Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bristol Palin's message to her critics is childish, as usual.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:  

This is still how much I care about anything negative … 

#prolife ❤️ God is good, happy Friday!!

Oh look she even got a pro-life pander in there. 

Cause remember she's not a former abstinence spokesperson who is publicly knocked up again without benefit of a spouse because she is a slut who doesn't understand how birth control works. She's a former abstinence spokesperson who is publicly knocked up again without benefit of a spouse because she is a good Christian who supports a pro-life agenda.

So there !

Sadly for her not a whole lot of people are buying it.

In response to her demand for "no lectures" Slate decided to tally up some of the times that she, and her ghostwriter Nancy French, felt free to lecture....well just about everybody.

And the International Business Times decided to focus on the amount she hypocritically made as a spokesperson for abstinence.

However on the plus side Candies. who paid Bristol for telling women that becoming a teen mother was bad while raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars for being a teen mother, are standing by her:

"In 2011, when she was just 19, Bristol Palin was enormously helpful to The Candie's Foundation in our mission to educate teenagers about the devastating consequences of teen pregnancy." 

That is CYA 101.

You know I think that if you believe that Bristol Palin convinced even one teenage girl that getting pregnant was not glamorous and a ticket to fame and fortune you are a special kind of stupid. 

By the way Wasilla folks (Or Palin family members who are tired of this shit.) if you happen to know who the daddy is, I know some tabloids who are willing to pay big bucks for that information. 


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Any truth to reality show rumors, Gryph?

    1. For Gryphen? :-)

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      More gansta signs? Wow she must be preg. No amount of fake eyelashes can hide that fat face.
      God is good? Isn't that what extreme Muslims say?

    3. Also too "God is merciful." In fact that notion is recapitulated at the beginning of each and every sura.

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Oh, look her left hand. Still no ring!! Bristles will be taking home one night stands, years from now after ALL her kids grow up, and leave her, disgusted that she is such a slut. The PayMe gravy train will have been drained long before that, so she will be asking "Want fries with that?" plus still waiting for Hollywood to call.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    NO ONE is buying what Bristol is selling!!

    E! News reported that none of Palin's family members have commented publicly about the pregnancy.

    Neither has the future baby's father ... has he?

    Then again, we don't know who he is yet ... do we?

    Palin announced the pregnancy in a very excited, optimistic, joyous blog post.

    No, really.

    "I wanted you guys to be the first to know that I am pregnant. Honestly, I've been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one," she wrote.

    Little Palin is going to love reading that some day.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Yeah, that entire discouraged, disappointed tone pissed me off. Not only will the baby read it someday, but Bristol, YOU are the one who made the choices that led to this happening. How about owning the fucking consequences?!

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Like she was so depressed she set herself up for rehashing chin ridicule and jokes.
      Bristol's fav Troll "It's lipo!" Bwabwahahahaha!!!!!

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I think it's sad that Bristol called this pregnancy a huge disappointment to herself, her family and friends.

  3. Hideous as always, hideous like barstool Ho Sarah

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      And the hideous $10 WalMart necklace, that in my local WalMart was just on the clearance rack for $1 hahaha hahaha hahaha

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    So sick of this psycho and her promiscuous lying.
    She's no Christian; she worships the mirror.

  5. Janice A Soderquist6:29 AM

    And she is begging for her privacy. Why do you keep posting, Bristol?

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Waiting for Sarah to proclaim how "proud" she is that Bristol is strong, hard working, independent and fertile.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Don't forget she's "wise beyond her years" too.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Oh my fucking god this is going to be glorious watching the infighting of the inbred payme grifting clan!!!!! HOOHAH HAFUCKINGLARIOUS!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      So presidential.
      What a leader!

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I wonder what RAM is saying these days? Remember this dust-up in 2011?? Not much has changed with Bristol since then.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Every time RAM is mentioned, I think of GinaM and the heckler who thought her avatar was really her, and berated her for being too ugly to have an opinion on anything. I still giggle! Wherever you are, GinaM, cheers!

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I miss Gina.

  9. Anonymous6:39 AM

    If Bristol had any decency, humility or embarrassment she should shut down all her blogs, instagram or other on-line accounts.

    Since she has none of these ... I am waiting to see photos posted of the Louboutin baby shoes she has purchased for her new bastard child.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Deuteronomy 23:2

      "No one of illegitimate birth shall enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of the Lord."

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      She is pro-life or is it pro-lift, like face lift?

      She can't wait to publish cheap quality selfies of her baby belly. It's positive, ya know? Life. Can't wait to hear Sarah rave on about her. gag

    3. nice one, 6:53 am - now someone needs to go post that over on Brancy's blog !

    4. Anonymous7:43 AM

      She wants to be on Reality teevee again. Gotta stay in the potlight to prove she'd have an audience.

    5. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Has Tripp ever been baptized?
      God is good you would think she would at least walk her talk, LOLOLOLOL! Skankwalk!

    6. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Deuteronomy - A woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night, shall be put to death.
      Hahaha hahaha hahaha

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Somewhere on this planet is a guy that recently fucked Bristol and he is sweating his ass off.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      He could be a millionaire overnight is he plays his cards right. He is going to owe child support for 18 years whether he is rich or poor.

      He just needs to decide if he wants to be another fool controlled by Sarah Palin or go for freedom and wealth.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Probably more than one by the rumors.

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Even if you are one of the many, that should be worth some bucks. Better if he was smart and kept some DNA or documentation of an encounter. Always good to have back up.

      If it is a pal of Marina she might want to bank some real money to invest back in her little internet enterprise. She and her pals usually have cameras around.

