Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Extra TV went to Wasilla so that Sarah Palin could triple down on her defense of the Duggar family. Seriously?

Courtesy of Extra TV: Sarah Palin is explaining her decision to support the Duggar family in the wake of the sexual molestation scandal that has rocked their family. The outspoken former governor spoke to “Extra” at her home in Alaska, revealing why it was so important for her to speak out on behalf of the Duggar family.

Here is the transcript of Palin's entire response to questions from Extra:

"Oh ya know I’ve been one to desire to speak out on behalf of victims, for one, and there are victims in this issue with the Duggars (Palin pronounces their name as "Doogers."), and others sexually exploited and assaulted and had to live with the advances, sexually speaking, from someone they trusted. (Okay since when has Palin been a victim's advocate? Did I miss a memo?) So...uh...really wanted to speak out on behalf of  victims, but even more so, in this case, speaking about the media' hypocrisy about how they try to crucify an entire family for a fourteen year old kid's actions twelve years ago.”

One hard edit later:

"Unfortunately this has all been rebirthed (sic) and the girls had trusted their counselors and trusted law enforcement that what they were telling law enforcement and counselors that it would all be confidential, it would be private, and here it's busted out for all the world to see, and for them to be humiliated by." 

Another hard edit:

" And yet the clips that I've seen they did such a good job in explaining that they've forgiven their fourteen brother." 

Hard edit.

"Well I think Josh right now is certainly in the court of public opinion."

Hard edit:

"Not a whole lot of people had heard of em before this though perhaps now being able to use these very, very less than idill (sic) circumstances...turning them into..uh...uh...maybe a format that he can use to educate others, and to help others get through some really tough situations. Perhaps that is part of the redemption that he would capitalize on and ultimately help society." 

What is he Captain America of the child molesters now?

And why hasn't Palin attacked Lena Dunham yet?

Oh, here we go:

"Lena Dunham is the most exploitive character that I’ve ever heard of who brags about, offers up, is celebrated for her sexual exploitation of a little girl, breaks my heart." 

Yet another hard edit:

"My daughter Bristol had been watching the interview about the Duggar situation and it occurred to her 'Wait a minute why is this entire family being crucified when you have someone on the other end of the political spectrum, a very, very liberal actress, who is seen as being cute, and quirky, and ha ha look at her she, she sexually abused a little girl and yet she is rewarded with fame and fortune.'"

When Palin says "her daughter" here what she really means to say "Nancy French." I think the only thing that occurs to Bristol these days is that she better roll over so she does not drunkenly choke to death on her own vomit. 

At the end of the interview Extra TV has to meet their obligations by asking Palin about running for President, as if anybody in the country still considers that a possibility.

"Of course I would never say never. Who knows? I mean there are many, many months to go things have happened." 

Stranger things have happened than a washed up reality star,  deciding to run for the highest office in the land, after defending an admitted child molester? 

Go ahead name one.

Okay at this point I am willing to entertain the idea that Palin's almost histrionic defense of the Duggar family might have something to do with her own fears that records concerning her family can be subject to a FOIA request and might be revealed to the public.

Hmm, maybe I should get on that.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I think Sarah is trying to get one of the Dooger's to marry Ol' used up Brisket.

    1. Sarah's trying to hitch herself to the Dugger's since her attempt at hoooking up with the military via MoH imploded. I guess this is her plan B.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Ha ha I had the same fleeting thought but that would require Bristol to be constantly pregnant the rest of her life.

      I think Sarah is out huntin' for any coat tails she can ride on to get more tv time so she's keeping her fingers crossed the Doogers will pay her pay for sticking up for them if they get successful again.

      Duck Dynasty hung out with but didn't let Sarah in on their empire. Maybe she can go defend Mama June. Here's their number Sarah 1-800-Honey-BooBoo

    3. Anonymous7:42 PM

      No doubt about it, Bristol Palin will not be looking for a Lumbersexual this next time around while seeking a trial daddy. She will go for the king of the hill. A man like this: "Men, need to be Men"

      No more messing around Bristol. Get yourself a man that is a man!

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      She certainly is wee-weed up about it isn't she? And methed out also,too!
      Her Sarah BabyOil! That can be the toast of your run, out law Bayoil because....ummm just because...Hey Buzzfeed Why are palins kids always losing their underwear?
      Why did Chruck heath sr. defend a known Pedophile?
      Why does Sarah project and call anyone she doesn't like Pedophiles?
      Why does she h8 baby oil?
      Why is she defending the Duggar family < What's in it for her?

    5. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Sarah, the only people person more toxic than yourself this election year is Josh Duggar. Keep on beating that dead horse! He isn't running for anything, and neither are you. But it is an endless source of amusement to IM'ers to watch you twist and spit into the wind.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    It's not that Sarah doesn't get it, she simply cannot shovel it anymore

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Like most of my comments this probably won't get posted but I'll try anyway.
    "That woman is an idiot!"

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Is that you jonathan?

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Wonkette has a fabulously vicious piece up about $arah's latest spew on the DoGoodiers. Posted a few days ago.
      Groh, please post.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Sarah Palin Goes On Fox To Yell At Fox For Molesting Duggar Girls On Fox

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

    Josh Duggar recently confessed to molesting five minor girls when he was a teenager, and now In Touch reports the Duggar family is currently under investigation by the Arkansas Department of Human Services.

    The magazine reports that on May 27, the Washington County Department of Human Services was called to investigate at the family's home. When the Duggars refused to cooperate, the DHS representative called 911 to request police assistance, explaining they were prevented from seeing the child they were concerned about, according to a transcript of the emergency call obtained by In Touch.

    It's not clear what provoked the investigation since DHS records are not available to the public

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Hopefully, there isn't another "curious" brother in the family.

      Maybe Josh being closer to home sparked this investigation or maybe there have been more recent incidents.

      Or maybe it's Michelle's "blanket training," where she smacks babies.

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Bristol didn't mention she moved back to the compound prison with Tripp until she was going to Kentucky and her house was for sale. She said after September's brawl in Anchorage she was scaredy cat and went back to mama.

      Also, too, something about she was to quit drinking and probably drugs.

