Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jill Duggar and her hubby want money so that they can flee the country.

Courtesy of Radar Online:  

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard say that God is telling them that it is time to get out of America! 

In a statement on their family blog, Dillard said, “God has put a desire in our hearts to serve Him internationally for longer than the typical short-term mission trip… It’s something we’ve prayed about together in an effort to seek God’s plan for our lives in His service.” 

This decision comes shortly after the revelation that Jill’s brother Josh had allegedly molested her and her sister when they were children.

Of course the husband makes it sound like he has no choice because God "put a desire in our hearts to serve him internationally."  

The term "put a desire in our hearts" sounds really icky and sort of like bullshit to me.

But what do I know I'm a heathen?

I mean to my cynical mind this just seems like a really convenient way to be out of the line of fire when the next devastating revelations about your family hit the internet. But once know...heathen.

Actually I might be willing to donate a dollar or two to this cause, but only if I could be assured that they would never return, and after establishing a base camp in some country where diddling your sister was perfectly okay, would then call for the rest of the Duggar family to join them.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Holy fuck, don't give the leeching Palins any ideas now!

  2. Jimmy Jones6:25 AM

    I've heard about a place thats for sale on the cheap, they call it Jonestown, really killer price.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Don't forget the "koolaid"..

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    There's also a small movement to form a new country here for people who think America has lost its way. Lots of libs make fun of utopian dreams, but they have a rich ideological history. People tend to move to states where the politics are more to their liking anyway. There is a trickle of progressive potheads moving to Colorado over the past year -- or at least people saying they want to ;-), which is probably what the god botherers are doing here.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      You should move to Nigeria. God worship, a no government utopia.

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      I'd rather move to Oregon than Colorado. Better marijuana laws, cheaper to live and more liberals than Colorado.....

    3. Duncan7:47 AM

      I already live here, great place.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Sorta O/T but sorta not...I'm from Colorado, although I no longer live there. This is what I hear:

      1. Relative who works in a shelter for homeless teens: HUGE increase in heroin and meth usage, because dealers are pushing them much more heavily now.

      2. Relative who's a cop: Prison overcrowding not solved, because heroin and meth dealers/users have just replaced pot dealers/users. South American cartels are buying up CO farmland and pushing long-time farmers out. In one county (forget which), the majority of land is now owned by a cartel, which means they control elections, law enforcement, etc.

      3. Friend who's a labor and delivery nurse: HUGE increase in women smoking pot throughout pregnancy, also seeing more pregnant women using other drugs. Significant increase in birth defects and brain damage as a result. Probably full extent won't become clear for 4-5 years, until these kids start school.

      4. Some schools somewhere may have received money as a result of marijuana taxes, but not a single person I've spoken with (including the spouse of a public school teacher) knows of a single school that has seen a cent. The state lost a lot of federal funding when they voted to legalize, so that much-vaunted $60 million tax figure has to offset that.

      5. Housing issues: What if I live in an apartment and my neighbors smoke so much pot that it permeates my apartment? Can I compel the management to let me out of my lease without penalty? What if I'm subject to random drug testing at my job? What legal safeguards do I have? When I left CO last year, this was still being figured out. Would have been good to have laws on the books when legalization took effect!

      Just another perspective on legalization...

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You have to wonder if this announcement means they've realized that the 19 KIDS spin-off with the married sisters isn't happening, so now they're fishing around for something else to do.

    What does the husband do at Wal-Mart? Stock boy? Cashier? Manager?

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      He is an accountant (college educated, believe it or not) and he worked in the accounting department.

    2. 66gardeners10:28 AM

      I heard he quit Walmart about a month ago

  5. Randall6:37 AM

    I'm often amused by the high-profile 'Christians' that believe God is talking to them so everyone else should send them money.

    I'm also disgusted by the idiots that do.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      My brother-in-law's family is doing this. They want to go be missionaries in Italy. Italy! They're not going to help do things missionaries use to do, like install modern plumbing systems, build houses, etc. They're going to convert Catholics. And yes, they want other people to donate money to them to do this. It's such a scam on both sides. You'd think church's would pay for people to go convert souls to their religion and church, but no, they expect the missionaries to raise their own money to go work for them. I just ignore them when they talk about it because it's beyond idiotic. I suspect this is what the Duggar's are doing...fleecing other people to pay for their new home in another country where they'll spend their days evangelizing for the Quiverfull movement. There's a sucker born every minute!

