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Kyle Rogers of the Council for Conservative Citizens. |
The Council of Conservative Citizens, an organization with white supremacist leanings, has issued a statement defending the "legitimate grievances" expressed by Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof. Roof made reference to the council in his manifesto, saying he used its site to learn about "black on White crime."
In the statement, the council condemns "Roof’s murderous actions," but goes on to warn that "our society's silence about [such] crimes—despite enormous amounts of attention to 'racially tinged' acts by whites—only increase the anger of people like Dylann Roof. This double standard *only makes acts of murderous frustration more likely* [emphasis theirs]. In his manifesto, Roof outlines other grievances felt by many whites. Again, we utterly condemn Roof’s despicable killings, but they do not detract in the slightest from the legitimacy of some of the positions he has expressed."
So I guess the message here is that hating black people is fine, but shooting them full of holes is crossing a line.
Speaking of crossing lines it appears that Ted Cruz was by no means the only Republican politician or well known conservative that associated with the CCC.
According to The Daily Beast Trent Lott, Mike Huckabee, Georgia Congressman Bob Barr, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley have all had close ties with the group, and conservative firebrand Ann Coulter even defended them in one of her books.
And as it has turned out several presidential hopefuls, besides Ted Cruz, have received donations from CCC including Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, and even Mitt Romney back in 2012.
I think that is really why conservative politicians and their apologists are working so hard to convince people that now is not the time for politics (Or to talk about gun violence, which almost literally caused one MSNBC host to lose her shit.)
They don't want us talking about politics, because they are well aware that this shooting is tied to THEIR politics and rhetoric in a way that is essentially indefensible.
ReplyDelete‘Liberal’ Isn’t a Bad Word Anymore
Democrats are moving left. And America may be too.
It's mostly a bad word in like the Palin & Hannity households and the other inbred idiots of their ilk.
DeleteI read some comments that actually said they were disappointed that he only shot "old, harmless [n-word"]. That he should have saved his bullets for the more "uppity" ones.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how angry and shocked I am at what's been happening in this country, and am having a hard time seeing how we will overcome the amount of hatred that resides in the hearts of too many Americans. I want to cry, but we need to fight back instead.
I have the same sick feeling when I read the comments following many articles about this issue.
DeleteOne thing to remember, though, is that the internet brings out extreme views. I still have hope that what we are seeing isn't an increase in racism, but an uncovering of it and that it will inspire good people to be more vocal in their opposition to the hatred.
Thank you 2:04, I hope it is as you say. I never did think the race war ended with the Civil Rights battle. But it has been slow progress every day since. Or so I thought, but I didn't think nor ever imagined that this many years out we'd have almost level of racism this country saw more than a hundred years ago. Very sad for us, for our children and grandchildren. The world.
The Koch brothers' father was a proud member of the precursor of the CCC and helped found the John Birch Society.
ReplyDeleteWhat utter bullshit. They have no problem at all with shooting black people, they are just upset that for some unfathomable reason, people seem to think it reflects badly on them.
ReplyDelete"...literally caused one MSNBC host to lose her shit.)"
I usually let misuse of the word "literally" slide. It is one of those words that will eventually mean the opposite of itself and that is all there is to it. Language is always changing.
But geez, here?
Your point is well taken Nefer,
DeleteSo now I've softened with an "almost."
But for anybody who watches Alex Witt, that is about as close to losing her shit as I have ever seen.
Kyle Rodgers looks like a light-skinned African American!
ReplyDeleteIn this photo, he definitely looks bi-racial.
DeleteCould you please edit the following:
ReplyDelete"...by now means..." to make clear that it should be "...by no means..." Thanks.
I believe it would be helpful.
By the way, that flag was installed in the '60's as a protest against the Civil Rights movement; they knew what they were doing was an insult then, and they know exactly what it stands for now. If it is removed it will be indeed a miracle.
Bravo Alex, bravo Howard, eat shit Ron.
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded, however slightly, about the right-wing, Fox News conservative love fest with Cliven Bundy. The RW, especially Sarah's only remaining link to Fox News, Sean Hannity, loved them some Cloven! He was staring that old mean USGovernment, Feds, right in the face and just a darin' them to come and get him! Hannity was all but giving Cliven nightly bj's, and then? Oh, oops. Cliven's racist views, which he always held on to dearly, came flowing out of him on live TV!! The sheet hit the fan and Fox News conservatives pulled all their cables and live feed trucks and drove out of Nevada in a heartbeat. More than likely under cover of darkness. These conservatives sicken me. Like Sarah putting bull eyes on Democrats' faces and more pointedly, Gabriele Giffords, and thinking that's so funny! What a hoot! And then some conservative nutcase shoots and kills people attending Giffords' rally. Giffords is also shot. It's only after these horrific incidences do the conservatives backtrack and deflect the attention away from them and their horrid policies, attitudes and beliefs. Am I wrong??
ReplyDeleteBlue girl Liz...living in a red state...
Nope. Sadly, you are not wrong.
DeleteThe more I see this incident get twisted to "persecution because of Religion" on the right, the more convinced I am they're girding their loins for another crusade.
ReplyDeleteThe CCC has innocent blood on their hands. They're basically saying "we started the fire, supplied the fuel, but we didn't intend death" If ever there was a racial slaughter, and there was, the church killings had everything to do with race.
We;ve got to do better, we've got to fight and save lives. The gun owners I know don't want anything to do with the NRA and they're responsible, well educated, and not racist at all.
It occurred to me while driving, that this killing is part of the "take back our country" and "American Exceptionalism" memes by the likes of gun site Sarah and the groups fomenting hate, Yea, they moved a flag from the statehouse, but it's a small step in the right direction.
Alex Witt was ok, but no one kicks trash to the curb like Tamryn Hall.