Thursday, June 18, 2015

If not yet, then hopefully soon.

I think this idea terrifies many Christian leaders.

In fact one high ranking member of the JW's recently came out and said the following: 

… and be careful on the Internet. We were talking about that this weekend with friends. Oh my word, how many times do we have to tell you, be careful? 

You know, going here, going there, they’ll suck you in. Some of the stuff, it can seem so innocent. We’re just warning you. That’s all we can do — is admonish. 

Stick with what we have authorized. You’ll be safe. 

You wanna go out there? It’s at your spiritual risk.

Yes because the internet connects you to facts, and facts are the silver bullets that can finally put an end to superstitious belief systems.

And perhaps someday, yes science will have replaced the Bible, and every other holy book in the world.

Personally I cannot wait.


  1. A. J. Billings2:53 AM

    When religious people are less than say %20 of the population of the planet it will be a great thing for humanity.

    As I've noted often on IM, I believe it will be many hundreds, if not thousands of years before we humans rid ourselves of the mythology and superstition of religion.

    I know I'll never live to see such a time, nor will my children.

    People like Charles Dobson, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, and the Westboro cult are too numerous., and they tend to have a lot of kids who get indoctrinated from their first breath.

    1. Once I thought so too...but in my lifetime homosexuality has gone from an unmentionable crime, to proud coming out and mainstream (even in politics), with same-sex marriage acceptable by the majority. That is only 50 years.

      There is a tipping point for all things to change in favor of reason -- and I believe religious superstition belief is doomed. For every person that comes out as an atheist, there are hundreds who are on the verge.

      Popular drama TV shows are injecting the possibility every night. Even if some of it is only eye-rolling at fundy nonsense. It adds up.

      Game of Thrones has weighed in heavily of course.
      Given its time-in-the-far-past atmosphere, it reinforces and shows that rigid beliefs are non-sensical, inhumane and hypocritical.

      We no longer live in medieval times and we can grow up. We don't need a daddy (or many-faced-gods) in the sky to tell us what to do or -- who to kill.

  2. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Being the lifetime Agnostic that I am. Please let me say this. written history has some truth. those before us witnessed and left us information. It is those that re write or refuse to include the science along with it..

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM


  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Keep in mind, the internet connects to a great many non-facts, too. Ya gotta take the bitter with the batter.

  5. Anonymous11:10 AM


  6. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    Sen. Lindsey Graham was on the tee vee,, the Whoppi Goldberg show (aka The View) , speaking of the mass killing. When asked if he thought it was just an act of a crazy man or if it had anything to do with religion.... he showed great compassion.... then said (paraphrasing from memory) " There are people in this country hellbent on killing christians". He went on about one of his nephews going to school with the killer, and said he was just a quiet kid and didn't participate much.
    What I don't get is why they still fly the confederate flag? Seeing that flag still flying at half mast along with the American Flag while people of color, all colors, all religions and non rebellious are mourning and in shock is just beyond comprehension. The killer said he had to do it because you rape people etc. Seriously???? It was their religion and nothing to do with race or hate???

    Dr. Maddow's showing the Pastor in clips, along with the facts about those killed. So much talent, so much potential, and the "hate crime" has to do with only christianity and the eternal persecution they endure.

    On the topic of Science and the Bible, I'm with you on the side of science. The reason they're being told to not trust the internet and just do as they're told, is more about fear of losing members than the facts themselves. Don't think for yourself and everything will be just fine.
    At least with JW, I can exercise my free will and not answer the door,, or pointing to the "no soliciting sign".

  7. Try reading the article.


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