Sunday, June 28, 2015

Glenn Beck claims that due to the Supreme Court decision supporting marriage equality that he may lose his radio program. Will the good news never stop?

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch: 

Glenn Beck reacted to the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage today by declaring that he will now begin to look for different ways to broadcast his message in case the FCC attemps to strip him of his broadcasting license because his Mormon church will not perform same-sex marriages. 

"This could mean the end of radio broadcasts like mine," Beck warned. "I am on now public airwaves regulated by the federal government. If I say, or anybody on this show says they're for traditional marriage, which I am in my personal life ... that now puts this radio broadcast in jeopardy because we are on federally regulated airwaves. I will tell you that I am going to begin, today, looking for other vehicles besides the radio broadcast just so, in a two year period, should somebody start to mount this, what does that mean?" 

And here I thought the best thing about the Supreme Court decision to make gay marriage legal, know gay marriage. 

But if the decision forces Glenn Beck off the air, and perhaps others like him, then to be honest gay marriage would probably only be the second best outcome.

I'm just saying.


  1. SallyinMI4:07 AM

    "In case somebody tries to mount this?" Sounds like some projection there, Glenn. And yeah, getting you off the public airwaves would be great, but first, I want all those political pastors' churches off the tax exempt roles. Which is pretty much all of them...besides, doesn't VaporRub Glenn have a webcast like Stupid Sarah? And a University?

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Glenn Beck does quite well with his online Blaze 'network,' his Beck University of Theocratic American History with 'Professor' David Barton, and his rwing ranting on radio.


  2. I infer from this comment,
    "I am on now public airwaves regulated by the federal government..."
    that GB thought the airwaves were't previously regulated. Is he really that stupid? Or does he think his listeners are just that stupid and he can get away with this kind of martyrdom?

  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Drama queen. Nothing like this will ever happen, but it gives Beck some much-needed attention. He's been fading, all on his own. Now he can blame his lack of popularity on the Federal government, instead of on his own lousy program.

  4. Caroll Thompson4:21 AM

    I am afraid that the First Amendment will keep Glen on the air so long as he has willing sponsors. What is frightening is that Glen can pedal this inaccurate information and people believe it.

    Those who yell the loudest about the Constitution have not a clue as to what it says or what it means.

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    These idiots aren't going to happy until there is some sort of "incident" and if it doesn't happen, they'll fake one, so they can cry foul.

  6. Anonymous4:32 AM

    What an idiot. How could this possibly affect his radio show? Just another whining person claiming to be oppressed simply because other people now have the same privileges he's enjoyed all of his life.

    And I doubt that any church or pastor will be FORCED to marry gay people if they don't want to. And I support that right. When I got my straight marriage, it was through a pastor, but we had to complete counseling and such. If we didn't do it, he would not feel comfortable marrying us. It's still at the pastor's discretion.

  7. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Sarah can have Glenn broadcast his show on Sarah Palin Channel .... he will have 10's of listeners.

  8. Anonymous4:39 AM

    If it will speed up his departure, I'll get gay married ... and I'm not gay.

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM


    2. If it helps, maybe my wife will let me do it too.

  9. Pat in MA4:41 AM

    Ugh. You can keep your hetero-religious marriage. Gay people want to be married under the LAW, and afforded the 1,138 benefits, rights and protections that were previously denied to them on the basis of marital status in Federal law.

  10. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Can he just sign off now? Please... Please...

  11. I've read that he's crying like that because they dipped Obama's birth certificate in hot sauce before they shoved it up Beck's ass.

  12. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I don't understand what his radio show has to do with what the Mormon church does or doesn't do. I do understand that he's an idiot, but I believe idiots also have free speech rights. Sounds like his usual bullshit.

  13. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Really, how stupid do his listeners have to be to believe this nonsense. I can't understand how they manage to live their lives without cowering in the corner over every false threat these people warn them is coming. I heard an elderly couple say once they had to stop listening to Glenn Beck because it was just too upsetting for them -- because they believed what he was saying. Duh.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      They'll now live the end of their long days in peace.

  14. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Moron is entitled to whatever opinion he has. He cannot legally prevent gays to marry. No ones forces this idiot to gay marry. Or to not say what he wants, as long as he's not inciting violence or discrimination against others. Geeee what pea brain.

  15. His free speech isn't in jeopardy now because of the SC gay marriage decision, or as gay marriage is now known -- marriage.

    What a doofus. Well, let him think that. He is just projecting what he and his other regressives would do if THEY were in charge of the airways.

  16. Anonymous5:16 AM

    As Bristles PayMe would say "Woot Woot"!! Or is that Nancy French?

