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If you give me money, I'll show you my ass. |
Dear Friends,
YOU are the success of SarahPAC! Thanks to your support, SarahPAC has grown to become one of the strongest forces within conservative politics. ( "One of the strongest forces within conservative politics?" Can you say "Delusional?") Together we are working hard to support and elect conservative leaders who will fight for what's right in America!
You were pivotal in the efforts to reclaim majorities in the U.S. House and Senate. (Yeah way back in 201, before she destroyed her last ounce of credibility.) In a new documentary called "Building America's Future" to be released later this summer, many of the leaders you have helped elect take time to reflect and speak directly to you, SarahPAC supporters. Their testimonies will inspire you to keep the faith and never give up on our country. (And to keep sending Palin money. Must not forget that part.) They thank YOU for influencing national debate and the outcome of crucial elections.
Here Palin asks for supporters to send their e-mail addresses so that they can receive a copy when her self glorifying DVD "Building American's Future" is ready for release. You can see the trailer for it here. Just of her previous movie "Undefeated" now containing updated footage.)
As we look to 2016, your continued support is critical to expanding our majority and electing a conservative President. Just today, SarahPAC donated to 44 strong, courageous conservative candidates (Make note to self to carefully check next SarahPAC filings for these 44 donations.), including the 34 U.S. House members who had to stand against their own leadership to do the will of the people and fight Obamatrade. (How did that work out for them?) With your support, these are the type of bold leaders we will elect in 2016.
It's an honor to be working with you. (She's working with them? Yeah, like the butcher is working with the lambs he slaughter's for their meat.) Thank you, and God bless you and America!
- Sarah Palin
Well you really only have to have one working nostril to detect the stink of desperation emanating from this post. It's pretty overpowering.
I am beginning to think that she must have spent her money unwisely in the past, and really has nothing substantial to show for all of those millions of dollars she earned back in the day.
And now without that steady Fox News paycheck she is scrambling.
So here we have Palin once again begging....begging for more money, and yet not one single word about the fact that she is about to be a grandmother yet again.
Gee one would almost think she was embarrassed by her's daughter's choices or something.
Update: Okay here's a question that suddenly popped into my head after writing this post.
Exactly WHY would SarahPAC donate to 44 candidates in a non-election year?
And the next question is how much could they possibly afford to donate, when we all know that they are taking in less money than they are paying out each quarter?
Either she's lying, or she is giving each of these candidates chump change in order to appear as if she is still a political player.
Did I mention that smell of desperation?
Didn't she have an FEC filing due today? Was this some kind of last ditch effort to show that she was actually using the money for something besides Taco Bell?
ReplyDeleteIt is due next month.
DeleteWhat will really be interesting will be to see if she actually donated to 40 candidates as she said she would last week (or maybe this week). Humorous indeed if she actually donates to them all and doesn't generate any donations to SPac further depleting her "income". Will be interesting to watch and see when the Arizona mansion goes on the market. Damn...someone in that family is gonna have to go to work someday!
DeleteAnonymous3:48 PM
DeleteShe has never even gave to 10! She gives the bare minimum after she got dinged on that which is like 5K to 3 or 4 canidates, something like that its the BARE minimum she gives. But it will be very interesting to check her write offs for this period....
20K Celebration of life BBQ√
15K lawsuit in NJ √
etc :)
Yeah, we'll see how her money bombs did.
DeleteDoes anyone think she's got even $500K left?
Anonymous4:07 PM
DeleteI'm thinking SarahPac is deep in the hole but she started another grifterpac (forget the name) something "Freedum" or whatnot and Barstool and her have ShePac right?
They got shell LLC's and crap all over the place. I'm afraid she will never go broke unless they get thrown in jail.
Didn't ShePac shut down? I think it did.
DeleteThe very best thing about that photo is that it is NOT photo-shopped.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain dared to try inflict that creature on this country. Treason.
She obviously didn't squander any $ on classy, beautiful clothes.
