Saturday, June 27, 2015

Donald Trump refuses requests to release his birth certificate. Can you say "hypocrisy?"

Courtesy of the Guardian:  

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has refused to release his long-form birth certificate and passport records, despite demanding the same from Barack Obama during the 2012 election. 

The Guardian contacted the Trump campaign to request the birth certificate and passport records of the Apprentice host, but a spokeswoman refused to share the documents. 

In October 2012, Trump, a prominent figure in the “birther movement” – a loose affiliation of people who claimed Obama was born outside the US – accused Obama of being “the least transparent president in the history of this country” for refusing to release the very details Trump is now refusing to publish. 


Every time I think this guy could not get any more clownish he goes and proves me wrong.


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    So, what does Trump have to hide by refusing to release these documents, or is he just continuing to a prick just 'cause he can!?

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      nope, just 'cause he IS !!!

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      He's a democrat and his "campaign" is performance art.

    3. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Trump is NOT a Democrat. He's a Republican. Is and always has been! Check the facts, 11:07 AM!

      What are you trying to do - get Democrats to vote for him? Ain't ever gonna happen - he'll never get past the Primary. Plus, Hillary Clinton - a Democrat- will be the next POTUS!

    4. Leland12:50 PM

      11:07, I would like to be there when you tell him he's a democrat to his face. I would even be tempted to PAY for that privilege!

    5. Anonymous1:01 PM

      G that pic of Trump screams "A$$Hole" just sayin' lol!

  2. PalmaMama9:28 AM

    This guy is a genital wart on the penis of humanity.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      This comment should be used every chance we get - in newspapers - by the various channels on TV, etc. Donald Trump is a fucking jerk!

      I'll bet Trump is pissed at the wins that President Obama (ya know - the black guy!) has been having this past week.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sucker-fish lips and expressions----in addition to being a blatant hypocrite.

  4. Aunt Ethel9:37 AM

    Showing documents is for brown people, not the rich orange people.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Hey, look..he's practicing his Sarah/ Bristol Palin face! Maybe she can lend him a wig.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Mexicans bash Trump pinata, call him imbecile

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Unbelievable. But not in the context of his liking another hypocrite. Hey, Sarah, show us Trig's real birth certificate.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    There is nothing more immature than a grown man falsely slutshaming a woman he's spent years lying about. And covering up his "informants" lies. Pretty sad when a 20-something is decades more mature than you

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      There is nothing more frightening than a small time politician accepting the number two position on the GOP ticket, without any hesitation or concern, even though she was clearly unqualified. Add to that the lies, scandals and division she has brought to our nation in the past 8 years. She deserves all the contemp she receives. Her daughter has chosen to participate in the mudslinging, so ye reap what ye sow.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Lager, if you read this, are you one of and if so which? A? Jr?

    3. angela10:46 AM

      What does this have to do with Donald?
      OMG---Donald has been doing other stuff that has nothing to do with attention whoring and fake presidential running?! I didn't realize he knew Bristol so well. Go figure.

    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      "angela10:46 AM
      What does this have to do with Donald?
      OMG---Donald has been doing other stuff that has nothing to do with attention whoring and fake presidential running?! I didn't realize he knew Bristol so well. Go figure."

      So, Trump was "living vibrantly" with Bristol and now she's expecting an oompa-loompa.

      That poor, poor, baby!

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Wait. What? I'm having trouble connecting these dots. Oh I get it: Puckered ass clown Trump and ass clown Bitchy. Move along. Nothing to see here.

    6. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Did someone say that Donald Trump is a politician? Hardly! He's a blowhard, antagonist, bully, cheater and braggart! Nothing more and nothing less@

    7. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Anonymous10:22 AM
      neither ..

  8. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What a Dick.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Yea, and I'll bet his balls hang down to his knees!!

  9. I'd much rather have an affidavit from his barber/hair dresser as to the derivation of whatever that is that occupies the top of his head. That to me would say more about him than anything else.

  10. Anonymous10:34 AM

    And yet, he is grabbing all the headlines, 'cause running for president is just like a reality show. It works, 'cause most voters are just like reality show watchers.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hey Donny, tell Americans why Chinese glass and steel was sourced for your last high rise project. Oh and those 3 corporate bankruptcies where you went far over budget, filed the bankruptcy and bought the buildings through another Trump corporation for pennies on the dollar?

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Isn't that kind of the same thing that Mitt Romney does? Devalue a company - it goes bankrupt and he/they come in and purchase it for hardly anything?

  12. Anonymous10:36 AM

    it could revile that his mom mated with that orangutan!

    bill in belize

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      ...reveal ???

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Bill Maher continues to go after Trump on his Friday night show (he'll be on vacation for the month of July though).

      He showed Trump AGAIN comparing him to a orangutan! Remember, Trump threatened to sue Maher over it the first time and then backed off - he never would have won and he knew it!

      Comedians are going to have a field day with Trump!

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I had been wondering which it is.

    Donald Trump assclown or Donald Trump ASS KKKLOWN.

    It's a easy decision after this little revelation.

    Move over Sarah and Doughy Pantload, you need to make room for Donald Trump because Donald Trump is a FULL BLOWN ASS KKKLOWN.

  14. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The guy is repulsive in that photo! Who in the hell would want to kiss him! Yuk!!

    He's a first-class asshole! How dare him - in the way he went after President Obama and now, when asked to provide the exact same documents (they forgot to ask Trump for his college grades!) - he won't comply. He's a joke!

    Fuck him! He'll never be elected POTUS!

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    What a douchebag

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    He sure looks like a puckered asshole in that picture. Ass clown?

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Well, Trump's birth certificate would show that he was born in Kenya!

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      He must be in the line of evolution. Part Chimp. Just not as smart.


  18. Anonymous12:22 PM

    He assuredly doesn't have kissable lips! God, he's gross and unattractive. His poor wife and kids!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      tot. agree. He is so incredibly unattractive, but for $$. That must be the only reason he gets women.
      And have u noticed his children all have that pouty, ugly mouth?

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Its proof that some women will sleep with Anything for $$! I cant imagine waking up next to THAT. Coyote ugly comes to mind. Ewwwww

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The pond love him, they can't write enough good things about him.

    Too bad if he doesn't have a slutty daughter, they love him anyway. He's 100% racist, just like them.

  20. Anonymous2:25 PM

    His birth certificate would reveal his birth name is Donald Trump Gonzales.

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    A Naturalized American Citizen Tells Donald Trump He Knows Nothing

  22. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    Gryphen, you've outdone yourself using this fine representation of Donald Trump's anus to go along with the post. Yes, he's got something to hide, I think he's a "secret mexican" who's parents crossed the border illegally and got themselves an anchor baby.
    Why else would he hide his long form birth certificate. Don't worry, I got people right now, paid for with my own money, to dig up what they can on this guy. And if he posted his Birth Certificate, it's a "Fake". So far my sources say that no one ever heard of Donaldo Trump Rivera in Mexico, but they're hot on his trail,

    What's Trumpster hiding while showing his ASSet?

    I'm still trying to figure out how they took the photo from the toilet bowl angle. . .

  23. I'd pay a hundred to watch him accidentally fall into a swimming pool just so we could see where his hairline has honestly receded to.


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