Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Now that he has been outed as pedophile, Josh Duggar packs up and moves back to the safety of his family.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

With his political career in tatters following his admission that he molested four of his sisters as a 14-year-old, Josh Duggar and his family are moving away from Washington D.C. and back to Arkansas to be near the Duggar family compound in Tontitown. 

Moving trucks were spotted outside the 19 Kids and Counting star's five-bedroom home in Oxon Hill, Maryland, on Tuesday, just days after his parents and sisters sat down with Fox News' Megyn Kelly to try and defend his past 'mistakes.' 

Josh, 27, had lived in the home with his wife, Anna, and their three (soon to be four) kids while he worked in Washington D.C. at the Family Research Council (FRC) lobbying group. 

Yeah, well THAT job's certainly over.

After seeing the Duggar girl's terrible acting job during their interview on Fox News, and that Jim Bob essentially admitted that child molestation is common among the Christian families that he knows, it might be best for the entire family to go into hiding.

By the way their appearance on Fox News is currently drawing fire since it appeared to many that the network was helping to paint them as victims: 

We now live in a nation where the conservative cable news network is spinning in support of a confessed child molester, as well as the people who tried to hide his actions. Fox News Channel has always been an egregious source for misinformation and GOP talking points. We all know this. It’s also been a powerful backstop whenever a Republican candidate commits one of many unforced errors — blurting out a ludicrous rape remark, or worse. However, in the past week, Fox News has crossed the zero-barrier between spinning for the GOP and into the realm of manufacturing phraseology and excuses for a Christian television family caught up in a sexual abuse scandal.

Fox News, where conservative politicians and child molesters are equally welcome.

Perhaps they ought to make that the new slogan, and finally do away with the "fair and balanced" one that nobody ever believed in the first place.


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I hope he will take pity on Bristol and take her home with him.

    I hear the parents pad has everything separated so they little boys and girls are on separate sides of the house. Everyone can have a lock. It is a lot like prison but you are free to pray more.

    Josh, Bristol has come to your defense. She is in need of a place to live. Do not forsake her.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Too bad Josh is married. I'm sure Sarah would have loved to have him as a son-in-law. Maybe Josh is available to baby sit little Kyla. Piper might be getting a little old for him.

    2. Maybe she can marry the next eldest Duggar boy as soon as he reaches legal age? What is it in Arkansas? 15 with parental consent?

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    You can run but you can't hide.
    Run piggy run.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I'm so happy that his DC neighbors no longer have a known child sexual predator living among them.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      But now his AR neighbors do.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Living near his victims, including one who is still under age.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Well according to Jimboob everyone they know has incestuous child molestation going on or worse already.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I worry about his own children. And his zombie wife, who could never get a divorce, because Jesus.

    5. Anonymous4:23 PM

      3:14 if Jim Boob is right just imagine how much more fucked up the next generations will be as the perverts and victims mix and match and marry. Then they start popping out new quiversfull.

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    It's mind-blowing how the Duggars are so anti-education and keep expecting to make money happen just by being on TV and cozying up to politicians who want to use the familiar family and in return the children get careers in areas that they otherwise never could without a formal education and starting at ground level as interns or pages. The other job out there is missionary and being paid while again not having to earn any credentials by putting in years of hard work at school. Well, I'm thrilled that Josh's career in national politics has been nipped in the bud. Now let him go figure out how he's going to support a wife and ever-growing family when there's no easy meal ticket. And I bet that in the future we'll see smaller and smaller next-generation Duggar families. There is no way they can all continue to live as they do and support huge broods, and I don't see all nineteen of the children really deciding not to use birth control.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Wanna bet? They will set up a PAC just like Sarah, or a GoFundMe for the poor persecuted Christians, and they will continue to grift off people who are dumber than they are.

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      The Duggars were crammed in a 3-bedroom house with 12 kids, eating "tater tot casserole" and other garbage, when TLC promoted them with their own show and suddenly they started grifting off their neighbors and demanding free stuff from restaurants and stores in town.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      What goes up must come down!

    4. They were grifting way before TLC. They had a website promoting their Christian Values with several begging links. Don't remember what they were but probably Paypal. It said JimBob was a minister and they wanted to be a new, big home/Church where they could hold services, blah blah blah. I guess they grifted enough money to buy the land, then when they got the TLC gig TLC arranged free materials and labor to get their compound built, all filmed for reality TV of course. Michelle had her little home schooling plan and daily agendas posted on the website. I remember reading it and thinking that was basically child labor. More like slave labor. Michelle didn't do a helluva lot except pop out more babies. Cooking, laundry, housework, babysitting all done by the children, the older ones taking care of the younger ones. Man it must have been hard on Michelle to wait those 6-10 years until the older kids were ready to take on the burden of doing her job. She is as bad or worse than her husband.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    As much as Fox has been all about supporting the Duggars, they are hardly mentioning the Hastert case. They report only what they have to. While all the other news outlets are publishing details and there are many articles to read, the stuff put out by Fox is as minimal as possible.

