Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bristol Palin's latest Instagram photo features her with a gun. Gee, what message should we take from that?

Well as I am sure most of you know, this is an older picture from way back as Bristol is not nearly so skinny these days.

My first take is that it is yet another subliminal message to her critics, like the ones that her mother sends with photos like this.

What is also kind of interesting is the Bible quote that Bristol chose to accompany her photo:

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

What makes that stand out is not so much the quote itself, which is taken out of context, but the fact that the parable from which it is borrowed is entitled :

The Wife of Noble Character

Here are a few stanzas before the section Bristol chose:

11Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

12She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

The rest of the proverb goes on to describe the wife's dedication to her children, her household, and of course her husband.

Which, considering Bristol's recent difficulties in acquiring a husband, and her current predicament with regard to an impending birth, is a little odd don't you think?

Unless of course it is possible that the good Christian girl was unfamiliar with the proverb and simply chose the quote because it sounded kind of tough.



  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    For someone who claims to care "zero" about what people think about her, she sure does care a lot about what people think about her.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      This gets my vote for "Best comment in the past week!!!" Says it all in 25 words.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Hence, the fake high school diploma. It was so sad seeing her posing for a photo shoot in the graduation gown. Everyone she knew, heck, even the photographer bent over backwards to humor her. That fake graduation photo is a portrait of vulnerability.

      Poor thing.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      11:25 --- let's all let Bristol know that it doesn't matter what we think about her. She should simply, quietly, live her life in private.

    4. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Too bad Bristol's high school classmates in Wasilla, AK (for as long as she attended!) don't rat her out. Wonder what Sarah and Todd Palin did to keep them quiet?

      There is so much to be disclosed about the Palin/Heath group of ill-functioning humans!

      As time moves along, I think more and more information/facts will dribble out as to their lies, fraudulent and nasty ways!

      But, also-too!, as we move further ahead in time, less and less people will even care about the Palins!

      Could it be that we will soon see no more discussion of the Palins? And, perhaps the next cycle will only concern their individual deaths - obits?

      Kind of think their individual deaths might only refer to the blight they once put upon America and Americans! There isn't anything positive to say about any of them if you review their lives.

      Such a legacy! (not!)

      There will be nothing 'positive' to discuss about any of them! Wasted lives - pure and simple!

    5. Anonymous12:02 PM

      I'm seeing some disturbing comments around the web. It looks like the palins are circling the wagons and starting a whisper campaign that MOH is "Gay"! It wouldn't be the first time they planted something to try to get ahead of a breaking story....
      I expect MOH will be either speaking out or having a statement released on his behalf or talked to a tab. They are desperately trying to discredit him by saying he is "teh" gay.
      And the story/comments that I've been reading are such bullshit and reeks of palin shit!!!
      Watch. Something from MOH soon.
      So maybe that's what Barstool thinks she is "shooting down" whatever MOH is going to say...as IF we believe any Palin WHISPER campaign!!!

    6. Anonymous12:11 PM

      'The rest of the proverb goes on to describe the wife's dedication to her children, her household, and of course her husband.'

      I am not certain when Bristol first started placing Proverbs 31:25 at the top of her header. I first noticed it about the time she began public mention that she and Dakota were an item. Commentators would at times mention it and how strong she is.

      I thought at the time she put it up in regard to herself and Dakota.

    7. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Bristol has a public relations company, BSMP llc. Public relations is the professional maintenance of a favorable public image of a company or other organization or famous person.

      This has been a PR EPIC FAIL....

    8. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Bristol is to a public relations firm what Bristol is to an abstinence agenda. Zero for two!

    9. Anonymous2:41 PM

      claims to care "zero" about what people think

      Both she and her sock puppets are obsessed. They can only repeat the same things over, over, over, over....

    10. Anonymous2:46 PM

      from the perpetually knocked up skank's pic ; wanna bet that brisdull left the empty shotgun shell casings littering the ground instead of picking them all up and disposing of them properly ?

      any takers ?

    11. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Well technically according to her photo she doesn't care "zero" about what people think of her...she thinks "asshole" about what people think of her.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    If she would just STFU this would all die down, but she keeps stirring the pot.She is like her mother and can't leave any perceived slight go unanswered .This could have been handled with some dignity (well kinda ,after all it is a Paylin) but this whole fiasco has been handled like the dumb white-trash this family is.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      She's determined to prove that you can, in fact, put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Social media is like a business. They use it for promotion. Self promotion, products, politics, religion, what ever they are promoting.

      No way can Bristol stop doing what she is doing.

      It would be like stopping a job or her work as an activist.

      She will continue.

      She will continue to push the same old themes and issues the Palins are known for.

      Bristol is not changing.

      If she were comatose and they didn't want it known, her Instagram and other would be taken over and handled by someone else. Like Nancy doing the blog as if she is Bristol.

      What ever business or religion she is promoting is what this is about. It also has the flavor of a person, like many others, that are just doing social media. That is not all Bristol'$ social media is about.

      Who knows what she means by this wifey proverb and posing with a rifle aimed at nothing.

