Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jeb Bush about his brother: "I'm the only Republican that was in office when he was in office, as President, that never disagreed with him."

And that my friends is literally all anybody needs to know about Jeb Bush to disqualify him for the job of Commander-in-Chief.



  1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon4:33 PM

    What did they disagree about -- which sports teams to root for?

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Did you not understand Jeb!'s statement? Reread it, Sarge.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    No character,no backbone, no brains ,no damn wonder,no good!
    Every single vote for jebbi is a wasted vote.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Did he just basically say "I'm a dumb ass, vote for me"???

    Does his team really think this will get him elected? It sounds more like he is trying to sabotage his own campaign…WTF Jeb!

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Do you get the feeling he doesn't really WANT to be President, but just got pushed into it by people around him?

      Maybe he should talk to Mittens. He knows all about running for a political office you don't really want.

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      "We’ve had enough Bushes.” -- Barbara Bush 2013

      She also said he was by far the best qualified. She also told $arah to go back to Alaska and stay there.

      So much for Babs.

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    O/T: World war III may be brewing in Arkansas. Police Chief, Mayor et la not too happy with Duggars' suggestion of possible bribery on Fox News interview.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Do you have a link? TIA

    2. Anonymous2:06 AM

      Guess their fake Christian act has finally worn thin. Just like the PayMe family, they will be looking for JOBS before too long. Both the gravy trains have pulled into the station.

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I think they have the voting system so rigged that it doesn't matter what he says, he's still going to win the nomination.

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    No shit! This guy does NOT want to be the POTUS. He's just making way too many sloppy mistakes. WTF is wrong with this family? How could the big money people possibly think this Country is ready for another Bush?

    And you know dang good and well that Palin is being paid to pimp this jackass. Whatsinitforus does or posts nothing without reward. For some reason someone still thinks the grifter has influence.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Damn straight she is, and wait until the pee pond figures it out.

    2. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Who would have THUNK that W was really the smart one in that family, after all?? Jeb is every bit as awkward as W in public. I wonder if he drinks like him, also too? Maybe Dickless Cheney is behind this push for Jeb, hoping to hit the jackpot again, and choose himself for VP? Jeb certainly was not picked for his brains, and finesse with the public. He comes across just as unfit for the office as W did.

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Did he not also say that he tears up every time he thinks of him? Good Lord, this man simply cannot be president. Enough already of this family!

  8. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Horrifyingly, George W.'s approval rating now polls over 50%. Identifying with his big brother's policies could work in Jeb's favor at this point which likely thrills our horse-race media. I think the Democrats would have a better chance at combating this mass amnesia if Howard Dean still chaired the Party.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      The polls are obviously being rigged 'in favor' of George W. Shit! He's had horrible ratings and now all of a sudden because his brother has announced, Americans are in love with him and the horrid job he did as POTUS? Give me a friggn' break!

    2. Anonymous2:14 AM

      They must only poll republican voters over the age of 75 for these polls. Nobody of sound mind could possible think W was a good president. He was the WORST. Now he makes $125,000 going around giving speeches to closed rooms, no reporters allowed. No recordings allowed. We will NEVER forget what a laughingstock he made of the office, and the country. If Jeb is the "smart one" there has to be something drastically wrong in their gene pool.

  9. angela5:09 PM

    Oh for fuck's sake.

  10. Anonymous5:23 PM

    O/T and if you posted before, sorry, but this just came across on another feed: http://www.ringoffireradio.com/2015/03/visibly-drunk-sarah-palin-fumbles-response-to-elizabeth-warren/

  11. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Jeb is cursed with the Palin.

    If Bristol can teach Trig language why can't she teach Trig dance? If the Palins don't make time for Trig there is always this... Maybe Jeb Bush Will Adopt Trig

  12. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Well hell yes. While Alaskan Native Villages/Villagers were starving and freezing to death, Floridians were making out like bandits from generous disaster aid i.e., my fur coat was damaged and needs 100% replacement aid type funding. Oh wait, I am wrong. Sarah brought out cookies.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      They should have fed her to the bears!

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    What a stupid fucking asshole. To make a statement like that after all that has happened under his brothers watch is absolutely unbelievable. Buzz off Job!

