Monday, June 22, 2015

Hey ever see people get "Angel readings?" Well now you can say you have.

Seriously what in the hell is wrong with people?

And don't forget these people raise children, and vote in elections.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I love the part where the blonde laughs as she is shooing away those pesky dark angels. I am surprised she can keep a straight face at all.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Ok , these folks are just messing with the psycho right?
    Tell that they are not really buying this angel scam. Pretty please.

  3. All of a sudden, prostitution seems like a noble business to me, very unfairly maligned.

  4. Randall7:06 AM

    I know a woman who firmly believes she is psychic.
    Some of her sisters believe she is psychic, also.
    I don't believe she is psychic
    ...because she refuses to come to the casino with me and point out the slot machines that are ready to pay out.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Randall, did you mean to say 'psycho', not 'psychic'?

    2. hedgewytch8:48 AM

      That's cause you are not supposed to use powers of precognition for personal gain. Our tenants say that anything you put out is returned 3x3. Only use to help and heal. NEVER for money. That's why all those psychic's out there are charlatans, the real ones never advertise, never promote. We've been burned (literally) too many times anyway for telling people what they (didn't) really want to know.

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Hedgewytch: that is why *you* and others are not sharlatans like the one shown in the video. She is such a fake, even she herself cannot keep from cracking up. I have never seen one as bad as her. (Admittedly, I have never gone to one, because I do not believe in this commercial sham).

    4. Anonymous12:11 PM


  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    People so want to believe in something. Personally, I found peace and contentment once I stopped needing to believe.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM


    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      As my sweet, slightly addled husband says, I believe! I believe I'll have another beer...yeah, I know ... I'm so lucky ...can't believe he puts up with me...

  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Perhaps AIP Palin needs to have some naughty angels run off, or at least booted from the comments of her "channel"....

    32 minutes ago
    What's going on with the Sarah Palin Channel? It is subscriber only, isn't it? And yet, I see the nastiest comments now popping up under the videos--lots of hideous trolls with poison in their fingertips."

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Don't think this psychic could help. Trolls aren't angels. Oh wait,...if they are posting negative comments on SPC, maybe they ARE angels!

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      i was just over at the peepond fucking with them...a nice two hour run.... good times...

    3. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Hahaha! I made some of them (Sillyclucker) along with some of my Wonkette buddies.

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I'm sure this "angel whisperer" doesn't do her usual readings for free. Oh well, a fool and his money...
    I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the same people who pay for angel readings also donate to SarahPAC.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    P.T. Barnum was absolutely right. But these days, instead of a sucker being born every minute, it's more like every three seconds.

  9. Anonymous8:27 AM


  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I had an angel reading myself over 35 years ago. More out of curiosity than anything (the person who did them didn't charge anything for them). I can't say that I believed in it,,,I was open to it, because I thought it would be kinda cool if I did have an angel. Yeah, I know, but as fantasies go, it was harmless.

  11. " An explanation for what we don't understand "

    That young man hit the nail on the head. Personally after studying this phenomena for years I believe the only death is that of the vessel ( Our body ) We have an energy that we don't understand and can't comprehend , Think about radio waves , We can't see them or feel them but we know they are there because we've figured out how to harness them, , The soul, spirit, whatever you want to call it lives on , Just in a dimension we can't connect with except sometimes by a freak brief opening of that dimension, We call them ghosts . Think about it..............

  12. Anonymous11:57 AM

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSpooky lives. Wow. Loving the comments. GuRu, Ghosts, Witches, Spirits, Waves, Vibes. O fun. BOO !!!! Well kids and boomers? to each their own. Enjoy. Live Life Fully.

    1. Nothing spooky about it, Now all the religious hooey and fear mongering is spooky , But then again there is an ends to their means. : /

  13. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Watch out. The dust that you breath belongs to someones else. Dust in the wind.

  14. Anonymous4:27 PM

    David Hannon was right: there's a sucker born every minute!

  15. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

    I don't know, this girl claims she's a medium but she seems more like a petite. Sylvia Brown claimed she was a medium, but she was and extra large. Psychic's always fascinate me, the entertainment ones always go down the list. "I see a woman, is it your mother?" "No", "Oh I see a woman, and she's got her hand around her throat" "OMG! That's my sister! She went to my aunt because she has mono"

    Why is it always a familiar Angel and not Jane Schmoe from the Pocono's?

    Psychic Friends Network used to answer their phone by the person's name, and they'd be astounded and convinced! Helllloooo Caller ID, anyone?

  16. I have an angel that protects me from charlatans. I call it my brain.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.