      She may be telling Dakota she still has her sites on him. Or any man that can make her wifey.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      The thing is, Bristol isn't writing this. Nancy is, and Nancy is getting her instructions from Sarah, who is never, ever wrong and always, always, always the victim. Bristol may not even know that any of these posts are being made.

    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      A cartoon about two guys arguing about ACP and Bristol Palin being pregnant with them in an office and her and a kid on the sidewalk eating an ice cream cone! Bristol was HUGE pregnant!

  3. Olivia11:21 AM

    Nancy picked that one out for Bristol, being an expert at picking and choosing from her biblical arsenal while ignoring context. Bristol has never opened a bible in her life and wouldn't have a clue how to find such a phrase, much less decipher all those words

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Ok guys this poster "just-got_2getaway" just weighed in on the Bristol/Dakota business. This sounds even too crazy for the Palins but who the hell knows at this point. But here it is and with a huge grain of salt...

    Discuss away!

    just-got_2getaway • an hour ago
    Let me put everything in one post. At the time I am not certain how we can get any of this verified so adds to my reluctance to state it as anywhere near fact.

    Let me tell you a "fictional" story

    Dakota married Cassie in haste shortly before being deployed. He needed a cover before leaving more for his family whom were concerned about him. They had heard rumors and Dakota found a way to squash it. He even had his grandfather conduct the ceremony.

    When he came back he was suffering. Although him and her had no sexual relationship at this time she stood by him as a friend and took him in to take care of him during his dark days. She allowed him to remain married to her but they lived separate lives. When the talk of MOH started he decided to get a divorce and have all information sealed. Sealing the divorce insured that Cassie would not talk to the investigators about any unfavorable information. When she was asked anything she simply stated she was bound by confidentiality. She was fine with this and thought that her life would return to normally with this past behind her.

    Through the years he had a few girlfriends but never really showed any public acts of intimacy.

    Around last fall rumors started popping up that Regan was not really his girlfriend because she was apparently showing intimacy towards another man. He called Cassie to talk about his dilemma and assured that everything was still confidential.

    At this point Bristol enters the picture. Sarah has a daughter that needs a legitimate baby's daddy and Dakota wants to enter Politics. This is a way to cover both bases. Sarah convinces Dakota that this will be win win for both of them. They will be married quickly, they remain married for a year or two then use the excuse that God had different plans for them. By this time Bristol will have the honor of being married to a MOH recipient and Dakota will have hetero crede for years to come. Dakota knew she was pregnant and Bristol supposedly knew his sexual orientation.

    Part of the agreement was that Bristol had to move to Kentucky for this whole plan to work. He wants to enter politics there and refused to go to Alaska.She thought that she could live in Kentucky for a couple of years but once down there she hated it. She did not want to live on a farm surrounded by christians that actually expect you to go to church every sunday. There was nobody around her that covers up her discretions like in Alaska. She needed out of this arrangement but didn't know how to without looking like the whore. When the information about the secret marriage came out that was her perfect opportunity.

    Bristol bolted with hardly any fight put up by Dakota. Bristol figured that she can imply that she thought she was getting married and opps on the pregnancy. She honestly didn't think she would get such a backlash. Dakota figured that the press about the marriage had served it's purpose. Sarah was wagging her finger to Dakota reminding him that they both had an agreement and not to forget it.

    Dakota will not out Bristol and Bristol will never say outright that Dakota is the father. If she said Junker was the father then she is a slut. If she says Dakota is the father she is lying about paternity involving a MOH winner. Neither of them are in a really bad position right now. As long as neither of them tell the truth then they are covered. The only monkey wrench is Junker. If he decides to talk. But then he would be owing child support for 18 years.

    Bristol will not be going after anybody for child support as it stands.

    Cassie's friend pled with Dakota to just tell the truth. That there was never a scandal so stop treating it like it is. Dakota should have taken her advice.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Nah. Bristol turned out to be the biggest slut Dakota had ever met, so he kicked her ass out.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Nope. Most gays are articulate, witty, and ripped.

      Dakota doesn't make the cut.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      This poster has some credibility. When I first read his/her original post on Politicalgates about the wedding/ex-wife fiasco, the info he/she posted turned out to be nothing but truthful & started the whole thing unraveling. Dismiss this poster at your own discretion, but there just may be more than a nugget of truth to this "fictional" story.

    4. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Don't think so. Dakota just didn't want a wife who pisses in the middle of the street.

    5. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Bristol may be pissed that Dak gives guys a better blow job than she does.

    6. Anonymous12:06 PM

      I just posted above. That is the biggest crock of palin shit evah!
      A "Whisper campaign" I think MOH is about to release a statement.
      That is not Palin proofed ie: secrets will be revealed.

    7. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Could this poster "just_got_2getaway" possible also be Media Insider? Media Insider posted a lot of insider knowledge and then disappeared. Are they re-appearing again with a different name?

    8. Anonymous12:17 PM

      OMG this came from his facebook page! I wonder if he will delete it? This is getting so weird!!! I'm loving this soap opera!

      Do the honorable thing Dakota...TELL THE TRUTH...You're suppose to be honorable, right?

    9. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Seems awfully unlikely to me. He may be so macho that he only has room in his heart for his burly military macho bros, but ........ nah.

