Tuesday, June 09, 2015

In 1995 book Jeb Bush suggested that public shaming and ridicule were good ways to keep women from having babies out of wedlock.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Public shaming would be an effective way to regulate the “irresponsible behavior” of unwed mothers, misbehaving teenagers and welfare recipients, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) argued in his 1995 book Profiles in Character. 

In a chapter called "The Restoration of Shame,” the likely 2016 presidential candidate made the case that restoring the art of public humiliation could help prevent pregnancies “out of wedlock.” 

"One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful." 

Bush points to Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter, in which the main character is forced to wear a large red "A" for "adulterer" on her clothes to punish her for having an extramarital affair that produced a child, as an early model for his worldview. "Infamous shotgun weddings and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter are reminders that public condemnation of irresponsible sexual behavior has strong historical roots,” Bush wrote.

Well good to know that if we elect Jeb Bush to the White House that he will try to bring back the public shaming of women.

And seriously how does a guy like this have the nerve to write a book with the title "Profiles in Character?"

Seriously fuck this guy and everything he stands for!


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Damn! Was Jebbie brought out of Barbara Bush with a forceps?! He has a wonkier eye than Scarah!!

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Looking inbred. I think they are all inbred.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Barbra has a wonky eye also too, it just usually isn't noticed because her ugliness keeps people from staring.

    3. Just so you know, Gryphen -- and all the other folks who remarked on it -- that picture is a Photoshop job.

    4. Anonymous8:31 PM

      She's 90 years old -- past the age when one can call her "ugly." As a young woman, she was a knock out.

    5. Anonymous8:44 PM

      must've been delivered by the same doc as that koch sucker from wisconsin, scott walker ..

    6. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Kind'a got a confused Barney Rubble look to him too ..

    7. Anonymous2:36 AM

      AS if any member of the Bush clan knows a thing about "character" All born into wealth, and act as though they should be worshipped. The "smart one" proves each time he speaks that he is NOT smart at all. Georgie has a wonky eye also too. The entire family has done more than enough damage to this country, with failed wars, failed savings and loan companies and other dirty deeds. They have taken the taxpayers money much more than any welfare recipient has. Getting paid just because their name is Bush is a load of crap. Too bad not a single one of them has any real intelligence. Barbara Bush is an ugly person, inside and out. Stuck with GHW for the "prestige" even when he had a 10 year affair with Jennifer Fitzgerald. Google her. I wonder how often old GHW wished he had gone through with the divorce and married her?

    8. just wonderin10:30 AM

      Is it too late for trip and trigg to be aborted??

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Too bad Obama and Nancy didn't use public shaming. They should have sent Jeb's brother and Darth Vader to the Hague for their bad behavior. He has/had NO self awareness when he wrote that chapter in his book.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I love that picture! And when can we expect the outrage to come thundering out of Wasilla? When will Sarah and Bristol take to the Facebook and blog to voice their disgust with this little nugget from Jebbie? (The smart Bush!). 3...2...1... Crickets!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Un uh! What does he have to say about Bristol and her bastard son? See, Sarah, Jeb thinks you should have had some shame and NOT accepted that VP job in the '08 campaign.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      He certainly said nothing when the GOP paraded pregnant Bristol out for the 2008 elections.

    2. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Nothing was said when Bristles was pregnant AGAIN on DWTS, or with Joey Junker. Did they think she had a case of GAS??

  5. Corinne4:54 PM

    I vehemently disagree with Jeb & most Republicans on this issue and basically everything the GOP stands for. That said, I've personally witnessed a plethora of shaming on this blog about this very issue vis a vis a certain female with the initials BP. Now I better hurry to put my flame retardant suit on. Just saying....

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      If you followed this blog, you would know that we riddle Bristol, not for her child, but for pretending that after she had him, she was once again a virgin, while she trotted out trial husband after trial husband. Remember when she got that condo in Anchorage, because she was going to be independent? I forget the name of the guys who lived there with her and her son. Then there was Gino, and how many others? Sorry, but she was not shamed by us because of her pregnancy, but because of her fake values. Had she had one son, gotten married, and behaved herself, no problem. She didn't and she can't, so we will comment.