      Also, too, something about protecting the child. Like authorities, court, were asking after the danger she put Tripp in when she was dragging him to drunken brawls and he was running about on a tarmac.

      Just curious. What is the current status of her situation with Tripp. Good he may have summer with Sunny and his dad.

      So, what is up with Bristol? Any authorities? Giving up drink and drugs? Including huffing.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      i'm thinkin' the crosseyed dimwit skank just got punked big time by Extra TeeVee ..

      HOOHAH !!
      LMAO !!

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      She needs to be investigated!

    5. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Did they give her enough rope?

      It is not just Sarah. It is also Mini-Me, Bristol.

      Bristol gets most of the credit for going after the Dunham family. It doesn't matter if she has been sleeping off one of her drunks or what. She gave up herself, her name and she is as guilty as Sarah of defiling Lena's mother and sister and their family.

      If you were in Lena's shoes, what would you feel and think about both Bristol and Sarah for doing that to your family?

    6. Anonymous7:45 PM

      She needs to be investigated!

      Not by any authorities in Alaska. They won't do their jobs.

    7. Anonymous9:01 PM

      That's why you should call Washington D.C. they are tired of hearing about her! Let em know her dirty crimes and they might let some come to Alaska to see! Especially the affiliations with AIP!!!

  5. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The Duggars are the ones who identified their daughters as 4 of the 5 victims. They are keeping it in the media, by trying to defend and explain away sexual abuse and poor parenting skills. Why isn't the media asking about if the abuse began when Josh was 14, then why was the police report in 2006? Josh is 27 years old now. So it would seem that they took him to the police 4 years after he began abusing his sisters. Why wait until 2006, if they "voluntarily" brought him to the police station? What happened to the babysitter?

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      The statute of limitations was up. They were protecting their son rather than protecting their daughters (his victims). And also protecting their own image.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Why does some media treat Josh like he is a 4 year old? Sarah treats Lena like she is 17.

  6. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The tabloids know they have a live one on their hook. Sarah Palin is one of the only people going out on a lonely limb to defend the Duggars right know. Not even Huckabee is doing that any more.

    People love a good train wreck (I'm talking about Sarah Palin AND the Duggar mom and dad). Sarah sees the spotlight and will say anything to stay in it, even if that means defending parents who failed to protect their daughters (as young as 5 years old) from their child molesting son over the course of over a year and with their knowledge of his "issues" (as Sarah has called incestuous pedophilia).

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Her Heinous doth protesteth way to fucking mucheth.
      Hey Sarah why dont you just come right out and admit you were abused as a child by your father chuck. Its written all over your face. There is pain behind your evil eyes.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      abused by that squinty eyed POS dad of hers as well as her fat fuk incestuous big brother chucktard jr ...

      "our sarah" indeed ...

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      That's why she didn't care about rape! Oh honey that's going to cost the State of Alaska in lawsuits hu? Then they can come after you for that money paid out!

    4. Anonymous9:02 PM


  7. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sarah is scared shitless that the Heath/Palin history of blatant incest is about to be blown wide open. Ol' Creepy Chuckie was the ringleader, but all the males followed suit and Mama Heath just put her head up her christianist ass and ignored it all. Why do you think that Sarah always has a sexual bent to her accusations and her attacks on men and why she is particularly spun up about this.

    Bristol most likely has skeletons too, which is why there's such a furor going in Palinland.

    Sarah is pretending to be all hot and bothered about the 'victims' but in reality, she is just using this to bash the 'media' and particularly Lena, who did NOT sexually abuse her sister, not even close. She's using all sorts of over the top language to try and convince people, but it isn't working, and it won't work because people know the difference of a 7 year old and a 15 year old.

    Sarah is digging her own grave with this shit. She tried to run the same scam with Ellen and the dog standing episode when she encouraged Trigg to use the dog as a step stool. This is what Sarah does, tries to make comparisons that just don't fly and gets all hissy and pissy when people laugh at her logic, of which is nonexistent.

    I would bet you unsealing those records would show a whole lot of sick and twisted behavior, coverups, lies and criminality. that Sarah knows is there and is scared shitless that it will come to light, sooner or later.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Sarah is the OJ Simpson of has been politics they think they will never get caught, her ego is her undoing.

      What does she really have? A husband who stays for the money and toys, kids who keep their mouths shut for the same reason but none of them respect her, she is a control freak and i bet they all want to see her will and the fur will fly and they would sell her rubber skirt on e bay.

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Oh yeah the criminality of those folks goes way way back to Idaho then Alaska! Oh don't forget Washington state and Texas baby! Blumes baby!

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      6:15 PM
      Okay, I'm lost. "Washington state"?
      "Texas baby"?
      "Blumes baby"? Who is Blumes and what is that about?

    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      528 ... have to wince at the OJ analogy cuz he is innocent of the murder of Nicole and Ron. Glen Rogers murdered Nicole and Ron.

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      6:56 PM You are exactly right, but so many Conservatives want to believe that OJ did it.

    6. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Sounds like affiliation's of those kkkrazy don't tread on me gangs! 655. Guessing

    7. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Yea they do some evil shit to people they don't like or pose a threat of expose of their crazy crimes! Call H S!

    8. Cracklin Charlie9:15 PM

      Even OJ wanted everyone to believe he did it. He was covering for the real killer, and the cops helped him. I think OJ's son Jason was the killer.

      Definitely not OJ.

    9. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Lena Dunham abused her sister all right. She was a 7year old abusing a helpless baby. Then she WROTE about it. SHE outed HERSELF. And exposed her sister as an abuse victim. What kind of sicko does that? Too many posters sound like Sarah Palin in Reverse. She uses Dunham to defend the Duggars and you use the Duggars to defend Dunham. I think Josh Duggar is much worse, but I'm not giving Lena Dunham a pass just because she's not as bad as he is, or because Palin is sticking her nose into it. When I read that passage in Dunham's book I thought it was creepy as hell, and I still do. The Duggars are beyond creepy. They are not mutually exclusive positions.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Is it just me or is the question of why does anyone ask this idiot about running for President when, to my somewhat blurry memory, she has NEVER FUCKING RUN for President? Why not ask that question of Joe the Plumber or Rush or, pray tell, someone who actually announced they were running for President. She ran for Vice President and has shaken her fake boobs and twiddled her gobsmacked pelvic waste dump at enough people over this to get them to send money but in my mind she's never really run a campaign for President.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      She can be President of cell block 6!