      And to further stereotype "gay behavior" I would expect more sensitivity toward children and babies shown by most gay men. Like boasting about teaching Tripp to handle a machine gun and laughing off the gun on the background table while changing a baby's diaper. I know gay people can be any old way, but this seems really unlikely.

      Of course, he could be so deeply in denial and is compensating with the cavalier attitude about his apparent lack of protective instinct around kids/babies.

    10. Anonymous12:20 PM

      @Anonymous12:10 PM, Wasn't this "just_got_2getaway" person the one that revealed Dakota's marriage? I believe so. Hmmm...

    11. Anonymous12:26 PM

      @Anonymous11:48 AM
      Nope. Most gays are articulate, witty, and ripped.
      That's a stereotype. Remember anything is possible with the Palins. That my new motto, anyway.

    12. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Anonymous11:58 AM
      I see 3 poster I've suspected are moles all NOW singing the same story, on the Euro blog. Frankly I don't know why they even let it stand b/c its so obvious what is going on.

      Now I don't care for MOH but I think he's been "had" by the paymes and now the trolls are putting out vile rumors that he is gay and that Tripp was possibilly in some sort of danger being around him like Pedo danger which is a CLASSIC PALIN WHISPER campaign!!!!!
      G I hope you can get some info b/c this is total BULLSHIT, and Sarah going after a MOH like this, is sure to backfire BIG fucking time on her and Barstool.
      Now I'm sure MOH has shit on the palins I know it they wouldn't be starting a whisper campaign if he didn't have MAJOR shit on them.

    13. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Roll of eyes! Wow you all really desperate?

    14. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Anonymous12:17 PM
      Tell the truth?
      He is not the one "supposedly pregnant"? He is not the one posting bullshit on social media?
      Tell the truth should be directed as ALWAYS to the Palins who if their lips move they are LYING!!!

    15. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Except if they're really going to stick with the story that Dakota is the baby daddy, his complete disinterest in the baby does make him look bad. Or it makes it look like he doesn't think it's his, which makes Bristol look bad.

    16. Anonymous2:22 PM

      The way Bar$toodles is handling this, she is damaging DumkotAhh and his future aspersions to any public office. IMHO, he HAS to respond to the implied baby daddy charges, and he should do it sooner rather than later. There are ways to establish paternity while the mother is still pregnant, and he should insist on that test to be done.
      BTW: that justgottagetaway or whatever can be a fake, too. Just because he/she has posted one or two credible things does not mean he/she is not a kind of 'double agent' - first giving some good info, until everyone is convinced he/she knows all and is a genuine insider, and then, once the credentials have been accepted, coming out with untruths/gossip to actually support his/her real employers. (Remember Levi and the team of lawyers he had the first time around? Turns out, they were actually working for the PayMes!)

    17. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Anonymous2:18 PM

    18. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Anonymous2:22 PM
      Oh suddenly that person is deleting her comments claiming she is getting threats? Who does that sound like?
      Sounds like someone who got her tit caught in a wringer!

    19. Anonymous4:21 PM

      2:42: Exactly! When I saw that, visions of Alicia churned around my mind!

    20. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Anonymous4:21 PM

      2:42: Exactly! When I saw that, visions of Alicia churned around my mind!
      Yep! Only one person writes long winded BS like that. But where did she get it from? Who put her up to it? There lies the mystery!

  5. What crap, Steve Finnell. You don't speak for God, and you don't have any business spamming Gryph's page with this nonsense.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Who is Steve Finnell and how does he relate to this post?

    2. He posted a long screed earlier about how only Christians are beloved by God...Gryphen deleted it, but not my post.

    3. Looks like Gryphen removed the post. It was the first comment and was a long-winded come to Jesus piece of spam.

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      From what I read, Finnell doesn't relate to reality.

  6. angela11:23 AM

    So . . . . when will Bristol actually become, ya know . . . private?

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She assuredly is her mother's daughter!!! There is no research as to the words she puts out there which is an exact replica of her mother's actions these past years.

    The Palins are very inept as to their brain power. Bristol so badly needs to shut those fish lips!

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Personally, I wouldn't want to be the "child" of any "divine" being who arbitrarily plays favorites with His/Her "chosen" kin.

    If God created everybody, and a huge percentage of "(non-Christian") those creations are "flawed," doesn't make him a very good God, does it? :)

    I'll happily remain out here in the "not wanting to be "chosen" by anybody, since the God of the Bible fits the clinical definition of a psychopath" club.

    1. Well said! And of course now we both look crazy, since Finnell's rant was deleted.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      11:32 AM and pat1755, I didn't read Finnell's now deleted rant and I never heard of the guy before today but I believe both of you. Neither of you look crazy.

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Photo Caption Contest!

    "I'm shootin' mad that Dakota found out my little secret."

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      "Look at me, I'm Annie Jokely"

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      "I ain't shootin' blanks and neither was he!

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      "Come outa those bushes and drop your pants....er..weapon!"

    4. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Bangin' Mad! Joey left more than junk in my trunk.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Oh shit! I really shot myself in foot this time."

    6. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @Anonymous12:00 PM, In this picture she doesn't look like she has any junk in her trunk...flat ass. Piper ever said something in the comments about it...something like #wheresthebooty" Hahaha too funny! These Palins are endless entertainment.