  11. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Stay classy Palins!!

    bsmp2 about 9 hours ago
    @crabbycripple81 go fuck yourself

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Yep, Bristol as classy as ever. Her true self shining through. Slightly ironic though, if she would have just masturbated when she was horny she wouldn't be knocked up now :)

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Perhaps you should have taken your own advice and stuck to masturbation, Brissy.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Bristol could have deleted that person's hateful comment or said something to the effect "I will say a prayer for your salvation".

      ...but no, she has to take the crude non-Christian route

    4. Anonymous7:19 AM

      They can't. Classy to them is Louboutins and a beer.
      Classy is ransacking and Oscar boutique when they were not even invited. Classy is all of Sarah's open should shirts..even under an evening gown. Classy is calling names and swearing and drinking and crashing parties. See, real class is totally out of their universe...and class cannot be bought.

    5. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Oh my! Wonder if god told her to say that? Wonder what part of the bible she's quoting from? 'Cause she's such a lovely little christian girl, I'm sure she's quoting her bible. Bwahahahaha.

    6. Anonymous7:38 AM

      First 7:11 AM:

      Funny we had the same exact thought and posted at the same time!

      2nd 7:11 AM

    7. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I guess that's what Bristol meant when she wrote
      "I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace."
      Yep, that's the Palin way, saying "Go fuck yourself" with dignity and grace. So Christian of her. And no self-awareness of her hypocrisy. Love it!

    8. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Ugh. But what she responded to from "crabby cripple" was pretty disgusting. He/she said "I'm hoping for a miscarriage."

      I'll give her a pass on this one.

    9. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Maybe he is the Baby's father and he has seen what hell the Palin cult has put Levi through.

    10. Anonymous10:10 AM

      8:24 AM, maybe crabby cripple is the birth daddy.

  12. Anonymous6:45 AM

    No one suggested you have an abortion you dumber than dumb white trash. We suggested you STFU....and still do.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      The AftaDark black baby daddy probably did and her Mom.

  13. TwoBlueJays6:46 AM

    Questions, questions.

    --Is she really pregnant?
    --Who would care enough about a Bristol pregnancy that they felt she needed to get the story out to the MSM?
    --Is this just a distraction from the PAC report looming?
    --Is this a distraction from the pending lawsuits?

    I could really give a shit whether or not this fool is pregnant but I worry about the health and safety of the baby. They are so slick and crafty that real babies disappear, fake babies are born, and babies in general seem to trade hands in that town like playing cards. A Black baby will most certainly not be welcomed in that family.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Yes she is pregnant
      She announced the pregnancy since Gryphen was going to and some dirtbag at the Enquirer warned her.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Anonymous7:13 AM
      Why is he a "Dirtbag"?
      And how the fuck do YOU know she REALLY is preg?
      Unless of course YOU are her?

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    i love it when the Palins scream... "Look at me!" "Don't look at me!" "Look at me! "Don't look at me!" They really are one screwed up mess of a family. Like pigs in shit.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Classic Borderline Personality Disorder.

      "I hate you, don't leave me!"

  15. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The last person I want lecturing me on anything. Her only claim to fame is being not able to keep her legs together. Go away, Bristol, no one gives a shit.

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    My dog's earwax contains more brain cells than what is in Bristol's head.

    Alex, I will take ... who is the dumbest person on the planet for $1000? Who is Bristol Palin?

  17. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Looks like she still takes that drug that grows your eyelashes (she mentioned it in one of her old instagram photos) Hope she's researched if it has any effects on fetuses.

    1. It's a drug originally intended for glaucoma.
      Pregnant women shouldn't use it. But then they shouldn't drink either.

      Would Bristol Palin care if her child had FAS?

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      No more effects than all her boozing and drug use most likely has already caused.

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Research? Bristol?

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      She gets them stuck on. They're as real as her CHINNY CHIN CHIN.

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I'd still like to know why, if she's so into God, she totally chiseled her face. What God made you wasn't good enough, Brissy?

    6. Hey, Liz I; She has already shown her
      disregard for FAS, Trigg is proof of that.

    7. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Tri-G. Trig.
      Not Trigg.
      Too late

    8. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Not so healthy.

      What Dr. Cusack has for the office is probably worse.

    9. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Liz I.7:12 AM

      It's a drug originally intended for glaucoma.
      Pregnant women shouldn't use it. But then they shouldn't drink either.

      Would Bristol Palin care if her child had FAS?

    10. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anonymous7:21 AM

      I'd still like to know why, if she's so into God, she totally chiseled her face. What God made you wasn't good enough, Brissy?
      Don't worry if she IS preg she will have to stop her adderall/meth and then she will blowup like a goddamned blimp!
      She will have to spend thousands again on lipodissolve because ya know the payme's can't be bothered to EXERCISE are you shittin' me?
      They grift the $ from the ATM PAC and then get their plastic surgery done that way.
      Maybe she'll get lucky and have twins again, huh Brissie?
      Like Triggybear and Tripples?

    11. Anonymous8:40 AM

      junker907 So much for not drinking
      bsmp2 I didn't have a sip @junker907

      Surprise Joey! You were not invited sucker.
      Cusack/Meyer/Palin trip to Vegas 2/14/15

    12. Anon 8:06;
      Trig, Trigg, does it really make
      that big a fuckin' deal, asshole!!
      Anal much??

  18. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Bristol must have had a black out.

    When I think of Bristo's latest disappointment I recall when she said this about Tripp and half siblings.

    'I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half siblings,' she said. 'That would really affect him'.- Bristol Palin

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I wonder if he'll actually GO to elementary school. I mean, Sarah is such a great example of home schooling everything from dogs to pigs to little boys who can't chew at 6. Maybe she and Bristol can open a charter school and grift even more Alaska cash!

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      That is precious, isn't it?

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Yeah unfortunately Bristol thinks the solution is to just not send him to school. The ten half siblings are not negotiate


    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Someone want to post that quote on her instagram/facebook? About the half siblings?