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The Duggars Are Using Mike Huckabee's Political Adviser To Handle PR Crisis

    ...But the family, who stars on TLC's "19 Kids and Counting," which has yet to cancelled by the network despite the scandal, apparently have a closer connection to Huckabee than previously believed. CNN Money reported that the Duggars' public-image crisis is being managed by Chad Gallagher, Huckabee’s longtime political adviser and head of the Arkansas firm Legacy Consulting. Gallagher also oversees Huckabee’s political action committee, Huck PAC.


    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Gallagher is doing a helluva job of "handling the Duggar" scandal. Talk about PR fail!

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      And yet another thread that can be pulled to unravel the connection between Huckabee and the Duggar cult.

  7. Fox "News" has never been anything but the suck-dick channel of the Republican party. Only the most willfully brain dead refuse to face it. They have no credibility to lose because they've never had any reputation for impartiality to begin with.

  8. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I can't post the link but perhaps someone can. The Inquisitor did a story on the man who is responsible for the Duggar story. He said there is probably still more to come out.

  9. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Josh and the rest of the family will soon discover that praying will not provide them with lots of cash to live on, nor will it make lucrative jobs available. Maybe working a full time job will make them too tired to add to their growing families every year. Jim Bob and his wife are truly disgusting, they have sentenced their children to a life of being out of the mainstream. Home schooling is not as rewarding as going to a school with a diverse student body, where kids learn to get along with others. Why do the Duggers think they are superior to regular families, who limit the number of kids they can afford to raise? If they want to have so many kids that they can not take care of, then WORK to support them.

  10. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Josh Duggar And Anna Duggar Moving Closer To Josh’s Victims With Help From Kate Gosselin’s Bodyguard.

    Anna Duggar is expected to give birth to their fourth child any day now, so the family will also rally around Josh’s wife to make sure that her pregnancy is as stress-free as it can possibly be. Jill Duggar, one of Josh’s victims, has helped Anna deliver her last three children, so there’s a good chance that the student midwife might help out with the birth.


  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Fox News and the Duggars should never be forgiven for treating child sexual abuse as some "improper touching" and being "overly curious"

    By treating this as if its no big deal, they have made it harder for victims of sexual abuse to come forward and more likely that parents don't take it seriously when a child tells them they've been abused.

    Like it or not, the Duggars are still idolized by thousands of American families. And these people will act however the Duggars act.

    That is horrifying and should be criminal and the Duggars should be ostracized for all eternity for doing this.

    I really wish these parents were in close enough range for me to spit on them.

    1. That might be true of the fundie brainwashed Xian homeschoolers, but I think it has had the opposite effect on everyone else that is sane.

  12. Enjay in E MT3:51 PM

    Can we expect anything less than running home to mommy & daddy?

  13. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Palin transcript

    Yes, these girls are being re-victimized. For shame on the media for under the guise of, hey, you've got to let them have their say, anyway. Let's interview them and put them there back into the fire and let them explain they're innocent. And these girls, yes, so humiliated.
    The release of these confidential records is -- it's tragic. It's illegal. It's unethical. Why isn't the dialogue going right now towards, hey, let's get that law enforcement official he or her who released this file that's confidential. Who had been a victim, is a victim, would ever want to speak out and still be able to trust law enforcement that they're being told with counselors and amongst themselves that their files are going to be held confidential, and then they're exploited. Why isn't the press going after that police chief, she or he or whomever it was who released this. And you know it was for political reasons, Sean.


    Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, believes that the Catholic church has gone too easy on the survivors of sex abuse by clergy, and has vowed to fight them “one by one,” says a post at the blog Right Wing Watch.

  14. Anonymous4:22 PM

    He's 27 and has a fourth kid on the way, real smart. the only job these people like to do is populate the Earth with more Christian soldiers, that way the cult will live on.

  15. Anonymous4:41 PM

    He will not have to register as a sex offender, but that is what he is and will forever be known as.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      They could have dealt with his diddling sooner and his records would have been sealed. Now they are bitching and blaming b/c they think they made the wrong choice.

      He was a teen predator and at the mercy of Jim Bob at the time.