    7. Anonymous1:16 PM


      piper.p about 18 hours ago

    8. Anonymous1:19 PM

      "Now say, I DO, so we can git to the recepshun!"

    9. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Anonymous11:33 AM

      Clothed in strength and dignity?
      Bwhahaaaaa! G should of posted that PissyBrissy pic of her in the torn thong cammo dress and put that quote on there. LOL!

  10. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Clothed in strength and dignity?

    1). You don't have strength and you certainly don't have dignity

    2). From the sounds of it. Most guys don't see you in any clothes, period.

  11. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Every time I see a photo of Bristol in shorts and a long sleeve sweatshirt, especially when the heat index is 100 plus degrees, I think of her fat, jiggly arms.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      How old are you - 13?

  12. Typical.
    Pick and choose which verse to use, not caring for the proper context.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Or, if you declare yourself a Christian, to keep harking back to the Old Testament.

  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I have known more than a few Christians who studied the Bible only to use it as artillery against anyone, friend or for, Christian or not, anytime they wanted to insult, dispute or dismiss others. Then there are the Palin types, who know very little about Scripture, but do know Google and can find a verse that sounds "right", without understanding the true meaning. My belief is that one should not quote Scripture, if one cherry picks them, while blatantly ignoring the body of the works.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Where is a lightening bolt when you need one? ;)

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Much like a cop, when a guy passes in a no passing zone, never around when you want one!

  14. Oh, for crying out loud. Like poser mother, like poser daughter.

    A pink camouflage gun is about the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time. You want a pink gun, fine. You want a camouflage gun, fine. Both together? Posers, fakes, tools.

    As for Bristol, just stopping at some point on an obvious trail/open space with no effort at concealment (if she is hunting) or targets if she is not, yeah, sure, great white huntress. All she needs is a tied up caribou.

    Thanks to John McCain, a dim-witted, amoral, vacuous, untalented, uneducated rutabaga stumbled onto a national stage and has operated ever since under the mistaken impression that she belongs there.

    Thank goodness her latest biologically misguided attempt to keep swanning around the stage like Ethel Merman belting out "There's No Business Like Show Business" seems to be doomed to failure.

    This pack of jackals doesn't seem to realize their 15 minutes was up long ago, quite possibly because none of them can tell time.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Née ~ I love your posts! The visual of Sarry strutting around sounding like Ethel....brilliant.

      Earthymama / Chicago

    2. Snowblondie1:17 PM

      Right? Like where is she gonna conceal herself with that pink camo gun, in Candyland?

    3. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Nefer, that's one of your best!

      R in NC

    4. Anonymous6:14 PM

      But does it kick?

    5. Anonymous7:27 PM

      it's very scary when retards are shooting. How could she possibly get a gun legally? Her mother can not because of her extended private commitments for nervous breakdowns.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Going to shoot whoever got her knocked up!

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Hope she remembers that folks shoot back!

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Don't remind her!

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I interpreted it as she's going to shoot the 'H8ters', all the people who criticize her because after all she's a Woman of God. Dontcha know.

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Anonymous1:45 PM

      I interpreted it as she's going to shoot the 'H8ters', all the people who criticize her because after all she's a Woman of God. Dontcha know.
      I love how they talk tough and post "toughgirl" pics. But when confronted with truth, call those people "trolls" and whine they are being "picked on or persecuted"!
      Fucking whiners R Palin!

    5. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Ok and her stalking people is okay?

  16. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Bristol trivia: writes left-handed, shoots left-handed.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      But jerks-off the boys right-handed. Go figure?

  17. Anonymous12:00 PM

    So Brisket really is left handed?

    1. The Latin word is "sinister", and coincidentally the term for the shield insignia of a bastard knight is "bar sinister". Methinks Bristol is taking this all too seriously.

      The bend sinister and its diminutives such as the Baton sinister are rare as an independent motif; they occur more often as marks of distinction, added to another coat to denote bastardy. For example, Arthur Plantagenet, 1st Viscount Lisle (d.1542), illegitimate son of Edward IV of England, bore the arms of the House of York with a bendlet sinister overall.
      In French blazon a bend sinister is called a barre. Sir Walter Scott is credited with giving literature the macaronic phrase bar sinister, which has become a metonymic term for bastardy. In English blazon a bar is a horizontal stripe, symmetric with respect to sinister and dexter. (Bar and barre are pronounced alike.)

  18. Anonymous12:00 PM

    So motherly! What is the matter with these women? How could they get it so wrong?

  19. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The false narrative is getting old, especially given the fact of her initial announcement. I can understand using encouraging thoughts to keep a positive outlook during rough times but, yes, the proverb is taken way out of context given her situation and, especially, her demeanor.

  20. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What should we take away from it? That she's a phony and consummate bull-shitter, just like her mother.

  21. Thanks, Steve.

    You've got to feel sorry for all those folks born into another faith who believe their doctrine to very core of their beings. Lots of people on the elevator going down rather than up. Despite the fact that God loves them, they don't know God so they can't love him. Too bad for them. Nothing says love like casting off your children because they don't love you back.

