Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton: "I've been called many things by many people. Quitter is not one of them."

Courtesy of CNN: 

Hillary Clinton used the first major rally of her second run for the White House Saturday to make a populist case for her presidential campaign, declaring that the goal of her presidency would be to tip the nation's economic scales back toward the middle class's favor. 

Clinton used her gender to cast her candidacy as historic and forward-looking. And she used the story of her mother, Dorothy Rodham, to show that she understands the challenges of climbing out of poverty. 

"Prosperity can't be just for CEOs and hedge fund managers. Democracy can't be just for billionaires and corporations," she told a crowd of 5,500. "Prosperity and democracy are part of your basic bargain, too. You brought our country back. Now it's time, your time, to secure the gains and move ahead."

5,500 people? Damn!

Now I have no idea if that "quitter" reference has anything to do with Alaska's own half term quitter-in-chief, but you can bet your ass she is going to take it that way.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    You know that Sarah will take the bait and jump out of her hide hold, like a black widow spider, and say something nasty about Hillary.
    But Hillary will never respond, which will make Palin even more infuriated -- to be ignored!

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      hidey hole

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Plenty of those needed at the Pee Pond. Hidey holes, that is.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Who knows what goes on in political circles of the powerful. If "not a quitter" was a shout to $arah, more power to her!

    4. Anonymous1:33 PM

      12:50 PM

      Blood Sweat And Tears libel. LOL!

    5. Anonymous3:39 PM

      I doubt Hillary would waste a minute of her time on the irrelevant idiot, sarah.

  2. Hilary's smart. She knows.. She knows that Sarah will be all over that and raise hell about it and attack her. Sarah's going to give Hilary a lot of free publicity and remind everyone that Hilary's not Sarah. Because there will be some people who think that a woman running for President isn't serious. The best way to convince people that Hilary's a serious candidate is for Sarah to do her best to convince people that Sarah and Hilary aren't alike. ::::entertained::: And Sarah will do it. She's going to freak, and it doesn't matter who explains what to her, she's going to respond. She can't help it. She'd have to be restrained and drugged NOT to respond. The dog- or in this case the bitch- returns to its vomit.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hillary Rotten Clinton is a vile, evil and corrupt politician
    She really intends to help the middle class
    Ha Ha next lie please
    Look at her main campaign contributors
    Mostly Wall Street banksters and the telcoms
    And then look at the Clinton crime family foundation

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      ^^ yup ^^

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      The Clinton Foundation has done nothing but good for people around the world! And, because of it, Bill Clinton is loved and regarded well in our country and world. Research the facts, 12:24 PM!

    3. You're in the right place. You need a lot of practice to get ready for the big leagues.

    4. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Thanks for coming by, Chuckie Jr. Always a pleasure to laugh at you and yours. That horrendous crash of your gravy train must be painful in the ole pocketbook, huh?

    5. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Look at SarahPac, a funding site that does nothing but pay family and friends. Who works in the Palin family of Lazy Grifters and drunks. They have hidden enough babies to start a nursery. Clean up your own Family scandals before denigrating others. Was it too boring at c4peepee? Rotten is the smell at the Palin house, and Sarah is the main violator. Vile and Evil is what we saw on Fox the other night.

    6. "Anonymous12:24 PM"
      Are you really stupid or just pretending?

    7. Caroll Thompson1:39 PM

      Show some respect 12:24 because you are talking about the next President of the United States of America. Our next Commander in Chief. As a veteran of the United States Navy, I will be running to the polls to vote for Hillary as will the majority of veterans across this nation.

      Bullshit like you talks 12;24; Hillary walks. Now take a hike you troll.

    8. Anonymous1:41 PM

      What percent of the donations to the Clinton foundation actually go to anything like charity
      Most of the money goes for jobs for family and friends and to support the lavish lifestyles of Bill, Hilary and Chelsea
      Bill also gets to meet a lot of girls on his travels.

    9. Anonymous2:05 PM

      1:41 PM You obviously have not reviewed the fund well. You are so, so wrong! Thanks god there are so many more in our country that would never believe what you just put in print!

      You can also be sure - when looking at how the Clintons have been scrutinized throughout the years - that they'd make sure everything concerning the Foundation is accurate - reports done per the law - tax returns filed (some have been amended throughout the years too!). Check it all out before you holler, 1:41 PM. You are dead wrong and it's so damned easy to prove!

    10. Anonymous2:18 PM

      ! think poor 1:41 pm is Sarah Palin the quitter queen.
      Sorry to tell you 1:41pm that the Clintons can make a million dollars speaking in one weekend, they don't need to grift or steal.
      Now run your little quitter butt back to the peepond so you can raise money to get Brisket some more surgery, then maybe, just maybe, you can marry the Ho' off to someone.

    11. Anonymous3:57 PM

      1:41 PM You must be describing Todd Palin the peephole freak and Pimp. The Clintons EARNED their money, not like the Palins who live off of their Pac. The Clintons have a daughter who graduated from College with honors, Can Sarah Palin find any of her/Menard Jr's/Hanson's offspring who even qualified for College? Hell, Track, Bristol, and Willow can't pass the SAT. None of the Corporations are beating down the Palins' doors to recruit any of them for high paying jobs. Bristol is in training with marina exotix llc so that she can continue to lay on her back with her fat legs in the air. None of the Palins care to work a real job.