    5. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Oh Bristol had a "black out", with the Aftadark crew.

    6. Anonymous10:14 AM

      'I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half siblings,' she said. 'That would really affect him'.- Bristol Palin
      Wasn't her comment in response to Levi's children?

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Day 1: "Oh, dear... poor little me, I'm struggling with this. Please respect my privacy."
    Press obliges by not beating a path to her door.
    Day 3: "Screw youse all! I am so not caring because I am such a good Christian, and so much better than you all!" (Insert sound of Loubotin-clad foot stomp)
    Bris, sweetie - have a safe, healthy pregnancy and focus on taking care of your children, not your damn social media accounts

  20. Anonymous6:57 AM

    1) Bristol, although I respect your privacy, and would prefer never to hear from you again, I'm drawn to your constant blog posts, opinions, finger-waggings. From my observations, at least half of your "selfies" are taken in an automobile. I wonder why that is, and ask that you address that question in your next post. Thanks. Also, why do you need to convey your messages with your fingers, in sign language, or with crossed eyes? I thought I'd read that you were 24 years old, and had all your hearing and speaking faculties.

    2) I hope with all my heart, sincerely, that you stopped drinking any alcohol the minute you even suspected you were pregnant, and that you're abstaining from any alcohol until the baby is delivered. That's one of the biggest gifts you can give you future baby. And take your pre-natal vitamins.

    3) You've called Tripp "a mistake," and said that this future baby is "a disappointment." If these are your real feelings, please take it from me, a mother, that you should keep those thoughts to yourself. Don't say them out loud, and please, please, please don't write them, in a book or on the internet, where your children will someday read how unwanted they were. You're creating lasting damage to children who've done nothing to you except to be born -- at your instigation.

    4) You've had lots of advice about birth control. Tripp occurred because you'd forgotten to take your "headache pills," so birth control pills are all right in your book. At your age, it must not be hard to remember to take one every day.
    If you don't like the pill, there are always condoms, or an old-fashioned device that's very, very effective: the diaphragm. Any doctor or physician's assistant can show you how to use one. It's simple and it works.

    This is advice you can use so you don't suddenly have another disappointing mistake in the years to come. Two children from two different fathers is enough, wouldn't you agree?

    I hope that you're using these months to prepare Tripp to understand that he'll be sharing you with another baby. After being everything you ever needed for six-plus years, it'll take him some time to get used to the idea. You might get some help from a therapist or doctor about how best to ease his transition.

    With only best regards to you,
    A mother of two

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      That's more good advice than Bristol's ever received from her own mother.

    2. This is good advice. Thank you for balancing out some of the really ugly stuff that is also being posted.

      (and, no, everyone...I am not a troll and, yes, I know I can stop reading anytime, etc, etc.)

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Best comment I've read in years. You are a good Mom, and your children are lucky.

      You brought up an important subject in point 2. Bristol apparently returned to Wasilla complaining Dakota was too controlling. I wonder if he asked Bristol to not drink alcohol.

    4. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Tripp has seen his mother with a pregnant belly at least twice before. DWTS, then the baby she was pregnant with at Disneyland with Junker. IF she keeps this one, that will be something Tripp will be puzzled by, since the others were "farmed out" someplace.

    5. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Great post Anonymous 6:57...lots of wisdom there.

    6. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Will Bristol ever explain to Tripp that he has other siblings? Trig, DWTS, Disneyland, and now Junker #2? The best advice is to expose all of the lies of the Palins.

    7. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Has anyone perused Mariana(sp?) for pictures that contain alcohol? On the long road trip? In the RV?...

    8. PalmaMama9:26 AM

      At 8:13, according to bristol's sister, she was not pregnant by junker at Disney or any other time. She had two pregnancy scares with him and he is now one of two possibilities concerning paternity of the current tabloidling. However, Tripp HAS seen Bristol pregnant twice- right now, and during DWTS. After DWTS when Bristol was a new mom for the 3rd time in 4.5 years and trying desperately to cling to fame, she started taking prescription "ADHD meds" which as Willow explained are basically "legal speed". She lost her baby weight quickly and then some. I am gravely concerned for this current child as my daughter tells me Bristol is still taking these pills.

      Willow also said during prep for filming for the wife swap show, Tripp repeatedly said "I have a new baby sis-tuh!" and he'd be frantically corrected with Bristol saying "he means baby cousin!" or "he means baby SITTER, he has a new baby sitter!"

      Willow claims "everyone" at E network knew what was actually going on and yet nobody moved to break this bombshell. Willow says during Giuliana Rancic's interview with Bristol, she had to stop twice and rest because she was so heavily pregnant with the DWTS baby, going up a few stairs in her home led her to have contractions.

      Now, Willow is certainly trying to get her parents' attention by spilling all this info as of late, but what I want to know is this- WHAT on earth keeps this tacky, ill informed, thuggishly greedy family so insulated and protected? WHY did two major TV networks go to great lengths to cover Bristol's DWTS pregnancy when it would have been ratings gold to put it out in the open?

      Think about another young woman on DWTS, say Shawn Johnson or the girl from that foul duck family. I believe both claim Christian/pro life viewpoints. Can you imagine if either had turned up pregnant, simulating sex on the floor of this "family" prime time show?

      Seriously, WHAT is it that protects them? The more my daughter talks to Willow and the more I find out as these past few months have gone by, the more I'm completely stunned at how this family's secrets stay cobbled together in this odd nucleus of hidden pregnancies and Christian propaganda. Willow said only that her dad "has the shit on people" when my daughter asked, but surely Todd Palin with his weasel face and ridiculous voice cannot have intimidated this many people! What IS it?! Right after Sarah announced her pregnancy with Trig, I remember everyone around Palmer saying it was ridiculous, she was going to be outed any day, etc. And yet here we are, seven years later- with Sarah and Bristol having made (and completely squandered, if Willow is to be believed) nearly fifteen million dollars based on the "we chose lieeeeefe!" schtick.