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      @anon 6:59am

      The country with the highest church attendance and they are going to try and convert Catholics there?! Well bless their hearts.

    3. Crystal Sage8:01 AM

      One local fundy church raised funds to send "missionaries" to Costa Rica last winter. Hee. They went to "help" the heathens during the worst winter here on record.

    4. Anonymous10:53 AM

      6:59--- When I was a kid on Long Island, the family next door was from South Carolina. Their church had sent them to New York as part of a mission to convert the Jews in Brooklyn.

      So yeah, even crazier than going after Catholics in Italy....

    5. Anyone else would be locked up for observation as a schizophrenic that hears voices.

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    OT - Bristol (or Nancy) has a new post up on her blog. She claims this latest pregnancy was planned.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      If Bristol's pregnancy was planned, why was the announcement filled with such doom and gloom?

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      The only thing planned was how much child support Bristol could rake in.

    3. Anonymous7:27 AM

      And she's disappointed and low-chinned because her plan worked???

    4. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Oh FFS. I call bullshit and, for what it's worth, to the anonymous that made the platypus comment the other day? Still giggling!

    5. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Week by week sonograms
      If you compare the sonogram on her "I wanted this baby it was planned" and "I wasn't paid to be an abstinence spokesperson" oh and let's not forget "I've worked at the same dr office for six years".
      Anyway if you compare her sonogram to the week by week sonograms, she is a minimum of five months to around six months pregnant...

    6. Anonymous7:58 AM

      If everything was so "planned" why did Sarah need to buy the engagement ring??

    7. Anonymous7:59 AM

      If she's around five to six months, we are talking jan/feb...wasn't it around may that Joey Junker asked about Bristol's drinking?

    8. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Based on the purported texts from Willow in a previous post, which said that Bristol went for a sonogram to confirm pregnancy in March, the earliest that could happen (and I believe that has to be transvaginal, since the fetus is so small at that point) is five or six weeks. Which would put conception between mid-January and mid-February depending on when in March Bristol went for the sonogram, which would put the due date somewhere from early October to early November.

      When you realize that, you can see that it's not Dakota Meyer's; there's no way to make that math work.

      I can believe that Bristol had an "planned accident." One of my best friends had a planned accident. She intended to have a baby within a six month window and all of her friends knew she intended to have a baby. She didn't intend to become pregnant at exactly that moment, though, and I'm not always sure she intended to have a baby with the father. The child is adorable, they've made their family work, and that's all that really matters. All I'm saying is that planned accidents do happen.

    9. Anonymous8:15 AM

      @anon 7:59am

      Yes it is, Joey asked her "what about no drinking?" on Feb 11th on her instagram.

    10. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Oh and Bristol by naming "the ghouls at gawker" proves you just spend your days reading about yourself you vapid idiot!

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Grifting comes in many forms, I guess. What skills do these two have to offer anyone? Where in the world will the name "Duggar" mean anything? And why should anyone give them money?

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Why do ALL Republicans hate America so much?

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Since they ALL hate America so much, why don't they all join the Buggars in getting out?

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Bristol's new posting is a humdinger ... "it was a planned pregnancy"

    When Gryphen covers it will generate another 500+ comments.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Yes, all planned by Sarah Pay-me, when Brisdull found out Joey knocked her up. "Ok's the plan....get your louiebatons or my johnnychoos on, let's go to Vegas and cast for a hero, I think we can snag a naive war hero named Wyoming, Idaho, or what's that dude's name? Yea, DAKOTA! He wrote a book there once ya know, you betcha!


      I said that is what she would say.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Heh. Just wait until July 3.

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Yes, randall, you would think if GOD provides teh desire as an omniscient, omnipotent being he would also provide the means? I hope they don't get to go to some poor undeserving of more godbotherer damage where they get to live the lux life while the poor continue to starve.
    Want ot do some good? There are a ton of areas in the US in need of soem help. But we have aws here too.