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM


  9. Grph, are you guys up there stuck with her again? Did she lose all her ambition to ruin Arizona for a change? And let me join that other chorus, 'where the hell is Todd?'

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Todd is a commercial fisher err pimp and is dropping his semen somewhere,

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Todd was born and raised in incestuous land, around that family. It is a good PR move to have him disappear. The Heaths are enough.

      Bristol just did her thing with those cousins that tie them all back into the most gross part of the family.

      Wasn't Todd in Dillingham when he drilled the holes to look at pink nipples? Not sure where that was, it was the dirty pimp with the crap he keeps in his pockets for souvenirs or evidence to bribe, something like that.

    3. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Todd has not salmon fished at Bristol Bay for five years at least. The fishery doesn't start up for a few weeks so it doesn't cover his extended absence so far.

      Could $arah's Purse Carrier have said Sayonara and disappeared with a new Squeeze?

      And hey, why hasn't Screech Been asked about Republican pedophile Denny Hastert?

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I have one question for you Sarah. Would you let your grand daughter sleep in the same house with Duggar? How about Piper? Think about how deep the problems in the Duggar family really are, it's bad enough that he molested the babysitter but his own sisters? that is some disconnect there.

    I repeat Sarah, why don't you invite Duggar to stay in your home and sleep in your home with your grand daughter and Piper and her girlfriends present? show your support bitch and don't worry God takes away all the sins.And for your information no one is blaming the entire family, however blame rests on the parents you know the ones who spout morals but did not have the moral integrity to protect their own daughters, the freak parents who should never have had 19 effing kids while thinking if they read the bible that is all they need.

    Brainwashed kid. I pity those girls growing up isolated, home schooled and seeing their Mother doing her duty by being a broodmare. You got your publicity Sarah just think how much more you can get by having the Duggars show up for a barbecue in Wasilla! Leave the Duggars alone! unless you want my Sarah the great moral Mother's opinion, than i am more than happy to keep the story going, ya know 'cause people should drop it an stuff. Wait did you say camera? air time? come back! I will talk !

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      You're right. Had Sarah's children been the ones who were Duggared, she'd be screeching a different tune. She doesn't give a fuck about this situation, or about the epidemic of rape and sexual abuse in general. She constantly focuses her attacks on the media because it is a varied and abstract institution that cannot necessarily organize and fight back; she directs the attention of her zombie hordes to the media and then steps back to watch. In short, Her Unholy Highness, Queen of the Sociopathic Snow Hags has jumped into this fray for no other reasons than easy publicity, cash money and childish thrill of the old 'us versus libruls' McBullshit.

  11. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Nancy French and Sarah Palin are such liars. They know Lena Dunham was only 7 and it also wasn't sexual abuse. They have no shame.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Bristol is the one to work the pedophiles for money. She can surround herself with adorable children. She has a cover, as if she is the 'beautiful' young mother all the sock puppet are staged to go on about. How innocent it all looks.

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Righties hate Lena because Lena has the good sense to support Planned Parenthood. They're insane, all of them.

    3. Anonymous10:13 PM

      There's a huge gap in age between 7 yr. old and a 1 yr. old, and a huge power gap. A 7 yr. old know what she's doing when she's over twice the size and 7 times the age of the baby whose vagina she's fooling with. A 1 yr. old is helpless. Just because what Josh Duggar did is indefensible doesn't mean what Lena Dunham did isn't.

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Yes, Gryphen, DEFINITELY 'get on that' (the FOIA requests, that is)!
    Time for the skank to sweat blood, and for her/their heinous acts to see the daylight!

    BTW, seems the Duggars had a recent visit from DHS, and those guys had to call 911 for a police escort, because the Duggars did not want to grant them (DHS) access to one of their children...

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      What exactly are you or Gryph or anyone going to FOIA her on? Ah the IM big dreamers and your not so well thought out ideas lol.

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Yea then she'll be whining G is"blood libel" or some crap!

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      @8:05 PM Are you having a 'convo' with yourself, troll?

    4. Anonymous9:05 PM


    5. Cracklin Charlie9:05 PM

      Wouldn't you like to know that, 8:05?

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    OOPS! I did not read responses first and thus did not see that others wrote about the DHS visit, too! Sorry!

  14. Anonymous4:59 PM

    The Duggars made no mention of the fact that they have been under investigation again, but In Touch discovered what they are hiding via another Freedom of Information Act request that produced the 911 call.

    After identifying himself as a Washington Country DHS employee and stating the Duggar family address, the caller tells the 911 operator, “We have an investigation and I guess they’re not being cooperative. We have to see the child to make sure the child is all right. So we just need police assistance.”

  15. Anonymous5:00 PM

    To me, this is the same thing as Sarah doing her "writing on her hand" schtick or wearing the same shirt/dress multiple times. When she does or says something that gives her attention, she does or says it over and over again, even if the attention is ultimately negative.

  16. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Sarah decided to defend the Duggars because she knew it would get her on tv and it worked. She only cares about keeping her ugly mug in the media. I don't know if the Duggar's show has been cancelled
    but if not she's probably hoping to make a guest appearance on their show.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Yes, that.

      Also Sarah is into her cult religion. Some cults stick together. Since I am not in a cult I am just checking that out. There are many cults. Many Chritstian cults.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Social services need to make a Palin compound home visit! Oh call 911!!!

  17. Anonymous5:03 PM

    When Sarah is asked about her 2016 ambitions, she looks down and away from the camera. She shakes her head as if to say "no" when answering the question -- a tell that she is lying.

  18. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The Duggars first interview with Fox News aired on June 3. Fox News had days before the Duggar interview to learn about and disclose to their viewers the new investigation, but they did nothing. It is possible that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar lied to Megyn Kelly and Fox News. It is just as possible that Fox News never bothered to look and invested themselves in supporting the Duggars.