      What in the actual f*ck gives here?

      PS- I'm starting to use a name rather than post anonymously, as it seems more than just myself posts things told to them by Willow Palin, and I don't want to be confused with anyone else.

    9. Anonymous10:05 AM

      _____Now, Willow is certainly trying to get her parents' attention by spilling all this info as of late, but what I want to know is this- WHAT on earth keeps this tacky, ill informed, thuggishly greedy family so insulated and protected? WHY did two major TV networks go to great lengths to cover Bristol's DWTS pregnancy when it would have been ratings gold to put it out in the open?

      What sickens me is that these networks and such are complicit in child and fetus abuse. They are putting women in jail for harming a fetus, it can happen from a legit miscarriage. But these Palin fetus have no respect and no one is concerned. WTF?

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    So all of sarah's grandchildren are unplanned, just because we were horny grandchildren.

    I'm getting a feeling about Junker. He hasn't posted anything in about 2 weeks. That's not normal for him. I still think it's Junkers and she had to come clean with Dakota. Maybe she did the nasty with him one last time while she was back in Alaska selling her house and moving.

  22. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Bristle is rapidly digging herself a hole. Karma is a bitch.
    She will reap what she has sown.Thank your wonderful parents.
    Twad and scary.

  23. James Madison7:08 AM

    We Americans have had an extraordinary ten days: a tragedy in Charleston which may lead to some sort of gun control, but most certainly has begun to erase the Confederate flag from the national consciousness. Exactly 150 years after the end of the war started by the Southern states to keep their slaves, that hated symbol of slaveholders is being buried. We are the UNITED States of America, as the President so proudly announced at Rev. Pinckney's funeral yesterday. Amazing Grace has carried us through to this triumphant moment.

    The Supreme Court has handed down rulings on fair housing, the Affordable Care Act, and Same Sex marriage. These rulings expand the freedom and liberties of all of our citizens.

    At the end of this tumultuous time, the petty comings and goings of a dysfunctional gang called the Palins up there in Alaska has been proven to be a mere blip in the progress of our citizens.

    Fox dropped Sarah Palin. Dakota Meyer dropped Bristol. Todd is awol. Track is back to his old habits. Willow's off the stage.
    Now Bristol has come home to Wasilla, not as the know-it-all celebrity mother-of-one, but the mother of two, with the father of the second still unknown. It's not clear that Bristol knows whose baby it is, and who she's going to hit up for child support.
    We, the people of the United States, have moved on to a more perfect union. We leave behind the sad ugliness of the past, including the uneducated, vulgar narcissists called the Palins.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      You forgot to mention that Piper's piglet is gone. Otherwise, right on the money. I guess the Palin's will do absolutely anything to grab headlines. No one would pay attention to Bristol if she didn't keep publicizing herself to the world. The Palin women do not know how to keep quiet "vibrantly."

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      And Trig is outspoken when it comes to the the family he knows.

  24. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Too bad she has no consideration for her children (4- 5?} Nobody wants the kids at school jeering about how slutty your mother is. At the rate she is going, the grade schools will all have to have mandatory DNA tests, to see how many are PayMe related. Lots of inbreeding when they reach teen years, no doubt. She has ZERO self respect, and wonders why nobody else has any for her, either. The Wasilla Doorknob, EVERYONE has had a turn.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Bristol had no consideration for Tripp either. Not one thought about the consequences he must suffer for her selfish narcissistic sex drive to procreate like a Breeder.

      Something along the lines of the Duggar crap.

      “Quiverfull” is NOT a denomination ~ those families which are involved are not required to ascribe to any particular doctrinal beliefs ~ you will find “Quiverfull” families in many different denominations, though they seem to be most heavily represented in more fundamentalist denominations (Baptist, “non-denominational,” Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ, etc.) as well as churches with Postmillenial/Dominionist leanings (“Orthodox Presbyterian,” for example) and especially among home fellowships.

      People like Bristol are brainwashed from early childhood, if not from birth.

  25. Copied from my daughter's text message:
    "Bristol doesn't know who the dad is so all the ppl saying it's definitely joeys do not know shit. She knows it's one of two guys and that does not mean she is a slut. She was dating one guy and then a few weeks later was dating another guy. It's hard to put the exact time of the preg because you can't tell just by looking at the baby size. Yes Joey is one of the two and that was her long time love so after him of course she was going to see other people, and act like every other 23 yr old girl out there. Can these fat fuckin losers leave her alone!!!. She is getting enough heat from our mother and now everyone is acting like she is the first person on the planet to have sex."

    My own comments- is it really possible these people don't realize what massive hypocrites they are? Nobody cares that Bristol Palin had sex. In fact I'm pretty sure most people would specifically love to never think about Bristol Palin's private life for the rest of time. What people care about is that she told OTHERS not to engage in the exact behavior she herself flaunted time after time. She took money, lots and lots of it, for holding herself up as a paragon of chaste virtue. And we're not just talking about the quarter mil from candies- all the ads on her ghostwritten joke of a blog have produced tons of revenue.

    At the end of the day, she's just a huge hypocrite. And she knows it which is why she is being ridiculously defensive.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Your last sentence. YES.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      sounds about right except that she's 24 years old -- will be 25 in October

    3. hedgewytch7:57 AM

      I don't consider myself a Christian. I am not the Morality Police. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but is having sex with someone you just met and barely know really smart? Not just STD's and unexpected pregnancies, but the act of sexual intercourse with someone should be something special, not to be treated as casually as going out and having a beer. It shows that the person is mature, has respect for themselves, and for their potential partner. Poor Bristol, she will NEVER understand the absolute beauty of sharing a sexual experience in that way.