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      That statement will be his kiss of death for sure! He obviously has no clue what the majority of Americans think of his brother. That speaks so poorly of him!

  14. Jim In Texas5:53 PM

    Donald Trump running for president -- Well, there goes the argument that the 2016 GOP candidate field lacks gravitas.

  15. FJ Dandy6:32 PM

    And that's supposed to be a good thing? Poor !!!JEB!!!

  16. I must say I'm a little surprised by how quickly and completely Jeb! is destroying himself as a viable candidate. Who the fuck said he was the "smart one" anyway?

    1. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Jeb collected MILLIONS in his war chest. Maybe he wants to flame out, take the $$$ and go home?? He always whined "I wanna be rich" Must cork his ass that W is raking in $400,000 a year pension, over $1 million in benefits, then being paid $125,000 per speech. Smart one? I doubt that.

  17. Anonymous7:18 PM

    She's pimping for SarahPAC again...

    Sarah Palin redefines feminism: Women need the government ‘like a fish needs a bicycle’


    1. Fucking retarded media ho. Fish? WTF does that fool mean FISH? she is one classless, clueless assmonkey.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Fish not selfies? Dead fish go with the flow? Poor ol' Sarah P despite Mama Bush's 'advice' to back off, stay in AK, is now shilling for Jebbe? What's up with that? And who is paying her for this 'endorsement?'


    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Where do the Palins go for healthcare? Government supplied Native Healthcare. All of their stinky fish need a bicycle.

    4. Anonymous2:27 AM

      One thing is for sure, $carah is the "smart one" in the Palin family!! Found a way to live the good life, without working. Other People's Money has gone a long way supporting the entire grifting family of deadbeats.

  18. Anonymous7:35 PM

    They just keep mocking her...



    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Palin obviuosly has no clue what kind of childhood Dolezal had... or maybe she does. Rachel and her biological brother (under arrest for sexually abusing a black child) were raised by the kind of pond scum who raised Josh Duggar. No wonder she refused to assimilate to their culture and chose another. Who the hell wouldn't?

  19. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

    So why use an exclamation point instead of your full name then the exclamation point. "Till death do us part" Can brothers get gay married? Just asking. That's traditionally part of wedding vows, I love my siblings, and we've been through thick and through thin, but this is just strange.
    He spent his first week distancing himself, bragging of his wonderful term creating jobs etc, as Gov. of Fla. blah blah blah, He was in office BEFORE the bubble burst because, you know, war and GWB et. al.
    What is it with the softball questions from the media? Carly Fiorina was all over the place today, Morning Joe, View, Fox, etc etc etc. bragging about her days at HP and her book. her book, her book...... She's got this unique idea, as president, she'll "poll" the public using yes and no questions on cell phones. You know, like the way DWTS and other shows use technology. Brilliant. And she's not going to represent people with land lines, the elderly, or the tech challenged???

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      Fiorina should STOP with the plastic surgery. She has a face only a mother could love at this point.

    2. Balzafiar5:37 AM

      Spam is bad enough as it is, but coming from a politician it is just an insult.

  20. The last time a bush was in office our soil was attacked.

  21. Boscoe8:41 PM

    Wow... someone is really convincing him that Dubya is all popular now. Boy is that gonna leave a mark...

  22. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I thought this guy was supposed to be the smart Bush...

  23. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Thanks for this, you're right, there it is plain and simple. Just like "Jeb!"

  24. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I think I spotted Bristol walking around town with what looked like a scarlet A sewn onto her sweatshirt. The shame!

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      That A stands for "available" in her case.

  25. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Is that the Dinner with Schmucks table?

  26. Anonymous3:46 AM

    George W Bush's Brother 2016!
    As if we're masochists.

  27. Anonymous3:48 AM

    "Well son, now it's your turn to be president."

  28. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Yep, Jebbie is such an independent thinker and his own man and that's why he never disagreed with his clueless, lazy brother. So what that really means is that Jebbie agrees with Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld etc. for they made all the decisions. Jebbie, IMHO, is TOAST!!!

  29. Tell me again. Jeb is the *smarter* brother?


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