      Had he gone through the system before 18 would he have to register as a sex offender?

  16. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

    Gee, maybe I'm jealous, but our first home was a small three bedroom ranch, we had to plan our family. This pos and his lovely wife have three kids and another on the way. Are Jim Bob and Josh having a competition? Poor Josh has a sad, he's fated to live among his victims, and they're being prosecuted unjustly because their christians? Why the bodyguard and who's footing the bill? They could all stand in line and just pass the furniture from Washington DC to Arkansas.
    Yeah, I always rely on Fox as the fountain of truth.

    Run home to mommy and daddy, and a community of forgivers.
    TLC probably paid for the bodyguard Kate dropped after catching him steuping with other women.

    Where are the grammar police? The Salon article, a professional site with staff and proofreaders missed a few periods. Or are they persecuting Michelle for not knowing what one feels like at her age?

    But here's one exodus I fully support! The sponsors are dropping faster than Sarah's ratings.


    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Josh is probably shitting bricks right now over how he's going to afford all those kids. He's not going to have any of that sweet lobbying and reality teevee money to raise a brood.

    2. I'm sure Josh will also never hear the end of it from the rest of the family. JimBob and Michelle will blame him for killing their cash cow. Jessa and Jill will blame him for killing their chances of a cash cow. Basically he is moving back into an environment where everyone pretty much hates him but will put on a fake face of forgiveness. But they'll make him pay in so many ways. Guess we know who will be cleaning all of the toilets in the house for the next 50 years.

  17. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Holy moly, get a load of this guy who is 'christian'.

    Pastor Who Prayed For Obama’s Death Wants God To Rip Caitlyn Jenner’s Heart Out (VIDEO)


    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Ahh, good old Steve Andersom

    2. How very Christian of him.

  18. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Former homeschooler on the Duggar family’s horrifying fundamentalist “education”: “It’s literal rape culture”


    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      This gives a clear and chilling explanation of how they're taught there's no distinction between the 'sin' of masturbation and sexual assault. And girls are blamed for boys' sexual 'sin.' It's good to know some are getting away from the purity/rape culture crap and have a support group. Thanks for the link.

  19. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Loss of a political career? Well Duggar can go back to selling used cars. How in the world did he go from being homeschooled, no college or college degree to being an executive director! Unreal. And no one asks any questions about it. Why? I guess in Christian conservative land, that's all he needed!

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Well, look at how they push no college fake MOH winner Dakota as being a perfect candidate for state office. Good Lord, I want the people running this country to be smarter than average, not below average. I don't give a crap if they believe in God...just believe in the Constitution and in people.

    2. It's all who you know and following the company line. JimBob had close connections with Cult Headquarters. (They piloted that home school program now being sold.) And I'm sure ol' JimBob tithes 10% per the bible. With that TLC show that 10% was a nice chunk of change. All gone now.

      Yeah, if Josh hadn't resigned he would have been fired if for nothing else killing that golden goose reality show that was generating so much revenue.

  20. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Another media outlet really needs to pick up the fact that two of Josh's victims were coached to say that he was "too curious about girls".

    That is disgustingly insane.

    Josh wasn't a teenager who snapped a towel at another teenage girl.

    He admitted to molesting ALL of his sisters who EXISTED at that time- and at the time of his first confession the girls were ages FOUR TO TWELVE.



    And why, WHY...is nobody mentioning the fact that after the third "round" of molestations, this pumpkin headed douchebush certainly did not stop? We all KNOW he didn't stop.

    Look no further than his teenage sisters, literally sobbing for joy at his wedding. At the time TLC played it off as "oh, the family is so close...they're going to MISS THEIR BIG BROTHER..."

    Fucking bullshit artists. They were weeping for joy because the monster under their own roof was finally leaving.

    And what "season" did the heir of tater tot kingdom enter next?

    The season where he had his own daughter less than 14 months after marrying.

    When the gender reveal (done on the TODAY SHOW, of course) showed Josh's sadly robotic wife, passed from a patriarchal father to an abusie predator, would be birthing a daughter...Josh exclaimed "I'm just so happy. I really wanted a girl. Now that we know it's a girl, I can admit I would have been really disappointed with a boy!"

    I bet you would have been, asswipe. I just BET you would have been.

    1. Reading your comment made my skin crawl because deep down I know what you said is all true.

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Holy crap.

    3. Anonymous5:54 AM


    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Ginger snap, how I wish it wasn't true.

  21. Janice A Soderquist6:02 PM

    The whole family should move to Wasilla. Bristol has a house there empty for them. They would fit right in.....