    2. If they ride their mother's coattails to public visibility (and not because of any individual achievement), get knocked up at 17, then makes themselves a public persona and voice for abstinence, you're goddamn right, we're gonna pile on.

      Got any other equally visible candidates that cover all those same bases, and that we've missed...?

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      BP gets shamed here, Malia's blog, and my blog because it's "do as I say, not as I do" with her.

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Hypocrisy is still a two way street.

    5. Anonymous5:44 PM

      DWTS Bristol was pregnant and on national T.V. She shamed herself. How many Trial Daddies? How many babies? Born again Virgin/Abstinence spokesperson moves in with a fake fiance? Now she is BFF with an exotic model? WE did not shame her, she did!!!

    6. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Dear Corrine,
      Bristol gets called out first and foremost because she is a public figure. A paid abstinence supporter who got knocked up( more than a bit of hypocracy there). Bristol also gets called out when she publicly goes against something on her public "christian" blog when she obviously has not been to church in years( dropping your child off for a free summer program doesn't count) yet doesn't live up to the biblical standards she wants others to.
      She also gets called out for being an Fing poor parent.
      Gte Bristol to either shut the fuck up or live by her preaching, until then she has publicly open game.

    7. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Nobody is shaming Bristol for being an unwed mother.

      We shame her for being a shitty mother who seems only interested in exploiting her son and running through a list of "trial daddies" while preventing Tripp's real daddy from having fair access.

      Personally, I'd applaud Bristol if she shut up, got a real job, and took care of her son before her next foray into the dating/marriage pool.

    8. Anonymous2:13 AM

      What does El Jebbe think of shaming red letter A's for male fornicators?


    9. Anonymous2:44 AM

      What galls me about Bristles is the hypocracy and the way she acts as though everyone is STUPID. It was obvious she was pregnant during DWTS, what happened to the baby? Also, the photos of her at Disneyland with Junker, pregnant again. What kind of Christian hides pregnanceies, then gives up one baby after another She is a slut, who decided babies are just "throw away" items, once they are born. Normal people do not do those things. Just like her skank mother, she is all talk, with no character whatsoever, just an empty vessel. The money will be dried up soon, then what?

    10. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Not everyone shames Bristol. Many like her recent fortitude and bold actions.

      Bristol’s BFF: Ex-fiancé had ‘no intention of loving’ Palin

      (@ExotixLLC). Exotic model / video vixen follow me on instagram @marina_exotix_llc.


      Only time will tell if she can leave the superficial and downtrodden life of her religiosity and hypocrisy. She has opportunity and a window to escape that horrendous family now.

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Jeb has the same wonky eye that Sarah Palin has. THat ought to be a warning.

  7. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Wasn't 1995 around the time that Murphy Brown had her baby?

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      1992. Dan Quayle made a big stink out of it. The producers of Murphy Brown even wrote it into an episode.

  8. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Wonky eyed baby face Bush. Uh nope. Not presidential material.

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Wonky eyed baby face Bush. Uh nope. Not presidential material.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

    Hey, Jebbie, does public shaming help Noelle from snorting coke? And what about your son, your brother's trophy to grab latino votes. Columba had how many dresses worth thousands and what did she "declare" for customs?

    Sweep your own house. And one minor suggestion, you're running for President, wash your face, get your head aligned and those eyes, is there a skeeter on your nose or are you imitating Sarah? Rachel just had a clip of Bush being dogged by a female reporter in Germany, he was running like a sissy being asked "Why did you fire your Campaign Manager"????

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I wonder if he shames his Mom Laura "The valium gobbler" bush for being a murderer?

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Laura isn't his mom. She's his sister-in-law.

      His mother, Barbara, should be shamed for unleashing Georgie, Jebbie, and Neil on America.

