Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Daily Show did the best coverage of the Rachel Dolezal story that I have seen so far.

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Courtesy of HuffPo: 

On Monday night's "Daily Show," Stewart figured the bizarre story would end with Dolezal's resignation, which also would have ended his "Whaaaaaaat!?' segment. 

"Unless of course somebody wants to take a singular incident unrepresentative of any larger construct or trend and force it into exhausting, 24-hour Benghazi Obamaphone culture war dog whistle who-gives-a-fuck-a-tron," he said. 

That "somebody" was Fox News, which was looking for a way to blame the whole thing on liberalism. One Fox talking head even said the incident was proof that racism wasn't so pernicious because "if racism was so pernicious, why would a white woman pretend to be black?" 

"Yes, yes, a white person," Stewart said, giving the "A" the emphasis. "Why would a singular white person?" 

He continued: 

“You might also ask, perhaps more appropriately, if being black is such a sweet deal, why are millions of white people ignoring this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? How do you make all these sweeping generalizations about it anyway? One lady -- one lady, una mas lady -- in Washington state’s second-largest city pretending to be black. Clearly liberal culture has reached its nadir. Rome has fallen, yet racism is over. It is the best of times, it is the worst of times -- all because a German lady got a weave."

However the best part of the coverage came when Jon had uber white Jordan Klepper come out as the show's senior black correspondent, which forced Jessica Williams to come out and lay down some truth.

I have watched hours of coverage on this story, but in my opinion this did the best job among all of them.

Jessica Williams: "We need allies, not replacements."

P.S. Rachel Dolezal did an interview with MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry that will air later tonight. Personally I think I will set aside the time to watch that. 


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The woman is nuts. I can find no reason to defend her. Not sure how one can make this a liberal issue, but I know some (Fox, Sarah Palin) are finding a way. Weird.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Exactly. She is totally crazy and the stories get weirder. Sorry laurensd below, but crazy is crazy. She needs to make freinds with the truth and reality instead of excuses and diversion, and probably needs some meds. She is crazy.

    2. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Nice compassion from both of you! Shame on you both! Do you think mentally ill people want to be mentally ill? You suck as human beings!

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      10:58 - you are a huge part of the problem with mentally ill people. Making excuses for them and allowing and glossing mental behavior, just to be nice, never helped anyone and just confuses the situation- and people trying to understand it. Especially children who don't understand and tend to mimic how adults act and deal. Idiot.

  2. I do not give a rat's ass if she ran away and joined a circus.
    She probably has done more constructive stuff than most indifferent voters.. Get REAL!
    Kinda Stewart's point doncha know?
    Would not be surprised if the repubs tried to make a molester outta her in retaliation for their own reality and Huckabee tribe.
    I'm serious.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Rachel's brother is charged with child molestation. She is said to have gone against her family by helping the prosecution, motivating her parents to frame her as a liar.

      It's ridiculous that Fox News and others (Sarah Palin) are trying to use this women and her sick, twisted family background as representative of liberals.


    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      YE, lots more to this - and the parents works forCreation Ministries - Ken Hamm's outfit . Waaaay too close to Duggarism.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      The timeline on the WAPO story does not make sense. THe parents accuse Rachel of "orchestrating the charges of abuse against Joshua to gain custody of Izaiah. But in other articles, Izaiah is 21 in 2015. Which means he woudl have been 18 or 19 in 2013 - unless soemoen is mentally impaired, at 18, they no longer require custody (or is it allowed.) Im callling bullshit on the parents' story.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      ANd not that the brother Joshua corroborates in his memoir the hunting /subsistence lifestyle that Rachel was laughed at for - hunting food with a bow and arrow and living in a teepee. She was a hoembirth, and perhaps that was teh story mom told her. I thnk Ruthanne is the con artist and bullshitter here. And like Jimbillybarneybob Duggar, Larry is in massive denial.

    5. Anonymous7:21 PM

      laurensd13:04 PM

    6. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Apparently, she was raised in a Duggar-like religious cult, with parents who adopted African children to save-them-all, and abused them all. I can see why she'd be a little nuts coming out of that cult.

  3. While this woman apparently did a lot of good in her position she is clearly delusional, or just shocked that she got busted on this bizarre scam.