    1. God has provided them plenty, they're just too greedy to see.

      Pack four suitcases and two carry ons with the basics you absolutely need. Then sell everything except your truck. Then drive to the Port of Los Angeles or the East Coast (Georgia?) and sell your truck. Buy three tickets on a cargo ship to Nepal, Africa or wherever they were planning to go. They will have more than enough money for passage plus money left over to get started in their new, modest missionary life.

      But I'm sure they want to fly first class and live in luxury wherever they end up. These don't seem much like camping out missionaries to me.

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    According to the Bible, we are all God's children. but according to these lying grifting leeches, God plays favorites!
    Enough free rides and lunches for these faux Christians!

  12. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I'll send them a couple bucks if they promise to never return, and STFU.

  13. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Seems to me, we created them, we ought to keep them. The rest of the world has enough problems of their own.

    This whole "god put the desire in our hearts" and "we prayed to god about it" BS that the Christianists are always throwing out strike me as so arrogant. How do they know God did it? How do they know God wasn't behind the recent Supreme Court decision they see as so wicked? They're so smug because they are convinced they are special, and God is on their side which makes them better than anyone else, and everyone else is going to hell. It's this kind of pathology that creates monsters like Sarah and Bristol.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I know I'm going to hell anyway. I voted for Obama--twice!

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      We will fry together, 7:15 AM!

    3. Hey. I have a Get Out of Hell Free card. I got no worries.

  14. Anonymous7:07 AM

    This is just how fundies talk. Invoking "God" deflects any anticipated criticism from there peers and absolves them from responsibility when their plans don't work out. "We were just doing what God told us!"

  15. Anonymous7:09 AM

    These gold duggars are sick!!!!

    Many questions arise from this. First, they believe God is telling them to get out of America??? What about the rest of the citizens, are they just chopped liver? What do they mean by this, the fact that God is telling them to 'get out'? Is it because they feel America is too immoral? Well they got that right. They and their family use the name of God to build their little money-maker in the U.S., using taxpayers, resources, to make millions. They use the U.S., then spit her out and have the nerve to ask people to pay for them to escape????? WTH?

    Second, what "Mission"? They are vague on describing exactly what that international mission is about. Do they mean going on a lecture circuit around the bible belts in Europe and Australia? They are absolute charlatans. Usually, when someone feels 'called' to do missionary work overseas, they have what is called in church-speak, a 'burden' for a group of people in a special country. They feel this tremendous love for a people and are willing to give up everything to go there and blend into the culture, set up a charity or mission field. These people aren't rich. They usually easily get working visas through an international venue that enables them to move to many locations without the bureaucracy of waiting for permits and applications, like we 'little' people would have to do. It would require a deal of money and patience for anyone applying to work 'overseas'.

    Thirdly, they write, "prayers and support mean so much as we begin this great new chapter in life!" Hoorah for them. They are soooooo excited to start this new chapter in their life and PLEASE send money pronto! How can anyone be so selfishly entitled like this? They leave the poor and left out in their own back yards. I would bet anyone driving through some back roads in Arkansas could see some sad sights of tar paper shacks and shinty's with barely running water and outdoor plumbing miles away from the Duggar's compound. It is just sick and twisted. I hope these people are called out on this.

    1. When you're called you usually don't refer to it as escaping. I'm sure the Dillards have no intention to live as true missionaries either. Hence the need to grift more money. They'll lay low on someone else's money (maybe Fiji or Bali) and then when the coast seems clear they'll sneak back. Probably figure no on will associate Dillard with Duggar after a few years.

  16. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Although I've never watched their show, I know something about the Duggars from reading the FreeJinger messageboard (which I highly recommend to anyone who has a horrified interest in the extremely warped quiverfull/patriarchy/fundie movement.

    From what I understand Jill and Derrick have already made one mission trip to Nepal and have been talking about returning (prior to the Josh Duggar revelations). So maybe this is that.