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Laura Bush isn't a murderer. She killed someone in an auto accident. She did not murder him. Now her husband -- THAT'S a murderer. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of soldiers and Iraqis.

    4. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Laura ran a stop sign out on a country road, with clear views of all four corners. Her ex botfriend was killed instantly when her car rammed into it. NO charges were filed, no negligent homicide, vehicular manslaughter, NOTHING. I like to think her "punishment" was being saddled with Georgie for all these years. Her life has been miserable despite all that money. She came close to divorcing him a few times, but Babs talked her out of it, since it would look unseemly for a president to be divorced. Especially since he was a BUSH. So, maybe justice has been done for the young man who lost his life to the Stepford Wife Laura.

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Isn't Jebbie wife a shopaholic? She is no doubt in despair since Franky Boy Graham is calling for a Tiffany boycott.

  11. Anonymous5:27 PM

    That photo looks like Frankenstein and ms. Potato Head birthed a love child.

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Public shaming... how biblical of the bastard!

  13. Anonymous5:33 PM

    ...As an example of such shaming, and proof that Republicans want to take America back to the 1850s, Bush cited Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, in which a woman is forced to wear an “A” meaning “adulterer” on her clothes for everyone to see because she had a child stemming from an extramarital affair.

    Of course, as Raw Story points out, “Bush makes no mention that the other adulterer in the novel was the local minister, who powerful actors continue to protect and admire for the duration of the book.”

    Bush goes on to suggest publicly humiliating people who need federal assistance and kids who do something wrong.

    And it’s not like Bush has changed his stance on public humiliation since 1995. Six years later, Bush allowed a bill to become law as Governor of Florida forcing women and girls to publicize their names, physical descriptions, and sexual histories in newspapers if they chose to put their unwanted child up for adoption after a rape or unprotected sex caused them to become pregnant. The courts struck down the unconstitutional law and it was repealed in 2003.

    In short, Bush has a history and obsession with punishing women who don’t live up to his strict conservative “Christian” standards. Make no mistake, if he were to become president, he could sign similar legislation into law at the federal level, especially since he would have a Republican-controlled House and Senate at his beck and call. And a conservative-leaning Supreme Court that can’t be trusted to stop him.


    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Wow, I didn't know about that law he passed. Thanks for the link.

    2. All the more reason we need Democrats in the White House for at least 16 more years. We'll need that to protect the balance of the Supreme Court and offset any Republican control in Congress.

  14. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The whole point of novel is that she made her A for Adultery scarlet to challenge the people that would shame. " as an early model for his worldview... Jeb is such a moron that he either did not read the book or is to stupid to understand what he read.

    1. Anonymous2:52 AM

      I read books about the Bush clan. One neighbor claimed there was not a single book to be found in that house full of kids. No surprise there. They had money, who needs o learn anything. I wonder if Daddy bribed ALL the colleges those vile kids of his attended?

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    So, no abortions, but if you carry a child to term then you should be ridiculed, shamed and mocked? WTF, indeed.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      unwed fathers get a pass - they were just too curious about girls

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      You need to marry the guy who knocked you up, even if it would never work out or if he abuses you. And don't even think about getting a divorce, even in those cases. It's better to be miserable and abused than to be a single mother. Children thrive in households where parents are fighting all the time, even physically.

      Actually, women, should keep their legs closed until they are married. Men, on the other hand, can stick it anywhere they want, married or not.

      [sarcasm on my part, but all too real for Jebbie and his ilk]

    3. Anonymous2:59 AM

      Well, look at the miserable marriages the Bush clan has lived through. GHW and Babs, he wanted a divorce to marry Jennifer Fitzgerald. He was told that his political career would be over if he did that. So the affair continued for 10 years. Laura wanted a divorce from drunken Georgie, but Babs convinced her to stay, to protect their "image" Jebby has had numerous affairs, maybe he had a casectomy to prevent any unwanted prgnancies? Neal gave his wife an STD after trips to Hong Kong. Once their youngest child turned 18, Babs told her to move out of a house (with the kids) since THEY owned it. Marvin, the brother nobody mentions, was head of security at the WTC when it came down. He disappeared right after that.He had a babysitter for many years who was killed by her own car, crushing her between the car and a brick wall!! Her son said there was no obituary published, even though she had been their babysitter for many years. I wonder what SHE knew?? The entire family is "sub par" yet think they are royalty.