DeleteEver since the Repubs paid to dress her in '08, I don't think I've seen Palin in anything that didn't look like it came from Walmart.
DeleteThat's what I don't get. She makes enough money why doesn't she at least dress the part as she did in the '08 election. Just buy the same labels she was getting in'08 in different colors it doesn't take a fashion designer. I thought she dressed very nicely when the Republican Committee people were managing her. When she went rogue following the election and went on her Red Bull diet and got down to about 110 pounds she looked good but then she kept going and then lost her hair and her curvy figure and then got all the plastic surgery and now looks like a man.
DeleteShe DOES look like a man! There is nothing feminine at all anymore, and when she straps the Belmonts on, she looks like a cross dresser. Caitlyn looks better than she does!
DeleteSilly Sarah sure doesn't like anyone telling her what to do or how to dress. No siree. She wants to look like a used up hooker, and by golly, ain't no elite east coast people with class and taste going to stop her.
DeleteShe's showing them. Yes, siree.
Audits are a good thing! Sunlight is the best disinfectant!
ReplyDeleteDid she forge more signatures or is she dumping money?
ReplyDeleteG-man, about 3 years ago Palin's post-gov revenue was estimated at $20M+, with $12M from her first book alone.
ReplyDeleteHer Az house was under $2M. Even at a burn rate of $100K per month, she could go 20 years.
She needs more body blows to her rep like the Wassilla brawl or an outright orange jumpsuit perp walk in order to leave public discourse IMHO.
What about all that hush money she has to pay to bsmpllc? That girl runs through money like it grows on trees. I remember her blaming Brissy for her loss of the election but yet she has to keep her happy and on the same page because she knows too much and may spill the beans at any moment.
DeleteTwelve million for a book? After her agent's cut (or her lawyer's, since I doubt she negotiated the contract on her own), her ghostwriter, and taxes, she probably netted no more than seven.
DeleteForbes put the figure at less that that http://www.forbes.com/sites/bizblog/2010/07/07/what-sarah-palin-really-earns-less-than-you-think/
DeleteI wonder if Sarah is, or has, provided Levi with a chunk? He knows a lot too through having lived with the Palins years ago and throughout his life, so far, as an adult.
DeleteI suspect he could do quite the number on Sarah, Todd and Bristol today!
A two and a half million advance for Going Rogue sounds more realistic. Her agent would have taken about half a million of that. I don't know what her ghostwriter would have taken, but on a project like that it should be low six figures.
DeleteNot to mention all the $$$ she blew on Pissy's "Wedding" that pissy bailed on!
ReplyDeleteA band, catered, a stage....ouch! No wonder she is beggin' for Ca$hola!
Those Kentucky Fried Weddings don't come cheap. Woot! Woot!
DeleteIt sill didn't look to me like they had 100 people there as they said.
DeleteThey saved some money on ammo since it only took one shot from Dakota to git rid of Bristle.
DeleteWait, they're buying Dakota's ammo to shoot at their daughter?
DeleteThose Palins really are idiots.
The whole stinking lot.
She doesn't have the support of the national Republican Party - nor Alaska's - and, the big boys/donators have scattered far and wide!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how long we are going to have to watch her grovel? She's one sorry mess - as is her daughter, Bristol.
Going to be interesting reviewing her FEC filing. Can hardly wait to see the expenditures and if they are going to be identifiable.
I wonder if she gave about $50 to 44 candidates...she might've had that much left. I have never understood the appeal of PACs. If I support a candidate, I give directly to them, not to some intermediary who will skim 2/3 off the top and make themselves look magnanimous (look it up Sarah.) Oh, and Sarah, that outfit was more fitting for a Las Vegas strip club than whatever conservative event you were mumbling at. No wonder your daughters have no morals and no sense of self-worth. You've used your looks to get your way your entire life.
ReplyDeleteI agree 3:06 PM!
DeleteI'm a senior and have always donated 'directly' to the candidate of my choice!