  17. Anonymous5:22 AM

    The 5 Stages Of Grief For Gay Marriage Opponents

    When the Supreme Court ruled that marriage for all, regardless of sexuality, is a constitutional right, many people were forced to say a teary goodbye to something very close to their hearts: being dicks about marriage equality. A wide range of emotional reactions may follow a sudden loss like this as one attempts to make sense of their grief. While the coping experience is unique to the individual, these are the most common stages:

    1. Excellent link -- comments there worth perusing.

      Like this one -- Angry GOPers and their ilk are still out there:

      "The Constitution clearly allows enslaving people convicted of a crime. It does not specify what level of crime nor what sentences should be for them.

      It would allow enslavement for misdemeanors. From 1870 to 1960 that pretty much DID happen as regular practice in the South. Prison labor was rented out to local factories, mines and plantations. Able bodied black men were rounded up for things like vagrancy, who were just doing their daily life, at the call for some cheap labor.

      Ultimately, the Constitution can be ignored if people in one state are determined enough to do so. God forbid if conservatives ever successfully stage a coup. That really is now the main threat. Their response when all the vote rigging they can do still puts them out of power."

      Molly Delaney · Top Commenter · CWRU

  18. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Funny how right wing assholes need to lie and exagerate to fear monger their gullible audience.

  19. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Glenn Beck still has a radio program?
    He's in more danger for being cancelled because nobody wants to listen to him anymore.

  20. Anonymous5:47 AM

    The First Couple To Get Married In Dallas Yesterday Had Been Waiting 50 Years

  21. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I read a comment back when Romney was running that has remained with me. "To understand the Mormon faith, just remove the second m".

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Rick Perry Ignores Supreme Court Ruling Vows to Enable Discrimination Against Gays

  23. Anonymous5:58 AM

    It is VERY telling that those of us on the left do not have one single idiot like Beck, PayMe, Limpballs, O'Leilly, Huckerberry and the rest. All the MORONS flock to the gop and T=P. There is a reason for that, we do not suffer fools.

    1. They also attract low I.Q. voters with no critical thinking skills.

  24. Anonymous6:12 AM

    So Glenn thinks that just by saying he supports traditional marriage, (on air?)
    he'll lose his show? How utterly stupid. He really believes that or is he saying that to his utterly stupid audience in order to solicit funds/sympathy and keep the hate/stupid train going? I can't wrap my mind around some of the right-wing Republicans asinine comments regarding the ACA and gay marriage this week. I just can't.

    1. Oh, I'm sure he's soliciting funds and also promoting hate against our President.

      I also think he knows he's losing his show and is using this as an excuse to cover up the fact that he's being fired. Low ratings and lack of sponsorship most likely.

  25. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Glen Beck is full of shit, and he knows that.
    I rest my case.

  26. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Beck is getting booted off the air like he's going blind.

  27. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Beck leaving the airwaves? Oh, I do so love happy endings.


  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    He is such a snake oil salesman, cynically exploiting the willing rubes for his personal gain.

    1. Leland1:22 PM

      Hhhmmm. That sounds like every other repube PLUS those running the organized religion scam.

  29. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gay Marriage Still Doesn’t Exist, No Matter What the Supreme Court Says

  30. Anonymous7:32 AM

    So now he's afraid he'll get mounted? I'm confused.

  31. Sigh. Glenn, you need a license from the state to get married. That's a CIVIL license. No church - no religion - required.

  32. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I don't know much about the mormon religion, but it seems to me it must include some 'commandment' against lying, mean-spiritedness, and profiting from same. Whereas under the constitution, all that is ok. How else do you explain all these millionaire kooks?

  33. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I hope he looses every fucking thing he has, gay marriage ruling or not.

  34. Beck is still a freakin' m0r0n.

    He has the right to free speech. He can proclaim any opinion he wants about gay marriage. The Feds will not shut him down.

    However....I think he is using this as an excuse to hide the fact that he is going to lose his radio show one listens to him and he is losing sponsors. Simple as that. He's going to get canceled and he is going to hide that fact by blaming this Supreme Court Decision.

    He'll shortly announce he's going online with a subscription internet radio show or podcast or something.

    Must say, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Well, except for Limpballs. He deserves it more and I'm sure will be following in Beck's footsteps quite soon.

  35. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Along with Limpballs, wasn't he one of those who said he was going to flee the country in 2012 if Obama got reelected?

  36. Anonymous5:20 PM

    From YT Comments:

    OtherGonzo 1 day ago
    According to the Book of Mormon, which Glenn Beck claims to follow, God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman, and a woman, and a woman, ...

  37. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

    Good for Glenn. Take Rush, Sarah, Fwanklin Gwaham et al with you! Huckabeetle was on George Stephanopolous's show and called it "Tryanny" that, if elected, he'll bring God back to his rightful place and Marriage will be according to his will... etc etc etc. Wonder why God put in the Supreme Court's hearts that Marriage Equality is the law of the land?

    The sky is falling, I tell you! lmao

  38. I listen to Ed Shultz, who continually speaks against corporations as people. To my knowledge, the FCC has not threatened to shut him down for expressing views contrary to the court's Citizens United decision. What makes Beck think he's so special?


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