    4. Yep.

      Fundie right wing conservatives are all about punishment and shaming. The more you suffer, the more they like it. Of course, this is always for the other people. Heaven forbid the same is applied to them and theirs.

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Jeb may have had "stellar" academic credentials but he must have missed a class on "The Scarlet Letter"--Nathaniel Hawthorne was highlighting the hypocrisy of the town that shamed Hester Prynne as much as he was writing about her "sin". Hester leads an otherwise moral life--caring for the poor and the sick--and I don't know how one would conclude from that novel that public shaming is a positive force for anyone any time.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Exactly. "The Scarlet Letter" is an argument against everything this pious drunken skunk-fucker thinks it endorses. Fascinating how these authoritarian finger-waggers concentrate all their moral energy toward tearing down our American Hesters, never toward supporting them or building them up. The alternative doesn't even cross their minds. It's a bloody shame that expecting Jeb and his cronies to treat other human beings like freakin' human beings is too much to ask for.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      And what about a great big scarlet letter for every male who has sex without benefit of marriage? There would be so many of them on the street that the country would run out of red fabric. Jeb is as dumb, if not dumber, than George - if that is humanly possible. How hard the Republicans work to go after the fake-fundamentalist-Christian vote.

    3. abbafan7:01 AM

      Anon @ 9:29 P.M. - "pious drunken skunk-fucker" - spot-on description, the best yet!!!

    4. Is it any wonder a conservative Republican wouldn't get the hypocrisy in the novel?

      I'm sure Jeb never read the book and was obviously too lazy to even read the crib notes. But was he sleeping in class? Did he not listen to any of the discussion?

  17. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Public shaming of pregnant women, combined with a complete absence of birth control, complete absence of sex education and STD prevention, complete absence of abortions (including tubal/ectopic pregnancies, anacephalus pregnancies, and other pregnancies that are ensured to endanger the lives of both mother and child, and even kill them. This combined with a refusal to provide rape kits, a refusal to process (as in, throwing them into the waste basket) DNA rape evidence that finds its way into the police force, the insistence that spousal and partner abusers are nevertheless fully entitled to all their gun rights, a fight against any medical help for women during pregnancy and childbirth, a refusal to provide for maternal leave immediately after birth, and now a move toward insisting that women not only support their own children, but somehow figure out how to provide free baby-sitting for them while they are away at work. Jeb adheres to ALL of these policies, all of which are terribly destructive to both families, children, and society at large. Pro-life, my foot. This combo is the exact OPPOSITE of pro-life on every level.

    1. Right on, 5:35. These policies are also not pro-family. Or pro-human.

  18. Nicole Bush5:39 PM

    Hey can I score any xanax from anybody around here? The pharmacy wouldn't fill my fake RX the bastards.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Don't worry, your Mom will smuggle some in for you next time she is avoiding taxes.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM


    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Is it a 24 hour pharmacy?

      If not, you could always find a hiding spot and wait for the place to close, and then you march right back behind that goddamn counter and take what's yours. If you get caught, smile pretty and show 'em your boobs.

    4. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Tell them WHO you are!! The name has opened many doors through the years, unfortunately. Not for the good of anyone but themselves.

    5. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Track Palin has a contact, he will fix you up with his rehab pharmacist.


  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

    So let me get this straight.

    This is the same person who supports the decisions his brother made while in the White House. The same decisions that caused the worst economic implosion since the Great Depression, started 2 wars which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, ignored warnings that preceded the worst terrorist attack on our country, and inspired hatred of the United States throughout the world.

