exactly! She has to throw that out because she knows the few people who still write her checks are going to interpret that as a sign that she's running. Evil, evil woman.

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Jeb has all the old warhawks from his brother's cabal lined up ready to join his administration. Their one aim is WAR. Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle and the rest are all failures at coming up with new ideas to result in peace. $carah is a stupid, ignorant bitch, nothing more nothing less. Time for her to shut up, and get in Piper's truck. Go for a drive on the Bridge to Nowhere.

  11. Not to hijack my own thread but Donald Trump actually just announced that he is running in 2016 after years of teasing the media.

    Okay this whole thing just got so much more ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Oh brother.

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Jeb Bush blundering through day 2 of his official campaign is hogging the limelight. Trump must be paying to get media coverage.

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Run Sarah run!!!!! Lol.
      The whole group is a joke!!

    4. Anonymous7:43 AM

      For once Sarah got something right.

      >>>This campaign is just getting underway with many good candidates, and many more to come. <<<

      Like she said Donald, the clowns in the clown car will always make room for another fellow clown!

    5. Jesus Martha.
      (MN expression)

    6. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Didn't rah-rah eat pizza with the Donald back when? I guess now she'll have to endorse him, too.

    7. I actually have pity for Republicans. Imagine having to choose the least of all evils in that bursting clown car. Each candidate a bigger doofus than the previous one.

      I can see them entering the booth and just closing their eyes and making a blind stab.

    8. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Don't pity them. They reap what they sow.

    9. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Oh good they can run together!

    10. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Who has the pest pelt..i mean hairpiece?

  12. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Old photos are all she has, Trig slaps her if she gets too close.

  13. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Now we know why she is posting old video of Trig and lots of pictures from Bristol of Trig.

  14. "see you on the trail".....that last comment was meant to leave her flying monkey C4Pers excitingly screaming "she's going to run, she's going to run" because we know that was code for her announcing soon....wink, wink

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      her super secret decoder ring is necessary to "read" between the word salad.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      It means as much as Sarah campaigning for around 5 or 6 candidates in the 2014 election. It is a way to justify her PAC because, you know, she's a Public Political Person.

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      800 lol...

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    It's so weird that she writes "see you on the trail" as if she is relavent. Sarah is mentally ill.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:38 AM

      Non compos mentis

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM

      737 don't tell anyone about that!

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM


  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Just watched Trump announce. I couldn't stop laughing. I think he's an undercover Democrat making fun of the clown car. So entertaining with his "trust me" schtick. lol

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sarah Palin is an expert on the subject of 'special needs' children. She has lived with Track, Bristol, and Willow. Piper has shown her struggles while trying to read flash cards. With a group of offspring( some with different fathers) like Sarah's, why wouldn't she claim to be an expert? Sarah Palin is a special needs person herself, but she will never admit it.

  18. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The US government (ie you and I) provide Social Security Disability for those with Down Syndrome and other disabled children/adults for life. The monthly check is roughly equal to the average SS check (about $1,500) a normal person receives, monthly from age 67 to death, after having paid into the fund by working for decades. Does Mrs. Palin approve of this free entitlement for families that choose to have disabled children, or that are surprised by disabilities?

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Mrs Palin doesn't give a shit about any children, special needs or otherwise...not even her own.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Good question. I didn’t know this is how it works.

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Well, at 71, I don't receive $1500. in Social Security benefits and I have no idea what my age will be when I do hit that milestone. But I'm not one to complain; I'm eternally grateful for the program and I don't begrudge the benefits that go to disabled people.

      However, people like Sarah Pailin and others of her political ilk shouldn't always be wanting to end the program. Sarah and her family should be eternally grateful to all of the "working" Americans who are contributing to Trig's upkeep. It would be nice if some of the money she receives on Trig's behalf were to go towards therapy for him though.

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I wasn't dissing the program, I was suggesting that it would be hypocritical to be publicly against "entitlements" (for other people) while possibly receiving them at the same time.