    Honestly, these people are so relentlessly brainwashed, the women in particular, that I can't help feeling a bit sorry for them. Jill and her sisters (who have been raised to believe that because they are tempting women, they are entirely responsible for any sexual abuse they may suffer at the hands of helpless lust-driven men -- yes, even as five-year-old children being abused by a teenage boy) will never stand a chance of living a balanced and normal life unless they get ouf of Dodge and see how other people live in the outside world. It still might be too late for Jill, and I really wouldn't be surprised if it is, but at least it's a chance for her son.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I read that website, too. They knew about the scandal long before anyone else because someone posted info there.

    2. Nepal, huh? Kinda close to Thailand if Derrick has proclivities in that direction.

      I'll tell them how to get there.

      Pack up all your basic, necessary clothes and whatever else you can carry in suitcases. Sell everything but the truck. Drive to California (or Mexico). Sell your truck. Buy passage on a cargo ship bound for Nepal or as close as you can get. You should have enough money for passage with some left over.

      There. God has provided for you in the form of directions from someone that doesn't lie or grift for a living.

      Find a way or make a way.

      Don't live your life expecting others to provide for you. No, not even God.

      God helps those that help themselves, so start helping yourself.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      My cousin is a missionary in Nepal. I know nothing about this Duggar/Dillard, but I think she would be in for a very rude shock. OTOH, the pollution and overcrowding in Kathmandu might convince her that population control is a good thing.

  17. Anonymous7:31 AM

    The shit has hit the fan. Let's get the hell out of Dodge!

  18. Janice A Soderquist7:34 AM

    Bristol has a sonogram of her baby on her site. How far along would she be to have a sonogram taken?

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      but but but - she is a private citizen!!!

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Do you know how to Google? I'm sure that info is readily available.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Lol, now she is saying this baby was planned and that she was never an abstinence speaker.
      Oh Bristol, sometimes in life you just need to shut the hell up.

      Back to your sonogram question, I don't know but that fetus looks pretty well developed.

    4. Crystal Sage8:07 AM

      So much for her plea for privacy. Most people do not post a sonogram of their unborn child on Facebook. Most just share the pregnancy news and pray for a healthy baby. Idiots post sonograms and bump pictures because they are attention-seeking morons.

      Perhaps Bristol is trying again to emulate Kim Kardashian who has also announced her pregnancy.

    5. Anonymous8:18 AM

      I think she snapped. Well, Brissy, there's people that can help you with that, but the first step is ownership. You can't change the truth no matter how hard you try and, until you FACE it head on, you will never be free. You owe it to your children.

    6. Who says it's her sonogram. She could have downloaded that anywhere on the internet and just claimed it's hers. The entire family are liars.

  19. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Must've missed the part in the bible where Jesus set up a fundraiser before leaving with his apostles.

    1. Apparently God loves the birds of the air and the lilies of the field since he provides for them. Perhaps the Dillards should read the bible. (If they can with all that home schooling.) If God wants you to leave the country then pack up and leave and have faith God will provide. That's God. Not all the low I.Q. m0r0ns your Daddy grifts money from.

  20. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Just another grifting scam. He quit his job at Walmart and they "incorporated" themselves as a church ( nice way to avoid paying taxes) and nowt hey have their begging hands out.

    1. Ah, following the family scam, er, business.

  21. I'll send them a buck. Maybe they'll go to Grenada or somewhere more remote.

  22. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Jill and Derrick are cute little scamsters though.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      He's got to do something when there aren't any cats around to abuse.

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    No don't send $ - they will just go to spread the word of HATE and try to get some other country to make laws permitting the killing of gay people. (like the movie) God Loves Uganda. They are not doing good on these missions overseas.

  24. Anonymous8:40 AM

    GOD'S SERVANTS JILL AND DERRICK, I can tell you where you can easily get lots of money for your international ministry.

    Real simple, hit up your most loyal followers and defenders. Seek out millionaire Sarah Palin and her promiscuous unmarried pregnant daughter Blow-Jobs for their support.

    JILL AND DERRICK there's an organization that would also give you tons and tons of postage stamps (money) for your internation ministry and that is Sarah Palin’s SarahPac.

    Is there room in your international ministry for a pimp daddy and a hustler with a servant's heart and their pregnant whorie daughter?