Why would anyone, in their right mind, give money to a non politician to donate to a candidate (having zero assurance the candidate they want supported will even see the money!). It makes no sense at all!
Make your donated dollars work, Americans. Do NOT provide your hard-earned money to the likes of Sarah Palin for her PAC! She no longer benefits anyone except herself!
Plus, no 'real' politicians call on her anymore to aid them with her support.
Yes, 3:39 pm, it's asinine!
DeleteOTOH, the more money those idjits give to HER, the less they have to give to a REAL candidate...
DeleteThat's the scam, 4:12 PM, smoke and mirrors!
Delete4:12 Yep! That's why I hope even more republican teatards donate to Sarah Failin The more money wasted on their side the better IMO
DeleteYes folks, a whopping 3 CENTS of every dollars goes to support GOP candidates. The rest is "postage".
Pony up, suckers!
Very interesting that she mentions nothing about running for President herself.
ReplyDeleteShe's doing a fan dance, hoping that the money will roll in even though it's not going directly to put Queen Esther on her throne.
2:56 -- at the rate she has to pay for her family, for lawyers, for consultants, and for long-term care for Trig, with income dwindling, she's got to find some new source of money sometime soon. I wouldn't bet that she carefully invested any of those millions for the long-term.
Yep, you can run thru $20M pretty quickly. Ask a lottery winner.
DeleteMy guess would be she burned PAC $ before her personal stash and used PAC for travel and accommodations.
DeleteHow much of that $20M did she burn? Did $10M go to Todd? $1M to lawyers?
I can't wait till her money is gone, then she falls like a brick. Ha ha not even RAM will stay.
Hey hows Karen? You know that she's a mole right? Oh yeah you sent her! As always! Now when she realizes you made fun of her on the SNL skit you were in! Nice! Gee what goes around comes around? Hey hows Hap these days? Sources ran out huh? One last effort for grifting? What about that shifting money around sweet cheeks? I hear no matter what you do it will come around and bite you every time! Now your Budd Putin knows who you crucified is from Russia! Diversion to the ME failed cumquat! Now...we get to take that DNA tests and what do we have? Head tilt! WWIII? Naw! Humanity has better things to do then fight! Long pause...is that Sarah exploding? Lol...
ReplyDelete3:14 PM Who is Hap? What sources? Curious as hell!
DeleteOh yay, it's the cryptic poster again. Eyeroll.
DeleteDouble eyeroll.
DeleteIt is nothing 3:26, don't bother wasting your curiosity on nothing.
Either people have something to say, clearly, directly, and to the point, or they have nothing,
3:14 has nothing.
Yeah the poster who says there is a case pending in the Hague or the World Court. Nope I checked out both. No cases even remotely related to the Palins or Heaths.
DeleteIt would be against the USA, and they are not too happy with Palin's antics while in office..so in a way it will open the can of worms about her tenure in office and why she left? so that is good for IMers! I think the crimes committed are also an issue! That is also good to take a judicial stance about it instead of being like them - a wack job posting guns and threatening crap! Eh?
DeleteYou know Palin should panic when she realizes the following:
DeletePresident Obama has a degree in Constitutional Law.
President Putin has a degree in International Law.
Man I hate it when that happens! haha!
So what 6:04? Winston Churchill had low acedemic grades, yet is recognized as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. Degrees don't mean shit when you are running a whole country.
DeleteLaw degress lmao.
3:14 6:00 and 6:04 full of shiite and have nothing.
@7:23 PM Sarah Palin is not a leader and 'she ain't running shit'. Hell, she can't even manage her lay about dysfunctional family. Home Schooling lmao.
DeleteGet your nose out of Sarah Palin's ass before you die of a std.
Sounds like someone woke the bear!
Delete8:46 Woke the bear? Lmao
Delete8:36 Who the fuck cares about Sarah?
You are blabbering on about some connection to Putin and Obama and their law degrees lol. Put uip or shut up with your apparent inside info on Sarah fucko! But of course you don't have shit do you?! LMFAO at you!