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Sarah is a leech! Free money is her game! Why work and attend college and raise children? Drama and dry humping is her political pole dancing! What an occupation!

    6. Anonymous9:56 PM


    7. Anonymous3:11 AM

      How is SS an entitlement? I have paid into it. That is money deducted from my check since I began working. Each year on my birthday I get a paper showing how much I have contributed and if I died now, what my kids would get, and also if I retired in 5 years, what I would get. It also shows each year your salary and what I contributed.
      Same for all of us worker bees.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Speaking of Jebbie (and The Donald, Rick "GOOGLE ME NOW!" Santorum, Rick "OOPS!" Perry, Theodore "Beaver" Cruz, et al), here's an extremely potent recap/analysis of the sad state of conservative political affairs we may find ourselves in

  20. Anonymous8:24 AM

    See you on the trail? Is she going to wrap up her bus in patriotic cliches, and follow Jeb around, like she did other declared candidates in 2011?

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Stalking is her specialty! Family traditions!

  21. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She is so jealous of people who are actually governing, running for office, and who are serious people. Watch, every 2-3 days she'll comment on one of the real candidates, just to try to get her own name into the campaign, without having to actually work. If she can dig up some imagined slight, all the better. As in, Mitt Romney is supporting Carly so that Palin just can't run. Get that shroud of victimization ready, she'll need it often.

  22. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I'm not one of those who feel like whether that is part of the solution or not to look at that as more opportunity. — Sarah Palin

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:34 AM

      That is absolute gibberish.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      This "chick" makes NO sense. Dumb as a rock, no offense to the rock.

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM


    4. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Did TriGVEEEE write that?

  23. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Maybe Sarah will have a new photo like this one. She is all about family love and values.


  24. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The comments on Huff Post regarding her endorsement are making mincemeat out of her. No friends there today.

    1. Does she have any friends any where out of the pond?

      Even Fox can't stand her any more.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      She's like Barbie, gotta buy all her friends. I think she's breaking Trig's piggy bank by now. How long has it been since her "fireside chats" on Fox? Greta was always a dependable attention grabber, Even Sean Hannity barely has her on anymore.

      Call Donald, "Celbrity Apprentice" needs some new talent. Can she spin hairpieces on a dowel placed on her forehead? Beg for change on NYC streets? TaTa, Toodles, your'e waaaaaay down on the list. Time to get a job and not quit.

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Palin will run for Prez. just like she ran in Storm Lake.
    She'll slip in at the end with some splashed-on sweat while Todd holds her sweatshirt and purse.
    Trig will be nowhere-to-be-seen, and Piper will be pushing the media away.
    I can see it from here.

  26. Anonymous8:45 AM

    After that disastrous mockery of a speech in Iowa in January, and after the scathing wholesale republican reaction to it, Palin pretty much dropped out of her "seriously running" campaign. I wonder what scared her into backing out of a run. Whatever it was, it seems to have put her in her place. IE that of a bystander.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      ...and her angry interview with Hannity the Monday afterward. Something happened for sure.

  27. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Sarah Palin is endorsing Jeb Bush!
    Jeb Bush is so fucked!

    Is this the only guy Sarah Palin is endorsing?

  28. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Sarah Palin posted her endorsement of Jeb Bush and in that post Sarah Palin posts an old picture of herself holding baby Trig.




  29. Janice A Soderquist9:14 AM

    Hey, Trump will let her on board his campaign. Two clowns...

    1. Trump hates Palin.


    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Oh I doubt that! May be she wont fuck him?

    3. Anonymous9:59 PM

      OR she won't stop trying to hump him!

    4. Anonymous11:25 PM


  30. Anonymous9:25 AM

    If I endorse anybody running for the Republican president, maybe he will ask me to campaign for him and I can travel around the lower 48 like the good old days and I can leave my family?

    If he wins the presidency maybe he will select me to be Secretary of Grifting?