    4. Anonymous8:09 AM

      The thing about this? Bristol is already more than halfway through her pregnancy. During the time she was "dating one guy" and then "dating another guy"...she was supposedly engaged to Dakoda. Math has never been a friend to Palins but this time it's really going to make Bristol look bad.

    5. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Hedgewytch: you (and I) are too old-fashioned for Brissy!

    6. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Did your daughter send that or receive it? If the latter, from who? It mentions 'our mother'.....
      Willow? Piper?

    7. Anonymous8:33 AM

      7:09 as others have said the point is not that she is pregnant without being married-there are many other points though and to name a few:
      1. She moved her life and child to kentucky after mere weeks with a man and then the wedding was called off without explanation

      2. The "anonymous source close to Bristol" NAMING dakota as the father and within 24 hours he removed ALL photos of Bristol

      3. The constant lecturing of anyone/everyone while asking to not be lectured

      4. The constant requests for privacy while putting herself and her child out on a public platform constantly

      5. The holier than thou faux Christian rhetoric they all spout while living a life that dies not follow scripture including this pregnancy out of wedlock

      6. The Levi Gino Joey dakota and whomever else out there she dates/sleeps with offered up to the public for our consumption and then whines when we question her morals and/ or intelligence in the way she is living/raising her son

      7. Her obvious desire to be a karma shi'a type public persona while offering nothing but hypocrisy

      8. There are so many more but getting bored with her story-but final thought-as has been repeated countless times-if she wants a private life then go be a private person. I guarantee paparazzi are not lying in wait in wasilla hoping to get a shot of any of the palins-they aren't brad and Angelina for goodness sake-they aren't anybody!!! The ONLY reason news and entertainment outlets write about her is to shame her and her effed up family and to show what bleeding hypocrites they are!!

      Oh poor me!!!! I somehow got pregnant again. As I tell the world I am pregnant I will also tell you to not talk about it nor lecture me about it nor ask me about it. I just put it out there because I am not only an idiot about birth control but also a fame living whore and I really hope my pregnancy can get me some money like it did when I had Tripp.

      Oh Alicia troll why don't you explain that PRIVATE vibrant life now that Bristol announced her pregnancy to the world? Bite me!

    8. Anonymous8:45 AM

      "...act like every other 23 yr old girl out there..."

      Every intelligent 23 yr old girl that's not in a committed relationship but is sexually active is using BIRTH CONTROL.

    9. Anonymous9:06 AM

      8:28, 7:09 likes tp pretend that her daughter is a close friend of Willow's and has "inside" information. If that was true, Willow or the Palin's would have shut down the source already, so I ain't buying it. Just somebody trying to be important.

    10. Anonymous9:14 AM

      huge hypocrite

      Yes and a scam artist who is stealing opm with fraud.

      You are either what you say you are or you are scamming. Some people just lie. Others lie and take ill gotten gain and money. Bristol does the latter. Must be exposed.

      They can believe in all the fantasies they want. Their criminal life must end and they are to be accountable for their actions.

    11. Anonymous9:20 AM

      is having sex with someone you just met and barely know really smart?

      It happens to addicts and drunks. Even ones with high IQs. Neither does what a person do in a blackout have anything to do with their sober IQ or brain functioning.

    12. Anonymous9:22 AM

      @anon 7:40am

      That is very debatable. Bristol seemed to get a yr older in 2008 from out of nowhere. She was 16 and then the birth announcement and GOP propaganda and Sarah started claiming she was 17, almost 18.
      Also, the text appears to have most likely originated from Willow, if you read the part that states "our Mom" .

    13. Anonymous9:26 AM

      First of all, it sounds like Willow texted that originally, And if Joey was her "long time love" and then she F'ed another guy I am willing to bet the "other guy" is from the Aftadark crew.
      Joey also seemed to know in March that Bristol shouldn't be drinking so I will assume the whole Dohkota scam was to try and get an already pregnant Bristol married off to someone, anyone.

    14. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Levi Johnston should even mentioned anymore as to having sex with Bristol. He's been married to Sunny and has two other children - is working - has a good career going and appears to be happy!

      The only connection he has to Bristol is because of Tripp, their son. And, I'm sure he stays as far away from her, or any of the Palins, as he can.

      He's not had sex with Bristol for years! Time to stop including him with Dakota and all the other guys she's spread her legs to entice!

    15. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Bristol was having sex with more than one guy at one time. I'll wager she has no clue who the father really is! DNA tests should be required should she point at a particular one! Feel for the poor guys. They all know it would not be fun being connected to the Palin group!

  26. She still has yet to admit to having anything to do with being pregnant. She is being so noble and brave about this tragic thing that just... happened to her.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Excellent observation!

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Exactly, Nefer! As I said yesterday, her "announcement" was worded as if she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Sheesh, the idiocy!

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Yep, like she tripped in her high heels and accidentally landed on an ejaculating penis that came out of nowhere.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      hahahaha 9:27 AM!

  27. krbmjb057:14 AM

    She has such thin skin and deserves all the shit people are throwing her way. Ya, SURE you dont care what the "haters" are saying! She will push #prolife for every penny she can get - Babies need to eat.....or Bristol needs some of those 2.

  28. Anonymous7:17 AM

    By the way Bristol if you happen to know who the daddy is, Gryphen knows some tabloids who are willing to pay big bucks for that information.

  29. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If she hadn't issued a statement no one would have known she was pregnant. Because no one gives a fuck about her. No one would have known about her engagement, her called off wedding or her baby if she wasn't so desperate to believe she is a celebrity of some sort.

    Meghan in PA

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      The world had definitely moved on after the laughter about the non-wedding non-reception died down. That's because nobody likes Bristol except random drunk guys.