  22. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I'm sure his younger sisters are just thrilled that their big brother will be living back in town.

    Better check those bedroom door locks, girls.

    1. No need. Josh has his own daughters now.

  23. Anonymous7:06 PM

    So just like Bristol, Josh fails at life and moves back home. Great role models, people. You might want to rethink your education choices, and pray God that you let your child attend real school, go to college (not Liberty U) and be able to be employed and real adults.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I have heard things that shock me about Liberty U, specifically requirements to provide bible quotes to support answers in assignments that are not religion courses. The defenses is "it is a Christian school". I was raised Catholic and in grade school through college our religion was separate from other academics.

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Josh fails at life and moves back home.

      No not Bristol. She cant go back to her nightmare. she has options.

      My Sunday

      The future is bright and rosie.

  24. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Can I ever forgive the Josh Duggar in my life?

    As I watch Jessa and Jill, I'm reminded of how long I stayed in denial about my own abuse, and how much it cost me

    ...At times, in fundamentalist homes, where the first-born male child carries the responsibility of helping care for his younger siblings, it creates a permissive environment for him. An unspoken rule exists: He matters more. We were evangelical Christians. (Though, to be sure, a family doesn’t have to be fundamentalist for abuse to occur, and not all fundamentalist homes create abusers.) My brother felt entitled to my body and for years he took his fill at my bedside as I slept. It started with mere fondling and escalated to hands under pajamas and inside underwear. Because I was asleep his behavior merged with my dreams. I didn’t know where one began and the other ended. In my dreams he was a blond vampire in glasses with a butcher knife screaming my name. In the basement, where I’d run to get away from him, I’d find only men’s hands and their bare legs and suffocation.


  25. Anonymous8:01 PM

    How a celebrity glossy magazine broke the Duggar Story
    "In Touch" Editorial Director David Perel joins Chris Hayes to explain the rock solid investigative reporting behind his magazine's scoop on Josh Duggar, who is accused of molesting five young girls when he was a teenager.


  26. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Kirk Cameron is sure quiet lately....

    1. Planning his next movie.

      Maybe he's rewriting it to give Josh a small walk on role?

  27. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Is Sarah Palin on drugs? We don’t know, but maybe! We hear Alaska is a great place for scoring meth, to buy with your government hand-out checks from sweet drill-baby-drilled oil profits. And maybe those drugs have eated up the itsy bits of Palin’s brain? We’re just asking, with question marks, which makes it OK to say whatever we want.

    We will report, so you can decide if Sarah Palin is on drugs? Here she is, on Sean Hannity’s show (on Fox News), saying a whole mess of words about how terrible it is that The Media (Fox News) exposed two of the Duggar girls (on Fox News) by interviewing them about that one time their brother Josh repeatedly molested them, for more than a year (that we are aware of):

    ...What the fuck do all those words mean? No idea. Except maybe that Sarah Palin is on drugs? We are just asking, so you can decide.


  28. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Josh Duggar single handedly proves there is no God because if there was, Duggar wouldn't be breathing today. This goes for every hypocrite Christian on earth like Vitter, Sanford and Palin.

  29. Anonymous8:42 PM

    That jackass was in my county?!
    Freakin' good riddance.
    At least he wasn't in my neighborhood.
    M from MD

  30. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Josh: Hey, Sisters, I am back, spread your legs.

  31. Anonymous4:54 AM



  32. He is unemployed (and unemployable except by family). He'll need to sell that house and move back in with the folks to pay his creditors and make ends meet.

    I'm sure Dad will allow him to have prayer sessions with his younger sisters, nieces and daughters in order to pay his room and board. Maybe he'll even make him an assistant minister in the Church of Duggar so he can be tax exempt too.

    How long do you think it will be before Josh gets his own GoFundMe page to start his grifting? (Help me raise a million dollars to build my own church compound because I am so persecuted, plus I need someone to support all of the children my wife is going to pop out.)

  33. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Jun. 10, 2015 The Duggars Are Being Investigated Again
    The Duggar family reportedly refused to cooperate with an investigation by the Arkansas Department of Human Services to ensure the wellbeing of a child.

    “It’s literal rape culture”

    What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable?

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Bristol no molestations is acceptable.
      Got that?

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Question from another post.

    Anonymous 5:30 PM asked

    Sarah is it okay for the Heaths and Palins to french kiss their daughters or sisters?


    This behavior would definitely not be acceptable to decent folks.

    For discussion purposes only, let's say that this odd affection is acceptable to Sarah's relatives. They would have to show their affection behind closed doors and in addition they would need to sign the Sarah Palin Confidentiality Agreement.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.