    I so don't want to go back to Alaska

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Because then I will be in the courts!

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Then she and her kkklan will be in jail!

    3. Anonymous11:26 PM

      Oh she assumes her sex secrets will buy her? Notta! No one will care!

  31. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It is really disgusting to see her pander and pimp her children, especially her (grand)son Trig. I watched this video of Trig singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" earlier this year after seeing the horrid video of pretending to read a book while watching Spongebob Squarepants, and it makes you realize unequivocally that this poor child has had NO therapy whatsoever, and it will hinder his development for his entire life.

    1. Does she still carry him because he can't walk?

    2. Anonymous3:43 AM

      But Trig twerks, video in KY at the nonwedding celebration.

  32. PalnisHoax9:44 AM

    Boom! Thump bump! Clink! as Bri$tlie's chin hits the ground under the bus.

    For that is exactly where her Ol' Conniving, Desperate, Toxic mother has thrown her - under the bus - while mummie rushes over to support the guy who thinks unmarried mothers should be publicly shamed.

  33. And what did she mean by this off-handed slap at the Affordable Care Act?

    "Especially given the disastrous implications of Obamacare on the special needs community"
    What disastrous implications? Guess she's back to the nonexistent death panels. Talk about makin' stuff up!

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Actually the ACA really helped that free Indian Health Care that serves nearly 25% of the people in Alaska, anyone with a few drops of "native" blood. The ACA permanently funded it, so that agency doesn't have to return to the gov to beg for money each year.

  34. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Everybody knows that Sarah Palin is the guardian/mother/grandmother of a special needs child but she can't claim to "RAISE a special needs child" or "CARE FOR a special needs child". She has never shown any sign of caring for
    Tri-G. She has no clue as to how to raise Tri-G.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Sarah might be the guardian/grandmother of a special needs child but she is not the mother of one. And she has failed terribly in caring for him - for over six years now. That little video that we saw here last weekend, filmed over a year ago at Palin's Arizona home, was very telling.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Bottle mouth,tooth rot,living in soiled diapers,not toilet trained. Severe diaper rash. Hearing aids,glasses? Not. Limited verbally. Unable to chew and swallow food a three yr old can manage to eat,feed and digest. Mom in charge!!?! More like a Monster in house..if the little guy even lives there.

  35. Anonymous11:27 AM

    We can thank the Gipper for those charter schools. Worst.idea.ever.

    1. I warned the nation not to vote for that doofus. Californians had first hand knowledge of what a disaster it would be to make him President, having suffered through his lame brained disasters in California.

      But noooooo. All of the little old ladies with the hots for Ronnie had to vote for him.

      Well, you get what you vote for.

      Thank goodness Awnold can't run for President.

    2. Anonymous12:01 AM

      More men than women voted for Reagan.

  36. I think you can put to rest all of the baby gate theories regarding Trig's birth mother.

    Just look at that picture.

    Can't you see the strong family resemblance?

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Isn't Bristol of the same family? So yeah, there would be a strong family resemblance. I would not leave Willow out of the equation. Both Bristol and Willow dropped out of High School for a 9 month Mono disease.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Trig looks like a native kid with DS/FAS features. Nothing overwhelmingly "Palin" about him except for the Native features, which are somewhat enhanced by his condition.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM


  37. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Just saw an awesome trailer for Iron Sky (out in 2016), which features a mushroom cloud in Washington DC, Sarah Palin as a reptilian-handed President, and Nazis riding dinosaurs in the center of the earth. What's not to like? I think it's a perceptive extrapolation of what a Palin Presidency could be like. The look before you buy version.

  38. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I know what she's up to. She's hoping George Lite will tap her for her expertise on special needs children. Not for the VP slot (that will never ever happen again), just as a go-to kinda voice to trumpet his plan for you know, bringing the needs of special needs children into the forefront of the conversation. Good luck with that.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      She doesn't one tinker's damn about special needs kids. She won't even take care of Trig's needs.