    12. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Poor peeponder, did you lose your way? Shouldn't you be working on Sarah's campaign? What>>>>>she's not running again? How much money have you sent her?
      Well you better go send her some more, Bristol needs some more trips and coach purses in her search for her next trial husband. And all those utility bills at all of the Palin homes need someone to pay them. And have you seen Todd? Well he doesn't work either, he doesn't even fish for 6 weeks every summer any more. Now get busy and write SarahPac another check.

    13. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Anonymous12:24 PM

      Hillary Rotten Clinton is a vile, evil and corrupt politician
      She really intends to help the middle class
      Ha Ha next lie please
      You must be bitch palin herself because we all know what a a"vile, evil and corrupt politician" She WAS....and HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU POS!!! HILARY WAS FIRST LADY AND BILL WAS POTUS! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU COME HERE AND SPEW YOUR TEABAGGING BULLSHIT YOU TREASONOUS PIG!!!
      You know what Hillz does to ankle biters?
      squashes them like fucking ants and she will squash you bitch palin. She wasn't talking about YOU anyway, but it would be funny if she was, but you aren't even on her radar Quittah!!!

    14. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Look at all the old used up women getting so mad about the well deserved contempt for lying Hillary. Aren't old ladies supposed to have class and composure? Maybe you should have hitched your horse to a better candidate, not just one that shares your gender and hair dye.

    15. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Yup, Hillary's a liar. Every politician is. But she's likely to get the Democratic nod, and I'll vote for her. What choice do I have? Absolutely none. Unless you think I should vote for Jeb Bush? Fuck that shit.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    that will really chap old $arahs skanky ass. bwahahahahahahaha

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I sincerely doubt Hillary's comment had anything to do with Sarah Palin. Yee gods, Sarah Palin would be the furthest thing from her mind!

    Can hardly wait to cast my vote for Hillary!!!

    It's really apparent that Jebby doesn't have the majority Republicans in his corner! I'm very surprised the Republican party would even want to run him against Hillary Clinton for POTUS!

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      True, 12:38, but it won't be the first nor last time Sarah is offended by words which have nothing to do with her. Simple Sarah assumes everything is about herself and instinctively spouts her vile screech before her "handlers" explain to her that she needs to sit down and shut up. Toad's job couldn't pay enough, if you know what I mean.

  6. Caroll Thompson12:56 PM

    Hillary has never quit on anything. Sarah has quit on everything.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Yup, except her grifting.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Even carpooling kids.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      The Clintons are much bigger grifters then Sarah

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Well she HAD to quit on the carpool because she had her TWOBULL surgery after Piper was born.

    5. Anonymous3:42 PM

      The Clintons are much more educated than all of the Palins/Heaths put together. You, Troll, are a sick stalking Bitch with no life.

    6. Anonymous3:43 PM

      2:19 PM We are not supposed to know that.

    7. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Anonymous2:18 PM

      The Clintons are much bigger grifters then Sarah
      Really? prove it? You can't stupid Sarah! Reduced to trolling are you? You poor vile pos.

    8. Anonymous8:08 PM

      The Clintons are like David and Goliath if you are comparing the grifting of the Clintons to Palin. Palin is small potatoes roadside show grifting.

    9. Anonymous9:30 PM

      And that must make Sarah pea green with envy.

  7. Zing!

    Actually, I doubt if a woman as accomplished as Hillary Clinton has bothered to think twice about Palin since 2008. Seven years later, why would the facebook tantrums of a grubby, washed-up, ignorant half-wit ever even cross her mind? It's not as though she hasn't had more important matters to occupy her.

    But for sure, the grubby narcissist will be fuming because everything is about her. Heh.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      The other 'zinger' about Sarah and Todd Palin (Bristol too!) is that so much of what is written about any of them is hateful and negative. You rarely see anything positive on the blogs about them. Cannot imagine living in their skins! Swear to god, they are the most disliked people in America and they've brought it all on themselves!

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      The Palins throw rocks, then cry victim when they are rebutted. What a fucked up way to live, under a shroud of Lies.

  8. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Of course you're not a quitter, you're a liar like your husband.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Hahahahaaaaa. Oh that is good.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Wow!! You need a glass of wine - or something.
      Actually - whatever her reasons for that comment - it is totally appropriate.
      Now - can you address the issue of "the Quitter-in Chief" or have you shot your wad?

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      @2:39 You must be from the Palin camp, you do know Liars. Was Todd Palin ever President of the USA? Was Todd Palin ever president of anything? Has Sarah Palin told the truth about her TUBAL LIGATION after Piper's birth? Did Sarah Palin LIE about the 'wild ride'? Sarah Palin is not only a Liar, she is comfortable telling Lies. You Fools who send money to support her are gluttons for punishment, just like Alicia the Troll who comes here to be beaten up daily.

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Anonymous2:39 PM

      Of course you're not a quitter, you're a liar like your husband.
      Oh stupid Sarah! A liar and a grifter she is always projecting on others....
      No respect for anyone not even the Next first Female POTUS!