    I have never been very religious, but I grew with just enough guilt instilled in me to feel as if I were being judged for every little thing
    I did. I am disgusted by the amount of time I wasted feeling guilt over things quite normal and quite human.

    To be sure, I am bowled over by the perfection of the universe and preciousness of life, but I don't attribute either to some intelligence with such an arbitrary and capricious nature. The more I read of points of view such as yours, the smaller God becomes.

  22. Anonymous12:07 PM


    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Ewwwwww. What a creep.

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    wtf IS THIS? sarah and brassy posing with guns? BFD. So what. A couple of nothings with zero brains. They are such an embarrassment to women.

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM

    What; is she shooting at trees now? Sublimina......shotgun wedding?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      No its called "I am a dumbass"!

  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    There's the Palins "Beautiful America"...right there at Bristol's feet, in the carpet of shotgun shells littering God's creation.
    Sad to see nature desecrated like that. Just another element of Palin hypocrisy though.

  26. Anonymous12:19 PM


  27. Anonymous12:22 PM


    Wow, it was a rough week for social conservatives. Amid all the news from the Supreme Court, perhaps you missed the frosting on the cake: Bristol Palin, an "abstinence ambassador" since her first out-of-wedlock birth, is pregnant again. The Internet is aflutter with rumors over who the father may be; there has been no official announcement.

    This column is for you, Bristol – and for the many others clinging to superficially attractive solutions for complex problems. Because when you are paid to advocate on behalf of a policy demonstrated by research to be ineffective and potentially harmful to young people across the country, you should be called out for that nonsense. When you become a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars," you forego any expectation of privacy.

    And, frankly, I am exhausted by the anti-science agenda of America's faith-based social conservatives. Not only does it put the public at risk on multiple fronts – from gun safety to climate change – but it has hijacked the broader conservative agenda in a way that makes no intellectual sense.

  28. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That's our Bristol The Sex Pistol, Abstinence Advocate Born-Again Virgin Ho.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      She's making her mother's heart sore.

  29. Anonymous12:31 PM

    On Dakota's FB today, he "liked" this comment.

    "Sounds like you made a smart break from Bristol."

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Okay! Good for him! That's a beginning to speaking out and it's done in a quiet, dignified way. A simple 'LIKE' on FB.

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Maybe with his military training he can blink-out messages if captured and communicate the truth without Sarah slamming him for violating an NDA.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      pretty sure the MOH is fixed...and can not have children.

  30. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Bristle has immaturity issues.She has no grown ups around her.
    She is also a little slow like that parents.
    This family has offered nothing of value to society and have low self-esteem and low IQ's.

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    As the resident Christian here. I find it funny that an atheist points out how she took this scripture out of context.

    This scripture refers to being a good wife. My husband teases me with this and says be a Proverbs 31 wife please. I, as a Christian do not like it when people take the scripture and flip the words to FIT whatever they want it to be.

    1. Olivia1:06 PM

      I think you might find that many atheists know the Bible and other holy writings infinitely better than most Christians, due to extensive study trying to discover the truth.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM


    3. Anonymous1:39 PM

      More than one "resident Christian" here.

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      So I guess you live in Gryphen's closet, as the resident Xtian? :) LOL

    5. Anonymous2:10 PM

      The Christian Bible has useful texts for most situations. So do fortune cookies.

    6. + a million, 2:10.

    7. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Actually, I was the one who brought it up on the RadarOnline post last night - the whole hypocrisy of her quoting this bible verse about a husband and wife.
      Gryphen picked it up and ran with it, like he does with quite a few of my (and others') posts. No harm done.

    8. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I think someone forgets, or doesn't know, that atheists typically know MORE about the Bible and Christian religion than do the majority of the Christians I, at least, know!

    9. Anonymous3:56 PM

      2:10 PM -
      I'll live in Gryph's closet anytime! LOL

    10. Anonymous6:13 PM

      What do you atheists think about the dinosaurs roaming the earth with humans? Did it happen only before the great flood?

    11. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I personally don't give two shits about any of your personal sky fairies as long as you keep that shit to yourself and out of my life and out of my government.

    12. Anonymous7:30 PM

      atheists know that dinosaurs walked the earth long before humans. They also know that the great flood as described in the bible never happened.

  32. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wow! Currently it looks like The Chin is more popular than The Grifter. Gryphen posts something about Sarah and it gets 70 clicks whereas Chinzilla (thanks, whoever called her that!) gets 500 + clicks.
    And while I'm here: Note to Sarah, Obama's hopey changey thing is working out great for all of us Americans! He's enjoying his highest polling numbers and with the help of SCOTUS he's going to have a great legacy when he retires!! Can't say the same thing about you and your legacy, Bristol. Now Sarah, sit down and just STFU, finally! We are all very sick of you and your no morals hillbilly family.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I'd called "The Chin" being "negatively' more popular than "The Grifter". But, both of them are in the hugely 'negative' category!

      I'm sure neither of them really, truly likes it. They'd be total retards if they did! Haha!