    There's a chance pimp daddy and his grifting wife may also want to flee the country with black trash bags full of postage stamps before the icebergs hits them.

    The pregnant whorie daughter may also want to leave the country before it is revealed that the father of her baby may be one of her Exotic model friends from Aftadark in Anchorage.

    Gryph are you willing to donate $10 instead of one dollar if the Wasilla Village Idiot, pimp daddy and their whorie daughter puts it in writing that they will leave and never return to the US of A with a guarantee that they will send you their passports once they arrive at their destination?

  25. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Wouldn't it be a lot more convenient for everyone is God just passed along some winning lottery numbers when he gives out these instructions about where he wants folks to go and what he wants them to do?

  26. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Hasta LA vista and don't let the screen door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya'.

  27. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Missionary travel is one of the greatest grifts ever! Free vacations are basically what it boils down to with a side dish of proselytizing. I feel so sorry for unsuspecting people in other countries who are on the receiving end of this bullshit, although some cultures have successfully learned how to get the goods without buying into the christian bullshit. I read about a tribe in New Guinea that got a lot of free food and stuff from the silly missionaries but never adopted the christian religion, but would pretend to when the missionaries were present. Grifting the Grifters!

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      I so agree with 10:07 regarding the huge grifting scheme of "missionary trips". My nephew and his girlfriend were very active in some kind of Campus group...forget the name...and one year they went to Spring break in Florida to pass out brochures and give their personal testimonies. Sent letter asking us all to donate. That was so successful that the next year they too a three week trip to Ireland. Looking at their pictures later, I am not sure when they had time to save souls, as they did a lot of sightseeing. And what "personal testimony" do two white kids who have had parents who gave them everything their hearts desired? Never been hungry a day in their lives.
      A local church takes a trip to Africa every year to build an orphanage. I maintain that they would do a lot more for that village by sending the money they spend on airfare directly to them. How much can they get done in one week..a bunch of 60-70 year old who have never used a hammer.

  28. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Take the leeching Palins with you, Jill! This couple and their infant baby need to leave the daddy Duggar world... Get away as far as you can. There is no more reality TV money going to come in, so go away, far away... Take your homophobic, anti-democratic views with you...and go the eff away!!!

  29. Yeah, that 19 Kids cash cow is dead and there will be no spin-off with anyone related to this family.

    If God wants him to relocate to another country God will provide. Isn't that what the bible says with all that lilies of the field stuff and birds of the air?

    God wants you out of the country? Then pack up your truck with all your kids and as much of your materialistic crap as you can carry and head south, through Mexico and then just keep going. (Leave all the electronics behind, they won't work where you're going.)

    Try Belize or Guatemala or just keep going to South America.

    The farther the better.

    But don't expect others to support your grifting lies on their dime. We work hard for our money. About time you started to do the same. And no, being a self-proclaimed "preacher" isn't what I call work.

  30. Anonymous2:07 PM

    If these two dimwits are heading to Nepal to spread quiver-full Christianity, I do not think they would be very welcome.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      My cousin and his wife are missionaries in Nepal (I posted above). It is not an easy life. Both of them have developed respiratory problems because of the heavy pollution in Kathmandu. They have been involved in fighting human trafficking and now are active in earthquake relief efforts.

      I know next to nothing about this particular Duggar, but even if she and hubby have been to Nepal short-term, I can't imagine that they could smoothly transition from a multimillion-dollar reality TV career to an overcrowded, polluted, poverty-stricken, earthquake-prone corner of the earth.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      If only your cousin and his wife could help the people of Nepal without trying to shove christianity down their throats? I guess if their god really appreciated their service he'd not let them get sick from respiratory problems? I don't agree with any religious people insinuating themselves into other country's problems, especially missionaries.

  31. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    Great! Good Riddance! Did your God put it in your heart to hand in your passport and get one way tickets? I hear Iran and Iraq is in some serious need of christian missionaries. No one put it in my heart to say anything, but if you feel you need to distance yourself from the perpetrator and his enablers, God is a pretty good out! They'll buy it hook, line and sinker! Stay Safe and make sure to pack a lot of Bibles.


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