    2. TwoBlueJays8:48 AM

      Agreed. So why did they even mention this? As anon above said, they aren't anybody important or meaningful. It certainly wasn't to counter the 'hypocrite' claims because who the hell cares if Bristol Palin is pregnant? She could have stayed pregnant, had the baby, and lived her life without the news media being alerted.

      So again - WHY announce now?

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Explained yesterday. Mommie wanted news for attention before the SC funeral that President Obama was speaking at.

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      It was a way to deflect us from talking about Fox firing Sarah.

  30. Anonymous7:26 AM

    It looks like Bristol's been paying more attention to her Latisse eyelash prescription than her birth control.


  31. Anonymous7:28 AM

    How can Bristol stop having babies out of wedlock when nobody will marry her?

    And how can she complain about negativity? I haven't stopped laughing.

    I'm enjoying this circus more every day, Bristol. I waited a long time for you to get yours, you desperate, deceitful, over-sexed cow moose.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      She has not begun to see the negativity yet.

  32. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Here's a clue cupcake,keep your fucking mouth shut and people will forget you in one news cycle. Got it you insipid little tramp?

  33. hardy har har7:32 AM

    I don't think I've ever heard any "negativity" from either the mother or daughter.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Oh I know. Like, never! Maybe once in a while I've heard negativity from mother or daughter. But only once in a while. Wait. I think it's been more than once in a while. I don't know. Yes, I know. I've heard NOTHING BUT NEGATIVITY from these sows.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      shut the fuck up barstool, swallow ,nancy or $arah,you are nothing but hate and negativity

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      7:32 AM That is because you don't know them and have never met them.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Then get a hearing test you idiot.

    5. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Then you should go to the link at slate and actually read some of the things Bristol has said.

    6. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Mommy wants to be Ivana Trump, Barstool wants to be a Kardashian....

  34. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Here we are witnessing yet again the downfall and serious mental issues of a Palin. Where are the family members? Grandparents? Anyone?

    Help this young woman please!!! She is doing a Britney Spears, but much worse. She is having a breakdown. This could get worse. Someone needs to really try to reason with her and stop her from living a lie on Instagram and FB. It's apparent she desperately needs affirmation and love and has to get it from strangers. Those who post how wonderful beautiful and perfect she is and looks are enabling her and furthering her into a dangerous delusional situation. She is human and don't think she could become despondent. Where is her family, her dad, her mom? Why can't anyone get her the help she needs?

    We are watching a trainwreck in real time, like the Truman show. The producers (her mother and minions) are throwing this girl off the cliff.

    1. hedgewytch8:01 AM

      My mother knows the Heaths. Grandpa Heath is a real piece of work. Overbearing asshole. Sally is just a downtrodden, not too smart woman who has been living with an overbearing asshole for too many decades. On her own she is sweet, and in her way, she's just as must a victim as the rest of the Palin clan, except she helped enable the dysfunction.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Yup. Anybody who sets herself up for brutal ridicule, then provokes even more animosity with her pitiful gestures and taunts, NEEDS HELP.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      My thoughts exactly. Why does she feel the need to use sex to get affection? Where did she learn this? mom, dad, grandpa?

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Anonymous7:34 AM
      I don't care.
      let them go "off a cliff" if it will make them STFU Finally....
      the payme's are right up there with the Duggars, scumbag all of 'em any of 'em!

    5. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I haven't seen one positive or affirmative comment about Bristol anywhere in all the stuff that is being written or vocalized about her! Even the comedians on national TV are going after her.

      All because of her parents, Sarah and Todd Palin! Plus, Bristol is keeping herself public by going on her Facebook page constantly - something else her mother taught her how to do. That family is sick as Hell! Amazing to watch!

  35. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Did Sarah show any embarrassment about her affair with her husband Todd's business partner, Brad Hanson?

    Has Sarah ever shown any embarrassment when she's in a TV interview and can't keep her eyes off of the male host's crotch?

    Has Sarah ever hesitated to strap on the fake tits one day and appear without them the next? Only to repeat the pattern countless times?

    Did Todd Palin ever bother denying his affair with Shailey Tripp? Or bother denying that he pimped Shailey Tripp out to his friends?

    I think the answer to all of those questions is NO! No embarrassment. The entire family is low-class trash. Stupid, ignorant Sarah would never have been elected mayor had she lived in a town with more than 6,500 people. She would never have been elected governor had she lived in a state with more than 3 or 400,000 voters. Sarah would never have been picked by sleazy John McCain for VP had he not been blackmailed into picking her. I wish the entire damn family would get out of our faces and go straight to televangelism, that's where they belong. Take their fake, phoney "we're such pro-life, good christians...send us your money" BS to televangelism. Sarah ranted and railed in support of Josh Duggar, I'll bet that even the trashy Duggars won't come out in support of Sarah's "strong, independent girl, Bristol".

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM


    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      They've finally hit the point/bottom where no one wants anything to do with the Palins. And, I'll bet that probably includes Franklin Graham!

  36. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Nancy French, biggest hypocrite of all, is enabling this girl. Nancy French only cares about her great income and her writing career. She's no different than the Palins who dressed and molded Bristol into the confused girl she is, and who exploits her for their personal gain. She, of all people, should no better. Is this Nancy French and David French crazy? They will be partly to blame for BP's undoing. They are picking off of her for their personal little blog kingdoms, and don't care that she is crying desperately for spiritual and mental help.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM


      All the enablers must fall!

  37. Don't you get it this is a whole new baby she can sell pictures of! Then another engagement and maybe someday a wedding! Lol

  38. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Is that stupid little trollop completely incapable of taking a picture of herself while not driving?

    Talk about a death wish...then again, it seems she cares "zero" about much of anything.