DeleteWarmongers HATE legalities! For sure!
DeleteThat DNA test says a lot doesn't it?
DeleteNo doubt Sarah spent all her earnings of yesteryear and is desperate to keep up appearances. She is not and has never been a fiscal conservative. She left both Wasilla, Alaska and the State of Alaska with record high debt.
ReplyDeleteSarah left you folks in Alaska with the highest per capita debt in the nation. This was when the State was collecting boatloads of money from the oil industry. And let's not even talk about the unfunded pension liability that the State faces - one of the worst in the nation.
She gave a half billion dollars to a Canadian company for a gas pipeline that will never be built. And ACES may have been great when oil prices were high, but when prices tanked, ACES turned out to be a real lemon.
She spent money like a drunken sailor. Who can forget all the money she wasted on the MatSu Dairy and other such projects that benefited her cronies.
I guess we will all see in a couple of weeks how her grifting game is going when the FEC report becomes available.
I agree completely. She has NEVER been careful with money, and if she spent public funds like that, she probably squandered her own also too.
DeleteI couldn't tell you where all her money is gone, but I can't imagine she has much left.
I wonder how the upkeep is on that Arizona home.
DeleteMeth for all of them is probably expensive...
DeleteSo, Gryphen, does Todd work at all now?
ReplyDeleteCan't help but be curious...
Well one of his homeboys got popped for prostitution and human trafficking...hope he talks huh Todd?
DeleteI am beginning to think that she must have spent her money unwisely in the past
Paying people to keep the skeletons in the closet is expensive.
Also too, have any of her "supporters" wondered why she would need their email address to sent a DVD? Has Sarah patented some new technology? Does the DVD pop out of the player from your email acct?
The morons keep sending $$ with the hopes she runs for president, so her grift is going to run dry soon. Does Piggle Wiggley pay for ribbon cutting ceremonies?
The DVD is probably digital.
DeletePlatform stilettos: comedic whorishness at its finest. What, does she take fashion tips from Minnie Mouse?!?
ReplyDeleteSorry, dumb question.
I always think Betty Boop!
DeleteI choked when I read "one of the strongest forces." Delusional, indeed! Who does she think she's kidding?
DeleteBetty Boop is better dressed.
DeleteJust curious $arah, of all these people you claim you swept into office, how many would take a call from you? Hint: it's less than one.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, at this point I'm just going to let these idiots piss their money away by sending it to her $arah PAC. If they haven't realized by now that she is nothing more than a con artist, trying to get rich by doing nothing, then they deserve to be taken for all their money.
Fox News says Palin isn't relevant but she is! And she's bought endorsements from several political candidates who'll certify her in her self-glorying DVD. So there, Fox News!
ReplyDeleteBuy her way for people to say nice things about her?
DeleteSounds about right! I'll bet they say plenty behind her back!
"I am beginning to think that she must have spent her money unwisely in the past, and really has nothing substantial to show for all of those millions of dollars she earned back in the day."
She has always appeared to me to be no different from a rags to riches lottery winner with no clue how to save and grow the sudden wealth.
She spends money recklessly with no thought to the future. Think of all the crisscrossing the country she and her entire clan of feral lackwits has been doing, along with buying houses for cash or with huge down payments, expensive toys and vehicles galore, and sheer reckless self-indulgence.
Sure, it's OPM, but it never occurred to her that the torrent would slow to trickle, let alone dry up completely.
And Gryphen, you are a smart cookie, so I find it hard to believe that you are just now beginning to believe that just maybe Tundradunce may have spent her money unwisely in the past. Has she ever done anything wisely?
I agree she's probably blown all the money she's made from books, TV shows and speeches on toys. But she hasn't spent a dime of her own money on travel, that's all SarahPAC.
Deleteferal lackwits?
DeleteOMG, cleaning my screen!
That one got me too. Brilliant!