  39. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Perhaps Sarah misses those campaign days, when everyone who did not know her, loved her. She had such opportunities provided to her after the election.

    She had such support that she could have gotten a law degree, gain credentials, and get the backing she needed to become a legitimate decisive and competitive candidate.

    Instead, she shit all over herself and the people who had the power to make it happen.

    I bet ole Pat Buchanan's wife laughs at him every time he tries to sound credible. Ole Pat and his high snot Chevy Chase pals, done in by a stupid cunt in a filthy wig.

  40. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I don't think she is endorsing Jeb, more like she saw an opportunity for an excuse why Trig is not in school ( no charter school) and another chance to slam Obamacare.

    Again Sarah proves she is an idiot. She is ignorant of the public school system and ACA. She also too forgot to mention to her cult that Trig gets free health care.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Trig did attend school this year at Cottonwood Creek Elementary in their Special Ed program.

  41. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Reply to Anonymous 4:06

    You are probably right. I am sure Barbara Bush will squash that and not quietly.

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      She told Sarah to go home in 2008!

    2. Anonymous11:30 PM

      I thought it was "stay in Alaska"?

  42. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If Alaska, as a mostly Republican state, does not shut Palin up, it will not fair well with George Lite. Ms. Barbara is not going to allow Palin to become a parasite on her son's parade. I am so looking forward to this throw-down.

  43. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Being endorsed by palin is like being endorsed by Typhoid Mary. With the exception of trump, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

  44. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

    Her lips are saying "look at Trig" while her eyes are saying "Who?", Hey, looky here, I got me a special needs son, That makes me an expert on all things special. Has anyone ever seen a Democrat endorsing another candiate because there's footage of him rubbing the hand of a handicapped child? Eunice Schiver deserves a lot of credit for championing the Special Olympics cause. ONE thousand buck donation on the last day doesn't quite raise one to "activist" nor "advocate" status. Loved her speech when she had some meat on her bones, and handlers who got her meds right. if elected, families with special needs kids will have and advocate in the White House...... and the crowd roared.
    Go ahea, Sarah, Jeb Exclamation point needs to be associated with someone like you. He's got the hispanic vote down pat, but I didn't understand a word he said. Now with you and Trip, he'll cinch the woman vote AND the disabled vote.

    Jeb! Palin! lmao. Every clown car needs a caboose. Oppos make that two cabooses, Trump tossed his toupee in the ring, his daughter introed him. it was an event that'll go down in history!

  45. Anonymous5:43 AM

    [Fuck you Bristol Palin]


    It seems like only yesterday that Bristol Palin was just an uncomfortably pregnant 17-year-old smiling in the background of Sarah Palin’s failed vice presidential campaign. Now the former political problem has become a political problem-solver, taking on the most pressing issues our nation faces today, from gender-neutral underwear to Planned Parenthood’s war on Jesus....

    [Here's the WTF part]

    .... All joking aside, Bristol Palin actually deserves an ESPY Courage Award for her blog post:


    I guess the writer of that post didn't read the post below:

    Immoral Minority
    Saturday, June 13, 2015

    Salon issues an open letter to "the poor slob stuck writing Bristol Palin's crappy Patheos blog."

    So the reporter over at Salon, David Ferguson, decided that he had had enough of the charade so he wrote this piece directed right at Bristol's ghostwriter.

    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Thank you Immoral Minority for all the years you helped reveal the truth behind the Palins .

  46. Anonymous2:38 PM

    So do you want government in your life--taking care of those who need help or not.

    Obviously, help and protection only when it somehow effects YOU. That is the thing that drives me nuts about "conservatives"; they can never think abstractly. If they or someone close to them did not actually experience something, then they have no empathy for others. But if their child is gay (Chaney), or if their child gets knocked up (Sarah); or if their child has substance abuse issues or special needs (Bush), then and only then can we break the right's stanch, self righteous rules.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.