  39. Dwight of the office says to ask if an idiot would do that, if the answer is yes don't do it.

  40. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Of course we folks here at IM are frustrated at the constant hypocrisy and nastiness of Bristol Palin, BUT, she is the product of her mother. How many of us would not want to lash out at others if we had a mother like that? We'd either be in a mental ward or deliberately acting out, self-cutting and compulsively punishing ourselves, making outrageous statements and loving haters to hate on us...........or, a minority might take the high road and seek help and turn a new leaf and be a better person.

    But, BP had no chance of turning a new leaf. She is shackled to her mother and until someone gets her out of this mental prison, she'll continually go through this cycle of self-hate. Clearly, she loves to be hated as well as loves to be loved. She throws bombs at people and when she is called out on it, she seems to revel in the thickness of her self-victimhood. Any psychologists here that can weigh in?

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Look, i had a narcissistic crazy evangelical mother. It took me until the age of 26 to complete therapy and break free. But I did.
      Bristol can, too. but it will be harder. I went to college, had a career and a pretty high IQ as well as common sense. Bristol has a low IQ.
      CBJ this is your specialty hun...abused kids. Help Bristol.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Bristol will never 'break away' from her mother! She's very slow mentally, has no education, has no talent and is NOT independent.

      I also doubt she'll ever be married - cannot imagine any man wanting her or her family members. It's a sick, sick situation!

      Bristol - spreading your legs isn't the way you keep a guy!

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Sorry, Bristol is 24 yrs old and responsible for her own freaking actions.

    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      She will not turn a new leaf. Not even after she is incarcerated. She will pretend, but she is permanently stuck.

  41. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Another preemie?
    Is she showing us how dilated she is,
    or just how big around -something- is?

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Bristol --"The only thing I can remember about the baby daddy was that his penis was this big around".

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Could it be a fundie abortion?

  42. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I'm looking at Bristol's picture she posted.
    Is Bristol showing us how big her hoohah opening is?

    A marching band can march through that opening.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Hot dog down a hall way territory.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I guess a hockey team already did, years ago!!

  43. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Have to laugh at Bristol swearing at the troll...... how hard did SHE pray for a miscarriage? Two-faced double-chinned bitch.

  44. PalinsHoax7:55 AM

    Hey Preggy Bri$$ie, I can't tell what you are trying to communicate with your hand gesture. Are you trying to tell us:

    1. That you were zero times abstinent anytime the opportunity for sex came up.

    2. That you have three other children besides Tripp and the one in your belly.

    3. That you have zero-in-three chances on naming who the father is.

    What exactly are you trying to say?

    Oh and maybe your Ol' Mudder could make a special appearance on Faux Snooze to jabber about those strong Palin family values. Oh that's right Faux kicked her to the curb, didn't they?

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Bristol will never get married! No man is going to want her or her kids and no man is going to want to marry into that awful Palin group!

  45. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Well, one good thing came of this - many teen girls no longer wear "candies" a shoe made by child slave labor in other countries cause I guess those chilcdren's llives don't matter.

  46. Anonymous8:03 AM

    3 fingers?

    Is Bristol telling us how many bartenders donated to her fetus cock-tail?

    How many months before we find out who the unlucky bartender is?

    Duhkota you unlucky bastard COME ON DOWN

    I'm sorry Duhkota, back to your seat.
    It looks like it could be someone else you lucky bastard

  47. Anonymous8:06 AM

    You guys are sick. Who said Tri-P is the father?

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I hear it's Sarah's.

  48. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Damn Sarah, why don't you let Bristol use your vibrators. Bristol can't get pregnant from vibrators, or can she?

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Remember - Sarah had her tubes tied after she had Piper. She finally got smart and stopped having kids!

      She should have done it so much sooner! Look at the outcomes of the ones she has had - especially Track, Bristol and the retarded child that supposedly lives in their home!

      Willow and Piper seem to be OK so far. Love the fact Willow chose to stay out of the public view! She's the only smart one that stopped her mother from dragging her out in the public!

  49. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Okay let's try to mathematically help Sarah and Bristol figure this one out .

    1 Trig + 1 Tripp + 1 DWTS + 1 TBD = 4

    Why is Bristol telling us the answer is 3 bastards?

    Bristol you are not Smarter Than A 5th Grader.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Yep, it's real slutty to have 2 kids at 24, the first of which was planned with the father and the second when she was engaged.

      She's never casually dated.

      She cannot be a slut.

      Common sense.

  50. Anonymous8:20 AM

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

  51. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Normally I dislike people telling Gryphen "you should post _________" but in this case I think it's critical to have a baby gate post while the eyes of the world are on IM and people are so tired of the Palin pregnancy bullshit machine.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I AGREE! Strike while the iron it hot! Revisit it ALL.

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      "while the eyes of the world are on IM"

      lol. Yeah all the world is spending their time fascinated by this nothing byline and jamming up the IM switchboards... nobody cares 8:23, and for good reason.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      9:26 AM Why the fuck are you here, Palinbot? You weren't forced to come here. Fuck off, Troll.

  52. Anonymous8:41 AM

    September 19, 2014

    I love my Bristol! My straight-shooter is one of the strongest young women you'll ever meet. I have to say this as a proud mama: right up there with their work ethic and heart for those less fortunate, my kids' defense of family makes my heart soar! As you can imagine, they and my extended family have experienced so many things (liberal media-driven) that may have crushed others without a strong foundation of faith, and I'm thankful for our friends' prayer shield that surrounds them, allowing faith to remain their anchor. Thank you, prayer warriors! I love you!

    Sarah could repeat this post and just change up a few words.
    Except the prayer warrior shield hasn't worked out too well for the Palins!

  53. krbmjb058:46 AM

    Could it be Junker was warning her about drinking champagne in February as he knows how her 1st baby turned out (Trig) with FAS?