    If Fox News was not aware of this new investigation, it is because they didn’t want to know. The new investigation also explains why the Duggars and Kelly put so much effort into trying to discredit the police and social services. Fox News defended a family that was uncooperative with the authorities and under a new investigation related to the welfare of their children.

    Fox News put propaganda ahead of facts, and now they have to explain why they didn’t know that the Duggars family was again under investigation. Whether Megyn Kelly and Fox News acted intentionally or not, they helped to hide a key fact from their viewers. Fox News turned a blind eye to what they didn’t want to see and now have to deal with the consequences of the decision to put partisan politics ahead of the welfare of children.

  19. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I have been hammering the shit out of the fools at the peepond all day about dugger and palin clueless they are ...but it has been fun

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      They Dunning-Krugered you, didn't they, and i bet they were all secretly thrilled for an opportunity to orate their grip of the situation :)

      High Five!

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      lmao what a cesspool that place.

  20. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Whoa, that pic you posted ~ damnnn her face is all sorts of contorted. And her eyes, is she intentionally crossing them?
    I have to go to sleep soon...ya see I don't have a butthole grifting "job", anyways, hope I don't have a nightmare!!

    Yeah G, do the whole foia request....please.

    Earthymama /Chicago

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Ooooh another FOIA requester? What would your big brain FOIA about? I don't really think any of you know how FOIA can be used and what for. But by all means try to file some paperwork and be sure to let us know so we can watch how that goes lol.

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      8:10 PM What do you have to offer? Crickets.

    4. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Prostitution Racketeering Murder Attempted murder Conspiracy Fraud

    5. Anonymous9:16 PM

      8:42 I would hardly catagorize the humor I provide at your expense, just crickets.

    6. Anonymous9:19 PM

      8:10: getting a bit we-wee'd up, aren't we?

    7. Anonymous10:00 PM

      So 9:08.. is that how your FOIA is going to be worded? are you just going to write.. "Dear sirs, FOIA request, Prostitution Racketeering Murder Attempted murder Conspiracy Fraud"? lol.

    8. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Malia has been perservering quite courageously, 8:05, in trying to get the docs out that will prove that Sarah's Todd pimped out HOs to her Secret Service squad.

      The paper trail is full of Palin improprieties and as we know - sooner or later - much of the truth comes out. And you can count on that, Sarah. Of course, at the rate you're abusing your body, it is likely you won't be around to see how your 'brand' will be belittled and besmirched - even MORE than it is now.

      I just drove past the building tonight where Todd ran his pimping bidness and thought....ewwwwwwww - if those walls could talk....they'd be screaming and gagging!

  21. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The cult family is looking more and more like the can make a bundle off of their pedophile schtick on TLC. They do have the pals.

  22. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

    She sounds like that noise in "Peanuts" when adults speak. Whaah whaaah wahhhh. Gee she has a Daughter named Bristol? Who Knew? Did I miss something? Is the "crucifixion" on you tube? And how many hits did it get?
    Let it go, Sarah. Lena Dunham's toenail clippings have a higher IQ than you, the "Boogers", Bristol and Nancy combined,
    You've become a parody of yourself, have you no shame? IF Josh raped them, you'd charge them for their rape kits? The word "If" is capitalized on purpose. She's a self proclaimed queen of persecution, a self professed bible believing churchgoer with a servant's heart. Now she's defending serial molestation, because, you know, religion. And hopes that he capitalizes on it., The girls are brainwashed, stokholm syndrome. I'm absolutely disgusted their parents don't take their side, they all have that glazed look in their eyes and have been coached on what to say, when to cry, etc etc.

    The only "victim" in all this is Lena Dunham, Hope she slaps her down in social media.

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Lena is going to be on Jimmy this week. I wonder if she will say something?

  23. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Lena Dunham really needs to sue Palins ass. I hope her sister is willing to sue also. Being used as a deflection to cover for a real pervert is worth standing up for and the court won't be held in po dunk Wasilla Sarah . I don't agree with what Dunham did but you cannot compare the two and make that an argument for getting Duggar off the hook. Wait for it, while Sarah gets the rope to hang herself with Lena Dunham and her lawyers can keep gathering stupid idiots soundbites.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      sue Palins ass


    2. Lena Dunham is smart enough not to get entangled in the crazy. There's no issue here. She's better off staying away, as have so many others over the years.

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      What about the mother?

      She was the adult. In Sarah and Bristol's version Lena's mother comes off 1000x worse than the Duggars. Infact she should be charged with Lena's crimes or her neglect and not dealing with it at the time her child was a criminal.

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      You don't agree or disagree with what a CHILD of SEVEN does. It is prior to the age of reason and not morally cuplable. Just as a child of seven can't be charged with murder if out of curiostiy they look at a loaded gun and it kills their sibling. A child of 14 - BIG diference. And BTW, have you READ the actual passage, 5:18?

    5. Anonymous6:38 PM

      UH yeah, exactly what was her mother spposed to do - hello, 911, my one year old put pebbles in her vagina. Uh no, I took them out, but I wanted to let you know that it was my seven year old daughter is the one that saw them their first, becuase my one year old was behaving strangely - you need to come over and arrest my seven year old NOW!!!!!!

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      @6:10 PM A 7 year old can't be prosecuted for a crime. Why aren't you asking about the non-prosecution of Todd the Pimp Palin? When was the last time that Todd and Track Menard had one of their many fights? A 7 year old criminal? Fuck you, Troll . Willow, Track and Todd are your criminals!

    7. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Just sent Lena a tweet saying I hope she sues Palin for her lies about her (libel and slander) and now she's said it on TV. Sent her the extraTV link.

      Sarah is going too far and it's about time after 8 years of her abuse of the public that someone ANYone puts her in her place! No one has been able to yet and it's WAYYYYY past time.

    8. Anonymous7:26 PM

      6:38 PM

      If Sarah found one of her 7 year old darlings de-pebbling a one year old she would have yelled

      "YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU." Sarah Palin

    9. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Oh god, more IM brainiacs at work.... Uh, sue her for what exactly?

    10. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Crimes committed and conspiracy to commit them! She gets by with a little help from her friends!