    And he has the balls to suggest that we publicly humiliate young women who get pregnant without benefit of a marriage license?????

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Family Album


  20. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Jeb would cast the blanket of shame on all unwed mothers, which includes the women impregnated by rapists. Great way to reward a woman that choose to bring a rape baby to term. Maybe, Jeb would call for her to wear a scarlet "R" so the shame could be doubled. Because, secretly Jeb is certain the rape happened because of a too short skirt or being out at night.

    1. I'm sure he and his fundie kind would like nothing better than to roll back the clock to a time when a decent woman never left the house unless accompanied by her father, her brother or her husband.

  21. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Is it possible that George W Bush was the brightest bulb in both his family and the Republican party during the early 2000s? Don't pounce on me--I see all the problems with that thought. But even so-called Establishment Republicans, like Jeb Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have been so much weaker than what we would have expected a generation ago. Maybe, and I mean this ironically, GWB was the best that could be had?

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Well, since GWB made it - TWICE - now the repubs. realise that BRAINS are not needed to fill the job. Look at the losers they have running. At least 3 of them belong in prison for crimes. Perry, Christie and Walker are all in deep do-do in their own states.

    2. abbafan7:15 AM

      Anon @ 6:05 P.M. - maybe the brightest bulb with the switch turned OFF! Also, having a few "supremes" in Daddy's back pocket, a few hanging "chads" here and there helped as well. But the biggest asset was having a snarly-ass VP whose balls were biggest and who wielded ABSOLUTE power!!!

    3. They say ambition is in direct opposition to I.Q.

      George W. Bush was a very ambitious man.

      I think his election had less to do with being the best and more to do with being the most easily manipulated by the powers behind the throne.

  22. Anonymous6:05 PM


    While I have no moral issue with women choosing to be single mothers it seems to not be in the best financial choice for her child(ren).

    "Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.4 million — are being raised without a father and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line."

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      As if not having the father in the household is always the mother's choice. There are one heck of a lot of fathers out there that are not supporting their children. Should we blame that on the mother's "choice"?

    2. Too bad we don't have universal access to contraceptives, healthcare and abortion.

    3. Anonymous6:57 PM

      How many children with both a father and mother in the household are living below the poverty line? Even though both parents work? How about we shame the Greedy Bastards who enjoy their outrageous lifestyles while fighting the unions and a liveable wage for all? Maybe make those people wear GB on their clothing and car tags?

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Very few women choose to get pregnant thinking they will be single mothers.

    5. Anonymous3:09 AM

      7:59 Right, I am certain Bristol Palin expected to get married EVERY time she got pregnant. Not all women have a family that helps conceal pregnancies the way the Palin crew does. What happened to those babies?

    6. Every CEO making 400% above what his workers make has to wear a big green G so he can be publicly shamed. I'm all for that.

      And yes I meant 400%. That is four times his workers' salaries. I think that is fair compensation. 400 TIMES what your workers make isn't.

  23. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Yes, let's use shame to get people in line. The first one in line to be shamed is W Bush and Cheney, along with Condi Rice and Rumsfeld. War Mongers those assholes are. Single parents and pregnant teenagers, and welfare recipients aint got nothing on these war criminals. Our great nation lost a whole lot of lead time and lives because of these W assholes.

  24. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Immoral women getting pregnant out of wedlock? Let's start by shaming Sally Sheeran, Molly Heath InsertRelevantName, Sarah Heath, Bristol Palin, Kandice Kasten, Britta Hanson.... good Christian leg-spreadin' hypocrites all.

    Especially you, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      The GOP would have been shaming Mary for birthing Jesus

    2. Anonymous2:28 AM

      YUP, but only if they knew the New Testament birth of Jesus scriptural background. Mary as a betrothed pregnant teenager would have been shunned.