  33. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Wouldn't the State of Alaska require Bristol to name the father for child support? Dakota doesn't seem like he would be a deadbeat dad -- at least not initially-- so it's weird that he hadn't issued a statement about the baby. Say what you will, but I still feel sorry for the Palin kids. Their mother is a narcissistic with a capital N plus they're raised/brainwashed by a conservative church ideology. I was too and it wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I woke up. I told my mother that I had sex with someone for the first time when I was 21 and she was distraught. Awhile later she told me that she no longer thought of me as "dirty." My point in sharing this is to shed some light on the freaky puritanical shame cult Bristol is living in. I widh her wild friend Marina had counseled her to get some birth control.

    1. I feel sorry for the Palin kids too, but only up to a point. Bristol's 24 now, and has had plenty of time (and opportunity and money) to be exposed to other points of view.

      instead, she seems to be passing on her pathologies to her multiple children.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Can Alaska force Bristol to reveal her unborn baby's father in order to get financial support from the state? Not if Sarah has her way.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      In spite of Bristol saying she didn't want sympathy I feel sorry for her also. Overbearing unstable mother and dad seems like a zero.

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      1:48: She has no such powers anymore. Especially not, if taxpayers would have to foot the bill of raising this bastard child.

    5. Anonymous2:36 PM

      When the governor wears a dress kinda hard to see any justice in Alaska!

    6. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Why would Dakota claim Bristle's bastard baby if it's not his? He'd be stupid to do so.

  34. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Dignified people don't usually go around telling people how dignified they are. They act dignified, and then others comment on it, usually when the person is at least seventy years old, or maybe even after they've died. Twenty Four Years Old? Haven't yet met a dignified one. But it must be nice to see yourself that way?

  35. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I read a comment made on either a TMZ or Raw Story article from someonne who stated that Bristol slept with three different guys in one month and one of the guys was Black, they even gave his name as Trentten Haley from Anchorage. This may explain why she won't mention who the Father is, number one, she doesn't know and number two Sarah will have a fit if this baby is half black. I wish i had written it down but i will try to find the comment again so it can be quoted word for word.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Thanks for a name.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      I read somewhere (and have no idea if it's true) that his name was Terrell Hardy, from Anchorage.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Thank you 2:38! I stand corrected you are right.

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Is it the Terrell at the Barber Shop? They don't say his last name.

  36. Yeah we're going to be done with that whole Dakota might be gay bullshit over here.

    That is really the least likely scenario I have heard so far, and there is no credibility to that rumor.

    If people want to discuss outlandish theories well there are blogs that will accommodate that. But not here.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      OK, thanks for letting us know your thoughts. I could care less if he is gay or straight.
      But anyone can just make up a story.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Thank you, Gryph!

    3. Plus one, Gryph, and THANK YOU.

    4. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Thank you,Gryph! I think the Dakota being gay rumor is a convenient Paylin camp planted meme to discredit the guy and make Brisdull somehow look more "ethical" for abandoning their engagement. And it rings very, ,very false.

    5. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Yeah, that's just paymeees doing damage control. Who cares if he is? My guess is Bristol is just grasping at straws and trying to steer the conversation away from who the baby-daddy is.

    6. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Sounds like Sarah is desperato Gryph!

    7. Anonymous2:36 PM


    8. Anonymous2:55 PM

      My guess is Bristol is just grasping at straws and trying to steer the conversation away from who the baby-daddy is.

    9. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Thanks Gryphen. I agree with you and even if I didn't I respect that this is YOUR blog!

    10. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Especially in light of the fact that the poster has deleted her account and all responses anywhere on the Net... Sounds more and more like Alicia/Brooklynn/Whatever Trooll to me! She got caught again, red handed.

    11. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Thank you! And thank you again!!

    12. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Thanks Gryphen for having ethics. The Palins are getting very desperate on this one with all the rumors and the whispering campaign to pin this pregnancy on three suspects and I believe they are way over their heads on how they have handled this as it is going to blow up big time in their faces. Probably the reason Tawd bailed on them, not saying that he has any morals though. I believe this new child will not have anyone to support him or her but the Palins especially if they don't submit to a DNA test once the child is born. Thank you for not participating in this despicable campaign to ruin the reputations of the men. It's Bristol who must live with the consequences of her decision to plan a pregnancy without having a husband first.

    13. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Agree Gryphen, that that blog got seriously punked by this "got to get away" person who seems to me light a repeat of the "me again" troll who used to come over here and try to act legit. Glad you shut it down.

  37. Anonymous1:26 PM


    Bible Quote Used By Bristol Palin :
    She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

    I'm confused, Bristol Palin uses Bible quotes and is very religious when she fucks up, gets caught and wants sympathy.

    Other than that Bristol is out and about whoring around, getting drunk, fighting, hitting elderly people, fooling teens and others into thinking abstinence is the way while she is slutting around and getting paid exorbitant amounts of money for this sham, living with a man in sin, rides bareback without jimmies to men who are not her husband, constantly talking bad about people on her blogs who hasn't said nothing bad about her, told people her baby's daddy raped her just to save face and publicly slander the boy's father , hasn't provided a Christian home for her son while parading strange men at home, thinks she's high and mighty.

    Most importantly, Bristol Palin can't be forgiven for using her son as a chess piece against the boy's father just because the boy's father is happily married to a beautiful woman who is a great stepmother to Levi's son.