    11. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Getting you all riled up here, 8:23.
      Don't worry, we won't tell ya. We'll letcha guess until the cows come home.

    12. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Oh right 9:21, what are you going to sue Palin in the name of the Lena Dunham estate? Without her actually giving a shit or permission to do so, and all without any actuall damages for a case? Lol. Go for it! All these threats from the IMers are getting me all hot and bothered, go for it finally! Whatever happened to all those posters promising to turn the Palins in to Alaska CPS? How is that all going everyone, everyone that made the promise? Many regular IMers made that promise, including several IM posters that chimed in claiming to be experts in child development and PHD's lol.

  24. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Oh ya know I’ve been one to desire to speak out on behalf of victims, "
    -Sarah Palin
     "Truth, justice and the American way."



    Immoral Minority
    Monday, March 29, 2010

    The Law, the Willow, and the Wicked Witch of Wasilla.

    On December 13, a Wasilla homeowner discovered that the home they had for sale, but were no longer living in, had been broken into and vandalized.

    The lock had been forced, five wooden doors had been so badly damaged they needed to be replaced, the walls and floors had been gouged with knives, and vodka and orange juice containers were strewn all over the house. It also appeared that sexual activity had taken place on some of the beds, and a computer, some winter gear, and clothing had all been stolen.

    Calculations are that the home suffered between twenty to thirty thousand dollars in damage. Sources say it appeared the teens stayed in the house for several hours, perhaps even overnight....

    As you have undoubtedly surmised by now one of the teenagers identified was Willow Palin.

    Now confronted with this new information you may assume that the Palins would do the right thing and surrender their daughter to the authorities, allow her  to suffer the consequences of her actions,  and then treat this as a painful but necessary learning experience. 

    If you believed that for even an instant then you don’t know squat about Sarah Palin.

    No instead Sarah circled the wagons (There are rumors she even hired legal counsel) and she started to call in favors. Scandal had to be avoided at all cost. (This was right around the time that her contract with Fox News was being announced.)

    According to sources close to the Alaska State troopers there was a secret weekend meeting. This meeting took place between the Palin’s and some very highly placed people involved in the juvenile justice department. 

    Directly after this secret meeting the word came down to the juvenile justice probation officer, Chris Evans, that ONLY the boys who had participated would be charged with the crime. The girls would only be identified as “witnesses” and face no criminal penalties....

    however thanks to Sarah and Todd, the girls will essentially walk away free as little birdies. Which is in direct opposition to the wishes of the probation officer in charge of the case who wants to charge all to them equally.

    This has made the State Troopers and those working in the juvenile justice department very, very unhappy. But there was nothing they could do, the Palins had connections, and for them apparently the law simply did not apply.

    As of right now the Palins have not offered to pay for the damages to the property and have refused to allow Willow to suffer any significant consequences.

    More at:

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      So much for Sarah helping victims.

      But there was nothing they (juvenile justice department) could do, the Palins had connections, and for them apparently the law simply did not apply

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM


      This paragraph is part of the post above.

      When Sarah was confronted with Willow’s involvement she at first said that it was impossible since Willow was out of town. However when Troopers interviewed the other teens, every single one of them identified Willow as a participant, and further revealed that it was she who directed the other teens to the house, which she knew to be empty, for the sole purpose of having a party. (In today's post AlaskaWTF called Willow the ringleader. Which is accurate in that it was she who knew the location of the house, but whether or not she was involved in the incredible destruction is still undetermined.)

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      "Oh, what a fateful web we weave, When first we practice to deceive."
      I believe some Palin unraveling is beginning spawned by Sarah's hateful finger pointing. It's been quite a few years since FOIA talk has surfaced. Have at it...

    4. Anon 5:42: Sarah was out of town. She was in Hawaii, showing off her cellulite thighs. She, and Toad had to fly back to Alaska to clean up Willow's mess. Didn't the home belong to one of Sarah or Toad's "acquaintances"? Willow knew that the home would be unoccupied at that time.

  25. Anonymous5:31 PM

    WHAT?? Someone asked Palin if she was running for president and she didn't mention the deep bench?

    She loves to say that! "Deep bench. Oh yeah. Deeeeeep bench baby"

    1. It probably took her days to memorize that phrase, so she wants to use it as much as possible.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      How come Hannity didn't bother to ask her about running on his show yesterday or Monday?

  26. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Regarding the FOIA request - I anticipate a sudden, mysterious fire in a file cabinet on the horizon. Or some hard drives disappearing.

  27. Anonymous5:45 PM

    LOL!! Palin appearing on a tabloid tv show.. Damn, that barrel of hers has no bottom.. How low can she go?

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      tabloid tv

      She must feel on top of the world. What an honor. They still recognize he celebrity status.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I overheard practically the same comment at a strip club.

  28. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I still think she is trying to cover for her own family of origin. Seems like she was molested and cannot deal with it so she vigorously defends it in other families. She cannot admit she does not have the perfect life.

  29. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah and Bristol are desperate to get in on the story of the week.
    Lena Dunham's self-professed "playing doctor" at the age of seven with her one-year-old sister was written about, and discussed, last year, when her book was published.

    The Duggar situation, where, over years, at least one child molested his sisters and an outsider, multiple times, and those females were not protected by the parents, nor was Josh forced to deal with his incestuaous, pedophile tendencies.
    There's no equivalence between the two situations.

    Sarah is jealous that Lena writes and stars in her very own TV show. BTW -- I don't like it, and am not a Lena devotee. Sarah's also jealous that the Duggars have made a mint with their TV shows, while they've been covering up illegal activity by one of their children.
    Why doesn't Sarah get a show? None of hers has lasted. Hey, Hollywood, what am I? Chopped liver?

    Answer: yes.

  30. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Now I'm really beginning to believe that Track Palin has been caught at it. I didn't believe it before Sarah went to this extreme.

    Sarah, you're protesting way too much.

  31. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Yes. Jesse. GET ON THIS. You know what counties to hit.

    Trust will find things that will make you happy, as several of the items vindicate you regarding things you've surmised about the family but never had hard proof of.

    Get the records for Bristol, Willow, Track, and Todd. Sarah managed to destroy her own while governor, but she's still mentioned plenty in the others.