DeleteFeral lackwit = idiocrat, see the movie 'Idiocracy'
No, she has never done anything wisely. That woman is an idiot. I am convinced she has pissed away all of her money and will eventually run out - possibly soon.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if she paid cash for her houses, that would have been smart. The mortgage deduction doesn't apply after a primary residence, plus there's a cap on it. So, if she owns the houses outright, when the bottom falls out, at least she'll be able to sell the houses for some cash. If she owes on them and falls behind on mortgage payments, the banks will take them back right quickly and she'll have nothing to show for all the payments she made, especially since the early payments just pay for interest, not equity.
Well, she got the house built in Wasilla for free so if she sold it for a dollar she would make money on the deal.
DeleteHowever they built that house, at one time they had a mortgage on it.
DeleteSportsman Channel is planning to run reruns of Amazing America in July. So there's that. I don't think they've announced whether the show has been renewed for a 3rd season. Palin brings so little to the show, I don't know why they don't let her go and run the series without her.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they can get someone a lot more talented for a lot less money than Diva Sarah of the private jets and bendy straws demands.
ReplyDelete...."But I am questioning the usefulness of SarahPAC, too, these days. I am grateful today, though..."
Ron Brown
..."My feelings exactly. We have been electing so-called conservatives to the House and Senate through several election cycles. What has it gotten us? Continued fundamental change to the country we love. Not sure it has slowed down Obama's fundamental change one iota. Is it enough to continue down this road of electing so-called conservatives to the House and Senate? I don't think so.
So what is missing? Courageous leadership."
"Yeah, those so-called conservatives seem to have vanished since being sworn in.
I'm with you Brother Ron, if she isn't going to run, then I see no purpose in supporting her PAC. Rush is right, they aren't DOING anything."
"Hello my dear friend!
I have to say that while I do not fault those of our friends who donate to SarahPAC, I won't be one of them. I prefer to donate DIRECTLY to the candidate. Besides, some of the folks she has supported aren't the ones I would have supported, McCain, Hatch etc, so, I give directly to the candidate.
I don't need Sarah Palin the sideline cheerleader. I need Sarah Palin the presidential candidate."... 01_Explorer_01
"People here can shut the SARAHPAC down but give a stern message to run! Your awesome..I am stopping too!
VG....LOLOLO......cheerleaders need not apply! Your killing it!"
"Then why don't YOU donate twice, once in your name and once in someones name who gives a damn?"
"Great idea from you....so obvious the rest of us should have thought the same. Lets starve Sarahpac of donations until she says she is running.. Not one dime until you run! Your on your game today VG!"
hope4palins old0032 hours ago
"I agree that it is not her fault or SarahPAC's fault. That said, I still agree with VG about political donations because the result of all their hard work is "nothing, zero, zip, nada" in terms of Congress doing anything about this Statist nightmare; in fact they tend to enable the Statists more than anything else."
"Don't let the enemy see us breaking rank now! We've come too far to let our feelings take control...I feel as you do, but hang on a little longer buddy......one Navy Vet to another, don't give up the ship just yet......"
"I'm not breaking ranks Corky. I NEVER give to PAC's, never have and never will. I donate directly to the candidate."
Al B. virginiagentleman19 hours ago
"I just wrote SarahPAC and told 'em that. I'm as frustrated as you are, my friend."
hope4palins Al B.2 hours ago
"I've got one of their emails, purportedly from Gov. Palin, and I will be taking the time to answer and tell them that as well. If she runs I will consider donating some small amount to SarahPAC after donating to her campaign because I believe that she has very long coattails; but that is the only condition in which I will do that. Absent her running, imho donating to a PAC dedicated to electing Conservatives to Congress is a waste of my money. If I'm going to waste my money it will be on things that I enjoy instead of the likes of Orrin Hatch and John McCain."
Wow! They advanced from a 30 watt to a 45 watt blub in a 100 watt socket! Progress.....
DeleteAh, I posted before reading. I just commented about this below...
DeleteThe way the nutjobs call each other "brother" and "sister" and "dear one" over there in a very religious, fundy way, freaks me out.