  25. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Well now, Jebbie has a point that we should really, really consider. Shaming is such a powerful tool. Such as shaming for being soooo fucking stupid. Too stupid to realize the difference between 1850 and 1995 is a) the advent of reliable birth control. b) the rise of the anti-choice movement - perhaps he prefers women be shamed right into abortion? c) many women are self and family supportng since we have the rights gained in the Civil Rights movement?

    But if he wants to begin with public shaming of unwed mothers (and the men who impregnated them) I suggest he look no farther than some of his ReTHUG buddies - Schwarzenegger, Bill Young, Watts, Burton, Palin and his brohter Neil.

  26. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Well now, Jebbie has a point that we should really, really consider. Shaming is such a powerful tool. Such as shaming for being soooo fucking stupid. Too stupid to realize the difference between 1850 and 1995 is a) the advent of reliable birth control. b) the rise of the anti-choice movement - perhaps he prefers women be shamed right into abortion? c) many women are self and family supportng since we have the rights gained in the Civil Rights movement?

    But if he wants to begin with public shaming of unwed mothers (and the men who impregnated them) I suggest he look no farther than some of his ReTHUG buddies - Schwarzenegger, Bill Young, Watts, Burton, Palin and his brohter Neil.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      6:54, I like your posts/comments and I usually always agree with what you say but can you quit with the double posting? Sometimes it takes a few minutes for your comments to be approved and then appear. Just be patient. Maybe it's a technical problem with your computer?

    2. You can always delete the duplicate comment. I've had to do that a few times.

  27. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Hopefully, a love child will turn up that he refused to acknowledge or support.

  28. Chenagrrl7:18 PM

    He's got some nerve. What does he think his bro W was up to while stationed in Alaska. Wouldn't surprise me if there were some Bush babies around, if you know what I mean.
    Also, he appears to have Sarah Palin Eyes.

  29. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I find it disconcerting that increasing numbers of teens want to have babies without any means to support them. They believe they are entitled or are enabled by friends and family who buy necessities, toys, clothing and assist with food stamp applications and condone them dropping out of school.

    When public examples including Bristol Palin do not model stepping up to adult parental responsibilities such as working to pay for a crib, their medical bills, diapers and their parents do not give them crash courses in the expenses involved this is a disservice to society and children.

    The trend seems extreme to birth a play thing, or someone to love the parent and let responsible others pay the price.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      The trend is actually the opposite. Fewer teens are getting pregnant, not more.

      Teen Pregnancy Rates his Historic Lows

    2. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Because Bristol Palin's father is 1/4 native Alaskan, Bristol and all her offspring get free medical care for life.

  30. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Here's some great news, Gryphen!

    Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

    The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

    Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

    The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.


    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      His radio career should be killed off pronto. Why even put him on ANY station. The country's biggest asshole is, was, and forever will be Rush and his limpballs.

    2. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

      Congrats, Rush. You so earned this. (And much much more, er less.)

  31. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Jeb Bush implies by his dumbass comment, that men are simply too dimwitted to be given any responsibility for pregnancies.

    Its like he imagines human males wandering around, spewing sperm, and women being too stupid to get out of its way--so its 100% their fault.

    You would think that Barbara Bush would have taught her boys at least SOMETHING about this...instead of unleashing moronic men into the world of sex and politics.

  32. Anonymous8:30 PM

    His eyes are scary. Too close together and, what? another wonkey-eyed doofus?

  33. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I swear he looks dumber than George W.

  34. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Shaming publically those who do not conform to his values?

  35. Anonymous9:39 PM

    All that would have to happen to stop unwed mothers from having babies is to mandate that every single woman have a picture of this wonky eyed moron hanging over there bed... a face only a mother could love.

  36. Anonymous9:46 PM

    All four Bush boys have had shady dealings of one sort or another. The latest New York magazine has a devastating look at some of Jeb's barely legal dealings after he left the governor's office -- plus some of his shenanigans while governor.
    You don't want this man with shady moral boundaries, who made money in a scam, to be the President of the United States.
    Neil and Marvin were also involved in shady/illegal deals. Geo. W. Bush has been well-documented.
    Time to leave the Bushes behind, where they belong. The laws don't apply to them. That's all you need to know.