    One particular court record I think you'll find very interesting- it mentions that Bristol was in the living room feeding Trig. This record concerns the police being called regarding a fight between Todd and Track.

    This item is dated 2008.

    January 2008.

    1. I think we need to know more here...

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Track was in boot camp in NC in Jan. 2008.

    3. Anonymous6:43 PM

      6:21 PM

      Was he? 99% of what the media reported was a lie.

      There will be photos and documents if he was there. Until the show up, he wasn't there. Anyone can say he was there, it doesn't mean he was. If you have photos and links, please link.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Why aren't YOU making bank on that claim, 5:55?

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      6:46, because I personally know of a man who crossed todd palin, and not 72 hours later, that man was killed- damn near decapitated- after the brake lines on his car were cut.

      Jesse is high profile enough that the palins know they can't pull one of their fire/gas tank sabotage/vehicle brakes tampered with episodes on him. Everyone would know it was them.

      Me? I'm a nobody with an extremely dependent family member. They'd bump me off quicker than you could say "sarah and bristol share each others' Xanax prescriptions".

      And anything- ANYTHING AT ALL reported about track's "military career"...should be taken with a grain of salt the size of Alaska. Track's passport has been used for identification purposes and very little else. Court records can easily unravel all of his alleged deployments. You can't get ticketed for no seatbelt when you're at "boot camp", after all.

    6. Anonymous7:40 PM

      6:21 & 6:43 - who cares where Track was in Jan. 2008? Trig was supposed to be in Sarah's womb!

    7. Anonymous7:54 PM

      People, JANUARY 2008....JANUARY...TRIG...

    8. Anonymous8:18 PM

      724 Report it to Homeland security! They are very interested in the activities in AlasKKKa! They are aware of AIP! You can report from your phone!

    9. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Hey, I heard about Track marks and his tickets! Supposedly Sarah was fit to be tied because she told him his only job was to stay out of the public eye. He got several moving violations and each time the gov's camp had to cobble together a statement about how he was home on leave. And even though everyone knew it was bunk that a PFC. was given "leave" every 30 days, nobody seemed to question it.

      I myself talked to Frank about this exact issue, statements and innuendo used to craft "alibis" for various Palins. Frank is a total pussy by the way. He knows so much more than he put in that whiny book of his.

    10. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Bullshit meter thru the roof. Try less hard next time you might be more believable.

    11. Anonymous8:26 PM

      I was wondering when an anecdotal reference to Trig being present prior to his "birth date" would surface. I'm stunned it took this long but thrilled it is in the context of a possible court record!

      So, so many of the kids' friends and other locals saw Trig in early 2008. It's like they weren't even trying to hide him. When questioned, they said it was one of their nephews. Then 3 mo. later, here comes Sarah, lopsidedly holding what is obviously the same child! Only now it's her "miracle baby".

    12. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Hmm, very interesting!

    13. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Anonymous 5:55 PM,
      hope you're going to stick around here a while and maybe share with Gryphen directly. You sound like you have some interesting information.

    14. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Great leads, 5:55. Sarah be scared. Police reports can be checked. You don't have a lot of friends at WPD or the Troopers.

  32. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Extra" is Mario Lopez . So that explains her reason to be interviewed there.

  33. Anonymous6:03 PM

    ... revealing why it was so important for her to speak out on behalf of the Duggar family.

    Sarah sticks by her pals no matter what.

    What is Bristol's job these days? Grooming?

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Is the Palin curse still working - everything that Sarah touches turns to shit? Well, there goes the gravy train for the "Doogers". Now they're all going to have to get real jobs to feed all those mouths. May they lose their home and be reduced to social pariahs.

  34. Anonymous6:04 PM

    They soaked records in Juneau while Parnell prayed the other way!

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      hmmm... Care to explain?

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Synd remark to the flooding that messed up records in Juneau? What records is unknown? Knowing the cozy deal Sean and Sarah had I wouldn't put it past an "accident" if it has a thing to do with Sarah's crimes! Synd remark!

  35. Why is Bristol always dragged in to this stuff?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Sarah uses all her kids and anyone else she can.

      Bristol will always be dragged in to it because she is a non-person who cannot stand up for themselves.

      The same with Track Palin.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Because Bristol is being paid to be Mommy's 2nd platform. Her alter ego. I seriously doubt Bristol even reads her own blog that Mommy & Nancy control.

    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Because Bristol's public picking on Andrea Fay Friedman was such a howling success.

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Actually, because Bristol is the one getting the money for and from it. Someone has to pay for those Louis Vuitton of Paree pur$es since they couldn't keep Mrs Dakota Meyer down on the farm.

  36. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I just LOVE that the world wide media only pays attention to Sarah when she does something stupid again. She isn't taken seriously anymore and has reduced herself to being just someone to laugh at. Case in point:

    Meet the Muggle Behind the Palin-Voldemort Campaign

    Did the Internet just find its 2016 dream ticket?

    What happens when the Dark Lord teams up with Caribou Barbie? Why a political alliance is created, of course.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Boy, does this guy have her number!

      He picked Voldemort because he’s a huge "Potter" fan. He picked Palin because when she speaks, she seems like a “caricature of a person,” King explains. “Like if I was a comedy writer, [her comments] would be things that I would write, but she says them in a nonhumorous way,” King continues. “A lot of the stuff seems kind of evil.”

      That’s the reason she gets to be at the top of King's ticket. “We think that it’s kind of funny that Voldemort, who is 'the most evil character ever,' would be second on the ticket to Sarah Palin,” King says.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      #SarahPalin blasts media over the #DuggarScandal : "That poor family's got a right to molest in private. It's not like they're the gays."

    3. Anonymous9:22 PM

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    For Palin to insinuate that dull Bristol came up with the Lena Dunham comparison is a total bull shit lie. know Jesus doesn't like liars, don't you? The Lena Dunham /Duggar analogy had been floating around on message boards almost as soon as the Duggar story broke. I had read it at least ten times during the week before it was appropriated by the Palins.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Bristol is lying when she doesn't speak up and tell the truth.

      What kind of person would allow themselves to be used and abused like that?