    1. Anonymous1:57 PM


    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Anonymous1:26 PM

    3. Anonymous2:33 PM


  38. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Probably dating myself, but this is the first thing I thought of. Apropos, too, to Little Annie Oakley Palin


  39. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Hollywood couldn't write a soap opera script to match the Palins living their private lives so vibrantly.

    So now the rumor is Dukota is gay, well maybe yes maybe no, but haven't the palins used "he is gay" he is a jew" campaign before, come on I expect something more original this time.

    What I do know is Dukota is a moron. Too bad he didn't google his hero Sarah before he got caught up in her web of lies. At this point, since he hasn't spoken out, he is really a moron, making it look like he is the father and probable paid off by SarahPAC.

    I would say this will haunt him for the rest of his life and any political ambitions he might have, but he is a Republican and the so called Christians will give him a pass, just like they have given the little hypocrite Bristol. She was engaged, so it is ok, she is keeping God's gift blah blah.

    I don't understand why Bristol is so upset at the haters, at least she doesn't have to hide this baby. She wants to deny others the right to marry, have an abortion or have a child out of wedlock, but not one of the haters said anything about denying her the same.

    We only are calling her a hypocrite, which considering the circumstances is pretty tame.

    I can't wait for the next installments of the continuing saga. Hope in includes some episodes entitled "Trig, your mom is really your grandma " and "Sarah, welcome to the federal penitentiary"

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      That's all ya got Sarah? He's gay? Oh we can breathe when we stop laughing!

  40. Anonymous1:36 PM


    Anonymous1:04 PM

    I read a comment made on either a TMZ or Raw Story article from someonne who stated that Bristol slept with three different guys in one month and one of the guys was Black

    If Bristol slept with a black guy, would Todd be upset with that? What about Sarah Heath?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Does Bristol's bff in Anchorage knows the black feller?

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      If Bristol is intoxicated could she remember who violated her abstinence hoohah? At parties, unfortunately intoxicated females may be violated by numerous guys white and or black or whoever?

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Todd would, but for Sarah, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Todd was not too upset with his sleeping with Black prostitutes. But their right wing constituents will run away from them.

    4. Anonymous2:03 PM

      "If Bristol slept with a black guy, would Todd be upset with that? What about Sarah Heath?"
      I can't believe either Todd or Sarah would be upset if Bristol slept with a black man but I can imagine that a born and bred Southern guy would be upset if Bristol bragged that she slept with a black guy. I can believe any self-respecting man would be upset if he was about to marry a girl who got pregnant before he came on the scene.

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      An article on Radar even gave the black guys name ans said he is from Anchorage.

    6. Anonymous3:04 PM

      @anon 2:09 pm

      Yup I saw that, I bet Terrel is on the run.

    7. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Wow! If that's the case and the baby shows black features, I'm betting The Sex Pistol will cry rape. Might even go to trial. It's her only way to save face in front of her ignorant racist supporters. Also, I'm betting this one will be a girl baby.

    8. Anonymous5:02 PM

      If the baby is black, we'll never see it.
      You can take that to the bank!

    9. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I say again..... Soon Bristle will suffer a "white out" miscarriage.

    10. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Anonymous5:02 PM

      If the baby is black, we'll never see it.
      You can take that to the bank!
      saw a pic of Willow posing with a kid in one of those cut out thingys/wood painted, at a kiddie park in Los Angeles and they said the godchild.
      I think it was the DWTS baby (this was the second time she was on and wallows went to LA with her) and the godchild looked "biracial" But it was hard to tell b/c she was looking through that wood cutout.

  41. Anonymous1:40 PM

    In Bristol Palin's present predicament, I don't think that she should plan on spending her future days laughing. Real life, especially for single mothers, is rarely (if ever) a picnic. Real life is hard for everyone. Hopefully we all have some good laughs along the way but life is full of responsibilities and duties that should not be shrugged off.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Bristol has not been living real life, she has been paid for lying about abstinence, paid for not being able to dance, paid for photos of "engagements" her son,etc.

      Her "struggle" as a single mom is to get out of bed everyday, drive to a non existent job and post fish- lipped selfies. Bristol couldn't handle real life.

      I am sure she will be laughing all the way to the bank when Nancy writes her next memoir, the baby was planned because I was engaged, but he raped me.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Real life for most single mothers means work a 40 hr week for minimum wage, food stamps and a mediocre daycare. And that's just for starters. Bristol Palin, go fuck yourself.

  42. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Sarah always has an angle, a spin for every occasion. Just wait. Ought to be a doozy.

  43. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The best gift about all of this latest Bristol silliness is that when you Google "Palin" now Bristol's hypocrisy and ignorance and failed abstinence have at last outranked Scarah Paylin in the search results.

    Sucks to be outranked by your perpetually pregnant out of wedlock daughter, doesn't it, Scarah? :)

  44. Has Sarah said a word since all this broke? If so, I've missed it.

  45. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25'

    Burned into my memory for eternity is the image of "Barstool"
    wearing her camo thong dress, only beer and make up on her face, and a wet spot on the ground under her crotch. Such a Christian Mother image.


  46. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Why was Bristol (SM Properties) buying a house at on Lake View Drive in Wasilla weeks before she broke off her engagement? And why was Iron Investments (Sarah/Todd) involved in the deal?