DeleteYes, there is a stench of desperation coming from that woman.
ReplyDeleteIf she isn't desperate for cash, she most certainly is desperate for relevancy. She isn't on Fox anymore, she is getting the cold shoulder from all of her old repub pals, and it is so obvious that she is a has-been that even she is aware of it. However, as long as her PAC is pulling in the money, she has a toehold on relevancy. That is what I think she is after.
That and more money, of course.
Palin's behavior is coming back to haunt her. Most people in this country aren't in the mood to be reminded of "don't retreat/ reload "Crosshairs on a map, death panels, "paling around with terrorists", "he's not one of us" in this election cycle--or her need to stir things up and bring out the "pitchforks". I think her vicious, vile style of campaigning isn't even wanted by Republicans--other than the extremists--and she can't be trusted not to say or act that way. I'm 66-- and the only thing I've seen close to her is George Wallace. Hate oozed from every pore of his body. She's disgusting.
DeleteIt won't be too many years until Sarah and Bristol will be selling their camo thong dresses and American flag platform shoes on ebay. It's always been about instant gratification for all of the Palin's. Undoubtedly Sarah and Bristol spent the bulk of the money. They both think they can go pluck from the money tree anytime they want. It's never occurred to either of them that there's an end in sight. What will they do when no one will give them a reality show or a book contract? No one in the entire family has any skills, experience, or education. Who will support Bristol and her bastards?
ReplyDeleteI hope they have already made all their porn tapes. So they will have some income when they are in lock up.
DeleteThe hog-tied court ordered 'baby daddies' will support some, not all of Bristol's out-of-wedlock-abstinence-only disappointed blessings progeny.
DeleteThat's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
Oh, another thought, maybe Rush Limbaugh will marry Bristol and support her herd-of-children. Donald Trump will not. The Donald, while trumping 'traditional marriage' will not marry Bristol strumpet.
Bristol was trained as an esthician. Considering how well she has done on a receptionist salary (wink wink) she can raise her two children without child support lol
DeleteThere's been a lot of discussion lately on C4P and it's sister site P4A about SarahPAC. The strong consensus is that they, Palin's staunchest supporters, are NOT going to give one red cent to SarahPAC. They think too many of her endorsements have been "traitors". No, they will only open their wallets to a presidential campaign fund. Period. It's pretty unanimous. That particular well has run bone dry.
ReplyDeleteI was reading there today and saw those comments and it was a nice thing to see. They are tired of her PAC unless she runs. Supposedly, they are even telling her through emails to her PAC. Funny--and Palin deserves it.
DeleteAnd so it ends ... not with a bang but a wimper.
DeleteSome would speculate the Mrs. Palin is running down her PAC funds directly in front of the fiscal reporting deadline in order to diminish her PAC funds, which she cannot use for a Presidential campaign. Although her asking for more money for her PAC concurrent with this donation announcement leads me to believe that isn't the case. At any rate, these donations will have to be listed on her newest FEC report so we'll see just how "large" her largesse was.
ReplyDeleteLet her run.
DeleteThe world will guffaw!
Palin's "Like" numbers on her Facebook blatherings have reached the low water mark. This particular post was yesterday, and it has 4600+ people enthused. Remember when her posts attracted thousands, often in the 100 thousands? I think she's done.
ReplyDeleteNow we are just waiting for a dog to bury the bone that was once Sarah Palin. She did this to herself, which is exquisite to think about.
FLMom, she probably doesn't pay for all the fans & likes any longer, as we all know she "bought" the majority of her fans. I get spam emails all the time regarding "buying" FB fans & I'm not famous in any regard.
DeleteDo I hear a desperate squeak ? Granny Palin you had
ReplyDeletebetter come up with something better than that tired old
rhetoric. You have grandchildren, you have little Trig and
another grandchild on the way. You have two more daughters
to give you more grandchildren. Your old Pac is just a drop in the bucket to pay for what is to come. You had better find a
sugar daddy that is hard of seeing when the wig, fake boobs.
butt pads and the fuc me shoes come off , and will hand you
his check book so you can squeak, screech and wink "till the cows come home."