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Joey knew she was pregnant. Still doesn't make sense why they're pinning on Dakota. The whole timeline of this is beyond bizarre.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      OMG FTLOG, there was no "Warning." He wrote that in humor. You're all blind has bats.

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Doesn't make sense that there are 10 people here creating drama once again for no reason. Her life isn't even exciting, or more exciting than anyone else's. She is a dedicated. mom. woohoo. She bought a house. Woohoo. So have all of us.

  54. Aunt Ethel8:54 AM


    Matthew 26:52

    “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

    In other words, "Live by the social media, die by the social media."

    You have another baby on the way, isn't it time to be the bigger person and quit fighting with people on social media?

  55. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I can tell you that I wouldn't want Bristol Palin as my daughter! She's an idiot and just like her mother, Sarah! Making money off things that most people would hide in shame for having done!

    So, she can spread her legs for guys - big fucking deal! All girls can do that, Bristol! But, if they do they use contraception!

    Feel so sorry for the poor bastard she is bringing into this world! She should have had an abortion is my take on the entire thing. Another idiot for the Heath/Palin clan!

    How many kids has she had - or abortions? Isn't this the fourth kid? She's dropping them like flies - just like her mother!

    No positive comments being made about Bristol anywhere! Cannot imagine walking in the Palin shoes!

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Never. She is truly pro-life and a good mother. Evidenced by how great her son is and has always been. NO hater can change that reality.

    2. A good mother? Who laughs and laughs when her son uses the word faggot? You sure set the bar low for being a good mother.

  56. Anonymous9:13 AM

    This fetus has had a rough start. Being formed in the womb of a alcohol drinking drug taking, purging mother.

  57. Anonymous9:13 AM

    That is what she should have been doing with her hands instead of spreading her legs.

  58. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The comedians are having a hay day about Bristol's pregnancy on national TV. TMZ - Bill Maher - Jimmy Fallon, etc.

    Nothing is sacred about the Palins anymore! Absolutely nothing! And there is no one stopping anyone from saying negative things about Sarah, as there use to be! She no longer has protection from national people or entities!

    It must be pissing her and Todd off so badly! Love it, love it and they deserve every negative thing said and done against them.

    Sarah has spread so much evilness, racism, hate and crap for the past ten years! It's way past time they get theirs!!!

  59. A nony mouse9:18 AM

    I'd be willing to bet she has no clue who the father is. Random one night stand (like she is known for) make it difficult to determine accurately which guy's sperm did the deed. Does she even know the names of those one-nighters?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      She doesn't have one-nighters.

    2. How do you know? Are you with her every single night?

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:52, oh really does she ask them to leave after servicing her?

  60. Anonymous9:36 AM

    And still no baby daddy stepping up to the plate, I guess Jeebus will let her know in the form of a paternity test

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I think so, too. Why she's so scared and $arah isn't saying jack. "Oh what a tangled web we weave...."

  61. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I think there's a good chance she got pregnant on purpose...again.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I agree. I'm not as mentally troubled as she is but I know I have a very deep pregnancy wish when I was her age, one that I didn't even acknowledge until well after I got pregnant.

  62. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "This is still how much I care about anything negative …

    #prolife ❤️ God is good, happy Friday!!"
    Hey Bristol, you dumb bitch, does it flicker through the mental wasteland that's located behind your fishlips, that maybe, just maybe, the new baby might think it's negative for you to call him "a disappointment"? You said Tripp was a mistake, now his new little brother is a disappointment. Shame on you.!

    "I'm so disappointed. My family and friends will be disappointed. It's hard to hold up my chin. God is good to have put this disappointment in me".

    Talk about rock solid stupid................

  63. Anonymous9:48 AM

    krbmjb058:46 AM

    Could it be Junker was warning her about drinking champagne in February as he knows how her 1st baby turned out (Trig) with FAS?


    You bring up a good point ... will another FAS baby be brought into this world? This FAS baby will be eating babyfood until he's 6 years old. By then he's given an old Apple iPad to entertain himself or herself in a corner.

  64. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The only people who act childishly are those who falsely slut-shame and call a perfect response to bored haters childish.

  65. Anonymous9:50 AM

    At least she lives a true life; she'll never betray her pro-life stance.

  66. Anonymous9:52 AM

    You can't be a slut when you don't sleep around without being in a relationship.

    Also, the world will never be a fair place until either every man is called a slut or women aren't.


    Remember, her first kid was planned for months.
    So the birth control lie is pointless, as there was no need.

    SHE knows she is not a slut. And that makes her more powerful than all you slut-shaming hypocrites.

    1. What are you babbling about? In her own book she says Trip was the result of wine coolers and a mistake. She never claimed he was "planned for months".

  67. angela9:54 AM

    Bristol already is following the Sarah Palin inspired madness.

    They get caught doing something stupid, hypocritical or heinous and they immediately . . .

    1. Cry victim.
    2. Whine for privacy.
    3. Post crap on social media (cause---NOT private).
    4. Make a statement about ---------- (insert Palin name) being strong, patriotic, having faith in God, the evil liberal media and how strong the pro-life bones in their bodies are.
    5. Liberal media blah blah blah blah blah, OBAMA.
    6. Sells the story, photos, lies, crap etc. to tabloids so the grifting and stupidity can go on and on and on and on . . . .

  68. betsy s9:57 AM

    Bristol's first baby was Ruffles--he/she was FAS. We don't know what happened to him/her. Trig is not Bristol's, or Sarah's, he is an adopted prop for Sarah's pro-life cred. Tripp is Bristol's. There was the DWTS baby, and the Disneyland baby. This new one makes five....

  69. A bit off topic, but oh my! Has Sarah really resorted to "handwritten statements left on her lawn for members of the press"? Nonsensical handwritten statements to boot!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.