    One crazy person does not make a political party…do they Sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Do we know what political party she is affiliated with? I haven't been following the story.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Tom Hall4:14 PM
      What I find crazy is that her "family" just decided to "out" her. That would be like Churckles Sr. Outing Sarah about Trig, as in "She didn't birth him"....!!
      That's what i find weird.
      And if THIS is a "story" just imagine what BABYGATE would be??????

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The thing I keep thinking about is wondering what the back story is that her parents and her brothers would willingly do camera interviews to go against her.

  5. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Look up Josh Dolezal - he's her bio older borhter, accused child molester and non -fiction writer.

  6. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I would think seeing your white parents adopting children of race and treating them badly would have something to do with it. Also.having your own children of race and raising your brother might make sense that you would adopt their culture. Really, its her business what race she chooses to identify with. Its not for us to understand or to pick her apart. Walk a mile in her shoes....

  7. Anonymous7:23 PM

    is it so bad she identifies as being black? who the freak cares?

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Because then she can take advantage of Affirmative Action when she really shouldn't be able to as a white person.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Affirmative action applies to minorities And women. look it up. It was meant as a leg up for minorities And women for commonly man held positions.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

    I watched her interview with Melissa Harris Perry. She came across as pretty smart in some respects. I was expecting a lot more "crazy" than she portrayed. The NAACP came from the work of a lot of whites and people of color who stood up for the cause. The thing that's bothering a lot of people is that she has the ability to use her "white privilege" whenever she wishes, an option a lot of women don't have.
    She said she's a hair stylist who first helped people who adopted out of their race on how to care for "black" hair, which is a service a lot of people need, then she married a black man and raised black children. I don't know enough about her situation, but from reading the comments above, apparently she's had family issues that never got addressed.

  9. Anonymous8:37 PM

    The best writing about Rachel Dolezal comes from Sarah Palin'sFacebook.Here is just the opening. "Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh... this hard. I know this isn't a victimless crime, what this white chick perpetrated. But it's a most crystal clear picture of so many screwed up things we've let society adopt as the norm. Namely, the practice nowadays of judging someone not based on character, but on skin color."

    Actually, Rachel's IS a victimless crime. Well, she did take the job that a black man or woman should have had. But she did good work, working for the NAACP. It's ironic for Sarah to call out someone for pretending that she was something that she wasn't. Sarah pretended to be pregnant for a brief time, beginning of March to middle of April 2008. She wasn't pregnant. photos show how slim Palin was. That would also be a victimless crime, except for the way that Sarah treats Trig. We saw the video where she shoved a book in his face, spoon fed him baby food, all with the TV blaring at the same time. Maybe they should have let Trig be adopted by a family who was willing to work with him from day one, providing the best therapy instead of a video op.

    Please do read the entire June 12 Facebook Post because Sarah writes in her most crazy, frenzied style. The conclusion has nothing to do with anything except for the fact that Sarah really doesn't like to have her LOL Journalism Degree LOL insulted. No one at the school remembered her. They never asked her, when she was Governor of Alaska, to give a graduation speech and receive an honorary doctorate. They can't even provide any proof of Sarah getting a degree at the University of Idaho. But it does have something to do with the subject of Sarah's Facebook post, blaming someone for pretending to be something that she isn't. How ironic. What hypocrisy! Palin claims to have a degree in Journalism yet she writes like an angry high school mean girl. (Freshman at best, maybe middle school level).

    It is Sarah who is the fake. When she is shown riding a horse, she holds onto the saddle horn for dear life. Fake. Her parenting video showed what a failure she is in providing therapy for Trig. The biggest tease is letting her fans think that she really is going to run for President in order to get more donations for her PAC. The thought of Sarah "out on the trail" is her latest deception. Sarah writing about Rachel is the pot calling the kettle black.

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    That in a nutshell (no pun intended) is the screech's M.O. when she has something to hide,she goes after someone else who,in her mind is guilty of something similar. Basically,she is telling on herself but is too dumb to realize it. Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking ones unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.

  11. Anonymous1:04 AM

    On the heels of the suspiciously overwhelming reaction to the Bruce Jenner sexual transformation, this story just adds to the fact that we all need to remember to GET OUR OWN LIFE.

    I mean, holy crap--there are so many things we can get upset over that are meaningful--and maybe even do something about.

    Jenner and this woman are not in that category. Move along, staring at this is making you look like a perv.


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