Christie / Palin 2016
ReplyDeletePolitical Heavyweight / Political Lightweight
Betcha $10 that by 2017, she's indicted and sentenced to 30 months for wire fraud.
DeleteI'll take that bet and raise you $5. The Bitch is slippery when wet. She's got protectiion from all the major Repubs as long as she behaves herself.
DeleteAh but what goes up must come down! Especially that Dain Bosworth biz huh?
DeleteWould LOVE to see that. Prison would be a nice reality check for Sarah "Don't You Know Who I Am?" Palin.
Deleterte148, that would be sweet but I'm not holding my breath.
DeleteI’m betting the amounts are about $1,000 each. And the only reason she is doing it is because the PAC is being investigated.
ReplyDeleteAbout damn time! I hear the reason she resigned is coming back around to bite her in the ass! Recent news is a 31 year old is under arrest for running a 'prostitute ring' in 3 states!
Deleteso that is why Todd disappeared! Funny how you can see that a mile away! Criminal Minds!
Wow! Todd is such a douche! They both set people up all the time! Make $$$ off it! Then they turn them in!
DeleteThat's why you never never do biz with them!
DeleteThis is a last hurrah because she knows the next pac filing is coming and this time there's no covering for what she spent. She is donating $250 to each candidate, knowing full well people will be pissed when the filing comes out.
ReplyDeleteShe knows there will be no more pac, for all intents and purposes (or as she says "for all intensive purposes) once the new filing comes out. She is well aware this is THE last hurrah.
She looks like she forgot to finish getting dressed.
ReplyDeleteTake a good look at that picture above. Sarah looks like she has Dowager's Hump.
I've noticed she has that in quite a few pics. Anorexia malnutrition will do that to a person.
DeleteThe picture of her, Bristle and whatever that Duggar pedo name is shows how hunched she is.
DeleteIt must have really hurt her to give free money to 44 other people. No wonder she's making a big song and dance about it, she's probably thinking of all those free fugly hooker shoes she won't be buying online, all those awkward looking wigs, all those odd jackets...
ReplyDeleteYou know she usually gives $5,000 to each candidate.
DeleteBut if she gave 44 politicians $5,000 each that would come to $220,000.
Does ANYBODY think she is going to part with that much cash?
NO, Gryph, not on your life.
DeleteShe usually gives $5,000 to not very many candidates. but even if she had millions she still wouldn't give $5,000 to 44 people, it's not in her nature, she's such a greedy individual. It's probably $1,000- just enough to be able to say that SarahPAC has donated.
DeleteSo THAT'S why she hasn't had time to support Brissy. She's sitting on the floor, crying "All my beautiful money. Gone."
DeleteWhen I did the math I thought she will not part with over two hundred thousand in donations now.
DeleteMy guess is $500 to each because that would be the max she has donated in any quarter.
936 lol...oh my gut...and spit coffee..
DeleteBristol Palin’s second pregnancy inspires people failing at the thing they’re paid to do
ReplyDeleteOn Thursday, the unmarried Bristol Palin announced that she was pregnant with her second child. This development is especially fascinating given that Palin earned a mere $262,500 as an “abstinence only” advocate and ambassador for the Candie’s Foundation in 2009, having already had one baby. This hefty sum was seven times what the charity earned in donations and according to Forbes, “Apparently, the organization was only able to find $35,000 to grant to charities from the $1,242,476 donated from the public.”
To be clear, I’m not shaming Bristol for becoming pregnant or having a baby without being married. I’m shaming her for getting paid to preach a policy she clearly doesn’t practice, because, ummm, it doesn’t work. So beyond spreading a false abstinence only gospel, and spreading disinformation, she’s making buck doing it. Isn’t this the very definition of hypocrisy? And I thought Jesus Christ, who the Palins claim to follow so loyally, wasn’t into that whole thing.