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Sarah has been giving herself away a lot lately doing all the speaking for Bristol. I don't see anyone interviewing Bristol or quoting her directly from her own mouth. People are catching on.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      626 A person that is complicit in all the crimes and misdemeanors.

    4. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Catch them when we can!

    5. Anonymous9:21 PM

      7:18 nobody can actually be complicit of fantasy crimes and misdemeaners as made up at the IM.

    6. Anonymous10:10 PM

      There are more than enough crimes and misdemeanors around Heath-Palin.

  38. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I don't know about anyone else here but, when Extra is the only serious coverage you get, I think we all become RIP Don Meredith and sing.

  39. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I never noticed before how much Bristol's nose looks like Poopy's nose. Not saying they are related. Odd coincidence.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      I never noticed either, but that pic looks like they could be taking vows at a purity ball. Ew.

  40. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Idaho man sentenced to life in prison for burning 2 churches.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Thanks. I couldn't live without knowing that.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Another of xtian Sarah's skeletons.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Churches burning in Idaho? Any connection to the church burning in Wasilla? What records were in Idaho that needed to disappear?

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:32 PM

      Recent fires?

    5. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Here are some of the details.

      "GEM COUNTY (AP) | A man convicted of burning down two churches has been sentenced to 85 years in prison."
      Also no one hurt:

      "Both churches had been significantly damaged by water, smoke and heat. Damage costs totaled more than $2 million. No one had been injured in the incidents."
      Also probably important. It's not his first trip to the rodeo:

      "Thomasson spent 22 years in the state prison system for the 1989 murders of his adoptive parents in their Lewiston home in northern Idaho."

      Why exactly this case and sentence is worth mentioning on this blog escapes me.

    6. Anonymous9:16 PM

      I see a pattern! Criminal minds!

  41. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sarah came under fire herself for dragging actress Lena Dunham into the Duggar controversy, something she is not standing down on. “Lena Dunham is the most exploitive character I’ve ever heard of who brags about, offers up, is celebrated for her sexual exploitation of a little girl, breaks my heart… she sexually abused a little girl and yet she is rewarded with fame and fortune.”
    Extra June 09, 2015





    Pedophile defending is better?

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      She is speaking to someone else who must have hurt her? Who is it?

  42. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "Perhaps that is part of the redemption that he would capitalize on and ultimately help society."

    Uh, no, what Josh Duggar capitalized on is a sweet and undeserved high paying job, and he attacked othersabout their morality. His family hid, lied and capitalized (aka monetized) on the "purity" image then, and continues to monetize their hyppcrisy now. Nothign but slime and sleeze and grifters - including those four young females. They may have been victims then, they are hypocrites now.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      The key word here is capitalize as in make money.Shut up you freaking whore! You don't capitalize on a shameful act . you sit your ass down, realize what you have done and make atonement. Is that word in your Jesus freaks vocabulary? What do you want him to do go around dragging his sisters with him to churches talking about it? make money off it? That is what you are saying you disgusting freak!

      This is a real insight to your own character Sarah, you have no shame, but what did we expect from a Mother who used her daughters broken engagement as a celebration? For the love of your God shut your mouth and stay home and pay attention to Piper your last hope of a kid of yours actually going to college.

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      7:24, I've got $100 that says no way will Piper go to college. I'd bet you more, but I'm not a friend of Mittens Romney.

  43. abbafan6:29 PM

    Fuckin' right Gryphen; time to make that twisted bitch sweat!! I can see her cowered up like a little baby, pissing herself in fear, hoping that the trail of lies and deception all leading back to her and those who enabled her, doesn't see the light of day!

  44. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Hey Sarah, I suppose Ted Nugent is also a victim of a liberal smear campaign for is own pedophilia demons?

  45. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Quiverfull of Shit: a Guide to the Duggars' Scary Brand of Christianity

  46. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The Alaska courts name index is quite revealing.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Look up records of lands owned...and oil companies...and businesses! Alaska is a great place to funnel money overseas! To Russia may be? Birthright owner? Give Vladimir a big smooch now!

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:29 PM

      Do tell?

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Lol...make Sarah cagey now! Love it!

  47. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Has Lena Dunham ever inserted herself into this issue? What the fuck is Palin's problem, slandering Dunham in regards to this?

  48. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Sarah Palin, you are so full of shit !
    Uh uh uh I'm um holy cow! Learn to talk calmly .
    Dump the faux rage you moronic imbecile.

  49. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Quiverfull of Shit: a Guide to the Duggars' Scary Brand of Christianity

    Inside the Christian Cult That Told the Duggars to Blame Their Daughters for Their Abuse

    I Spent 16 Years in an Abusive Religious Sect
    "The victim is given every assurance that God loves her and wants only the best for her and will supernaturally intervene on her behalf."

    Victim Blaming

  50. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Is that Caitlyn Jenner in that green jacket?

  51. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Extra" is Mario Lopez . So that explains her reason to be interviewed there.

    Fuck Mario Lopez. He's Sarah Palin’s ass kisser.
    Surprised Sarah hasn't tried to get Mario to marry Bristol.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Mario Lopez is a joke.

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Mario is gay, so Barstool is more "friend" than lover.

  52. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I have compassion for the Duggar girls. They didn't ask for their history to be on international TV, and they didn't do anything wrong regarding what happened. I imagine some might argue they should behave differently today. Maybe. But they endured something traumatic, within a culture that put great pressure to respond in a certain way. They are very young. I think they should have been left out of the story. Victims shouldn't have to tell their story - or have it told for them. or defend their decisions, or feelings.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:28 PM

      You'll have to bring that up with the young women's* parents...they are the ones that put them there.

      Why does everyone defend Josh, but Josh? First the young women were molested by their brother. Then they were molested again by their parents, who made them go on national television and defend the man who molested them. Disgusting.

      *these are NOT girls, they are young women

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Unfortunately, their own father put them on tv with a list of his talking points.

  53. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Forget the presidential run question. Extra should have asked Palin about the status of her contract negotiations with Fox News and Sportsman Channel and whether the attention she was getting from supporting the Duggars was helping.

  54. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Crazy loon!