    1. Janice A Soderquist3:20 PM

      There is a picture of Tripp on Bristols Instagram standing on a backyard of a purple house. Is this her new house?

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      2:52 - Very good chance she was advised to do a 1031 Exchange to defer the taxable gain on the sale of the other. She never really used it as a residence so she can buy another like-kind 'investment' property and avoid paying taxes until later especially if the profit was enough to kick in the ACA 'tax'. As much as we know the Palins don't like and don't pay taxes, paying the ACA tax would give them apoplexy.

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      All these companies they own, which do nothing are probable shell corporations for money laundering.

      I am sure they bought and sold the house under corporations in order to avoid capital gains taxes.

  47. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Deuteronomy 23 2
    A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

    1. There's no need for that. It's not the kids' fault.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      That's a tough one. I am the illegitimate child of a young woman. I was adopted at birth but a legal adoption doesn't wipe out the fact that I was illegitimate in the beginning. My kids and grandkids - all conceived IN wedlock - would be upset to think that their prayers and attendance at church won't do them a bit of good. They are doomed for another eight generations. LMAO.

      IOW, me, my kids, my grandkids might as well forget about church, sleep in on Sunday morning and do whatever the hell we want to because we are doomed! Another absurdity of applying centuries old 'scripture' to real situations.

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      As someone said earlier, if only they'd pull their nose out of the OT. It's called OLD for a reason.

    4. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Pat 1755, I believe that

      Anonymous2:53 PM
      Deuteronomy 23 2
      A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

      was making reference to BRISTOLS hypocricy...

    5. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Dude-eronomy 4:20
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

    6. Anonymous6:12 PM


      I'd say that skipping church and sleeping in and skipping the brainwashing on Sunday sounds like a fantastic idea :-) You could certainly do your kids and grandkids a big favor if you kept them away from church.

  48. Janice A Soderquist3:19 PM

    Bristol might be going on Sarah's outdoor reality show.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Was that even renewed for a third season? I have seen no announcement.

  49. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Bristol wanted a baby. Period. Doesn't matter who the Baby Daddy is so long as he pays child support -- lots of it. And provides a target for her victimization and subsequent hate-on for the poor dad.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I think she was trying to make Joey marry her. I wonder why they broke up.

  50. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Anyone else think Bri$tol and Mamma are at odds over the pregnancy and how it was announced? I mean----when the hell is $arah ever quiet? Why is she not bashing all the liberals hating on her daughter? Lots more to the story I'm sure!

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Mom and Bristol haven't been cozy since before the wedding got called off. Bristol went off-script when she found out about Dakota's wife and Sarah tried to salvage something out of the big "celebration of life" fiasco.

  51. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Is Trentten Haley of Anchorage one of Marina Lupas's Aftadark friends.

  52. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I do. That's why Sarah is letting Bristol do her own damage control, which is making things worse. Sarah told her she's on her own this time. Not that Sarah's damage control is any better, "blood libel", "so proud of Bristol" after the drunken brawl, "I was right, Paul Revere was warning the Brits" and the list goes on and on..

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I think you might be right. Sarah covered Bristol's other pregnancies and got her some lucrative gigs because of them. But this is the pregnant straw that broke the narcissistic camel's back.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      If that is true, then Bristol is in deep doo doo.

  53. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "Bristol Palin's latest Instagram photo features her with a gun. Gee, what message should we take from that?"

    Ummmm, obviously that she thinks shooting whatever is in front of her is OK. That killing (people/animals) is OK with her. After-all that isn't a TARGET range... I wonder how she'd feel if that gun was pointed at her? After-all, there is usually something ALIVE on the other end of that kind of gun when you AREN'T at a gun range. If she's jut posing, it still says alot about her and her value of the life standing beyond the gun point. Messed up. Guns were designed to KILL. What is it she wants to kill? A living being or the truth? Or both? SICK.

  54. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Bristol's porn wannabe star former beastie just posted on Instagram her new BMW and fake diamonds.

    Damn those tabloids must direct deposit nowadays.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      All the guys that Marina hangs out with are drug dealers. That's where she got the car, it's probably "hot".

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      6:05 PM Drug dealers pay cash for their cars, they don't drive 'hot' cars.

  55. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Photo caption: Bristol Palin prepares for her shotgun wedding.

  56. Anonymous6:35 PM

    It is incredibly stupid of Bristol to post a picture of herself shooting a gun.

    Don't forget, Dakota is trained by the US Military to shoot and kill. He knows how to use a gun, and has used one to solve his problems during war. She is antagonizing him, and he is very likely mentally unstable (I'm thinking of his suicide attempt) and suffering from PTSD.

    He just might get angry enough at her and her big mouth and remind her he knows how to use a gun too. I know their brief courtship showed they used guns together a lot, as they posted pictures in April and May of them shooting and handling guns in KY. Bristol should not have posted this; she thinks it's cute but it's not. It's downright scary.

  57. Anonymous7:29 PM

    This must be in reference to the kind words said by the Johnston's yesterday. Obviously the bible verse describing the virtuous wife is referring to Sunny Johnston since Bristol is not a wife.


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