Does anyone know off the top of their head, the total amount SarahPAC has donated and the total amount of donations collected since she began her SuperGriftingGrannyPAC back in '09? I'm looking forward to tweeting repeatedly how little she gave and how much her family spent. It's how they supported themselves and we have to keep reminding every RWNJ of the same. It will sink into a few here and there. There's the added bonus that it will annoy the hell out of Granny Palin to be reminded about how she's not getting as much money as she used to. Gotta love it, may even get her to start throwing cans, IF she can find Todd, of course.
ReplyDeleteAw hell, she doesn't need Toad to throw cans. She'll throw them at anything that moves, when she's in one of her moods. ;)
DeleteMay be they threw him down and old mine shaft and buried him alive!
DeleteO/T: I talked to my hair dresser today, and somehow we came to talk about school requirements and licensing.
ReplyDeleteTurns out, in WA state, the requirements are 1600 hours (and passing the tests, of course). However, in Alaska, the requirements are EIGHTEEN HUNDRED HOURS! a 'hair certificate' is NOT transferrable from state to state - you need to be certified in the state you want to practice, which means you have to show you did the required hours of training and you have to pass the board exams in your state.
Just HOW could either Willblow OR Bar$toodles get in eighteen hundred hours of training in Arizona in the short period of six months??? Even if they would have worked their tushes off and had been able to work full time, 40 hours/week after the first three months of classroom education, that leaves three months, which is twelve weeks. 12x40=840, almost 1000 hours short of Alaska requirements! And, realistically, the students MAYbe get 20 hours practice/week, so that would be even fewer hours done during their brief stint in Arizona.
Maybe that explains why Willblow was absolutely horrified on her sister's wife swap episode, when she was offered to do someone's hair!
Did mommy-dearest pull some strings there, and also in Alaska, so they can pass off a potentially FAKE CERTIFICATE??? Willblow does not seem to be working for any salon (didn't her mother buy her a salon in Anchorage? Whatever became of that? She seems to be somehow working independently, maybe from her home...)
Put to the test! Failure! Palin trait! Frauds! Fake it till you make it! Hows that working out for you all?
DeleteNone of them actually work. C'mon. These are Palins were talking about. Grifters gotta grift. Work is for the little people.
DeleteShe must be running again. All that friction from those dried up, cellulite covered shrivelled thighs is causing friction, which causes heat, which generates fire. Is she jogging all over Alaska????? You got her pegged, Gryphen, photoshop a stripper pole and an opportunity purse on that photo. She's in it for the money. Gee, how much did she donate to Trump? ROTFL,
ReplyDeleteTrump is being dropped like a turd!
DeleteSarah Palin you disappointed a lot of people. No where in that letter did you announce you are running for 2016 POTUS. When will you finally say you are not running so these people can go back to inbreeding.?
ReplyDeleteHas the new grandma weighed in on her childs spawn?
ReplyDeleteWas Sarah Palin giving a speech or was she at a Hooker's Ball?
DeleteWhy 44? Because her base is arguing among themselves who they will support if Sarah doesn't run. This just about covers any and all of 'em.
ReplyDeleteSarah: You are as dumb a fucking whore as your daughter.
ReplyDelete'Nuff said.
Oh brother. Is this like the time she taped one dollar bills under high school graduates' seats for their "gift" ?
ReplyDeleteYou gotta get off your butt to make a buck!
DeleteThat's weird was she trying to buy people back then!
DeleteI have always laughed at that woman to the right taking a picture. Think she wanted to get a close up of the fake butt cheeks?
ReplyDeleteShe was 44 in 2008 as a VP nominee, so giving to 44 candidates must mean she is secretly announcing her run for the top spot, right? Send those pennies in, c4p.
ReplyDeleteYou know folks, if someone were to point at me and say "YOU are the success of SarahPAC!" at this juncture, I would--at a very minimum--count it as one of the greatest failures of my life.