  55. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Hey, Sarah, what part of your Blood Libel speech was "standing up for the victims"? All I remember is your scared shitless face whining about you yourself being the victim. YOU weren't the victim in the Tucson shooting. YOU put your crosshairs on Gabby Giffords district, then sat back and hoped that some crazy person would do something.

    "(Sarah) standing up for victims" my ass.

  56. Anonymous7:46 PM

    In her salad of words, she says, "and others sexually exploited and assaulted and had to live with the advances, sexually speaking, from someone they trusted". Why the need to double up with 'sexually speaking' on a topic about sex?

    We've already elaborated many times on her inability to speak full sentences. It sounds like she might have a mild speaking dyslexia, but that's beside the point. Many people have mild disabilities and overcome. She wouldn't admit she had a problem, but she is a one-trick pony, using the same words in every interview. Can't she communicate a message in a variety of ways without repeating and repeating herself? The deep bench, the deep bench, can't she come up with a new way to describe a Republican swarm of candidates? She overdoes everything and cannot, will not, speak to anyone without the usual naming of one of her children.

    She's showing that she always had a mild form of retardation or learning disability and this woman has not overcome it.

  57. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I zoomed in on Sarah Palin’s picture and it's not flattering. Imagine how unflattering Sarah Palin’s face looks without makeup?

  58. Anonymous7:57 PM

    First, why does Extra think we give a damn about what Palin thinks? Second, she is obviously so rattled about this situation, not for the Duggars, but for herself. It seems like she's foreshadowing an eminent situation that is about to blow up in her face. Third, she wants to generate some sympathy like the fake crap she's spewing about the Duggars. Yes, the whole family is involved, all of them have been in the public eye, just like she has paraded all of hers in front of us. Let the bomb drop soon...get to work Gryph and Malia!

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:20 PM

      The media has to be paying attention to the number of magazines InTouch is selling because of their decision to produce some real journalism with the Duggar story.

      This could get real interesting.

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      If InTouch Can dig up such a Dooger bomb, IMr's who have tracked the corruption and lies of the Palin clan since $arah was mayor and before can pick up the scent. More popcorn needed!

  59. Anonymous7:59 PM

    sarah has always used her children...first track, then bristol....occasionally willow and it is her validation of what she says....She needs to add some validation to the lie she is telling....and when she uses them as know it is just another lie upon the bs she is spewing. Poor pathetic woman/child.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:16 PM

      Just like Alicia does with all of her friends, children, and occupations.

      It is pathetic.

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      The repressive Palins. Poor Marina.

      "The things I want to say but will keep my mouth closed ...lo..."

      So happy for Marina. In the future she can sell the correspondences

      marina_exotix_llc about 2 hours ago
      The things I want to say but will keep my mouth closed you B all day everyday !!! The strongest you female I know !!! Amazing mother amazing friend !!! # @bsmp2

  60. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Just curious about what the modestly-dressed, side-hugging-till-you're-married Duggar parents think about Sarah's skanky costumes and her two "unrepentant" single-parent children.

    In a contest, both families are reprehensible in their own ways, but I suspect that the senior Duggars have got to be a bit creeped out by Palin's support.

  61. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Not on topic but I wanted to share a cool sign on the road I saw today.
    "Keep eyes on the road and your head out of your apps."

  62. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Great links, 7:15:

    "The Duggar girls are victims of abuse — and of a patriarchal cult. It's hard to emphasize enough how strong a force 'traditional gender roles' are in the Quiverfull community. The movement asserts the fundamental supremacy of men over women and promotes the idea that women are sexual property whose sole value after marriage is their fecundity. 'The nature of the patriarchy that distinguishes the Quiverfull mindset from other religious extremists," according to Garrison, "is the teaching that there is a channel of authority, and that it goes straight through the father.'

    "Rather than giving their son the help he clearly needed — according to InTouch Weekly, the Duggars claimed to have sent Josh to a "program [that] consisted of hard physical work and counseling," although Michelle Duggar later admitted to police that Josh had been working for a family friend's home remodeling business — Josh Duggar's parents closed ranks to protect their family's image. It's exactly what Quiverfull asks of its adherents, who are instructed to absolve abusers of their guilt by by pinning the fault of the abuse on daughters for 'immodest dress' or 'indecent exposure.'"

  63. FrostyAK8:37 PM

    What a steaming pile of moose poop. Both the words and that creature from the dead lake spewing therm.

    I hope she is scared shitless about what can be found out about her and the KKKlan through FOIA. Or that someone will soon make some really big bucks by spilling all of the beans on that gaggle of grossness.

  64. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Oh yeah, she had a stroke, one side of her face is sagging. I clearly see it now and yesterdays video too.
    gabby's warrior spirit is getting to the old goat sarah.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:37 PM

      Botox hit a nerve?

  65. Grrrr !8:48 PM

    Bad enough that the Duggars' "Quiver"-cult christianity turns women into human Xerox machines ...

    But now that Sarah "Loose Cannon" Palin is wedging herself into their child abuse scandal, it's not only TIME to ask -- it's not just FAIR to ask -- it's now actually NECESSARY to ask: them: do you really want to be publicly defended by A PIMP'S WIFE???

  66. Anonymous8:51 PM

    It is amazing how much she looks like Caitlyn Jenner or Caitlyn looks like her.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      oops! I thought that WAS bad..

  67. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Stroke my ass. she's just a worthless puta!

  68. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Some VERY INTERESTING COMMENTS made to 5:55pm above...
    Time to go digging, Uncle Gryphen and Malia and SPHASH - and anyone up there in Alaska!

  69. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Woman in Duggars' Church Tried to Warn of Josh's Behavior 8 Years Ago

  70. physicsmom10:09 PM

    I disagree that Bristol has personal interest in defending the Duggars. Since Nancy writes all her posts, she just says what Sarah wants her to, so she can link to anothers post (makes it look like there are more people than just her defending the Duggars),. BTW, I think it's hilarious that Palin mispronounced their name - the Doogers - that's priceless.

    The answer to the question if Sarah would let Piper or baby Palin stay with Josh is, of course she would! She would sacrifice her children to get what she wants. Ugh.


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