    5. Anonymous8:18 PM

      The funny thing is Bill can lie all he wants and people still like him. Hillary... not so much. Hell even if Hillary was an honest politician, which she isn't, she is just not likeable.

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Todd Palin is a Liar? Say it ain't so.

  10. I must say that when we denigrate every person who amassed personal wealth as liars and worse, we lose sight of those who do good through their giving. I'm thinking of the Gates, Buffett, and Bono, and yes, the Clintons. The foundations they have set up are very closely monitored by the IRS (I know this from personal experience working for one of them) and these founders truly do care about others. I'm not saying they are perfect; I am saying that they are not all evil just because they are the 1%.

    1. I remember when President Clinton was interviewed, after his two terms in office, and he pointed out that the policies of Congress, which was majority Republican, had made him a rich man, and thanked them.

  11. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The Republican party and some of the media have been on a constant deluge of negative rhetoric to and about both Bill and Hillary Clinton for the past year. It's been non stop which has been their way of competing against Hillary in her run for POTUS!

    They are scared to death of Hillary Clinton and it's become very apparent that they have no Republican candidates that will be able to win against her! She has so much more experience than any in the clown car! And, in spite of them being able to admit it - Bill is very much respected and loved throughout the world and country!

    I can hardly wait to cast my vote for her and help in her campaign in my state and city!

    The Republicans are gonna shit green nickels when she wins and they actually will have to admit it! Then, we'll hear another eight years of constant negative as we have over the two terms of President Obama!

  12. Anita Winecooler4:18 PM

    I don't have a problem with the Wealthy, money can and does help do good for good causes around the world. No one had a problem with the Bush Family's personal wealth, but suddenly they're all " wee wee'd up (quoting Shakespear) ". The Clintons could have built their foundation anywhere, and chose Harlem. Kinnebunkport Main, Crawford Texas etc etc etc isn't like Harlem in any way, shape or form.
    Can someone direct me to "The Palin Foundation"? My google giggled at me and was at a loss for suggestions.

    OF COURSE the "Quittah from Wasilla" will make it about Rich vs Poor and use her own "story" as an example of "Amerrycan Exceptionalism", and her daughter's puppeteer will do a post, also too as well. Where was the outrage from the Trolls when Mitt ran?
    Wow, and to think Santorum is drawing crowds in the single digits!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      "OF COURSE the "Quittah from Wasilla" will make it about Rich vs Poor"

      Well IF she does, remember she wanted to send Track to UAA but since his family was "Too rich" could not get grants aka OPM as Stupid sarah says so Trackmarks did not go to UAA....

  13. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hillary Clinton rally on Roosevelt Island - 5,500 supporters

    Rick Santorum rally in Panora, Iowa - 10 supporters

    Rick Santorum rally in Hamlin, Iowa - 1 woman who hasn't made up her mind

  14. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Where the hildebeast gets her money
    Just everyday people

    Citigroup Inc $782,327 $774,327 $8,000
    Goldman Sachs $711,490 $701,490 $10,000
    DLA Piper $628,030 $601,030 $27,000
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $620,919 $617,919 $3,000
    EMILY's List $605,174 $601,254 $3,920
    Morgan Stanley $543,065 $538,065 $5,000
    Time Warner $411,296 $386,296 $25,000
    Skadden, Arps et al $406,640 $402,140 $4,500
    Lehman Brothers $362,853 $359,853 $3,000
    Cablevision Systems $336,288 $306,900 $29,388
    University of California $329,673 $329,673 $0
    Kirkland & Ellis $311,441 $294,441 $17,000
    Squire Patton Boggs $310,596 $305,158 $5,438
    21st Century Fox $302,400 $302,400 $0
    National Amusements Inc $297,534 $294,534 $3,000
    Ernst & Young $297,142 $277,142 $20,000
    Merrill Lynch $292,303 $286,303 $6,000
    Credit Suisse Group $290,600 $280,600 $10,000
    Corning Inc $274,700 $256,700 $18,000
    Greenberg Traurig LLP $273,550 $265,450 $8,100

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Anonymous6:21 PM
      We don't care. But link with that info (you won't because you pulled it out your ass and toilet paper don't link)
      And as the commenter said about where was all this "concern" when Mittster ran?

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Careful 6:21, the estrogen challenged Hillary 'hot flash' mob is going to swarm you for presenting facts about their corporate catastrophe.

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      That's all money that's not going to Repugs.

    4. Anonymous11:50 PM

      It is funny that you think money cares who it is buying off and controlling 9:32.

      As long as money keeps you busy bouncing your head back and forth like watching a tennis match, it has succeeded.

  15. Anonymous9:37 PM

    That quitter remark was a full on slam on money hungry $arah's inability to fulfill her single term as governor.


    Palin is gonna be pissed now. Mwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha

  16. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Fuck Sarah...FUCK HER!!

  17. Anonymous8:35 AM

    .a bigger bundle of platitudes and insincerities has not been served up since the heyday of Nixon.
    Hilary cankles Cinton will say
    "I did not have sex with that woman"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.