  37. I'm one of the few on this site hat actually identifies and yet my comments get scrubbed. How are mine any worse than others I've read on this site. Thanks a fuckin lot......for fuckin

    1. I have not rejected one of your comments.

      Sometimes Blogger just hates on certain folks, with no rhyme or reason.

    2. Anonymous11:17 PM

      jonny i've been here for years, yet for some reason, none of your posts stand out, i've made some rather outlandish posts over time and for some reason almost all of them show up, as our friend with the urinary track infection (Belder) "which any good doctor would tell him, he has the clap"
      has stated ...
      Gryphen ..like someone would name their kid that
      does not scrub posts... even bullshit ones like this one....

  38. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I guess I don't
    understand where they go, then. Maybe I
    need more sleep.

  39. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Maybe Wonky Eye should borrow Prick Perry's glasses!

  40. Leland2:34 AM

    The one point I have not seen mentioned so far concerning Jeb's comment is about the child. Remember the song "Love Child" by the Supremes? Slamming the mother also slams the child and that's just wrong. It's right up there with sins of the father, which of course, is exactly in line with the repubes ideas.

  41. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I think it's time to thank Jeb for clearing up that Urban Legend about his being the smart one. When it comes to the Bush Bros, there is no smart one, and not a big reader describes more than W.

  42. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Jeb may actually be dumber than George W. That photo shows just how empty headed he is.

  43. Did the doctor drop him?

  44. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Jeb Bush is uncivil. He espouses cruelty to mothers with offspring. Woman with children alone? Shaming time. What if the father has died? He is another bully.

  45. Let's put Bristol up for the first round, eh?

  46. Our Lad7:35 AM

    From the great beyond Frank Zappa is singing yet another chorus of The Idiot Bastard Son. Alright, everybody join in!!

  47. comeonpeople7:38 AM

    Is this pic photo shopped?
    He looks like some of my patients (as adults now) who had cranial radiation when they were toddlers.....

  48. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Big Brother GWB
    He failed on September 11
    His policies caused the Great Recession
    He eroded American civil liberties to an unprecedented degree
    He bungled his response to Hurricane Katrina
    When it came to one of the biggest civil rights issue of his time, he placed himself on the wrong side of history

    Here's what they're forgetting

  49. Because it's all the women's fault dontchaknow.

    Any suggestions for shaming the men who got those women pregnant? Or is that just boys will be boys?

    Love that pick. Cross eyed doofus. Man, I am so happy he's running just for the fodder it will provide for political cartoonists and late night comedians. Jon Stewart, you are retiring too soon. Stephen Colbert, you are taking too long to get back on the air. John Oliver, fantastic job but you need to be on more than once a week.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Don't forget Keith Lberman.

  50. Anonymous10:26 AM

    My grandfather's sister became pregnant as an unwed teenager. She committed suicide because of the shame of it. Yes, those sure were the good old days.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      My conservative parent dumped me off at the hospital door. I was told to go have her by myself. * My daughter became their favorite grandchild . They ate their words.

  51. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Which bush is smarter?
    Jeb, Sarah or GW? Palin Ties Iraq to 9/11 Attacks. In her speech yesterday to Iraq-bound troops in Alaska—a brigade that includes her oldest son, Track—Palin linked the war in Iraq with the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Washington Post reports, making a connection the Bush administration has long since stopped making.


    Rumsfeld: “Why Not another 911″


    If not for 9/11 we would all be saying "Who is Sarah Palin?"

  52. Anonymous1:16 PM

    12 planes - Saudi arabia

  53. LOL! Sarah and Bristol's empty heads must be spinning at about a million rpms right now!

  54. Anonymous3:00 PM

    And the Rethugs keep trying to tell me there is no war on women.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.